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BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more

02-23-2011 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been

Haha, but if that fails, go home, read all my mail, get some beers, ring up some friends, maybe see what happens.

Anyone keen to rail I'm currently chipleader in a $4 MTT, down to the final table, NeverWasBeen on Stars!
Congrats on the finish!
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-23-2011 , 07:51 AM
Took down another one!!!

1st out of 223 players, $4 buy in, chopped with 2nd place; $188 my way, $181 his way, played on and won it. Was a lot of fun, it saved my bankroll from annihilation.

As crazy as PLO can be, when it's good it's reeeally good!

Cheers to Petey_Pie420 for the fun heads up.

Last edited by Never Was Been; 02-23-2011 at 07:52 AM. Reason: ^^^ Cheers guys :)
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-23-2011 , 08:55 AM
You know, if I hadn't of taken the stupid shots that I did while in here, I would have made a decent amount of money on this trial. Seemingly little mistakes can take a hell of a long time to undo. I'm slowly getting there.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-23-2011 , 09:25 AM
wp NWB - great thread have enjoyed throughout. GL in the future and with the BRM - keep off the rebuys.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-23-2011 , 12:05 PM
Since it is almost time to end your epic journey into the depths of farmaceutical hell, and back, it seems to me to be about the right time for some reflection on the whole time spent on the 'inside.'

So OP, what have you learned from it all? Will life be different post guinea pig? Is there an estranged relative that you can come to terms with in the near futurue? Will the small things in life suddenly fascinate you to no extent? In short, will day 43 be the first day of the rest of your life?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-23-2011 , 12:43 PM
NWB treated that tourney like he will one to three lucky ladies upon his release. He went DEEP. Sorry I missed it, Congrats.

Glad to see that you are realizing missed shots at 10x normal buy in level will crush bankroll. BRM is the only way to fly. Keep profiting and move up in stakes GRADUALLY. When bankroll starts moving the wrong way....move back down. Also realize the larger the number of players in your tourneys, the larger the variance. So if you are sticking to larger MTTs, you need more bankroll behind. Say you need 20-30 buy ins for 27 man SNG, better at least double those numbers for large MTTs. Be smart and I suspect you'll never deposit again.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-23-2011 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
get some beers, ring up some friends, maybe see what happens.
Why not just avoid drinking? You say this is your longest period of sobriety in years, keep running with it! I don't know what your previous habits were like, but it couldn't hurt at all just to keep it out of your life, at least until you have your plan straightened out, you know?

I know how hard it is to break free of detrimental habits, to throw the crutches away and be happy with your sober self. Life is suffering, and although the alcohol (or weed or coke or whatever) lessens the suffering in the short term, it can compound it like a mofo down the line.

Simply put, your sober self is way less likely to make the same mistakes that led you here.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-23-2011 , 06:01 PM
I would have made a decent amount of money on this trial. Seemingly little mistakes can take a hell of a long time to undo. I

One of the biggest lessons to learn I think.
Just imagine what the big mistakes take.

Excellent read. Great inspiration.
And..I do hope all your learnings help you after you get out.
Not many people can say they have a world view such as yours when you leave.
gl! gogogogogo!
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-23-2011 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by beebs
wp NWB - great thread have enjoyed throughout. GL in the future and with the BRM - keep off the rebuys.
Thanks man. And yeah the rebuys have cost me a lot when handled incorrectly, good advice mate.

Originally Posted by Hardhard
Since it is almost time to end your epic journey into the depths of farmaceutical hell, and back, it seems to me to be about the right time for some reflection on the whole time spent on the 'inside.'

