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BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more

02-15-2011 , 04:15 AM
c'mon , you'r human guinea .. you never giveup, imo
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:23 AM
lol nintendo sixty fouraments
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:31 AM
N64 reminds me of so much....

Goldeneye actually has the golden gun right? I know that gun can tilt people like mad.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:57 AM
ya its the biggest bs ever. 1 hit kill
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-15-2011 , 05:58 AM
So so epic... the screams coming from terrified players, not knowing if they're being stalked... hilarious! So far, 2 vs 2 in the Caves with Automatics has delivered the most frantic combat, but 1 vs 1 the Temple with Sniper Rifles is probably the most scary.

Also: License to Kill - one hit kills for true terror. The only way to play.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-16-2011 , 04:56 AM
NWB Celeb,
I Recently checked out some of your stats and noticed your game selection is sorta like my taste in shots. It's kinda all over the place.

There's a time for taKillia, there's a time for SoCoKamaKaziis, there's a time a time for Skittles(not the candy), and there's a time for rumple. However, I do have my steady, Jeager. I think your online poker game needs a steady as well.

You have a skill and what I see as an advantage in Omaha, but you keep changing stakes, changing structure, adding rebuys, going heads up, and bouncing from SHOT2SHOT. Stats say you have winning times in each of these PLO games. We've rooted you on deep in Tourney's, you have done well. You have had successes across the board in Omaha games. Stop breaking even and pick one of them to beat. Sure, take the occasional small portion of your constant winnings to devote to (pick a fun game to lose it on, or nudie bars, or indo, or charity, or girlfriend, or whatever floats your boat).

My point is, I believe if you specialize in a game and level and stop moving all over the place, you will build a steady upwards graph (i.e. mannies in the wallets).

Although I meet my simple goals of thoroughly enjoying my poker recreation and not loosing too much (i'm very break even, drunk play included), can we get an actual talented player in poker theory to look at NWB's history to make recommendations?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-16-2011 , 07:44 AM
Haha, I know man, my play is all over the place. I know I have spewtarded tendencies, but a lot of it also has to do with the limited PLO games running at any one time. See, with Hold'em, you can pretty much play any game you wish, whenever. But with PLO, you gotta take what you can get, and if you're impatient, you're likely to just hit that husng because it's there, ready, willing and waiting.

My play lately has been sh*t. I get so frustrated that I begin to question whether I've got the right head for poker, for the emotional side of things, and whether or not I can even attain the right frame of mind... but again, I haven't really given myself the chance to find that out. But yeah.. I definately need a game plan.

Thanks for showing an interest in my game. I've taken a bit of time off to centre myself, and distance myself from my recent sessions. And talk about shots... I could murder for a night on the town. Too bad you and Swarls couldn't join me on a bender when I get out haha. You gotta place to crash if you ever decide to journey down here, although the casino sucks balls.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-16-2011 , 08:19 AM
Seems pretty obvious to me that should play plo cash games with proper brm. There is always games running
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-16-2011 , 08:25 AM
it would be great if OP can play plo cash with 50bi BRM - have a look at

for a 12 part series on plo micro BR challenge....
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-16-2011 , 08:49 AM
^^ Sick looking now

If I was to play cash, what program do I need to downlaod to track my results? I'm keen to start soon

Last edited by Never Was Been; 02-16-2011 at 08:50 AM. Reason: Is the video series called "PLO from scratch" ?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-16-2011 , 10:19 AM
HoldEm manager Omaha is rated the best.....there is a cheaper micro stakes version...

the donkr series is articles only - not video.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-16-2011 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
^^ Sick looking now

If I was to play cash, what program do I need to downlaod to track my results? I'm keen to start soon
Should be able to get a free trial.

If you don't have a tilt account, has a rakeback promo that will give you a full copy + cardrunners membership in addition to rakeback and your signup bonus up to 600.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-16-2011 , 10:54 AM
We would always play those types of shooters and there were four of us, and our preferred game migrated to a deathmatch or capture the flag with two teams of 2 on 2. For a while we used a signal splitter and two large televisions set up with half of each screen covered. Then we realized a projector would be better. We'd play on a big white wall divided vertically by a large tabletop set on end and supported from the base. The extra element of being able to know your teammate's whereabouts but not either of your opponents was great.

Considering the circumstances where you are now, nice setup for sure.

Originally Posted by Never Was Been
If I was to play cash, what program do I need to downlaod to track my results? I'm keen to start soon
Poker Tracker 3 has a free 30 day Omaha trial you might want to go with first simply because it is longer. The Omaha Manager trial lasts half of that. I personally use Omaha Manager; give both a try eventually.

Last edited by DRybes; 02-16-2011 at 11:00 AM.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-16-2011 , 01:06 PM
The free poker database has a HUD, stat tracking, some basic charts, etc...

There are more capable tools on the commercial market which have more features, but I'm a programmer and keep making unfulfilled promises to myself to improve this product. Open source software rox, Linux rox, Winblows blows.

