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**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] **** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH]

04-04-2010 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by sqwerty12
Apologies if this is covered later but just reading this in real time and posting as I go.
There are three different races on earth :white, black and asian(I am not racist it is official science separation) and Gary and Roseeker are both looking like asians and their emotions, moral, behaviour, etc. are different. When Roseeker apologize oneself apology is most likely only formal politeness like "Nice to meet you" to some stranger not more.
I don´t say Roseeker is not pathological cheater or something like that, only readers ITT can stop be marvel at Roseeker´s lies.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by breezh4x
**** you, I have nothing to lie about and i'll be as clear as possible. Why the **** would I even lie anymore, you ****ing *******.
Based on the above quote, breez is:
A) Innocent or
B) Guilty

The answer is:

Extra Credit Question:
Jalex took how many licks to get to the center of this tootsie roll pop?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) Trick Question, Jalex obviously bit the sucker straightaway

The answer is:
C (just like the wise old owl)

Last edited by starrazz; 04-04-2010 at 08:42 AM.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by starrazz
obviously this troll is from Britain or some other country that gives sentences of 10% to 20% the length of American sentencing for prison terms for identical have to understand their mindset is very criminal coddling outside the United States.
Solid reasoning there, champ. Does Texas still have the death penalty? Has anyone ever been wrongly sentenced? Do you agree with all the sentences passed down by your State Judges? Do I agree with all punishment handed out by the Judges in the UK? Do you own a passport? Why am I responding to your ignorance?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 08:59 AM
Oh and I think gary and Roseeker DO deserve to have their names associated with scamming in some way.

They have shown they are capable of it, and it's the only way it will prevent it happening to some other poor sucker in the future. If we can stop one person being hustled in this way, it would have served its purpose.

I don't think it should be indefinite, however. I think a 4-5 year probationary period would suffice.

If we don't they will disappear, resurface a little while later under a different alias and be free to perform another scam, this time more prepared and for more money. If people do their homework they should know that they ARE THIEVES....

Last edited by Mike Haven; 08-27-2010 at 12:12 PM.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by starrazz
So on the off chance that someone might beat them up for cheating, you wouldn't even name and show them as a warning to the poker community?
Looks like you missed Zach's entire first paragraph.

The fact they lost the bet is not nearly punishment enough when you consider that someone honestly going about this prop bet and falling short would be similarly "punished." These cheaters deserve something worse to happen to them than if they had simply failed the honest way.
You don't think losing their accounts and their funds (which may or may not happen) within said accounts is worse than simply losing the bet?

We, the poker community, have NOT demonstrated a propensity for breaking the rules, let alone violence. The only ones who have demonstrated this propensity are the cheaters. Name/picture/hometown them. If my parking and speeding tickets are public information that are web searchable, then the attempted theft of thousands of dollars deserves at least that much.
Not violence, but SPEEDLIMITS' mother was harassed and Brandi Hawbaker killed herself.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by foal
and Brandi Hawbaker killed herself.
lol... do you really think this wouldn't have happened without 2p2? She was mentally unstable.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 12:33 PM
Starazz, I am genuinely sad that you live in a totalitarian state with a vindictive culture. Most of the world doesn't, and we don't share American right wing religious morality. Our European legal systems have the capacity for redemption and forgiveness. This is one reason why some of us find the vehemence of the desire to punish these two disturbing, and the immaturity of the discussion scary.

We do live in a world where social networking sites and the internet have given us the ability to "out" people to their family, friends and employers. I am suspicious when people want to exercise such awesome power with no empathy for the people affected.

I think that outing them on a steveware like website would be a cruel and unusual punishment and not fitting to the crime. I think a group of intelligent poker players could come up with something less vindictive and more positive as a punishment.

This is why I suggested that Gary should do another prop bet task, if he wins, his profits go to charity - if he loses, his BR goes to charity. If Stars takes his BR and bans him, he will have lost $20k of BR and c$100k+ of expected SNE benefits. I think that's enough. Redemption, social ostracism and at least some charity would benefit from the crime - a positive rather than negative solution.

On the hypothesis that he made it to court in the UK (unlikely) the chance of him being fined $20k would be minimal, and there is no way a failed, unpremeditated, non-violent crime would result in a prison sentence.

