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Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16

01-18-2011 , 03:51 PM
Parxface- you are 100% WRONG!! That's the point. You aren't following. You are finishing in the top 10%!

Follow this- 100 players in 100 dollar survivor. 10 players suppose to get $1000...right?? WRONG- with new 3% thing, they pay 9 player $1000 and they give the 10th guy $700!! ...and that is a fact!!

The problem is the "spillover dude" is actually in the 10% and therefore the 3% is getting taken out of what would have been his cut!!!
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by DCJ001
If a dealer asks/tells you not to touch the button, don't touch the button. The dealer is in charge of running the game, and you were disrespectful toward this dealer, not the other way around.

Since you posted about your experience, you're probably looking for the opinions of people here.

If you want to "knock someone out" for being disrespectful, you've got a lot of growing up to do.

You said that the dealer was talking to you like you were being a jerkoff. Based on your post, the dealer may have had good reason to speak to you as he did.
I don't agree with this. Dealers usually appreciate players moving the button and he is being quite disrespectful toward the player here if the implied tone of his voice is true. The player is the customer, the dealer is in the wrong here.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by bells33
Parxface- you are 100% WRONG!! That's the point. You aren't following. You are finishing in the top 10%!

Follow this- 100 players in 100 dollar survivor. 10 players suppose to get $1000...right?? WRONG- with new 3% thing, they pay 9 player $1000 and they give the 10th guy $700!! ...and that is a fact!!

The problem is the "spillover dude" is actually in the 10% and therefore the 3% is getting taken out of what would have been his cut!!!
Wow you make a good point and I didn't realize. Let me think this over before I respond again

I guess the way stan explains it with 87 players makes sense. But when you explain it with 100 it doesn't.... bc with 100 there is no spillover. So I say with round numbers all players chip in for 3% for odd amounts spillover player pays bc he is not in 10%
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by spicytekkie
For those joining the PLO event on the 24th and 25th, the blinds and rules are up.

For now, I'm set! My two vacation days have just been approved today and the comped room and two comped buffets have been booked. This fish is set to swim. lol!
What's the deal with the comped buffets? I don't mind the Black Card $10 Buffet, but comped is still comped.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by parxface
How is that person getting screwed??? You buy in hoping to finish in the top ten %. You finish on the 10% bubble and still get paid! What is wrong with this. The top 10 all get an equal share of 10x. The 3% should come from the spillover it makes perfect sense. You did not finish in top 10% you are not guaranteed ANY $...why is this an arguement???
What the hell is so hard to understand?

If you win the whole amount, you are not paying anything into the 3% gratuity, it's not 10x's your entry plus 3%!!! that is not the deal, you are leaving it all to the bubble guy to pay the whole thing.

Tell you what, take me to the OLD HOMESTEAD STEAKHOUSE, and I'll just pay the tips, mmmm... I can really go for the surf and turf, while you pay the whole bill, from your pocket, not comps. Is that fair?

Do you guys get it yet?
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by superjustin
What the hell is so hard to understand?

If you win the whole amount, you are not paying anything into the 3% gratuity, it's not 10x's your entry plus 3%!!! that is not the deal, you are leaving it all to the bubble guy to pay the whole thing.

Tell you what, take me to the OLD HOMESTEAD STEAKHOUSE, and I'll just pay the tips, mmmm... I can really go for the surf and turf, while you pay the whole bill, from your pocket, not comps. Is that fair?

Do you guys get it yet?
Look up.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by parxface
Look up.
we must have been posting at the same time.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 04:15 PM
Push the Pot Move the dot Drop the Slot Thanks alot. That is the order the dealer is taught to run the game, the proper way. 1 players are never to touch button that is why you have proffessional dealers. 2 if dealer does the formentioned things in order it cuts down on mistakes. However When this happens at my table I politely tell customer this and please let me run the game. Its all in the adittude.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by gjpsr
Push the Pot Move the dot Drop the Slot Thanks alot. That is the order the dealer is taught to run the game, the proper way. 1 players are never to touch button that is why you have proffessional dealers. 2 if dealer does the formentioned things in order it cuts down on mistakes. However When this happens at my table I politely tell customer this and please let me run the game. Its all in the adittude.
Just FYI, at the Borgata, players move the button all the time. The only request is that people let the dealer know that the "button is right."