So OP, what have you learned from it all? Will life be different post guinea pig? Is there an estranged relative that you can come to terms with in the near futurue? Will the small things in life suddenly fascinate you to no extent? In short, will day 43 be the first day of the rest of your life?
What I've learned may become clearer when I have access to sufficient oxygen levels, I've been breathing recycled hospital air for over a month :P

But seriously I think this whole time has been very beneficial to me. It's been a rehab clinic, a financial investment, a social event, and a holiday all in one, and I'm even helping medical science. I have never mentioned what the disease was that they're working on; it is Multiple Sclerosis. I know a guy with MS, and it's not very nice. The fact that I'm contributing to a better life for sufferers of the disease is a good feeling (although my primary reason for doing this was money).

Anyone interested in how this experience will affect me in the near future can subscribe to this thread and follow the updates.

Originally Posted by WestSideVB
NWB treated that tourney like he will one to three lucky ladies upon his release. He went DEEP. Sorry I missed it, Congrats.

Glad to see that you are realizing missed shots at 10x normal buy in level will crush bankroll. BRM is the only way to fly. Keep profiting and move up in stakes GRADUALLY. When bankroll starts moving the wrong way....move back down. Also realize the larger the number of players in your tourneys, the larger the variance. So if you are sticking to larger MTTs, you need more bankroll behind. Say you need 20-30 buy ins for 27 man SNG, better at least double those numbers for large MTTs. Be smart and I suspect you'll never deposit again.
Hehe, thanks mate. I think impatience is a big factor in playing beyond your BR. But every shot not only puts too much of your roll at risk, it also makes it harder to grind the lower stakes; it's like being unsatisfied with your wife because you've been fooling around with some kinky piece of ass on the weekends... it's a mistake. But a mistake that is not uncommon. We're human and we make human mistakes, but we should also learn from them.

Originally Posted by philobrian1
Why not just avoid drinking? You say this is your longest period of sobriety in years, keep running with it! I don't know what your previous habits were like, but it couldn't hurt at all just to keep it out of your life, at least until you have your plan straightened out, you know?

I know how hard it is to break free of detrimental habits, to throw the crutches away and be happy with your sober self. Life is suffering, and although the alcohol (or weed or coke or whatever) lessens the suffering in the short term, it can compound it like a mofo down the line.

Simply put, your sober self is way less likely to make the same mistakes that led you here.
I was thinking about that just yesterday. I have a friend that I used to live with a few years ago. He used to have a terrible drinking problem. He treated his friends and his girlfriend badly. He had created a hideous reputation, both here and in other states. His name was in the books in every pub in town for fighting and vandalism and you name it (I know coz I've seen his name there). Today, he is over 12 months sober, rides 300 km's a week on his bike, is fit, healthy, sane. It's pretty incredible, and certainly inspirational.

tl;dr drinking story:

My drinking used to be real f*cked up, and only recently was it eclipsed by poker as the biggest danger in my life. I'd lost relationships, jobs, friends, you name it from my drinking problem. But strangely, as my addiction to poker grew, drinking, like so much else, started fading in the distance. And drinking, like poker, is something I enjoy, and it makes me pretty upset at how much I allowed both of these things to take control over me. The lure of alcohol, though, initially came from a lack of a lack of confidence (as I imagine it does for many drinkers).

When I was young, in high school, all I wanted was a girlfriend, but I was absolutely crippled with shyness and a lack of guts. Even if a girl might have been interested I usually scared them away. When I turned 18, I'd been drinking for a few years already, but by now I had long hair, tatts, piercings, money, and excellent physical fitness from working a labour intensive job. I'd also traded my glasses in for contact lenses. I was also armed with a severe drinking habit, and was too young for it to have the debilitating effects on my health that would come in the years to follow. It gave me the confidence I never had, and the power to go after what I wanted. All of a sudden the girls came to me. You can imagine the impact. I mean I'd go to a metal gig and I'd be the one getting all the chicks, not the band. It was incredible, I felt like a rockstar. And alcohol was there every step of the way.

