Originally Posted by zikzak
QOTD: Where does pocket lint come from?
>pocket lint is typically a subset of
dryer lint, found in small quantities in any electric/gas clothes dryer, and in massive quantities in Laundromats.
>also naturally occurs in clothes pockets, and it usually means it's time 4 u to change your clothes, u filthy f***ing slob.
>contrary to popular belief, only 2.4% of the world's pocket lint is made in Korea, and nearly all of that is used for filler in less expensive brands of kimchee.
Helpful hint-> are u homeless, living in a hobo camp, and can't get that goddamn stolen pallet lit? NO PROB!!!
Go to your nearest laundromat and gather up gobs of
dryer lint. Excellent fire kindling [but it smells a bit when it burnz].