And they don't have a slot for the rake. They just put it into the rack.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by superjustin
[multiple posts].

Please see my posts 2 pages ago on why the 3 pct mandatory tip is actually affecting every cashing player equally, not just the spillover win. The 3 percent is taken "off the top," not from the spillover guy. Hence, he is not getting screwed, and the effect of the mandatory tip is exactly the same on survivors as it is on regular tournaments.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Effin Rave
Umm he never stated before i touched the button not to do it.. he was a total douchebag about the whole thing.. And if u need more of an explanation..The dealer was talking down to me after trying to do him a favor and as another poster says the majority of the time players do move the button around especially when the dealer has to stretch to get to it..Now for the knocking him out statement..not that im some tough guy but if he wasnt sitting in the dealer chair in a casino where he dosnt have to worry about what repercusions could come from talkin to someone in a dissrespectful way cause of security and all ..not that i would hit anyone.. im just saying the jerkoff had some kind of feeling of empowerment and i did nothing to bring on the tone and disrespect he was dishin out except a helping gesture..soo please.. im right 100%

And besides the point i asked him if the button was right at the time and he said no..when in fact it was so please the guy was a total douche.. the players sitting by me all agreed that the guy was a jerk, so maybe the guy wants to run the game well which i have absolutly no prob with..I think a dealer should never bite the hand that feeds him
I'm sort of eh about the whole thing in that I am familiar (for years) with the dealer in question and won't rule out outright rudeness, it's kind of hard to imagine an incident worth decking someone over. Obviously, he did do something to piss you off or cause you to feel disrespected.

But on the other hand, you are also coming across as a douchebag about this whole thing. Just way over-entitled about being disrespected. The whole "I'd knock him out" bravado and complete unwillingness to even imagine the other person's POV just conjures up this whole stereotypical image of the douchebag.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by bells33
Parxface- you are 100% WRONG!! That's the point. You aren't following. You are finishing in the top 10%!

Follow this- 100 players in 100 dollar survivor. 10 players suppose to get $1000...right?? WRONG- with new 3% thing, they pay 9 player $1000 and they give the 10th guy $700!! ...and that is a fact!!

The problem is the "spillover dude" is actually in the 10% and therefore the 3% is getting taken out of what would have been his cut!!!
It seems like the problem here is not with the tipping policy or the payour structure, but with the claim that the "Top 10%" get 10x their buy-in. In reality, slightly less than the top 10 get the full prize. But it is clearly meant to be structured as a satellite.... and if there is a tip taken out of a satellite prize pool, this translates into fewer seats being awarded, not in everyone winning 97% of a seat buy-in.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by esch
I'm sort of eh about the whole thing in that I am familiar (for years) with the dealer in question and won't rule out outright rudeness, it's kind of hard to imagine an incident worth decking someone over. Obviously, he did do something to piss you off or cause you to feel disrespected.

But on the other hand, you are also coming across as a douchebag about this whole thing. Just way over-entitled about being disrespected. The whole "I'd knock him out" bravado and complete unwillingness to even imagine the other person's POV just conjures up this whole stereotypical image of the douchebag.
I'm familiar with these dealer also and friendly with him, but surely you must be able to see how someone could very easily think he's an *******. he's a dick all the time. :-p
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 08:24 PM
Time for a live game report Tuesday 7:20pm

(22) Live Games

(1) 2-4 LHE
(1) 10-20 LHE
(2) 20-40 LHE

(1) 20-40 Stud

(9) 1-2 NL
(7) 2-5 NL
(1) 5-10 NL

BBJP $251,630

Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 09:15 PM
Effin rave has more than a right to be annoyed. Dealer should not act disrespectful. If he doesnt want him to touch the button, just be like "please let me handle the button".