Things have changed a lot since then, those days are long gone. But anyway, that's how I got hooked.

tl;dr part two

Shortly afterwards I had my first real relationship. It was totally f*cking incredible, she was awesome - the girl of my dreams. We fell in love real fast and everything was amazing. We moved in together and played house and laughed and loved each other. Meanwhile, my drinking had not slowed down, just the opposite. My friends were just as bad as me, and we would drink for days, getting in all kinds of trouble. We would spend every cent we had on booze and would frequently make up to 5 trips to the bottle shop in one night. She hated it but that was who I was, and although I often wanted to stop I could not.

I had a lot of emotional problems, hell I probably still do but back then I was a lot younger, and didn't know how to deal with them like I do now. I had a lot of trouble coping with certain aspects of her past, aspects that should have been irrelevant, but they haunted me and plagued me and I could not get them out of my head. I found letters and photos of her with exes and I went nuts. As time went on I drank more and more, completely out of my mind.

One night we had a huge fight. My friend had knocked himself out and he was in an alley bleeding from the head. She wanted to leave, but I wasn't going to leave my mate. Looking back I wish I had, he turned out to be no real friend at all. But anyway, we fought, I was drunk, I said some horrible things to her, she left. I took my friend into a taxi with another girl who was going that way and we left. I was taking him back to his place, on the opposite side of town. She ended up coming back with us and she came onto me and I f*cked her. I really ballsed up, let me tell you. She was soooo not f*cking worth it. Waking up was the single worst experience of my life, no questions asked. I knew my life was f*cked. Instead of coming clean and getting sober, I kept drinking. I hid it from my gf for 3 months. When I finally confessed to her she was in NZ, and I wrote a huge drunken email telling her everything. Clicking the 'send' button was probably the second worst feeling. After that, it was over. She wouldn't talk to me again. I drank worse than ever, sleeping with girl after girl, hating myself, feeling nothing but misery at being without the girl I loved. I lost my job, lost my car, lost my friends, moved back home. All in the year 2005. What a year. Nothing is even close to how bad it was. Today she is with a guy who at the time was my best friend. Neither speak to me. I'm alienated from every one of my friends from that time. The years since have been tough, but despite the money lost on poker I have dealt with my issues extensively and have made a lot of progress.

I have shared this in the hope that it perhaps discourages someone from making the same mistakes that I did and ending up where am now. There was no-one to slap any sense into me back then but I wish there was. Living like a maniac can be exciting but rarely does it end well. I'm a bit older now and have a had five long years to deal with the outcome, and it hasn't been fun. It is almost completely behind me now, and I'm just looking forward to a more positive future.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-23-2011 , 11:14 PM
Been reading this thread and it really is great of you share everything that is and has happened to you with such honesty.I have also lost touch with some friends due to poker but sometimes this can be beneficial to you,just try and keep your closest friends(you should know who they are) and also moving back in your mother is the best thing for you to do right now so i say you should go ahead with that,eat properly,start getting in a routine and DO NOT PISS YOUR MONEY AWAY.Just try and surround yourself with the right ppl and not previous wasters who you say were your friends before.GL will be following too see how you get on back in the outside world.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-23-2011 , 11:17 PM
OP has made a strong case for mod.

get rid of that internet guy
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-24-2011 , 02:57 AM
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-24-2011 , 05:38 AM
Thank you for sharing that last post OP. I've been railing the whole time, and that post connected with me more than I thought anything on an Internet message board could.

Gl in life.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-24-2011 , 09:46 AM
u have a pretty sick life cheers for sharing
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-24-2011 , 12:28 PM
OP thanks for sharing your story and being completely honest especially in BBV that takes guts.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-24-2011 , 12:36 PM
honestly dude thats ****ing downright sad, seek help dude.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-24-2011 , 01:46 PM
Thanks guys. I've had some dark times but I know I'm not the only one. If someone reads my story and it makes them feel like they're not alone, then it's worth it. That's what it's all about when things are bad; knowing that you're not alone. I didn't have that luxury because I pushed everyone away, worst thing you can do imo.

