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Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16

09-08-2010 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by litto
is bobby flay 2 to 1 comp or 1 to 1?
Where on the Borgata website does it post exchange rates?
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-08-2010 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by templeross

Yea your right but normally i would easily lay down that hand vs anyone else. I just saw soo much damn bad play that day I let it get to me..but i had a little over 5 left.

Did the winner of that pot leave with that whole stack? He was doing a lot of dumb **** n making terrible calls with like 4 outs n such.
Yeah, he left with pretty much all of it after 2-3 more people left. I lost track of the total amount out of just plain disgust. We were all waiting for our moment. But oh well.

Mr. "95 folder" had his chance, but decided to fold NFD to "slow-roller's" $30 turn pot. Flush comes in on river and your buddy decides to pot for $200 or so with non-nut flush.

I have to start getting everyone's name or something.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-08-2010 , 11:54 PM
I have a couple questions about the comp system at the Borgota. If I were to just call and make a reservation for fri/sat night would I be able to get the poker room rate without any previous play at the place or would I have to build up my comps so that I could get the rate. If I do have to play before get the poker player rate would I be able to manage some kind of discount if I made a reservation during the week. Also I saw that you get a certain amount of money an hour from comps and when you use it for food you only get 2/1 or something like that could someone explain that to me because I have never really spent much time in or around casinos.
Also I am going to be moving back to NYC in November and have heard about a bus that only costs 35 and you get something like 25 in slot money with the round trip. Does anyone have more details on that. Also how many games do they normally have on Friday and Saturday nights for 1/2 NL.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-09-2010 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by nineinchal
Where on the Borgata website does it post exchange rates?
Everything owned by the casino is 1:1

This page is a bit vague, since the cafeteria is 2:1 but it's not mentioned.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-09-2010 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by pmags88
I have a couple questions about the comp system at the Borgota. If I were to just call and make a reservation for fri/sat night would I be able to get the poker room rate without any previous play at the place or would I have to build up my comps so that I could get the rate. If I do have to play before get the poker player rate would I be able to manage some kind of discount if I made a reservation during the week. Also I saw that you get a certain amount of money an hour from comps and when you use it for food you only get 2/1 or something like that could someone explain that to me because I have never really spent much time in or around casinos.
Also I am going to be moving back to NYC in November and have heard about a bus that only costs 35 and you get something like 25 in slot money with the round trip. Does anyone have more details on that. Also how many games do they normally have on Friday and Saturday nights for 1/2 NL.
I can answer some...

Comps are 2-1 in the Caf which pretty much sucks....BUT it's 1/1 in the better restaurants and at quick/low key places such as Bread and Butter & Metropolitan. It's better for your comp $$ and your taste-buds to stick to the 1/1 spots.

You should have a few 1/2NL tables to chose from on Fri and Sat ohhhhh 20ish each night.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-09-2010 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by pmags88
I have a couple questions about the comp system at the Borgota. If I were to just call and make a reservation for fri/sat night would I be able to get the poker room rate without any previous play at the place or would I have to build up my comps so that I could get the rate.
You wouldn't get it by calling. E-mail Stan and he should be able to help you.

Originally Posted by pmags88
If I do have to play before get the poker player rate would I be able to manage some kind of discount if I made a reservation during the week.
Weekdays have a lower poker rate.

Originally Posted by pmags88
Also I saw that you get a certain amount of money an hour from comps and when you use it for food you only get 2/1 or something like that could someone explain that to me because I have never really spent much time in or around casinos.
Basically, you get a certain amount per hour in comps. If you use them at casino owned establishments you get the full value, otherwise, you get half their value.

Originally Posted by pmags88
Also I am going to be moving back to NYC in November and have heard about a bus that only costs 35 and you get something like 25 in slot money with the round trip. Does anyone have more details on that. Also how many games do they normally have on Friday and Saturday nights for 1/2 NL.
Greyhound/Academy offer this. They leave from the Port Authority Bus Terminal. I prefer Greyhound because they have more frequent departures/return. No buses go to Borgata, so you'd need to take a jitney there and back to the departing bus. There are other cheaper buses (eg Chinatown buses), but I've never taken them.