FWIW, STTFrs know me well, I'm a British microstakes grinder living in Peru and have absolutely no relationship to the two villains at all, and have never had any communication with them or their dodgy associates.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by ludacris
lol... do you really think this wouldn't have happened without 2p2? She was mentally unstable.
No I think it would have happened either way (possibly not as quickly), and she brought most of the hate on herself, I'm just saying **** like this can have unpredictable consequences.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by xPeru
Starazz, I am genuinely sad that you live in a totalitarian state with a vindictive culture. Most of the world doesn't, and we don't share American right wing religious morality.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 01:42 PM
the most obvious punishment is just to post their info on 4chan.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by breezh4x
A little disclaimer: I didn't put much thought into my post and it isn't all encompassing. Basically when Roseeker came to me I completely believed him. This was AFTER the bet and the cheating. I had no prior knowledge to the bet at all. I only started playing poker again about a month ago.

During the thread and through deducing what Roseeker was saying to me, I eventually figured out he was cheating. I helped him before because although some of the things were a bit shady, I wanted to believe him and be on his side, since he's a good guy.

Anyway, we all know where it ended up. I was pretty much an observer of this thread like everyone else, except for the unfortunate part of MY account being used.

Let me just openly say I didn't even know about the prop bet until after the money had already been given to Gary. Hope that clears a bit of things up. Other than that, YES, I DID lie for Roseeker - at the very start it was because he convinced me too - nearing the end when I consciously believed in their guilt I also lied to protect them long enough for them to get their **** together. I believed I owed this to Roseeker for years of help.

Either way, i'm going to have a really hard time convincing everyone I am a victim here. Basically, I got completely ****ed over by Roseeker. My account is now frozen and my reputation is ruined because some guy I know tried to scam some people over the message boards.

**** you, I have nothing to lie about and i'll be as clear as possible. Why the **** would I even lie anymore, you ****ing *******.
You basically just need to write out everything that happened for anyone to consider believing you because you're being extremely vague and the way you phrase things don't make any sense at all.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 02:54 PM
you tell em bonewane
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by PavelC
There are three different races on earth :white, black and asian(I am not racist it is official science separation)
um... no?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 03:17 PM
Hear hear, there's only one race - the human race
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 03:18 PM
could someone do cliffz?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 03:27 PM
hahaha breez's posts are eerily similar to 2 posters in this thread (wait, just one). Seriously, you need to explain exactly what happened and accept the fact that you are partly responsible for what is happening to you.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by coolnout
could someone do cliffz?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Barewire
You basically just need to write out everything that happened for anyone to consider believing you because you're a lying liar.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 03:52 PM
Sorry guys, i'm really worn out over the whole deal. Yes, i'm guilty. I obviously told a few lies for Roseeker. I was kept VERY MUCH in the dark about the whole situation. I'll try to give a bit of an order of how I felt.

1) I log in one morning and nearly all of my money is gone. Roseeker tells me on MSN to chill out and that his friend ****ed something up. I am only slightly suspicious, and accept Roseekers promises to get my money back.

2) Receive PM from prop-bet judge. Discuss this with Roseeker and he tells me what to say. I am still REALLY in the dark at this moment, and I am just trying to figure out what the hell is gone on. Still not sure if Roseeker/Gary cheated, but I decide to help Roseeker out because of our longtime friendship while I try and figure out what's going on.

3) Jalex goes nutso on this thread and pretty much prove to me and everyone else what has happened. During this time I am in intermittent contact with Roseeker. I still have nowhere near the full story, but Jalex has painted a pretty clear picture. Roseeker asked me nicely to simply wait until stars came out with their statement before I posted in this thread. Out of respect for him and our former relationship I told him I would let him and Gary deal with it, and stay out of it completely.

So there it is - obviously I will miss some details here and there but I will try and be as transparent as possible. I had no money in this stake and didn't even know about it until after the cheating occurred. Obviously I wasn't completely open about everything during this entire investigation - but it was pretty obvious was the outcome was going to be after Jalex's first couple of posts.

Put yourselves in my position before you criticize. I have no money on poker other than that which Roseeker has given me, he is a long-time and trusted poker friend, and all of a sudden you wake up one morning and all of this **** has happened. What would you do?

