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BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more

02-17-2011 , 09:25 PM
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-17-2011 , 09:34 PM
OP turned down the free lessons and free stake from us fwiw. You guys didn't do a good enough job of convincing him.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-17-2011 , 09:35 PM
Hey op can we get some cliffs?

Have you noticed any physical effects from the drugs that have been given to you?
How much $ have you received from transfers?
Have you considered starting a homegame on stars for you and the other people that play poker in the experiment?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-17-2011 , 09:36 PM
To be successfull at poker you have to commit yourself %110 all the time, the edges are too small to be messing around in this profession.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-17-2011 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by Interpleader
OP turned down the free lessons and free stake from us fwiw. You guys didn't do a good enough job of convincing him.
I didn't want to waste your time or money bro. I don't have enough confidence in my hold em game, or in my ability to have the patience required for playing $2 180 sngs splitting half the profits. It would be perfect so many other worthy palyers, I'd feel bad taking someone's spot.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-17-2011 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by wompwompwomp
Hey op can we get some cliffs?

Have you noticed any physical effects from the drugs that have been given to you?
How much $ have you received from transfers?
Have you considered starting a homegame on stars for you and the other people that play poker in the experiment?
Physical effects include occasional dizziness, a strange presence (hard to explain) and a chemical smell in my sweat. Also makes my pulse rate drop, sometimes pretty low. Another guy was sent home for possible liver damage.

I'd rather not say how much I got in the end, but it wasn't a huge amount. Also, all xfers ended ages ago, like around 5 pages ago. Since then I've shipped some of that money to others, like the guy who shipped me the $ for the tourney I won (gave him $30 back on his $10), my rail fans, Bed 2, and a friend. It was awesome while it lasted, but it's not the reason that I made this thread, and not the reason I'm keeping it going.

I scored "Benny's Room" as the name for my home game.
Might have to get it going. Any of you be keen for some PLO sng's?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-17-2011 , 11:13 PM
I aggree with OP, SHOT TAKING FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!


when it works!!!zomg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-18-2011 , 01:40 AM
Will get a tourney going if people are keen? What time are most of you guys on, EST? 6 - man, 9 -man, or even more if we get enough people interested, probably $6.50 buy in or something, I'm very new to the homegame setup
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-18-2011 , 01:59 AM
$5.50 PLO tourney starting in one hour (1730 AECT, 0200 ET)

No idea if anyone will be awake, but if you're keen come along!

Club name: Benny's Room
Password: nurseboob

Hopefully get a few people registered! Should be fun.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-18-2011 , 02:13 AM
Glad to hear things are coming along good and you sound like you have really picked your game up, both in poker skills and tilt control in general. Watch bear grylls escape to the legion for a time killer, it will give you a good insight into a situation very much like yours. You will see what im talking about after you see the 4 part series.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-18-2011 , 02:29 AM
^^Cheers mate Alright man I'll give it a watch for sure.

Update: My homegame club ID is 4870
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-18-2011 , 02:53 AM
7 mins till tourney start. Will probably cancel as I'm pretty sure it was too short notice/bad timing. But if anyone still wants to play there is time... refer to above details if interested
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-18-2011 , 03:00 AM
Never was been the living legend good luck bro you on stars just now. Whats your id brah
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-18-2011 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by loK2thabrain
For what 99% of computer users need, windows most certainly does not blow. There are other programs, and one could reasonably argue they're superior in some ways, but to say Windows blows is pretty ridiculous.l
I agree 99% of the population has an education high enough to use winblows to it's complete potential. Do you think Winblows is a program?

Winblows blows, I'm not kidding.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-18-2011 , 04:20 AM
i love win7 untimate, better than mac os.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-18-2011 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by WestSideVB
I agree 99% of the population has an education high enough to use winblows to it's complete potential. Do you think Winblows is a program?