Also, I think its funny that he says he is the one that runs the game or whatever, because talkative dealers like this are also the type who tell me it's "two to call" every damn time it's my turn, or tell me that I am big blind when I have already posted it. Yeah, they are the dealer, I am the player. So if they want me to let them run it, they should let me play it.

Also, ive never personally been disrespected because I just dont screw with stuff, but if I did, I would probably have a problem with it. However considering how good the entire borgata experience is, I would probably let it go if it's a rare occurrence because they more than make up for it, and I would generally give the dealers an A+, so even if I were to be disrespected, I wouldnt put that grade any lower than A- :P.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 09:20 PM
So, I think that this thing is super awesome. Seems like a poker version of this would be a cheap way to have some sort of hourly "raffle" that would interest players in the poker room.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by WittyPokerPun

Please see my posts 2 pages ago on why the 3 pct mandatory tip is actually affecting every cashing player equally, not just the spillover win. The 3 percent is taken "off the top," not from the spillover guy. Hence, he is not getting screwed, and the effect of the mandatory tip is exactly the same on survivors as it is on regular tournaments.
Uhg! Forget the 3% for the moment; if you have 100 players, you get 10 winners at 10x the buy-in, right? Each person would then tip the dealers $30 to $50 each in a $100 tourney; you would then keep $950 to $970 after the voluntary tip. WTF is the difference if 3% of each cash is taken. Now with the 3% in everyone keeps $1000 but the 10th place finisher, if you tip anymore that is up to you, but most people will feel the 3% is in already and they are now free from tipping.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by superjustin
Uhg! Forget the 3% for the moment; if you have 100 players, you get 10 winners at 10x the buy-in, right? Each person would then tip the dealers $30 to $50 each in a $100 tourney; you would then keep $950 to $970 after the voluntary tip. WTF is the difference if 3% of each cash is taken. Now with the 3% in everyone keeps $1000 but the 10th place finisher, if you tip anymore that is up to you, but most people will feel the 3% is in already and they are now free from tipping.
Because you seem to be suffering from some sort of myopia in your insistence that "everyone keeps the $1000" even though the 3 percent was already taken out of the pool. That way of thinking is neither logical nor mathematically sound.

If it helps you, I'll construct an extreme example.

Say 20 players enter the survivor for $100 each. Without a dealer tip, the prizes would be 2 players get $1000 and 18 players get 0. Now say there was a mandatory 50 percent dealer tip. Now the prize pool is 1 player gets $1000, everyone else gets nothing. Now, it's not like the players in 2nd through 20th, who got nothing, all paid for the tip, while the winner, who got $1000, paid nothing. What actually happened is that there was one less prize to shoot for, thus affecting everyone equally, at the start of the tournament.

This is the exact same thing that happens with the 3 percent dealer tip in current survivor tournaments. It's taken off the top and affects everyone in the tournament equally, regardless of where he finishes.

So if you finish on the bubble and get the spillover prize, be happy and try not to fall into the logical fallacy that you paid the entire dealer tip. You didn't. You paid 3 percent just like everyone else in the tournament.

Edit: to address your point about feeling free from tipping after 3 percent, that's up to each individual player. A lot of recreational players tip $1 on a $20 pot in 2-4, which is 5 percent. If you go into the high-limit room you will see a 20-40 player tip that same dollar when winning a $200 pot. Some people at 1-2 no-limit, when they win $100, tip ten bucks. Some 1-2 NL players won't tip $1 unless they win a huge pot. It's up to everyone to tip how he feels he should.

