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08-30-2013 , 06:09 PM
Thanks, Captain Obvious.

What's the worst club in your bag right now? Why is it in your bag? Why do you hit it? Why not remove it? That way - you can play with THIRTEEN CLUBS instead of 14! BRILLIANT.
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08-30-2013 , 06:26 PM
Epic ARC calling someone abrasive and steadfastly wrong...just lol

And for the record I think you are FOS when you say you don't hit ur 3i much worse than say a 6i. Keep convincing yourself of that and ill circle back in a year when you are still a 26. GG
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08-30-2013 , 06:39 PM
bwslim, since your clownlike argument partner didn't answer this question, maybe you will:

What's the worst club in your bag right now? Why is it in your bag? Why do you hit it? Why not remove it?

You may want to avoid answering this as it might incriminate your position.
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08-30-2013 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by A-Rod's Cousin
bwslim, since your clownlike argument partner didn't answer this question, maybe you will:

What's the worst club in your bag right now? Why is it in your bag? Why do you hit it? Why not remove it?
Its not the same. I dont consistently hit any club bad. You consistently hit every club bad so you should be putting clubs in play that are going to be much easier to hit
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
08-30-2013 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
Its not the same. I dont consistently hit any club bad. You consistently hit every club bad so you should be putting clubs in play that are going to be much easier to hit
People who are better than you probably think you hit every club poorly.

You're just being a clueless guy who thinks he's a near pro.
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08-30-2013 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
Its not the same. I dont consistently hit any club bad. You consistently hit every club bad so you should be putting clubs in play that are going to be much easier to hit
And if this is true what the HELL does it have to do with carrying that 14th club?

How many ****ing times do you think I'm hitting a 3i in a round? 12? It's rare dude. I lay up plenty. I'm not out there firing at every green but ffs I'm not going to leave a club at home just for ****s and giggles.

Learn how to think.
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08-30-2013 , 06:47 PM
What if your walking and carrying your clubs? Less Weight.

Also if you cant hit a driver but smash your 3 wood why put it in the bag?
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08-30-2013 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by nih han
changing the attitude of bolded part would be a start to improving your game. if keeping the ball in play is boring golf then this is not a sport you are going to excel at. if you play so infrequently that practice is impossible, i guess i would just say "tee it up high and let it rip!"
I mean, I never expect to excel at the game. I don't foresee any time before I retire where I have enough time to practice to make me a really good golfer. The fact of the matter is that I love the game, but I love a lot of other things too including spending time with family and friends and all kinds of other things that occupy my weekends.

Keeping the ball in play is boring insofar as it merits hitting 3 iron off the tee with the present state of my driver. However, when I hit driver in play it works fine. I did shoot an 81 on a 7000+ yard course last year so it is possible for me to play well. In my last 3 rounds I have hit at least 6 tee shots OB in each round and failed to break 90 though. Driver has been an issue since age 16 though (when I got a car and started spending free time with friends instead of at the golf course). I peaked at 14 when I couldn't hit the ball more than 240, but had a short game I spent 20+ hours a week on and found ways to get up and down all the time. I know that I will never get back to that level, but I am still hoping for a magical round here and there. These rounds are not possible if I hit 3 iron.

For instance, the most fun I have ever had on a golf course was one of my last tournaments as a senior in HS. I shot a 1 over 37 without any pars or bogeys. I made 6 birdies and 2 doubles in the first 8 holes and was 2 up on the #1 rated player in the state. Then I hit two tee shots OB on 9, put the third in a fairway bunker, and hit the flag on 1 hop with my 6th shot for a tap in triple to lose by one to the guy who made par. One of the doubles was also the result of a tee shot OB.

So yes, I shoot in the mid 90s most of the time, but I have made enough birdies in my life that a 5 footer isn't necessarily a surprise or going to cause my knees to knock. I just can't imagine going out there and knowing that every time I stand on the first tee the absolute best I can shoot is an 85 because my strategy is to keep it in play, hit 5 iron into every green, and then hope to get up and down a lot and never 3 putt. If I was playing against you or bo or whoever for a bunch of money then you bet that I would beat my index due to altering my strategy, but that limits the upside.

