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05-20-2011 , 11:34 PM
Yea the gambling bit was pretty damn good.
05-20-2011 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by EdBratz66
What gave that away?
As far as giving 2/5 up, I dont know how often you play, what the hands were, etc but dont let a few sesssions make your decision for you.
I have been playing for 6 years and have a nice, healthy, above avg winrate but so far for May, my winrate sucks. So if I look at May in a vacuum, I would probably move back down to 1/2, where my winrate for May(in a vacuum as well) is $180 an hour!

Give it time. Keep records. Use good table selection. And the best thing for me has been to play with someone whose game I respect and get an honest critique after the session.
05-20-2011 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by ToothPicker
I let EdBratz66 to answer this.
I just googled for his id.
Pretty good stand up anyway.
Oh, I didnt watch it. I just kept seeing his name last night and recognized it from this thread
05-21-2011 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by ToothPicker
I let EdBratz66 to answer this.
I just googled for his id.
Pretty good stand up anyway.

If you google my stage name, Eddy Bratz you will see that I performed at Comix at Foxwoods in February.
05-21-2011 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by EdBratz66
If you google my stage name, Eddy Bratz you will see that I performed at Comix at Foxwoods in February.
Awesome. Didn't know that we had our very own celebrity!

Your next gig at comix though, you are giving your 2 plus 2 family free tickets though, right?

ETA. Just watched the video....the gamblers anonymous thing was funny.

Last edited by jpsychlady; 05-21-2011 at 01:06 AM.
05-21-2011 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by xbeatax
did they not update the games list? there is no 10/25 running aorn.

i actually just called foxwoods. there is no 10/25 game running, just an interest list.
It is my understanding that the current games list is created or the abilty to have the list is the result of the BRAVO system. For example if you at a full table in a game with no list, say the plo8 game, and one player leaves, once that player get taken out of the system, it creates the open seat message on the board, if the player leaves and does not get knocked of the system, you would not see the open seat list.

Sometimes, very late at night when the plo8 is winding down, we will change the game to high only, or make it a $5 bring in, or even switch to 2-5 until we get more players. We try to let the floor know so they can get the correct table plaque, other times when we can't find one the dealer will just let us play until a floor comes by. This creates a situation where the desk does not know or the board does not reflect exactly what game is going on. Not saying that is what happened in the 10/25 game, just a way it could happen. Say a 5-10 game gets down to a few players and they simply decide to make it a mixed game or change table stakes. Until the floor puts it in the system, it won't get reflected on the board.
05-21-2011 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by hansmolman
Bummer thought livb was liv boree or however you spell it.

Also do Jess and beata ever sit at the same table? Seems like that would be fun.
If it was Liv Boree, and I'd be changing out of my PJ's and driving up now : ) Lol
05-21-2011 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by shermanash
The 1/2 plo8 game last night was awesome good action fun table hope that game sticks around
That was indeed as good a plo8 game we have had for a long time. Were you playing at table 59 earlier in the evening or at the table near the cage later in the night after we had to move tables? Where were you seated?

We had a full table most of the night, after we moved we played 3 handed for over an hour from 12 to 1:30 is, and got the table full again after that at that late hour.

Lots of new players, great for the game, most came in for close to full stacks, and lots of chips were flying
05-21-2011 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
Should cost as much as a glass of water. You'll never catch me drinking that.
Cool story bro. They also have an 800 dollar bottle of tequila if you fancy that.
05-21-2011 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by xbeatax
... if foxwoods has a 10/25 game running that isn't listed on the website then they're doing a terrible job with updating the current games list.
AFAIK, online current games list updating is automatic via Bravo system, not manual.
05-21-2011 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by gotf
That was indeed as good a plo8 game we have had for a long time. Were you playing at table 59 earlier in the evening or at the table near the cage later in the night after we had to move tables? Where were you seated?

We had a full table most of the night, after we moved we played 3 handed for over an hour from 12 to 1:30 is, and got the table full again after that at that late hour.

Lots of new players, great for the game, most came in for close to full stacks, and lots of chips were flying
We started PLO8 yesterday around 1-2 PM; game went until almost 6 PM, then broke. Fairly small game, mostly reg's. I left to go home @ 6; noticed via website game that PLO8 (also PLO if I read that correctly) was going again last night. Timing is everything, I guess. Wish I lived closer.
05-21-2011 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
Apparently poker players are idiots. How did the 6 players agree to let the 6th place money stand? $5348 after taxes is less than $4999. Ughhhh.

