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The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP

09-01-2015 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by plzd0nate
The dealers are God awful here. Anytime there is a bet and raise they snap bring in the bets when no one asked. It's beyond frustrating
Are you talking about equalizing?
I think "snap bring in the bets when no one asked" is over-exaggerating/dramatic statement and simply not true.

I equalize is specific spots, multi-way when it is necessary for clarification and to prevent confusion in multi-way all ins.
Trust me its less of an inconvenience for you to have a dealer that knows what they are doing in this spot than to completely hose those situations.

I don't think you give enough credit to the dealers who run the game like it should be run.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-01-2015 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by UbinTook
Are you talking about equalizing?
I think "snap bring in the bets when no one asked" is over-exaggerating/dramatic statement and simply not true.

I equalize is specific spots, multi-way when it is necessary for clarification and to prevent confusion in multi-way all ins.
Trust me its less of an inconvenience for you to have a dealer that knows what they are doing in this spot than to completely hose those situations.

I don't think you give enough credit to the dealers who run the game like it should be run.
I'm not sure I understand the complaint, but if it's that the dealer brings in the bets, compares stacks in the middle, and says it's x amount more, that sounds standard to me. The dealers at TSR are not universally great but certainly at least average or above IME.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-01-2015 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by jrr63
I'm not sure I understand the complaint, but if it's that the dealer brings in the bets, compares stacks in the middle, and says it's x amount more, that sounds standard to me. The dealers at TSR are not universally great but certainly at least average or above IME.
IMO the occasional problem is when they don't pull in bets but instead try to do the side pots at the end of the hand by subtracting and then multiplying by X, all in their head, as everyone's whooping at the showdown.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-01-2015 , 11:07 PM
Once a 3rd stack is involved the dealer should be pulling in the bets equally and leaving the raise out front without saying total amounts.

Be aware TSR has about 15 new poker room dealers that are getting adapted. Many were former Fort McD dealers who are rusty. Just be polite if you are spotting mistakes and the dealer I'm sure will appreciate the constructive criticism over getting his reputation attacked publicly.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-01-2015 , 11:28 PM
Where did the dealers go that they are replacing? Or are they forcing everyone to work part time so no one gets benefits?
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-02-2015 , 12:59 AM
I got to try out the new chairs they're going to be getting. They have to make a choice between two chairs from the same company. One has a stiff back and the other a somewhat shorter springy back but each have the same seat. They want to be able to stack the chairs so they can't get chairs w/ very heavy padding but the ones I tried out are comfortable, leather covered, off white w/ black trim and nice looking. I think most everyone will like them. Not super duper w/ a lift adjustment, but nice.
But the chairs are going to come last. I was told that the first budget item is the Bravo system, second was something that I can't remember and then the chairs so it'll be a while.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-02-2015 , 01:05 AM
I thought the room specifically decided they didn't want to be in the Bravo system. I guess the new manager could be changing things though; it would certainly be much easier for players than the current system.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-02-2015 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I thought the room specifically decided they didn't want to be in the Bravo system. I guess the new manager could be changing things though; it would certainly be much easier for players than the current system.
When I asked why they went w/ the system they use now I was told that they felt they could seat players quickly and paying them comp dollars from the time they signed in was not that big of a thing but it probably was that they didn't want to pay for Bravo but it's definitely on the way.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-02-2015 , 02:06 AM
Wow, I will be super happy if they get the Bravo system if that means I will not randomly lose my place in line while on a list, or lose my comp $ when the system randomly signs me out during a session.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-02-2015 , 02:15 AM
I just remembered the second thing: new carpeting. And I also realize that either the chairs were maybe just samples bec I wouldn't pick off-white (tough to keep clean) but maybe it's to match the new carpeting, IDK.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-02-2015 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by that_pope
Where did the dealers go that they are replacing? Or are they forcing everyone to work part time so no one gets benefits?
A good amount of the older dealers retired/quit.. i think they fired a very, very small few (less than 5) and that's about all I know. My friend used to deal the bigger limit games at the Fort and he just got hired on at TSR after 4-5 years in a different industry.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-02-2015 , 11:37 AM
I will be very disappointed if they do that sign in at the table nonsense and lose your .02 cents if you go to the bathroom. The amount of extra bother for the dealer that yields no benefit is indefensible.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-02-2015 , 01:05 PM
Can anybody explain how the point system works towards getting the next tier level? I checked 2 weeks ago and had roughly 582,000 points, checked a week later and had 579,000 and checked again and had 575,000. This is after playing 10 hours a day and being pretty good about checking in and out
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-02-2015 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
I will be very disappointed if they do that sign in at the table nonsense and lose your .02 cents if you go to the bathroom. The amount of extra bother for the dealer that yields no benefit is indefensible.
The dealer just pushes a button. Not that challenging.