I guess it would be the Phil Mickelson mentality. When he plays at home I am sure he could say "I'm gonna play it safe and shoot 68 today," but instead he probably has a mentality closer to "Let's try to shoot 62 and if I shoot 72 then so be it." With me it would be 86-89 or try to shoot 81 and if i shoot 98 then whatever.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
08-30-2013 , 06:48 PM
Omg AIDS. From everyone, to everyone. That is all.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
08-30-2013 , 06:52 PM
You know, I've told me self at least five times in the last month that I'm taking both of my woods out of my bag. The thing that kept me from doing it is not wanting to give up. After reading this argument I feel a lot better about leaving them in the trunk/home.

If you know it's bad for you and you don't have time to make them an efficient part of your game, then I don't see why you would carry them. ARC, if you suck with a certain club and there is another viable club to perform that or a similar task, then I think for the sake of the score you will put up on that specific golfing day that it would serve you best to keep that club far far away from your bag.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
08-30-2013 , 06:59 PM
I think some of this depends on the actual hole, like 200 out with a forced carry over a bunker than yeah most crappy golfers are better off hitting 7 iron wedge or whatever but if it is some easy muni that you can roll it all the way up then hit the 3 iron(hybrid) if you hit it good your on if not no real trouble in front of you, hell if you thin it it might just roll its way on. Just my opinion
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
08-30-2013 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by RaiNKhAN
You know, I've told me self at least five times in the last month that I'm taking both of my woods out of my bag. The thing that kept me from doing it is not wanting to give up. After reading this argument I feel a lot better about leaving them in the trunk/home.

If you know it's bad for you and you don't have time to make them an efficient part of your game, then I don't see why you would carry them. ARC, if you suck with a certain club and there is another viable club to perform that or a similar task, then I think for the sake of the score you will put up on that specific golfing day that it would serve you best to keep that club far far away from your bag.
Oh my God. Another person who can't read.

1) I never said I can't hit the 3iron. People just assume I can't - for no other reason than citing my handicap. I hit it as bad as I hit all other irons. Yeah it's probably my worst iron but it's a pretty linear progression of suck.

2) I have 16 clubs of which I select 14 to carry. Right now my 4w and 2i are in my closet. Because I have made the determination that the 3i is more beneficial than either of those clubs RIGHT NOW in my game.

3) Why would I remove the 3i and play with 13 clubs when I can keep it and play with 14 clubs?

I really don't get it. You guys are talking as if I ****ing PURE my 4i 190 yards every time then for some reason just cannot make contact with the 3 iron. It's an absolutely mind-numbingly dumb projection you are all making based on 0 data other than what my handicap is.

Basically, you guys are completely missing the point. I said (in the VERY FIRST POST) until I get a wood or another hybrid that I hit well, I keep the 3i in my bag (and use it). Why is this hard to understand?


Hopefully you understand now how this entire process (life) works.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
08-30-2013 , 07:25 PM
^ AHAHAH holy ****. I was just inferring the notion that if any particular player can't hit a club that he is better off tossing it until he can fix it before his next round.

my goodness LOL.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
08-30-2013 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by A-Rod's Cousin
This is the thought process ReidLockhart is basically suggesting for a 26:

"I'm about 200 out and I topped my last 2 hybrids off the deck. Give me the 3-iron"
Hypothetical caddy: "But you probably aren't good enough for this club. Here let me give you the 4iron."
"But I'm not great with that club either."
"You're right. Here's a 5i. No wait.. if you're gonna hit a 5i and not reach the green you may as well hit the 6i."
"Yeah - makes sense. Wait, but if I'm going to hit the 6i, I may as well hit the 7i and just try to get up and down for par with a stronger wedge approach."
"Exactly. Here's the 7iron. You know what... just hit the 8i. No, 9i. You're better with the 8 than you are the 7 and you're better with the 9 than you are the 8."
"Dude - you get me, bro! Now that I think about it - hand me that P-wedge. Wedges are easier to control and I am not sacrificing much distance."
"Sure, but **** that. Here's your gap wedge."
"Sweet. I love this club. But not as much as - "
Both <laughter>
"YEAH BUDDY gimme that sand wedge broheim."
"Here... here's that sand wedge. And by sand wedge I mean lob wedge."
"Haha, awesome. Lob wedge it is."
"Wait - if you're going to hit lob wedge just take the putter and hammer this ball 100 yards up the fairway."
"True. True. Good call."

