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The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP

08-25-2015 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by aueagles
And maybe the tournament players aren't as concerned as you are with management being a little inconvenienced in order to run a more player friendly tournament. All the dealers and floor people work on shifts so the alleged "time constraints" issue is just a lame excuse.
You are stretching. You DO have the advantage since you play the tourneys and I do not but you still are stretching. What's up w/ the 'shifts?' One shift leaves another takes over or is there a rule that a tourney has to start/finish in the same shift which I doubt. 'Player friendly', in your world, might not be so for the players on a short clock. If you get what you want you might, repeat might, get smaller fields which is something to consider.

However you make a good point in that I'm unconcerned w/ the tourneys so I'll stop. I'll repeat my suggestion to speak to the management, though.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 01:15 AM
the cash games are inconvenienced by longer tournaments.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
the cash games are inconvenienced by longer tournaments.
Once upon a time I'd consider that a significant factor but, even though I don't play them, I know that the fields have been shrinking for years. Once upon a time a player had to sign up at 5:30 for the 7pm, then they had the alternates which I don't think they have anymore. So what are the numbers we are now talking about for the 11am and the 7pm?

And what the heck am I bothering w/ this for? I said I'd drop it, I don't care about it at all except liking to talk about the room. This is the last I'll say about it.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 01:48 AM
I play the tournaments at Talking Stick occasionally when I have the time and want to do something different. Even though I'm pretty good at tournaments and the competition is super weak, I think the cash games are more profitable for me on an hourly basis, regardless of the tournament structure.

In my opinion, the current structures are fine and could maybe even be shortened. I played the $500 tournament back in June and it took at least 2 hours to go from 20 players down to 10. That's a bit absurd and I probably won't play it again as my schedule doesn't allow for those kind of all-day commitments very often. I will probably still play the $200-$300 dollar ones occasionally as I think those are a bit quicker.

I have played a couple tournaments at Venetian before and I think they are mostly designed for people who want to spend all day playing poker without risking more than whatever the buy in is. That's fine if that's your thing, I just don't think it's an efficient use of time if you're trying to make money playing poker.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 05:15 AM
Originally Posted by CrazyLond
I play the tournaments at Talking Stick occasionally when I have the time and want to do something different. Even though I'm pretty good at tournaments and the competition is super weak, I think the cash games are more profitable for me on an hourly basis, regardless of the tournament structure.

In my opinion, the current structures are fine and could maybe even be shortened. I played the $500 tournament back in June and it took at least 2 hours to go from 20 players down to 10. That's a bit absurd and I probably won't play it again as my schedule doesn't allow for those kind of all-day commitments very often. I will probably still play the $200-$300 dollar ones occasionally as I think those are a bit quicker.

I have played a couple tournaments at Venetian before and I think they are mostly designed for people who want to spend all day playing poker without risking more than whatever the buy in is. That's fine if that's your thing, I just don't think it's an efficient use of time if you're trying to make money playing poker.

This ^^^ rotfl. Venetian deep stacks pay out on the regular 20-30k for 1st place. How's that not an efficient use of time for 18 hours of work?

You think the TSR mtt's can be shortened?! You sir have a very flawed way of understanding poker tournament structure.. That June 500 you referenced, I actually chopped that 4 ways because the chip leader only had 20bbs and 2nd-4th had 10bbs each. That structure was just OKAY. Going from 4-800 to 6-1200 to 1k-2k to 1500-3k is just a crapshoot. Skipping 3 levels in that span limits skill a ton and let's the old ogre regs benefit from a luck based MTT.

Only in AZ is every tournament chopped 6-7 ways. EVERYDAY. This is not poker. It's an insult to the game. I'll make this point again.

It's completely backwards that when the money payouts are biggest, the tournament has the highest variance. Yet the most amount of wiggle room is levels 1 & 2 when nobody is even close to the money.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 07:01 AM
Sure, if you can guarantee first place money every time, that's a great use of time. But for a $400 buy in, you would need 400+ players to hit that $20k mark. You're going to play a ton of tournaments and bust out 12 hours in with no money before you have that big score. For bigger buy ins, it's probably more worthwhile, but I don't think that would be a fair comparison since Talking Stick only runs one tournament per year at over $500.