There are usually a lot of 1/2 games running on Friday/Saturday. See previous game reports by Stan in this thread for details.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-09-2010 , 12:21 AM
hey stan
Didn't get a chance to see you this weekend, but i was there sun/mon/tues, Thank You...
Besides for the 20-40&40-80 LHE breaking about 4am Wednesday morning, the games were great ! !
I'm not sure what event in the OPEN, I'm gona play, but i'l be back in 2 weeks or so.
Thanks again..!!!
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-09-2010 , 01:57 AM
All food upstairs is 1/1 right? All downstairs is 2/1?
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-09-2010 , 01:59 AM
Stan: I got the mailer today that said the Main Event for the WPT is a $2200 buyin. The website says $3500.

Is it $2200 or $3500 ? Or was the mailer referring to a different tourney ?
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-09-2010 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by ThePokerFink2
Stan: I got the mailer today that said the Main Event for the WPT is a $2200 buyin. The website says $3500.

Is it $2200 or $3500 ? Or was the mailer referring to a different tourney ?
This was answered above. It's $3500 and you should receive a corrected something in the mail "soon".
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-09-2010 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by ThePokerFink2
Stan: I got the mailer today that said the Main Event for the WPT is a $2200 buyin. The website says $3500.

Is it $2200 or $3500 ? Or was the mailer referring to a different tourney ?
That was a misprint and you will be receiving a corrected mailer. The buy-in is $3300 + $200

Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-09-2010 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by jayski
hey stan
Didn't get a chance to see you this weekend, but i was there sun/mon/tues, Thank You...
Besides for the 20-40&40-80 LHE breaking about 4am Wednesday morning, the games were great ! !
I'm not sure what event in the OPEN, I'm gona play, but i'l be back in 2 weeks or so.
Thanks again..!!!
Sounds like people wanted to get a nap in before event #1.

Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-09-2010 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by Grim Horse
All food upstairs is 1/1 right? All downstairs is 2/1?
Wolfgang's is 1:1? Old Homestead 1:1?
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-09-2010 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by nineinchal
Wolfgang's is 1:1? Old Homestead 1:1?
I know for sure, Wolfgang, Flay and Metropolitan are 1:1, so I would assume the rest of the restaurants on the main floor are too. All places in the Cafeteria are 2:1, and the gift shops are 2:1.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-09-2010 , 02:47 PM
Stan, game report please
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-09-2010 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by nocrying
Stan, game report please
Time for a live game report Thursday 3:30pm

(40) Live games

(3) 2-4 LHE
(2) 3-6 LHE
(2) 10-20 LHE
(2) 20-40 LHE
(1) 40-80 LHE

(1) 1-2 PLO
(1) 10-20 Omaha H/L

(13) 1-2 NL
(11) 2-5 NL
(3) 5-10 NL
(1) 10-25 NL

Yesterday's Results

(964) Event #1 11am $350 + $50 NL Deep Stack
(129) Event #22 3pm $150 + $30 Survivor
(155) Event #23 7pm $150 + $30 NL Tournament

Today's Events

(594) Event #2 11am $200 + $30 Deep Stack Turbo
(193) Event #24 3pm $200 + $30 Survivor (Still Registering)
(???) Event #25 7pm $150 + $30 NL Tournament

Tomorrow's Events

Event #3 11am $500 + $60 NL Tournament
Event #4 12pm $350 + $50 Pot Limit Omaha
Event #26 4pm $300 + $50 Survivor
Event #27 7pm $150 + $30 NL Tournament

BBJP $185,809


Last edited by Ruler of the East; 09-09-2010 at 03:40 PM.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-09-2010 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by templeross
Hey esch, table 29 was definitely insanity the other night. As for your KK check-calling, thank you. I was the beneficiary of your generosity

The turn re-pot of $400 dude -- thank you as well. When you busted there, I got a seat.
You had me set up the whole time by say "Hey esch" when you first got there. I can't help but soft play (or encourage correct folds) v. people who nice to me.

