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09-14-2017 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by RhodyGuy
It isn't only your 2 cents but the large majority of rec players preference throughout the country which is why the HH promo's have by and large replaced the BBJ everywhere. There was literally outrage at Mohegan when they changed the 24/7 4-hour HH to a BBJ several years ago. So much that they switched back to the HH a year later and the room was hopping with more games than Foxwoods on some days.

Rec players everywhere have voted with their feet by showing up in droves when aggressive HH promos are running.
When Mohegan went back the HHJ on the 2nd time around, they take 20% off the top. The original HHJ when it first started was 100% back to the player.
09-15-2017 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by clide9
But foxwoods is not choosing one over the other, they've been running both and now ending one.
And lets not forget the original point- they're raising their rake while taking these incentives away
While decreasing of comps sucks, I can't complain about the increase of rake. The rake has been $4 as far back as I can remember - 2001? I don't expect ANYTHING to remain at the same cost over a 20 year period.
09-15-2017 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by clide9
But the point is, I feel that foxwoods' treatment of their poker players has been declining, punctuated by this increase in rake at the tail end of decreasing every other incentive. If it were just one of those things I might feel differently.

Unfortunately my $50 pot did not go up with inflation.
Mohegan sun doesn't seem to feel the need to increase the rake so I'll be going there.
09-15-2017 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by RhodyGuy
If you play 72 hours in any given month (16.63 hours per week) at Mohegan you receive a $10 food coupon each day for an entire month ($300 value). Foxwoods is 20 hours in a week for one $15 food coupon although they also do the free buffet once per week.
the free buffet was for the summer only. No longer available,

As far as free food goes, if you have a shot at getting Platinum with its free lounge access, then Foxwoods is a better deal. Otherwise the daily coupon from Mohegan is the better deal.
09-15-2017 , 10:42 AM
There is a rumor that the choice benefit would be reduced or eliminated. That's a benefit for all gamblers not just poker players. It was not in the letter sent so I'm assuming that it is not true.
09-15-2017 , 10:51 AM
Foxwoods is not raising their rake because of inflation, they're raising their rake because they've mismanaged their business and are now looking to make up for it by taking even more from the players
09-15-2017 , 11:46 AM
Ok we get it, you're not gonna play here anymore. Duly noted.
09-15-2017 , 11:48 AM
Ok you don't mind paying more and getting less from foxwoods.
We get it

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09-15-2017 , 11:49 AM
Im just responding to your comments. Thats what we're on a forum for no?
09-15-2017 , 11:55 AM
Other than tournaments, I can't see any reason to play cash games there anymore.
09-15-2017 , 12:09 PM
I got the letter too, even out here in California. I guess since I visit a few times a year, its nice I'm on their mailing list.
But to my bigger point, A $4 rake going to $5 is a perfectly understandable, 2017-style business decision that I'm surprised, quite frankly, took so long to make. Outside of Las Vegas and Reno, I'm not sure I play anywhere in the USA that has a basic, $4 drop. And it sort of echos what I've been saying about New England players for a long time- you really don't know how "good" you have it, just with the general competition that fosters pretty decent gaming with FXW + MS being so close to each other. Imagine if there was only ONE casino within a 50-75 mile radius. Imagine if Twin Rivers actually got smart, aggressive and started a poker business plan that truly made sense?
IIRC- about a year+ ago I said that the HH promos at FX + MS were here to stay, they were not temporary, more people would come to like them as more people got bonus money in their hands. Many more people than get to share a BBJ. Well, I said it then, and I'll repeat- Get Used to Them, they are here to stay.
I don't think FX has, as above poster states, "mismanaged" their business. When you can take a calculated business risk by increasing your point of sale top line by 25% (from $4 to $5), and be confident that you will not lose an accompanying 25% of your customers, you are seemingly running your business quite efficiently.
(above poster has a perfect right to his opinion, however. He raises valid points)
Believe me when I say, I'm no shill or fanboy for Foxwoods. I used to live in Mass., but relocated years ago to the West Coast, and now get there 2x yearly when visiting family. But I have the luxury of comparing operations of hundreds of casinos, most with poker rooms, in the last decade of driving XC, and playing lots of poker across the states. I've seen a lot of BAD poker rooms and operations- neither FX or MS qualify. (now, MS-Pocono, thats another story).....
Good luck to all my FX/MS fellow players. Put in a better pre-flop bet to cover the $1 drop, whydontcha?
09-15-2017 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by DaveC95818
I got the letter too, even out here in California. I guess since I visit a few times a year, its nice I'm on their mailing list.
But to my bigger point, A $4 rake going to $5 is a perfectly understandable, 2017-style business decision that I'm surprised, quite frankly, took so long to make. Outside of Las Vegas and Reno, I'm not sure I play anywhere in the USA that has a basic, $4 drop. And it sort of echos what I've been saying about New England players for a long time- you really don't know how "good" you have it, just with the general competition that fosters pretty decent gaming with FXW + MS being so close to each other. Imagine if there was only ONE casino within a 50-75 mile radius. Imagine if Twin Rivers actually got smart, aggressive and started a poker business plan that truly made sense?
IIRC- about a year+ ago I said that the HH promos at FX + MS were here to stay, they were not temporary, more people would come to like them as more people got bonus money in their hands. Many more people than get to share a BBJ. Well, I said it then, and I'll repeat- Get Used to Them, they are here to stay.
I don't think FX has, as above poster states, "mismanaged" their business. When you can take a calculated business risk by increasing your point of sale top line by 25% (from $4 to $5), and be confident that you will not lose an accompanying 25% of your customers, you are seemingly running your business quite efficiently.
(above poster has a perfect right to his opinion, however. He raises valid points)
Believe me when I say, I'm no shill or fanboy for Foxwoods. I used to live in Mass., but relocated years ago to the West Coast, and now get there 2x yearly when visiting family. But I have the luxury of comparing operations of hundreds of casinos, most with poker rooms, in the last decade of driving XC, and playing lots of poker across the states. I've seen a lot of BAD poker rooms and operations- neither FX or MS qualify. (now, MS-Pocono, thats another story).....
Good luck to all my FX/MS fellow players. Put in a better pre-flop bet to cover the $1 drop, whydontcha?
Well said and quite true. We're all pretty fortunate here with the rewards and comps we get.