So, in short, I suppose I accept whatever responsibility I deserve. But let me just say this I got the short-end of the stick in this scam. My account is frozen, my reputation is ruined, and I wasn't even getting any money out of it! Bullcrap!
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Barewire
You basically just need to write out everything that happened for anyone to consider believing you because you're being extremely vague and the way you phrase things don't make any sense at all.
Well said barbedwire.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by breezh4x
But let me just say this I got the short-end of the stick in this scam. My account is frozen, my reputation is ruined, and I wasn't even getting any money out of it! Bullcrap!
I would understand if you would stop making comments like the one above.
Seems to me you have no problem with this if it had gone through
successfully.Why else would you state that you didnt even get any money?

Your argument seems fishy as soon as you responded.You pretty much
stated exactly what Roseeker had said about your involvement.
That tells me you are still talking or had been coached as to what to say.
Sorry to say you are ****ed and no amount of explaining would clear you
in this spot.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by NexusWR
Solid reasoning there, champ.

Thank you....oh wait, the use of the word "champ" means you're being sarcastic, nevermind lolz

Does Texas still have the death penalty?

Why, yes, it does, why do you ask?

Has anyone ever been wrongly sentenced?

Given that imperfect humans administer justice, it is no surprise that wrongful convictions are possible.

Do you agree with all the sentences passed down by your State Judges?

No--sometimes they are too lenient. Rarely are they too harsh. Must I agree with all sentences for my point to be valid?

Do I agree with all punishment handed out by the Judges in the UK?

I don't know, you tell me, along with how that relates to your point.

Do you own a passport?

Yes, but I don't understand how that would be relevant if I didn't (or if I do, for that matter).

Why am I responding to your ignorance?

How come whenever someone disagrees with a lefty, that someone is automatically ignorant [or insert personal perjorative in lieu of substantive agrument HERE]?
You really chose a case where the bad guys confessed to make an analogy to wrongful imposition of death penalty cases? Really? (Thanks, Seth and Amy)

Oh, and by the way, I don't require perfection in the administration of criminal justice to believe in the value of the death penalty. The lives it saves far outnumber the lives it costs. The logical extension of the argument that justice must be perfect before it can be delivered can result only in a complete denial of any justice whatsoever--as long as humans remain in charge of its administration.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by starrazz
So on the off chance that someone might beat them up for cheating, you wouldn't even name and show them as a warning to the poker community?

The fact they lost the bet is not nearly punishment enough when you consider that someone honestly going about this prop bet and falling short would be similarly "punished." These cheaters deserve something worse to happen to them than if they had simply failed the honest way.

This line of reasoning really irks me because it's the same mindset that thinks nobody should have guns, which ends up leaving guns only in the hands of the criminals--on the offchance someone who has no criminal history would suddenly use their gun to begin a homicidal rampage.

We, the poker community, have NOT demonstrated a propensity for breaking the rules, let alone violence. The only ones who have demonstrated this propensity are the cheaters. Name/picture/hometown them. If my parking and speeding tickets are public information that are web searchable, then the attempted theft of thousands of dollars deserves at least that much.
And this line of reasoning really irks me - an American I assume (not meant badly, this is just a view held by what I'd consider the stereotypical American - Could be an outdated Stereotype). Just because violent people MIGHT have guns doesn't give YOU the right to one. It's not right. It's law enforcements job to apprehend criminals - not you.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Truckin
I would understand if you would stop making comments like the one above.
Seems to me you have no problem with this if it had gone through
successfully.Why else would you state that you didnt even get any money?

Your argument seems fishy as soon as you responded.You pretty much
stated exactly what Roseeker had said about your involvement.
That tells me you are still talking or had been coached as to what to say.
Sorry to say you are ****ed and no amount of explaining would clear you
in this spot.
Yeah, I realize that, which I was I made joking comments, like the "not getting money" one above. Some of you people need to stop psycho-analyzing posts because it makes you look ****ing stupid.

I haven't been "coached" to say **** - why would I have been? There are full confessions and i've explained why I kept quiet until now.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-04-2010 , 04:05 PM
truckin get lost you have lost your right to post in this thread.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