Winblows blows, I'm not kidding.
The "Windows is an operating system and not a program that may or may not blow" debate thread is down the hall. Stop derailing.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-18-2011 , 04:40 AM
Favorite thread of 2011, keep it up man!
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-18-2011 , 05:14 AM
Sorry for the derail, want to make it up to you with some more entertainment.

make me fries

BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-18-2011 , 06:59 AM
NWB, I think what you need more than anything is something to keep your mind focus. Have you heard of poker performance coaches? They basically teach you to prepare your body for game time so you can play your A game more often than not. You said you joined DC right? There's a guy named Travis Steffen that does video on that subject, you should check it out (I'm not a DC member, so I haven't watched it, but the guy is solid). I think for you, learning how to prepare yourself to grind and keep your focus on your objective is gonna be one of the most invaluable lesson you can learn as a poker player.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-18-2011 , 09:49 AM
It becomes very clear you've a serious problem with poker and until your game improves u rnt gna get through it without losing a lot of money - no offence.

Doing this is going to get you more money, but it isn't going to cure this.

Think abt it
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-18-2011 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by TheUltimateSheriff
Never was been the living legend good luck bro you on stars just now. Whats your id brah
It would be an honour to have a man of your caliber in my homegame!

Club ID: 4870
password: nurseboob

My sn is NeverWasBeen

Originally Posted by ZachShalack420
Favorite thread of 2011, keep it up man!
tyvm man!

Originally Posted by WestSideVB
Sorry for the derail, want to make it up to you with some more entertainment.

make me fries

Hahaha, wp.

Originally Posted by NWJim
NWB, I think what you need more than anything is something to keep your mind focus. Have you heard of poker performance coaches? They basically teach you to prepare your body for game time so you can play your A game more often than not. You said you joined DC right? There's a guy named Travis Steffen that does video on that subject, you should check it out (I'm not a DC member, so I haven't watched it, but the guy is solid). I think for you, learning how to prepare yourself to grind and keep your focus on your objective is gonna be one of the most invaluable lesson you can learn as a poker player.
Thanks man. You are absolutely right. Keeping focus is something I've always struggled with, and I'm willing to try anything to improve it because it gotten me into trouble. I looked that guy up on DC and downloaded his 10 part series. Thanks heaps for the reccomendation.

And if anyone else knows any videos on DeucesCracked that could help me with tournament play I would be eternally grateful. With the Travis Steffen vids and the Tommy Angelo series, I've got a fait bit on the fundamentals, but still need to plug some of those leaks that are making my game suffer
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-18-2011 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by QJQJ
It becomes very clear you've a serious problem with poker and until your game improves u rnt gna get through it without losing a lot of money - no offence.

Doing this is going to get you more money, but it isn't going to cure this.

Think abt it
You're right. Leave it with me. I'm taking a break for 24 hours, and am going to watch the videos I've downloaded. Reinstated my table limits too.

Also, I wanna give a huge thanks to Johan at for being a legend and letting me have a copy of their software. I don't know what to say man! I can't wait to try it out.

All the advice and support that all you guys have given me means a lot, and I won't forget it. I need sh*t like this to get me on the right track, it's just taking me some time to stop making the same screw ups that got me here.

Last edited by Never Was Been; 02-18-2011 at 10:19 AM.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-18-2011 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
Well poker's been going ****. I bubbled the last tournament I played; that makes two bubbles in two weeks. Like THE bubble. I went on tilt, deposited on Fulltilt and lost it.
Damn, I hate it when i bubble HU close....

So, when you **** off the 8k in a drug and alcohol induced tilt session, will you tell that story in THIS thread, or do we need to be keeping an eye out for a NEW thread? Will you please at least post a link here for us so we can also follow the "I went busto thread"? K, thanks.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-18-2011 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by marknfw
Damn, I hate it when i bubble HU close....

So, when you **** off the 8k in a drug and alcohol induced tilt session, will you tell that story in THIS thread, or do we need to be keeping an eye out for a NEW thread? Will you please at least post a link here for us so we can also follow the "I went busto thread"? K, thanks.
Hookers and blow are more +ev than donking off my 8k on poker imo
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-18-2011 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
Hookers and blow are more +ev than donking off my 8k on poker imo
I am sooo on board with hookers and blow. Well, hookers anyway....gave up the blow a few years ago...Sorry about the previous post, long story...
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