That is weird you chopped it 4 ways because I chopped it 6 ways and we all had very close to even chips. Maybe they had 2 $500 tournaments in June? The one I played was on the 20th.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
the cash games are inconvenienced by longer tournaments.
so what's your point?
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by smusto86
This ^^^ rotfl. Venetian deep stacks pay out on the regular 20-30k for 1st place. How's that not an efficient use of time for 18 hours of work?
LOL, maybe when they are having a Series, and those are two days at least. You're trying to compare Series tournaments against dailies. Venetian $500 dailies don't get anywhere near that. I've finished 5th in one of their dailies and was out of the money.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by aueagles
so what's your point?
Which do you think makes more for the room?
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 02:56 PM
This whole argument is so ridiculous. No structure is better for everyone. If a longer structure is better for you (ie makes you more money), then my definition it is worse for other players. You think TSR should change the structure to the kind that makes you more money over the kinds that makes (or saves) others more money? That's expecting a lot...
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 03:02 PM
Which tourney do you think would be better for your hourly (assume same player pool for both although it lacks not realistic) (a) hour level $100 buy in 500bb starting stack
(B) $300 buy in, 10 minute levels
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
This whole argument is so ridiculous. No structure is better for everyone. If a longer structure is better for you (ie makes you more money), then my definition it is worse for other players. You think TSR should change the structure to the kind that makes you more money over the kinds that makes (or saves) others more money? That's expecting a lot...
Thanks for your brilliant analysis. TSR management thanks you too.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Jon_locke
Which tourney do you think would be better for your hourly (assume same player pool for both although it lacks not realistic) (a) hour level $100 buy in 500bb starting stack
(B) $300 buy in, 10 minute levels
tournament players aren't asking for "hour level $100 buy in 500bb starting stack". that's a ridiculous example taking things to the extreme. Most tournament players would be happy with a once per month deepstack tourney with a good structure. But for the talking heads at TSR that it way too much to ask. Can't interfere with the established routine. It's an absolute joke that what is supposed to be the biggest and best poker room in the State only runs 1 decent tournament per year.

Last edited by aueagles; 08-26-2015 at 03:15 PM.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 03:21 PM
So (a) or (b)
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by aueagles
Thanks for your brilliant analysis. TSR management thanks you too.
You still don't get it, seriously? Maybe it is your opponents who are thanking me (really TSR), for not letting you take their money.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by aueagles
tournament players aren't asking for "hour level $100 buy in 500bb starting stack". that's a ridiculous example taking things to the extreme. Most tournament players would be happy with a once per month deepstack tourney with a good structure. But for the talking heads at TSR that it way too much to ask. Can't interfere with the established routine. It's an absolute joke that what is supposed to be the biggest and best poker room in the State only runs 1 decent tournament per year.
You probably should play elsewhere if you're not willing to at least discuss the issue with management as HB suggests. Or if you have discussed with management and they don't want to cater to your whims, then you should just play elsewhere.

Either way, you need to calm down and stop trolling other posters.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Rapini
You probably should play elsewhere if you're not willing to at least discuss the issue with management as HB suggests. Or if you have discussed with management and they don't want to cater to your whims, then you should just play elsewhere.

Either way, you need to calm down and stop trolling other posters.
I'm very calm and thanks for the great advice Hillary.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Jon_locke
So (a) or (b)
I'll choose (c)
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 05:24 PM
I sense a temp ban coming.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
I sense a temp ban coming.
yup, i guess people are not allowed to voice their opinions or legitimate concerns unless they fall in line with the powers to be. not a real surprise given the state of affairs.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 05:35 PM
Try doing it without the trolling. Posts like these are what's gonna get you temped.

Originally Posted by aueagles
Thanks for your brilliant analysis. TSR management thanks you too.

Originally Posted by aueagles
I'm very calm and thanks for the great advice Hillary.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
Try doing it without the trolling. Posts like these are what's gonna get you temped.
people make snide remarks in response to my posts and i'm the one who's trolling??? give me a break.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by aueagles
I'll choose (c)
my point is simple, myself and lots of other players would love higher buy in hyper turbo tourneys. i feel like i would have a bid edge in them, in fact bigger than what yours would be in a super deep slow structured tourney. I would play it every single day. This is the format where I would have the highest hourly; however that doesn't mean I think its reasonable for me to suggest or ask for tournaments to be structured that way....

lots of people here play limit holdem, lots of us would prefer that they have a $1k limit holdem tourney once a week. I'll have a massive edge, but you'll likely be taking the worst of it. There are lots of people that would like this and play it, do you think they should work that in as well...
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-26-2015 , 11:23 PM
the structure debate is never going away. After we've paid the entry fee management has an incentive to end the tournament and the skilled tournament player wants to prolong it.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
08-27-2015 , 12:00 AM
I made the final table of a recent tournament, end brag, and I heard 4 different dealers mention something about chopping.

It seemed pretty unprofessional to do that both at the table and the table one over where they were all sitting.

I didn't say anything to the tournament director as I got the impression she had the same mindset.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