This is mega dumb. Leave me alone ffs. I carry a 3i for now - deal with it you miserable sad sacks.
This is gold.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
08-30-2013 , 07:32 PM
Fwiw I'm pretty money with my 4I. Long and straight, can hit about 4 or 5 different shots with it.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
08-30-2013 , 07:35 PM
I'm gonna go ahead and ask, just starting out what should I carry? I've got driver, 3w, 4h, 5 thru 9, pw sw and putter. I already leave the driver cuz I can't hit it worth a flip.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
08-30-2013 , 07:57 PM
This thread went to **** in a hurry
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
08-30-2013 , 07:59 PM
The hardest club for me is my 60 degree which no amateur should carry. I'm an idiot for buying one.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
08-30-2013 , 08:42 PM
Wow, who cares what's in ARC's bag? The thing a lot of people fail to remember is that what turns most people on to golf is hitting those crisp mid and low iron shots. If that's what ARC looks forward to when he plays, then so what? My dad is one of those people, and he's a good player.

Personally, I love my hybrid. I have one of those Taylormade Rescues... It absolutely smushes the ball on impact.. So it's a different feeling. I have a thick rough at my home course, I use it any time I'm over 150 ...
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
08-30-2013 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by markbris1
I'm gonna go ahead and ask, just starting out what should I carry? I've got driver, 3w, 4h, 5 thru 9, pw sw and putter. I already leave the driver cuz I can't hit it worth a flip.
You definitely need a 3i.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
08-30-2013 , 09:29 PM
DickPound, thanks. I was going to mention that earlier but everyone here thinks all posters are trying to qualify for the city am.

One of the funnest shots to hit imo is a pure low iron that travels low and straight. It feels terrific off the club and it makes you feel good in the middle of a ****ty round caused not just by low irons mis-hits, but by all kinds of driver/iron/wedge mis-hits as well as poor short game and putting.

I just got my first hybrid this March as a gift and like it a lot. When I pure it it certainly goes further than my 3i and higher and it's a lot of fun to hit these shots for the 2nd shot into a par 5. I'm hitting this club whenever I can basically, unless I feel like I'm not making good contact with it that day.

On the flip side, my mis-hits with the 3h are worse than with the 3i. I either top them 40 yards or hit a high fade that leaves me no chance of getting on the par 5 in regulation. The tops with the hybrid are fewer and further between the more I hit it. It's still a new swing type for me.

But to further clarify the point I was making in the very first post..... if one of y'all wants to ship me an Adams 5h I will gladly ship you my 2iron and not look back. And I'll pull the 3i out of my bag and store it in the closet.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
08-30-2013 , 10:00 PM
DP (and arc), that's a good point wrt different golfers' aims and ambitions. If it makes it more fun and fun is all you care about, hit balls with a hockey stick, nobody cares as long as you're not slow.

3i is a -EV club for most players. You're not special, ARC. I'll concede it could be good for some punch outs but if you're taking a full swing with it you're losing value, so to speak.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
08-30-2013 , 10:26 PM
The longest iron Jason Dufner carries is a 4, but what does he know:
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
08-30-2013 , 10:27 PM
Anybody here with kids? I'm absolutely dying to get my son started golfing. I just had a putter chopped down for him. He's turning 2 in a couple of weeks. I'm not trying to make him into the next Tiger Woods (at least not on the record), I just realllly wanna play golf with him. Right now, he takes the putter and basically uses it like a shovel pushing the ball.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
08-30-2013 , 10:29 PM
I see is still having trouble with the concept of addition by subtraction. Surprising coming from a self proclaimed math wiz.

****ing guy clogs up every ****ing thread with his self obsessed BS.

KEEP HATIN' (oh hahahahaha)
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