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07-16-2014 , 12:08 PM
I've never seen this hilarious video on the lat pulldown machine, worth a watch:
07-16-2014 , 12:33 PM
Soccer fans, a bit of post-FIFA bliss:

Currently watching the 30 for 30 series on soccer. Available on Netflix Instant (in USA#1). Still on the first episode about the Hillsborough catastrophe, but I can already say this is an incredible documentary.
07-16-2014 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
wtf, this was like halfway down the second page... for shame, h&f. for shame.

Anyway, bros, what kind of horizontal pull should I do? I tend to flop back and forth between cable rows and db rows... I've also done pendlays in the past. I like them all about the same. Not very much.

The other upper body things I do are: bench, press, pullup, side raise, face pulls.

The goal is to strengthen my upper body to resist injuries in rugby (so I guess basically strength + hypertrophy)... and I guess ultimately to hit c*nts harder with my shoulders.
Pulling every DL rep like you mean it (every rep of every set including all warmups) will do more for strengthening and injury prevention than any of that stuff. That isnt to say you shouldnt do that other stuff too, because you should row, but your primary focus should be on the bigger compound stuff if you want to bullet-proof yourself. As far as what rows to do - all of them. Alternate them workout to workout, or cycle to cycle.

Originally Posted by Doug Funnie II
Snitch you can also improve the efficacy of pulling exercises by doing some priming exercises to wake up the lats and muscles that work on the scapula. If I do a couple high rep sets of band pull aparts and scap wall slides before doing rows, I definitely feel the rows more in my lats and middle back than if I just jump right in.
Good advice^
07-16-2014 , 01:22 PM
Kobe is on his downslide? That's a bummer, I guess it happens to everyone. Who are the top 3 in the NBA now? Is Lebron still crushing?
07-16-2014 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
Kobe is on his downslide? That's a bummer, I guess it happens to everyone. Who are the top 3 in the NBA now? Is Lebron still crushing?
Paul or Love imo. (getting ready to be flamed by TZ crowd)

Kobe is likely done being a positive player I think. He was bad when he played last season.
07-16-2014 , 01:28 PM

Don't think you are going to get too much support for Love being top 3, but CP3 seems like a fine choice.
07-16-2014 , 01:52 PM
I was really turned on by Knox when she was in jail. Now it's all a bit meh
07-16-2014 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore

Don't think you are going to get too much support for Love being top 3, but CP3 seems like a fine choice.
Your opinion is probably similar to most NBA fans. Numbers dont lie though. The team's dropoff in point differential between when Love is on or off the court is historically great. I dont have the numbers in front of me, but last season there was about a 25 point per 100 possessions difference when he was on the court vs when he was off the court. That is ridiculously great. His advanced stats are significantly better than Dirk's after the same amount of time in the league, and they are among the top few in the NBA during the past few seasons when he has been healthy.
07-16-2014 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
Your opinion is probably similar to most NBA fans. Numbers dont lie though. The team's dropoff in point differential between when Love is on or off the court is historically great. I dont have the numbers in front of me, but last season there was about a 25 point per 100 possessions difference when he was on the court vs when he was off the court. That is ridiculously great. His advanced stats are significantly better than Dirk's after the same amount of time in the league, and they are among the top few in the NBA during the past few seasons when he has been healthy.
It's always difficult to gauge how good a good player is when he plays for a bad team. It should be interesting to see how Love fairs when he gets traded this season.
07-16-2014 , 02:06 PM

I agree that Love is going to be pretty great on the Cavs this year. At least cha has Lavine and Shabazz to root for this year!
07-16-2014 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
It's always difficult to gauge how good a good player is when he plays for a bad team.
I don't think this should necessarily be the case.

Aren't there examples where players have gone from low efficiency teams to higher efficiency teams to compare?

Seems like some nerd somewhere would be all over this - not me of course.
07-16-2014 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
I don't think this should necessarily be the case.

Aren't there examples where players have gone from low efficiency teams to higher efficiency teams to compare?