I don't know if I mentioned this, but I want to become a psychologist. I'm a bit of a late starter I know, but that's just the way it is. There is no way I could have studied at any time prior to now. it just would not have been possible. It's probably going to take me another 5 - 6 years to achieve this goal, but I can't see any other way for me to have a positive future. My back injury means I can't get the sh*tty labour jobs that I've been doing, and psychology is the only career I could pursue with any amount of passion. It would give me two things that would allow me to prosper: It would stimulate my mind, and allow me to help others. There are no other motives in existence that would be enough to push me towards pursuing a career (unless it was working with animals, which unless you're a vet sadly does not pay the bills). Plus I won't have to worry about money - I've survived thus far on 10% what I'd be earning as a psychologist, so more than that would pretty much eliminate the stress of needing money. The negative implications of needing money puts people in the madhouse.

Just bubbled another $4 tourney, sigh. 6 spots from the money. It's late. 4:02 am. Technically Day 40 now. I don't want to leave. But I'm sure that'll change as soon as I get my first hit of the outside world again.

I've been spending a lot of time reading through the forums. Some crazy sh*t is out there. Wish I had the cash to do 25k flips, I'd never be broke again. I heard about an upcoming study where they amputate and re-attach your pinky toe for $15k. I gotta admit, I wasn't completely opposed to the idea :P
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-24-2011 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
Thanks guys. I've had some dark times but I know I'm not the only one. If someone reads my story and it makes them feel like they're not alone, then it's worth it. That's what it's all about when things are bad; knowing that you're not alone. I didn't have that luxury because I pushed everyone away, worst thing you can do imo.

I don't know if I mentioned this, but I want to become a psychologist. I'm a bit of a late starter I know, but that's just the way it is. There is no way I could have studied at any time prior to now. it just would not have been possible. It's probably going to take me another 5 - 6 years to achieve this goal, but I can't see any other way for me to have a positive future. My back injury means I can't get the sh*tty labour jobs that I've been doing, and psychology is the only career I could pursue with any amount of passion. It would give me two things that would allow me to prosper: It would stimulate my mind, and allow me to help others. There are no other motives in existence that would be enough to push me towards pursuing a career (unless it was working with animals, which unless you're a vet sadly does not pay the bills). Plus I won't have to worry about money - I've survived thus far on 10% what I'd be earning as a psychologist, so more than that would pretty much eliminate the stress of needing money. The negative implications of needing money puts people in the madhouse.

Just bubbled another $4 tourney, sigh. 6 spots from the money. It's late. 4:02 am. Technically Day 40 now. I don't want to leave. But I'm sure that'll change as soon as I get my first hit of the outside world again.

I've been spending a lot of time reading through the forums. Some crazy sh*t is out there. Wish I had the cash to do 25k flips, I'd never be broke again. I heard about an upcoming study where they amputate and re-attach your pinky toe for $15k. I gotta admit, I wasn't completely opposed to the idea :P
Only ****ed up people want to be psychologists. Being vain enough to believe you should be the one helping people in the time of despair, when you can't even help yourself.. I've personally known two heroin addict psychologists, and a kid toucher.

Try and figure out your own problems before you attempt to help others with theirs.

You're still dreaming about gambling way above your needs - stop playing poker dude. It's not a path that will take you anywhere positive, clearly.

You have $8000, you have money where you can start fresh, start new, and not slip back into your old patterns. Addiction is a mother****er, you have a chance out in two days. You're either going to go back to being a dude just looking for that next 'hit', or you can change things. It's your choice man.

