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07-27-2014 , 12:45 AM
As poor as Elysium? That was prob the worst movie I've seen in a theatre ever. Now I want to see Lucy just for comparison.
07-27-2014 , 01:02 AM
It's hard to put into words, but I kept thinking to myself, "ok, sublimate this dumb part and wait for the shooting or kung fu of telekensis to get good" but really there was nothing great about any of that. I am willing to suspend disbelief bigtime to experience spectacle, but there wasn't any.

Like, maybe this is a bad example, but Banlieue 13 is a french parkour/martial arts movie and it is AWESOME and it is STUPID. It's like the fever dream of a 13 year old kid from the 80s.

The first really bad sign was "they are really spending a lot of time on the prelude to the ass kicking that is sure to be coming, which is weird, because it's a dumb premise. Just state the premise, maybe have a 30 second voiceover or something and let's get this **** on the road"
07-27-2014 , 01:10 AM
Due to boredom and an interest in this kind of thing, I've seen LOTS of the "Everything wrong with X" video series (where X is a movie). It's made me hyper aware of certain types of problems in movies. Lucy had several of them. Cliches, scheduling problems, things that clearly would not have been done by characters in the movie except that it was convenient to the plot, etc.

I mean, the whole story moves to France the second half of the movie, I think ONLY because there were a few french actors Besson likes. And it starts wherever it starts (korea? hong kong?) for the same reason.
07-27-2014 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by Aidan
im firmly of the belief the commonwealth games should have been canned years ago, but now they even race tandem bikes. tiddlywinks will be next.
comm games pretty much lost all legitimacy the moment india was allowed to host it
07-27-2014 , 08:57 AM
Was at the store buying food and saw that they had Sierra Nevada Beer Camp! It's a variety pack of 12 different beers that Sierra Nevada brewed in collaboration with 12 different breweries. It's a hefty 23.99 but they saw me coming. I shall review these itt for you guys as I drink them over the next week or so.

Lets start off with #1:

Torpedo Pilsner - Hoppy Pilsner brewed in collaboration with with Firestone Walker Brewing Co. 5.2% ABV and 45 IBU.

From the label:

Torpedo Pilsner is a hop-forward take on the crisp, classic lager. We and the folks at Firestone Walker share a passion for New Zealand hope varietals, so we loaded our legendary Hop Torpedo with the Southern Hemisphere's finest hops for a fruity, floral twist on the pilsner style.

This hoppy lager features intense fruity and floral notes from fresh New Zealand Hops balanced against a crisp and clean malt body.
Let's pour it:

Comes out a very light and cloudy yellow. The color I would expect from an ordinary pilsner, but the lack of translucency is surprising. A pretty solid head on it, stuck around longer than expected.

Let's smell it: Smells like a crappy pilsner. I'm not huge on pilsners, even the better, more high quality ones don't really do it for me. This smells like a very average, run of the mills pils with no hop presence in the aroma.

Lets taste it: It's fruity, citrusy, actually quite tasty. It's balanced extremely well, although the typical pilsner flavor is basically absent. I would hardly call it 'hoppy' and at only 45 IBU it seems kind of silly to call it hoppy. I guess compared to a regular pils it's hoppy. Either way, it still has a very good flavor and a very good summer quality to it. This could easily serve as a session beer or served with something like seafood or Mexican food.

Summary: A very nice solid summer beer. Mellow, yet fruity, it breaks away from a typical pilsner flavor while maintaining the classic pilsner aroma. An easy drinker with a surpring amount of character. Would happily drink again.

07-27-2014 , 04:28 PM
Really glad that the residents of Redding are going to get to the bottom of this whole chemtrails thing.

07-27-2014 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
Really glad that the residents of Redding are going to get to the bottom of this whole chemtrails thing.

"Chemtrails" makes you sound like a conspiracy theory nutjob.

It's solar radiation management.
07-27-2014 , 04:55 PM
The chemtrails aren't working, it's so dry out here. I hope El Nino comes on strong this winter!

