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BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more

02-09-2011 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by Robbinbanx
guess what never was been, Ill be doing research tomorrow and ill make sure i let the study you are currently in know all about this thread since you wanna try to call out my friend. You aint getting crap cuz you are breaking their TOS. So geuess what, you get what you give. Now post the pm OJpimpson sent you. Good luck being a loser the rest of your life. you f'ing degen
You mad?

Listen OJ, that's an excellent idea... except then they'd have to kick out EVERY participant that does the same thing via their facebook, lol if you think the drug companies are gonna give up the hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in this study. If you're trying not to get banned maybe you should start trying to make friends.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
You mad?

Listen OJ, that's an excellent idea... except then they'd have to kick out EVERY participant that does the same thing via their facebook, lol if you think the drug companies are gonna give up the hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in this study. If you're trying not to get banned maybe you should start trying to make friends.
Im not OJ, buddy. Post the pm he sent. Seems like you got some dough through yer crap so i figured youd help my busto friend which you chose not to do. then you outed him. so whos the ass. I wouldnt do that to you anyway cuz you probably have people depending on you. but you could have helped me out when he asked you to but you decided not to pay it forwarded u still have a chance. RobynBanx333 milford on stars. I wont hold my breath but there is something called karma.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:52 AM
Originally Posted by Robbinbanx
Im not OJ, buddy. Post the pm he sent. Seems like you got some dough through yer crap so i figured youd help my busto friend which you chose not to do. then you outed him. so whos the ass. I wouldnt do that to you anyway cuz you probably have people depending on you. but you could have helped me out when he asked you to but you decided not to pay it forwarded u still have a chance. RobynBanx333 milford on stars. I wont hold my breath but there is something called karma.
When did you contact me? You mean the PM from OJ?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 06:01 AM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
When did you contact me? You mean the PM from OJ?
post the pm from oj asking for money for robbinbanx1 milford on stars. he is ojsbludynife on stars. he knows Im injured and missing poker and he shipped me a couple of bux and another friend started a similar thread. They both got banned because of it. nobody was scamming but since im getting banned anyway and am basically a cripple for a couple of months it seemed you would want to share the wealth I geuess since he we were both folloing your thread. BTW, i wouldnt try to f with your study money even though you tried to out a guy that was just trying to help me since he knows how depressed and bored sh*tless I am. But i guess you can relate to that.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 06:09 AM
and trust me i would never try to f you out of 8k even though you said Oj was begging for money. That guy has helped me out countless times and i cant take to kindly to that. just like anyone else wouldnt.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by Robbinbanx
guess what never was been, Ill be doing research tomorrow and ill make sure i let the study you are currently in know all about this thread since you wanna try to call out my friend. You aint getting crap cuz you are breaking their TOS. So geuess what, you get what you give. Now post the pm OJpimpson sent you. Good luck being a loser the rest of your life. you f'ing degen


BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 06:28 AM
what is happening to this thread?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 06:37 AM
i just picture it being IDENTICAL to one flew over the cuckoos nest haha
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 07:09 AM
Ok, so I just got a PM from Jared from We spoke on AIM and he offered me some kind of staking/coaching deal with Chad (ihaterivers). He seemed like a really nice guy, and I was straight up with him that need a lot of work to improve etc, he thinks I have potential. He suggested I see what you guys think? 1 year commitment, play only $2 180 man sng's, 50/50 profit split, and can keep whatever I make while in here. We're gonna talk again tomorrow. Thoughts?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
Ok, so I just got a PM from Jared from We spoke on AIM and he offered me some kind of staking/coaching deal with Chad (ihaterivers). He seemed like a really nice guy, and I was straight up with him that need a lot of work to improve etc, he thinks I have potential. He suggested I see what you guys think? 1 year commitment, play only $2 180 man sng's, 50/50 profit split, and can keep whatever I make while in here. We're gonna talk again tomorrow. Thoughts?
whats the worst that can happen? Free help and staked money
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
Ok, so I just got a PM from Jared from We spoke on AIM and he offered me some kind of staking/coaching deal with Chad (ihaterivers). He seemed like a really nice guy, and I was straight up with him that need a lot of work to improve etc, he thinks I have potential. He suggested I see what you guys think? 1 year commitment, play only $2 180 man sng's, 50/50 profit split, and can keep whatever I make while in here. We're gonna talk again tomorrow. Thoughts?
Sounds like a pretty weat deal to me. But how do you feel about playing NLHE?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
Wow I really hope I look back on this one day and laugh.
I'm sure you will.