Practically, I think the 3% is great for the tournament dealers, because not only are they insured against getting completely stiffed, but they also get the advantage of not all winners even KNOWING about the 3% and tipping anyway.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 10:25 PM
anyone interested in playing some stud h/l this friday or saturday (or anytime during the winter open)? flexible on limits anywhere from 10-20 - 50-100 would be cool with me. Let me know.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 10:43 PM
are the promotions for mid-stakes LHE still running?
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-18-2011 , 10:48 PM
yeah i believe the promos for limit and for stud are throughout january.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-19-2011 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by WittyPokerPun
Because you seem to be suffering from some sort of myopia in your insistence that "everyone keeps the $1000" even though the 3 percent was already taken out of the pool. That way of thinking is neither logical nor mathematically sound.

If it helps you, I'll construct an extreme example.

Say 20 players enter the survivor for $100 each. Without a dealer tip, the prizes would be 2 players get $1000 and 18 players get 0. Now say there was a mandatory 50 percent dealer tip. Now the prize pool is 1 player gets $1000, everyone else gets nothing. Now, it's not like the players in 2nd through 20th, who got nothing, all paid for the tip, while the winner, who got $1000, paid nothing. What actually happened is that there was one less prize to shoot for, thus affecting everyone equally, at the start of the tournament.

This is the exact same thing that happens with the 3 percent dealer tip in current survivor tournaments. It's taken off the top and affects everyone in the tournament equally, regardless of where he finishes.

So if you finish on the bubble and get the spillover prize, be happy and try not to fall into the logical fallacy that you paid the entire dealer tip. You didn't. You paid 3 percent just like everyone else in the tournament.

Edit: to address your point about feeling free from tipping after 3 percent, that's up to each individual player. A lot of recreational players tip $1 on a $20 pot in 2-4, which is 5 percent. If you go into the high-limit room you will see a 20-40 player tip that same dollar when winning a $200 pot. Some people at 1-2 no-limit, when they win $100, tip ten bucks. Some 1-2 NL players won't tip $1 unless they win a huge pot. It's up to everyone to tip how he feels he should.

Practically, I think the 3% is great for the tournament dealers, because not only are they insured against getting completely stiffed, but they also get the advantage of not all winners even KNOWING about the 3% and tipping anyway.
Ok, I go out to a nice diner with a few friends, the bill comes I take it, the bill is $1000 including the tip, I look around I count 10 friends, I then tell everyone it’s $100 each, they all give me $1000 total. I hand the bill back with $1000 in it, we then all leave. What did I just do? Oh, I forgot to count myself. I just did the same thing in reverse; did I get away with something? Hell yea! Saved $91, free meal, and it is not even my birthday!

Hopefully that got you looking at the other side of this, myopia is a bad thing if one person is looking at the sunrise and the other is looking west. Both see daylight, but one can’t see the sun. Witty, I looked at both sides of this before I came to the conclusion I have.

I can’t even argue the logic with you if you haven’t done the same, and the math? WTF? I am not doing differential equations here. You know we would not even have to have this 3% rule from the state if people were not too stupid to know to tip the dealers or too cheep and tip like 1%.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-19-2011 , 01:01 AM
Jesus christ. Its not that hard.

1) if you view dealer tip as rake, you would take it out before deciding the # of winners. If you view it as a traditional "tip" that each individual winner pays, you would take it out after because in traditional tipping, each player would lose 3% from their supposed winnings.

2) It doesnt matter how they do it because the total prize pool is the same, its just different payout structures. LOL EV ZERO SO WHO CARES?
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-19-2011 , 01:20 AM
I can't believe we are still having this discussion.

Justin, I do see your point of view. And I understand it -- but you're making a pretty common mistake. The bottom line is this: with the 3% dealer tip coming off the top, it cannot possibly affect one runner more than another, whether that person cashes or not. It affects everyone equally -- that is the definition of "off the top."
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
01-19-2011 , 02:46 AM
I tried bread & butter for the first time today and honestly I was not impressed at all. Very overpriced and not that good. I guess it'll get my business for now until I find something better as its nice to get 1:1 on comp $ rather than downstairs 2:1 ratio. Can anyone recommend a better place in Borg for food? Thank you
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