Sidebar: I like the football challenge, but it would be great if they could mute the volume on the machine.
09-15-2017 , 02:18 PM
I agree those are thoughtful points.

Just because others have it worse, doesn't mean we shouldn't react when things are getting worse for us.

Of course the casinos aren't looking to do us any favors and we aren't looking to do the casinos any favors. It's a business doing what businesses do, but we as customers are the opposing force to help keep things in check.
A four dollar rake is quite enough to build a successful business on.

Just to be clear, when I mentioned mismanagement, It's widely rumored here that business for Foxwoods casino in general is suffering badly. This is the mismanagement that I meant that may have moved them to lower incentives and increase their rake in the poker room. I understand that "mismanagement" is a debatable accusation.

I never assume I know everything and always welcome ideas to change my mind. I just don't like to see hard-working customers being taken advantage of. I feel like a lot of times consumers passively give ground to giant companies who constantly fight to gain some. While companies/ corporations have their rights as they should, keep in mind they are certainly not victims.

Like your preflop raise suggestion though!
09-15-2017 , 02:36 PM
We are lucky to have competing casinos here as you point out. I suggest we leverage that

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09-18-2017 , 07:46 PM
I haven't been on here forever. Came here because I heard the rumor at Mohegan where I play all the time. It seemed the players were not happy about the changes in the rake. Someone mentioned that Foxwoods was going to offer Rakeback to players who put in X amount of hours? Which I thought both Casinos kinda did already with the players card??
09-19-2017 , 07:25 AM
The entire country pretty much has $5 and over rake.
Foxwoods players did have it real good for long time.
Imagine if they started charging for parking, while increasing the rake at SAME TIME? I could only see those players thinking it's the end of the world. You'll manage, you'll manage.
09-19-2017 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by EddyB66
Tell ya this is surely a way to get the out of state people to come. There's literally no reason to go for Rhode Island or MA residents anymore.
Can only imagine how they'll be hit when Wynn Everett opens in 2019 - I know I'll personally have no reason to ever hit a CT casino again
09-19-2017 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Mythranite
Can only imagine how they'll be hit when Wynn Everett opens in 2019 - I know I'll personally have no reason to ever hit a CT casino again
Boston traffic, tho
09-19-2017 , 02:05 PM
It will certainly be nice to have a few choices in the area. I'm hoping it bring more people out to play, seeing how it may be easier. My hope is it doesn't dilute the player pool.
09-19-2017 , 02:18 PM
I'm hoping this MGM Bridgeport happens
09-19-2017 , 02:37 PM
Me too!!! Not feeling very optimistic about it though
09-19-2017 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by wesrwood
I'm hoping this MGM Bridgeport happens
And you seriously think that's gonna happen?
The state would lose millions
09-19-2017 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by FishFry1984
And you seriously think that's gonna happen?
The state would lose millions

I'm sure they can make a deal with MGM they have money and apparently Trump in their pocket
09-20-2017 , 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by wesrwood
I'm sure they can make a deal with MGM they have money and apparently Trump in their pocket
Both tribes would stop making payments to the State if they allow MGM. That's few hundred million a year the state would miss out on.
09-20-2017 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by FishFry1984
Both tribes would stop making payments to the State if they allow MGM. That's few hundred million a year the state would miss out on.

They could make a deal with all 3 plus east Windsor casino?