The chipleader is a guy who was to my direct left for a good chunk of the tournament and caused me to fold AK preflop. Solid player, picked his spots well.
The rules now are on the net winnings not gross. 5348-400=4948=no tax. You can thank me next time you see me as I argued with Jeff the TD for 6 weeks, a year ago, and he finally agreed.
05-21-2011 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by mrdasefx
Cool story bro. They also have an 800 dollar bottle of tequila if you fancy that.
05-21-2011 , 09:30 AM
Looking to move up to 5/10 NL. what bankroll do you need to sit down? I usally sit down with 3 buy ins for 2/5.
05-21-2011 , 09:37 AM
the variance is disgusting, gl playing with anything less than 15-20k (which isnt even really rolled)
05-21-2011 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by drwonoski
Now we're talking. 800 Tequila wasn't even remotely high enough quality.

In all seriousness, High Rollers has a the best selection of beer in the casino. If they apply the discount to the higher quality beers then I'm down for happy hour.

I'll be done today, will scope out the mega and decide when I arrive if I want in. If not I'll probably be grinding 2/5 or a PLO game.

BTW, who is LivB. Google returned nothing. It looks like Gaius Baltar.
05-21-2011 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by metacom
Looking to move up to 5/10 NL. what bankroll do you need to sit down? I usally sit down with 3 buy ins for 2/5.
I think 20BIs still should apply. If you like full stacks then 40k at Foxwoods. 1k buy ins obviously 20k. Also, if you're having a good month take some stabs. It doesn't hurt. I too am looking to move up, but May has been the worst month of 2011 yet. Time to change things around today.
05-21-2011 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by mrzblue
The rules now are on the net winnings not gross. 5348-400=4948=no tax. You can thank me next time you see me as I argued with Jeff the TD for 6 weeks, a year ago, and he finally agreed.
Do you still get a W2 however? I have yet to run into this problem, but I assume they still give you a W2 which means you would not pay taxes on the gambling winnings, but would still have to pay on capitol gains taxes at the end of the year.
05-21-2011 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by MJ88
We started PLO8 yesterday around 1-2 PM; game went until almost 6 PM, then broke. Fairly small game, mostly reg's. I left to go home @ 6; noticed via website game that PLO8 (also PLO if I read that correctly) was going again last night. Timing is everything, I guess. Wish I lived closer.
Heading down shortly to play plo8 or plo, 2 weeks ago, kentucky derby saturday the room was packed, Preakness Saturday maybe not as big a draw, but with MEGA still going, I am guessing it will be a packed poker room.
05-21-2011 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by prizminferno
the variance is disgusting, gl playing with anything less than 15-20k (which isnt even really rolled)

You only need about 30k, indeed, to be safe. And prepare for life-tilting swings because the game not only plays deep, but people are not afraid to get it in without hesitation.

Good tight players regularly experience swings of 10-15k. Good loose players experience swings of 30k.
05-21-2011 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by EdBratz66
Do you still get a W2 however? I have yet to run into this problem, but I assume they still give you a W2 which means you would not pay taxes on the gambling winnings, but would still have to pay on capitol gains taxes at the end of the year.
You will get A 1099G
05-21-2011 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
Now we're talking. 800 Tequila wasn't even remotely high enough quality.

In all seriousness, High Rollers has a the best selection of beer in the casino. If they apply the discount to the higher quality beers then I'm down for happy hour.

I'll be done today, will scope out the mega and decide when I arrive if I want in. If not I'll probably be grinding 2/5 or a PLO game.

BTW, who is LivB. Google returned nothing. It looks like Gaius Baltar.
Olivier busquet
05-21-2011 , 11:20 AM
damn the corners on the MGM desk handles are SHARP (inside the hotel rooms), anyone else ever cut themselves on these things walking by?

good luck to everyone playing the mega today
05-21-2011 , 12:30 PM
leaving for the Woods now and will be staying until 1am (later if it's proving to be a good day for fishing). IWSJ, JPS, Bigwhoop, beata, whomever is down there, hit me up and maybe we can grab dinner. GL all.
05-21-2011 , 12:44 PM
Anyone know about cost / availability of taxis to/from Foxwoods from Amtrak train stations? (e.g. Westerly, RI and New London, CT?)

Considering coming down from Boston and I don't own a car.