Seems like some nerd somewhere would be all over this - not me of course.
As cha alluded to earlier, there are a bunch of them in SE, and (I think) the general consensus is that Love's defensive limitations are such that he is considered top 10-15 by most posters, but not top 5. IANANBAstatsnerd, though.
07-16-2014 , 02:34 PM
lol love top 3.
07-16-2014 , 02:38 PM
USAPL Raw Nationals start tomorrow. Live stream here Candito competes Friday at 2 MDT and Mike T competes 2pm Sunday MDT
07-16-2014 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Weasel45
USAPL Raw Nationals start tomorrow. Live stream here Candito competes Friday at 2 MDT and Mike T competes 2pm Sunday MDT
Matt Baller's flight starts at 1400 MDT on Sunday. He finished up training recently with a solid 590 lb bench. He currently holds the National Record bench at 248 kg (546.5 lbs) and both the American and WR for bench at 260.5 kg (574.25 lbs). Hoping he increases these numbers on Sunday.

I believe Priscilla Ribic will also be competing in this meet. She is usually an equipped lifter. Should be interesting to see how she does.

Other than these 2 I think there are 13 additional AK lifters competing this weekend. We have some mean teens heading down there to compete. Looking forward to seeing the results of Zach Halford, Zach Oldaker, and Cipriana Castellano. I will have to find out what age and weight groups they will be lifting in, but all 3 are beastly.
07-16-2014 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
It's always difficult to gauge how good a good player is when he plays for a bad team. It should be interesting to see how Love fairs when he gets traded this season.

Originally Posted by Montecore

I agree that Love is going to be pretty great on the Cavs this year. At least cha has Lavine and Shabazz to root for this year!
You are dead to me

Originally Posted by Weasel45
USAPL Raw Nationals start tomorrow. Live stream here Candito competes Friday at 2 MDT and Mike T competes 2pm Sunday MDT
Interesting that they are having nationals at the same time as USPA.
07-16-2014 , 03:33 PM
Here is info on 2 of the teen lifters:

Cipriana Castellano - F - T2 (16-17 y/o) - 74 kg weight class - Has squatted 345 lbs in training.

Zach Halford - M - T2 (16-17 y/o) - 82.5 kg weight class - Has squatted 490 lbs in training. I think he has 500+ if he has rested enough. 490 was done with not enough rest and still doing a lot of body building work (he also competes in body building).
07-16-2014 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by cha59

You are dead to me
Sorry, cha. You still have Ricky Rubio though, right?? Rumor has it he wants a 5 year max deal.
07-16-2014 , 03:45 PM
From Seinfeld2000:
Dane Cook apear on Comedians In Cars Geting Cofee
The bill comes
DANE: We'll spilt it, i'll put on my credit card
JERY: Me too
Dane turn to Jery
DANE: I guess were just a couple of "comedians with cards geting cofee"
Epsode never air

07-16-2014 , 03:53 PM
I kinda feel like Westbrook might be 3rd best player in League last year, especially when you factor in playoffs. Of course one can argue can you really have a team with the #2 and #3 best player in the league and nit even make the finals? And as a counter to that I will rebut that this team runs no plays and Derek fisher played crunch time minutes.

Anyways, I guess the expectation is Davis will eventually be in the top 3 players (if not already)
07-16-2014 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
Sorry, cha. You still have Ricky Rubio though, right?? Rumor has it he wants a 5 year max deal.
yeah, he wont get it though. Nobody is going to pay him that unless he has a breakout season where he shoots very well instead of very poorly. If he does that, he might deserve it, but I dont see that happening. He'll be a RFA after this season, and no GM in the league is gonna offer a max deal to him.

I will lose interest in this team quickly if they trade Love, especially if they get what I expect them to get in return. The only redeeming value Flip Saunders has in my mind is that he's rejected all the ridiculously lopsided offers so far.
07-16-2014 , 04:13 PM

The answer to your postulate is Scotty Brooks, even though I don't think Westy is top 3. I agree that if Davis can just stay healthy he's pretty much a lock top 3 within the next year or two.


You do realize that you're losing Love after this year regardless, right? The trades aren't lopsided when what minuscule amount of leverage your team has is shrinking by the day.
07-16-2014 , 04:17 PM
What's a knee doctor called?

Time to get this diagnosed.
07-16-2014 , 04:27 PM
I am guessing you need to see an orthopedic specialist, ideally after getting an MRI. However, depending on your insurance you might have to go thru a family medicine doctor first and go thru a regimen of rest, NSAIDs, an PT, where it may take months to get the MRI. Good luck.
07-16-2014 , 04:33 PM
Speaking of wolves I saw Levine playing point during summer league. And Shabazz was crushing. All they need is a couple more pieces and they can put out an all UCLA lineup. Is mhah bute still on this team?