From reading this entire thread, I have a feeling its going to be the former. I wish you the best though.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-24-2011 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
I've been spending a lot of time reading through the forums. Some crazy sh*t is out there. Wish I had the cash to do 25k flips, I'd never be broke again. I heard about an upcoming study where they amputate and re-attach your pinky toe for $15k. I gotta admit, I wasn't completely opposed to the idea :P
Do this lol. I'm sure there is some risk of rejection/infection, but it's only a toe and you should be under close supervision! Surely, this study would be shorter in duration.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-24-2011 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
I've been spending a lot of time reading through the forums. Some crazy sh*t is out there. Wish I had the cash to do 25k flips, I'd never be broke again. I heard about an upcoming study where they amputate and re-attach your pinky toe for $15k. I gotta admit, I wasn't completely opposed to the idea :P
Do this lol. I'm sure there is some risk of rejection/infection, but it's only a toe and you should be under close supervision! Surely, this study would be shorter in duration.

8 + 15, while perhaps not enough to finance an undergrad and masters of psycology in the USA, can surely help you get back on your feet ( after the toe heals ).
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-24-2011 , 02:44 PM
cliffs last 20 pages?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-24-2011 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by TheTurbanator
Only ****ed up people want to be psychologists. Being vain enough to believe you should be the one helping people in the time of despair, when you can't even help yourself.. I've personally known two heroin addict psychologists, and a kid toucher.

Try and figure out your own problems before you attempt to help others with theirs.

You're still dreaming about gambling way above your needs - stop playing poker dude. It's not a path that will take you anywhere positive, clearly.

You have $8000, you have money where you can start fresh, start new, and not slip back into your old patterns. Addiction is a mother****er, you have a chance out in two days. You're either going to go back to being a dude just looking for that next 'hit', or you can change things. It's your choice man.

From reading this entire thread, I have a feeling its going to be the former. I wish you the best though.
Firstly, I don't think it's fair to base your opinions on my aspirations of becoming a psychologist on your personal encounters with the two junkies and the kiddie fiddler.

Secondly, it's not vanity dude. My friends have often come to me for advice because they believe that I have good insight into things, and everyone that knows me agrees that it is the perfect field for me. You say I should not pursue this, well what do you suggest instead? That I become a bum? I'm giving it a shot.

Thanks anyway though, opinions like yours are nonetheless appreciated. I acknowledge the foreboding implications of your premonition.

Originally Posted by comeonletsgo1
roll on table (8k) vs isildur1 imo

if fail book back into clinic and do again
1) 8k flip with Urubu111
2) 16k vs Isildur1
3) ????
4) amputate toe

Originally Posted by Imagy
Do this lol. I'm sure there is some risk of rejection/infection, but it's only a toe and you should be under close supervision! Surely, this study would be shorter in duration.

8 + 15, while perhaps not enough to finance an undergrad and masters of psycology in the USA, can surely help you get back on your feet ( after the toe heals ).
Word has it that it was only a rumour, but they might just be trying to keep it under wraps... like a bloody amputated toe stump. I gotta say I'd pretty much snap call if it turns out to be true.

In Australia we have a government incentive where you can study at university without paying up front, and once you have completed your study and gotten a job you start paying it back then.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-24-2011 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Razor Braun Fei
LOL the ol' stringer!

ur bday is close to mine [22nd], but my word thats a brutal bday celebration - just think of the 8k in ur hands the whole time
Hey man do anything crazy for your birthday?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-24-2011 , 03:11 PM
I wasn't saying you are a heroin addict, or a dude who likes kids. Just stating that psychologists are usually not normal people. Look at Freud. There usually is a reason why you want to delve into the human psyche, and it's usually so you can try and figure yourself out. (key word; usually.) I have friends who come to me for advice too, because I look at the whole situation better than most people, am able to rationalize both sides, and it gives new perspectives.

I really don't think you and I are very dissimilar people, you just keep looking for the easy option. And until you don't, it won't ever feel right, or work the way you want. There is no secret.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
02-24-2011 , 03:17 PM
1. Grind 8k to 10k
2. WSOP Main Event
3. Bubble
4. ???
5. Amputate pinky toe
6. 15k
7. Rinse and Repeat
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