Originally Posted by Never Was Been
You into metal, friend? Just a guess from your avatar/location.
Metal is the nuts. Let me know if you want me to introduce you to some songs that might get you through the hard times.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 08:48 AM
I told him I'd need a lot of coaching with NLHE, he said the inital stake would be purely for me to learn, doesn't matter if I lose it, so it sounds win/win. Was reluctant about being tied down, but he said they weren't that strict with holding players that wished to leave... Going to talk again tomorrow hopefully
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 09:27 AM
Checking back on you never was, looking great with your win @ that 988 man tourney you binked and looks like your mind is working sharply inventing new ways to keep entertained in your temporary cage. Staking is only good if you can keep super tight brm so be warned but the coaching and accompanying DC vids you are all absorbing will do you wonders im sure.

Great to see you are keeping on truckin' mate!
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by warriorsquest
I'm sure you will.

Metal is the nuts. Let me know if you want me to introduce you to some songs that might get you through the hard times.
Haha metal is the nuts, awesome bro. What are some of your favourite bands?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 10:23 AM
I'm open to a lot but my favourite bands are in the melodeath/viking genre.

Like Ensiferum (obv), Equilibrium, Wintersun, Norther...

If you're not too acquainted with this stuff but interested, I can pm you some links...
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
Ok, so I just got a PM from Jared from We spoke on AIM and he offered me some kind of staking/coaching deal with Chad (ihaterivers). He seemed like a really nice guy, and I was straight up with him that need a lot of work to improve etc, he thinks I have potential. He suggested I see what you guys think? 1 year commitment, play only $2 180 man sng's, 50/50 profit split, and can keep whatever I make while in here. We're gonna talk again tomorrow. Thoughts?
Definitely snap take this. A stake forces you to stick to brm as it's not your own money you're playing with, so it's great practice for discipline. You can also cash out all your own money and simply not play with it so there's 0 risk you lose it. If you end up doing something stupid on the stake, you've learned that you simply can't deal with poker and in that case the stake very likely saved your own money. If you can finish the stake with no problems, then you have 1 year experience in sticking to brm, grinding, general discipline, etc, which is invaluable.

Though 1 year is very long to only play $2 180s. There should be room for moving up if you're doing well imo.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 10:56 AM
Yeah I thought so, cool. Don't know very many of those kind of bands, but an ex girlfriend was hugely into Norther, and they grew on me. Open to all good music though, especially metal.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 11:05 AM
Wow DevinTheLegend don't post that information that's not kosher. OP could be thrown off the trial.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 11:08 AM
See if you can talk him into a 3-4 month staking deal at that level. Or ask try to get an agreement that if you meet/exceed volume/roi targets that you can move up.

I think this kind of arrangement is good because it helps you with your greatest weakness which is bankroll management. If you're getting a little coaching that's going to be a big plus. If you can commit to playing for the soul purpose of winning, and not taking ego trip shots at higher stakes for that long you will be well on your road to being a consistent winner.

That said, you wont make much doing this, but you won't ever make anything until you have greater discipline.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by Grindcore
Definitely snap take this. A stake forces you to stick to brm as it's not your own money you're playing with, so it's great practice for discipline. You can also cash out all your own money and simply not play with it so there's 0 risk you lose it. If you end up doing something stupid on the stake, you've learned that you simply can't deal with poker and in that case the stake very likely saved your own money. If you can finish the stake with no problems, then you have 1 year experience in sticking to brm, grinding, general discipline, etc, which is invaluable.

Though 1 year is very long to only play $2 180s. There should be room for moving up if you're doing well imo.
Awesome man, thanks for your input. I think it would be -ev to pass up this opportunity...

Hey if any of you feel like railing me again I'm currently chipleader in a a 299 man $4 rebuy with 78 players to go!
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 11:12 AM
Also with the person a couple of posts above who said you can cashout profits when you are staked at no person risk is wrong.

Stake: $100
You run it up to $300
Thats $200 profit
You cash out $100
BR is at $200.
You lose $50
BR is at $150
Staker wants to end arrangement
You pay staker back $125 (50% of the $50 profit rite?)
The actual profit was $150
Therefore you have to pay back$175
Your BR is $150 so you now owe $25.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 11:18 AM
**** you DevinTheLegend
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 11:31 AM
lol gg, take the money for the 22 days and run OP
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-09-2011 , 11:39 AM
Awwww come on I was just guessing - I could've been wrong
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