1997ish, My buddy was selling for Circuit City and they had a sales contest. Winner got to have a 60inch TV for the super bowl (only to borrow for 48 hours). He was at the top most of the day, but another fella pulled ahead with about an hour to go. He got his dad's rich neighbor to come in at the last second to buy 10 grand worth of stereo equipment (yes it was never picked up and the purchase returned a week later). 4 man bond on that monster was awesome (60inch back then was a big deal)! You should have seen how ridiculous that huge TV looked in his tiny apartment, ahhhhhhhahahahaha.

You aren't supposed to play full tilt, remember? And huh, I didn't realize the PLO games were that hard to come by, guess my game selection is pretty spoiled with the NLHE saturated any game any time, I'm sorry if my drunken ramble got a little preachy last night.

I want more daily updates on you and the inmates, don't let those cry babies calling this a blog slow you down, they don't have to read if they don't want to.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-16-2011 , 08:19 PM
Subscribed, might take a look into this for the summer if I got nothing better to do
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-17-2011 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
And talk about shots... I could murder for a night on the town. Too bad you and Swarls couldn't join me on a bender when I get out haha. You gotta place to crash if you ever decide to journey down here, although the casino sucks balls.
Haha, hell yeah man. Booking a flight to Australia asap! Adelaide wouldn't know how to handle us.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-17-2011 , 06:25 AM
sooo when are you going to sneak a pic of your nurse ? that should be one of your goals for us !
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-17-2011 , 09:58 AM
That screensplitter is pure genius, you just took this thread to a new level.

How many days left? You seem to be in cruise control, gogogo
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-17-2011 , 12:01 PM
Hey OP how are you feeling these days? How much longer do you think until you're out?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-17-2011 , 01:39 PM
I believe OP is at day 32, so no more than 10 days to go. I actually think you will come to miss the place OP, or at least keep some sweet memories on how you spend more than a month on the 'inside.' Kinda like Brooks when he finally left the Shawshank (except for the hanging and the sad music i hope!).
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-17-2011 , 01:43 PM
bankroll OP?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-17-2011 , 08:34 PM
Playing a $55.00 tourney?

WTF are you doing man?

I was really on your side but I think you really truly need help with your gambling problem.

GL to you sir but I think you are headed for disaster !!
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-17-2011 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by WestSideVB
Open source software rox, Linux rox, Winblows blows.
For what 99% of computer users need, windows most certainly does not blow. There are other programs, and one could reasonably argue they're superior in some ways, but to say Windows blows is pretty ridiculous.l
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-17-2011 , 09:13 PM
Hey everyone. 1100 hours. Day 33.

The whole feel of this place has changed dramatically. Bed 1 chose to relocate to a room on the other side of the wing. When asked why he's moved into another room, he simply mumbles "for my computer". But, we're not complaining. Everyone was fed up with his whining and strange mid-night moaning.

Bed 8 has also left due to issues with his liver. Upon his departure, his absence was immediately felt, and it's not the same without him. Now that he's gone, I stand out like dogs balls as the only one with a demented, sick sense of humour. So there'll be no more maddened screams demanding our release so that we may embark on the city in a rape frenzy... no, that would not do without a partner. It would make me a target, accusation would be rife. They would not get the joke. They would not understand....

Rape jokes aside, we're still keeping it together. There have been complaints that we have trashed the place, but all things considered it's not so bad. Probably just a case of 40 something women feeling the need to complain. All well and good, except when done at the top of their voice at 0700 hours. This is when your humble narrator needs his sleep, his poker session only finished an hour ago...

Well poker's been going ****. I bubbled the last tournament I played; that makes two bubbles in two weeks. Like THE bubble. I went on tilt, deposited on Fulltilt and lost it. I banned myself from Fulltilt for 14 days and am considering asking them to close my account permanantly. I can only play at a site that has table/buy in limits - but even these can be circumvented. I know now that every shot will miss. I know that because every one has. I hope I've learned my lesson now. @ijoker11 I'm sorry I dissapointed you man. There's no point making excuses.

My Stars bankroll is @ $199. At it's peak it was around $525. What first sent it going downhill was failing to incorporate rebuys properly. I did not put any $$ from my $688 win onto Stars. I received a very generous offer for a free PokerOffice license, so I'm considering putting what few dollars I have in my bank account on Stars to replenish my BR somewhat. If I can make something of it while in here and build my BR up to $500 - $1000, it would be fantastic, as I would prefer to not f*ck with my eight grand if I can. I'm too scared of the potential snowball effect, it's happened too many times

Goldeneye remains a nice escape from tilt and grumpy nurses. My undefeated run has ended with the introduction of the screensplitter, which is great. Bed 7, who is easily the worst player here (no offense to him, but the rest of us have been playing for years and he never owned a 64) even managed to score 9 to my 10 in a first to 10 points match. Stack continues to be the most fun level, but there's been plenty of action in all the others as well. I made a new model screensplitter too, I call it version 2.0 hehe. Might try and get a pic soon.

Still no nurse pics guys, sorry

Oh yeah and it's my birthday on Sunday. Woohoo. 26 years old. Really sucks I have to be in here. If I manage to score a conjugal visit you'll be the first to know.

BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-17-2011 , 09:16 PM
epic thread
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