I would have happily stacked Mr. "Buy-in $100" over and over again.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-09-2010 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by esch
Yeah, he left with pretty much all of it after 2-3 more people left. I lost track of the total amount out of just plain disgust. We were all waiting for our moment. But oh well.
Where was the player that you're talking about seated?
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-09-2010 , 07:01 PM
I once was playing at Harrah's and assumed the standard 10 and found out it was 5 when i heard 6 on 6. I haven't seen one since. I would expect to see them offpeak times and seasons, like starting now. Doubt Borgata ever has 5 dollar games. I guess trop is most likely, harrah's properties sometimes, doubt taj does.

Sick PLO is running, any reports on how 1-2 and 2-5 NL and 1/2 PLO games are being affected the tournament?(skillwise, not just that there are 'more games')
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-10-2010 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by Ruler of the East
Sounds like people wanted to get a nap in before event #1.

well i was about done by 4am anyways... The games were great sunday - wednesday, and i had a pretty good trip!! so, im happy.

Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-10-2010 , 01:59 PM
Game report? Website hasn't been updated in 12 hours.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-10-2010 , 02:57 PM
I had a blast, but mixed results for my Tue,Wed, Thur. trip to the Borgata. Started out Thursday afternoon playing cash and in 4 hour session, there where quads five time, three of which, I was involved in. That being said, amazingly I booked a $30 profit. Played in the 7:00pm 100+20 (which I thought did not exist as per Stan, but was glad to find it) and never even got to double up. Busted out around 30 out of 94.

Event one on Wednesday was so cool. Never played in the big room. Was so cool to play with 900 others in the same room (the other 100 was down stairs). Not really much action for me till level six when I flop a nut straight. Get in a betting war with a short stack, who I get all in. Well, his flopped set turns into quads on the turn. Quads? Again? For real? So, I am half stacked and get down to 7K when I shove with A/K spades. Two calls triples me up when I river a K. But, nothing else positive happens and about 5:30 I bust when in BB to a limp pot I flop top pair, J's. Shove, call, he has me out kicked and rivers a non-important flush.

After a shower and a TV break in the room, back to cash where I buy in a 1/2 game for my "lucky" $220. Have it up to $770, but a flopped set betting match with a much smaller stack gets him all in for $175 with flush and double belly buster draws. Straight hits, board does not pair. I played till about 2:30 and called it a night with a $300 profit.

Thursday, checked out and just wanted to kill some time so went to Harrah's and played in the $80 1:15. Top three paid. Was in final three. One mega stack and me in second. Third place guy calls mega's all-in (he went all in every other hand) and doubled up. Few orbits later, me as short stack with 7 BB's calls mega with Q/J off. Mega has A/rag, A kicker plays. Third for $280. Minus buy-in plus $20 for bubble girl, $180 profit. Take it in chips and play cash for six hours. Down to $100 and ready to go home, I get Q/Q. 5X bet, three callers. J/8/rag rainbow flop, bet $40. Fold.fold, reraise puts me all in. I call. J/8. I lose.

Had fun, was down maybe $200 after cash expenses, so was a cheap three day vacation.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-10-2010 , 03:33 PM
Looks the site was just updated. PLO is already running. 1st on a Thursday night, now Friday afternoon? I guess I'm going down tonight.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-10-2010 , 05:03 PM
PLO was running Tuesday night too.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
09-10-2010 , 05:37 PM
Yep, PLO is open. Look for me with my red Phils hat and a Nautica light-blue checkered short-sleeved shirt later tonight after 8PM. If PLO seating is filled, I'll chill at the 1-2 or 2-5 NLHE tables while I wait. Just say spicy or Sanman and I'll give you the nod.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
