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**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] **** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH]

04-02-2010 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by Truckin
I am the fry guy at Arbys.
As for my connection to any one in this thread.Me and Roseeker have butted heads in the
past,hard to believe but it is the case.

Without the scammers admitting to the dead would you feel just in posting all
personal info to a website dedicated to them?
This is all I am getting at..You had evidence but you really didnt have enough
to slander ones name across the net.
So my point is problems like this shouldnt be handled in the public till all
ducks are in a line.
Which Arby's do you work at? I'm shift manager at Store #968-7825.

You're telling me that someone has to admit to a crime to be convicted of it? Go ahead and pontificate for us.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-02-2010 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by jalexand42
You're telling me that someone has to admit to a crime to be convicted of it? Go ahead and pontificate for us.

I am not arguing guilt,right or wrong.
Im just wondering if you would make a website with the evidence you
had before the op and Roseekers slip ups in this thread and other sites.
Just like to know what the criteria for slandering some one would be?
I know slander is a harsh word but it would be slander with the evidence
you had.

Pokerstars still hasn't come in to say whats what and that for me would
be when I would feel ok making a website in ops honor.
Im sure we have all trusted the wrong person with money in the past and yet
we dont see websites popping up left and right dedicated to them.
I could be wrong but I don't search these things.

I no longer work at Arbys since a website popped discrediting my fryer
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-02-2010 , 11:20 PM
wat up jalex

**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-02-2010 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Chump Change
wat up jalex

wut wut!
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-02-2010 , 11:37 PM
its amazing how well connected to the poker community roseeker and garry are.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-02-2010 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by jalexand42
Let me guess, they had video showing a dude ruining fries, but it didn't show his face. However, the dude had your sneakers on and your AC/DC tattoo on his shoulder, but YOU WUZ FRAMED AND SLANDEREDDDDD.
a getaway car was probably involved

**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-02-2010 , 11:51 PM
ok wait but srsly

Are people actually asserting the proof isn't sufficient?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-02-2010 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by Chump Change
ok wait but srsly

Are people actually asserting the proof isn't sufficient?
I'd say those 'people' are in fact monkeys.

The proof was iron clad prior to the admissions.

To be clear: I sat on evidence that I revealed at the end, trying to give them a chance to come clean first.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-03-2010 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by Truckin
No Im just trying to troll troll troll troll troll troll.

Not sure why people are thinking I am trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling.

I will stop trolling this thread.

I was also told by a mod to state that I am trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling trolling.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-03-2010 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by jalexand42
I'd say those 'people' are in fact monkeys.

The proof was iron clad prior to the admissions.

To be clear: I sat on evidence that I revealed at the end, and gave them multiple chances to come clean first.
More like this IMO
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-03-2010 , 12:32 AM
Are gambling debts actually enforceable in the US? Because they're not in most European countries, and people saying that this or that might hold up in court are very wrong imo seeing as this couldn't even go to court.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-03-2010 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by IPlayDonkaments
Are gambling debts actually enforceable in the US? Because they're not in most European countries, and people saying that this or that might hold up in court are very wrong imo seeing as this couldn't even go to court.
I don't think anyone is implying it would hold up in court. I think people are saying that they are lucky that it wouldn't...and should be thankful for whatever punishment is given to them.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-03-2010 , 12:57 AM
I agree with that, I just think it's a silly thing to say.

I guess the message might just be lost in translation though
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-03-2010 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by jalexand42
I'd say those 'people' are in fact monkeys.

The proof was iron clad prior to the admissions.

To be clear: I sat on evidence that I revealed at the end, trying to give them a chance to come clean first.
Ah I see. Yeah, it seemed done and done but having not paid attention to the last 150 posts or so I thought a FREE ROSEEKER movement had started up out of the blue.

And yeah also, it was ironclad to me about 1/3 through the cliffs. The thorough carnage that followed was just entertainment.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-03-2010 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by Truckin
Just like to know what the criteria for slandering some one would be?
I know slander is a harsh word but it would be slander with the evidence
you had.
for it to be slander it has to be false
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-03-2010 , 01:31 AM
From reading his posts, it's pretty clear that RoSeeker hasn't learned anything from all this. Before the truth came out he was posting as much garbage as possible hoping to get away with scamming, and after facts were outed he's been posting as much garbage as possible hoping to get away without consequences. His only motivation is to play the mercy card and slither out of this with minimal damage.

Anyone who believes what this compulsive liar says at this point is a fool, imo.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-03-2010 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by jmillerdls
I don't think anyone is implying it would hold up in court. I think people are saying that they are lucky that it wouldn't...and should be thankful for whatever punishment is given to them.
People also like to confuse the issue with dumb hypotheticals and ill-conceived analogies.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-03-2010 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by Aksdal
for it to be slander it has to be false
Also, people that know what they are talking about would call it libel, as has been stated many times in this very thread. Wouldn't you know it?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-03-2010 , 05:00 AM
@Truckin, ok how much you get paid to do the whole thread?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-03-2010 , 06:30 AM
anyone sent admo the details yet?? (or at least the pics!!)
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-03-2010 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by IPlayDonkaments
Are gambling debts actually enforceable in the US? Because they're not in most European countries, and people saying that this or that might hold up in court are very wrong imo seeing as this couldn't even go to court.

The point is though this isn't an unpaid gambling debt that is the crime here, It is the planned attempt to defraud theinvestors putting up their money.whats the difference here between a pyramid (ponzi?) scheme showing inflated returns for investors with the orchestraters skimming off the top, and the cheats in this case artificially inflating garys returns so that they can skim off the top. The investors are gambling on the performance of the scheme they have invested in just the same as the bettors in this case were trying to predict the perfomance of the OP in this case.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-03-2010 , 12:37 PM
cliffs plz
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-03-2010 , 02:28 PM
so? wtf happened ? stars already said anything? they already got banned?

cliffz plz
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-03-2010 , 02:34 PM
cliffs about the whole thread please
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
04-03-2010 , 03:53 PM
You got cliffs in first post...
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