So I quit caffeine for about 4 weeks. I stopped like July 1st or 2nd. Was much easier than I expected. I usually consumed 300-500mg of caffeine per day, some times probably more. So here is what happened:

First week I was just generally pretty tired all the way around. Took a nap most days after workout/dinner. Occasional mild headaches, nothing crazy. My digestive system slowed to a complete crawl. My first workout without taking caffeine first left me with top 3 DOMS, I guess a very common side effect when accustomed to working out with caffeine. Slept like a baby. Right to sleep every night, out all night every night. Very awesome.

After the first week I felt like I had reached homeostasis. The problem is that I felt like it wasn't a very good state. I had trouble focusing when playing cards (not super tough, it just didn't come naturally) and trouble being max attentive at work. I frequently felt spacey and unnecessarily tired and it was just annoying. And my digestive system never really got back from anything besides a crawl.

Basically the only good side effect was the best, deepest, most consistent and restful sleep in years.

Back on the caffeine now, tho!
07-27-2014 , 05:07 PM
I'm going to attempt to walk/jog 10 miles in 2 hours or less in this 100 degree heat. The first time I attempted an 8 mile walk walk/jog it took me a slightly over 2 hours a couple weeks ago.

Seems tough but possible.
07-27-2014 , 05:43 PM
I've been thinking about going a while without coffee. Not sure I could kick diet coke tho.
07-27-2014 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by crashjr
"Chemtrails" makes you sound like a conspiracy theory nutjob.

It's solar radiation management.
kemtrailz is my new online poker name.
07-27-2014 , 06:24 PM
Here is the trailer for the Russian movie i saw yesterday, Hard to be a God:

Three hours long, pretty interesting experience. Not sure if i'd recommend.
07-27-2014 , 06:35 PM
I liked the beer camp electric ray imperial pale lager.
07-27-2014 , 06:39 PM

How did you see it? Did it have English subtitles or was it dubbed? I've been dying to see it for a while but can't find a copy that's not in Russian. And while it looks like I'd enjoy the hell out of it without understanding a single word, well...
07-27-2014 , 06:59 PM
Subtitled, there is a film festival on in town here. It was quite clear in some scenes that we missed some dialog, just bits and pieces from what's going on around the hero. The story is laid out in an opening exposition, but i cant imagine how the people who turned up late could have enjoyed it, its hard enough to follow even with that.
07-27-2014 , 07:02 PM
Sounds like my kind of movie
07-27-2014 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
I'm going to attempt to walk/jog 10 miles in 2 hours or less in this 100 degree heat. The first time I attempted an 8 mile walk walk/jog it took me a slightly over 2 hours a couple weeks ago.

Seems tough but possible.
Final time: 1:48:46

Smashed it!
07-27-2014 , 09:03 PM
I also picked up a Beer Camp today, but probably won't get around to trying some until later in the week.

In honor of the 2014 Crossfit games women's champion, a little throwback video:

07-27-2014 , 09:36 PM
I bought a couple of beer camps too. I heard they got... MIXED REVIEWS.
07-27-2014 , 10:08 PM
never even heard of beer camp. only drink high life in the summer.
07-27-2014 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
I also picked up a Beer Camp today, but probably won't get around to trying some until later in the week.

In honor of the 2014 Crossfit games women's champion, a little throwback video:

That's some jerk worthy kipping.
07-28-2014 , 01:55 AM
San Diego asks:

Why tailor your beer choice to the season?

Why not tailor the season to your beer choice?
07-28-2014 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by odb
San Diego asks:

Why tailor your beer choice to the season?

Why not tailor the season to your beer choice?
I don't want to live in a place where I'd be drinking porters & stouts all year long.
07-28-2014 , 10:14 AM
I have weird taste in beer, so that's already the world I live in.

Gave up on trying to enjoy anything else years ago .
07-28-2014 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Doug Funnie II
Gave up on trying to enjoy anything else years ago .
Congratulations, you are basically French