It cuts down a lot on the comp squatters - the people that buy in, then walk around the room for half an hour talking to their friends, playing half an orbit, and repeating.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-02-2015 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
The dealer just pushes a button. Not that challenging.

It cuts down a lot on the comp squatters - the people that buy in, then walk around the room for half an hour talking to their friends, playing half an orbit, and repeating.
This. I don't really know how TSR comps work - I've never used them, and often forget to log out when I leave so probably don't have many points although I'm there for 8-10 hours two or three times a month.

In our local Tucson casino there are a couple of regs who routinely take up a seat in the "biggest" game running, 1-3 mostly but 2-5 occasionally, and then walk a good 2/3 of their table time. If they just stayed in the 1-2 games that wouldn't bother me but we have a hard enough time getting any bigger game running. And a lot of the guys who are on the fence about playing higher don't want to play short (and in their eyes anything less than 9 handed is short).
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-02-2015 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
The dealer just pushes a button. Not that challenging.

It cuts down a lot on the comp squatters - the people that buy in, then walk around the room for half an hour talking to their friends, playing half an orbit, and repeating.
About how many unearned tuna sandwiches do they win in a year?
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-03-2015 , 01:35 AM
Don't care. As jrr63 explained so well, it can be a real problem when there is no incentive to keep players at the table. If I'm at the table I want the players in the game, risking their money instead of wandering around. If I'm waiting, I want a seat if seats are taken by non-players.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-03-2015 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
Don't care. As jrr63 explained so well, it can be a real problem when there is no incentive to keep players at the table. If I'm at the table I want the players in the game, risking their money instead of wandering around. If I'm waiting, I want a seat if seats are taken by non-players.
If there is a list an absent player can be racked up after ten minutes. That is the shortest grace period that I have ever encountered by a factor of 3 or higher.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-03-2015 , 04:14 PM
Does that actually happen most of the time?

Regardless, dealer effort expended on dealing with the Bravo device is minimal. It looks like it was designed so that even bridge toll takers can operate it (rant for another time).
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-03-2015 , 04:18 PM
Procedure wise, it's pretty easy to lock in with your current process. Whenever you give out a blind button, put that player in the lobby. Whenever you take one back, take them out of lobby (or open up the seat).

Of course, only do that for rake games. In a time game someone will shoot you if you lobby them.

I get that it's micromanaging something that probably doesn't matter a whole lot, but:
* The pennies add up to the beancounters
* Anything that punishes habitual walkers is AOK in my book
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-03-2015 , 04:27 PM
At most places they clock you out for walking in a raked game as soon as you miss a hand, not waiting until you miss a blind.

I have played at a lot of places wit Bravo though, including many places where it was new, and have seen very few issues with it. The only consistent problem I see is some dealers forgetting to put you back in when you come back from walking. It is generally easy to tell though, the light by your name will be flashing; so if you see that, just kindly remind the dealer to clock you back in.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-03-2015 , 04:42 PM
Yeah, I've seen it done both ways, but my preference is to lobby people only once they miss a blind. Of course I play almost exclusively at time games, so my preferences should be weighed accordingly.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-03-2015 , 05:11 PM
It's definitely nicer for players if they don't do it until the blind is missed, but most places do reduce rake for hands played shorthanded, even if the walkers have not yet missed a blind, so it does make some sense to do it immediately. I think one place I played even clocked people out when walking from a timed game, although most do not.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-03-2015 , 06:37 PM
Does the 40-80 mixed run every day? Ever run more than one table? Thinking about taking a trip out to Arizona and would love to time it so that I can play without having to wait all day for a seat.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
09-03-2015 , 06:53 PM
PM jon_locke or wait for him to respond here.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
