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Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator.

01-17-2013 , 03:33 PM
Aspergers -300
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:34 PM

The story is utterly shocking, unless you’re familiar with the history of the mythology of Notre Dame football.

Fake, schmaltzy inspirational tales are the essence of the culture of the program. The inspirational story of Knute Rockne and his dying player, George Gipp, became a famous movie that helped enshrine Notre Dame football in the culture. In reality, Rockne was an ethically dubious sports gambler, Gipp a pool hustler, and the main events of the story — Gipp’s dying wish to “win one for the Gipper,” Rockne’s inspirational halftime speech — never happened.

Likewise, Rudy is the inspirational story of a walk-on who overcame the odds to play football at Notre Dame, but the story is also filled with falsehoods. Rudy, by the way, turned out to be a stock scammer.
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:36 PM
Tuiasosopo has massive leverage right now if he was planning on extorting him.
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:37 PM
For those wondering why Teo didn't just get with a girl at ND and needed to resort to online, the article posted a few pages ago alleges that it was well known that Teo was in multiple relationships with girls at the school.

Good read and seems like the most likely story to me. Here it is again:

The debate among teammates wasn’t whether or not Manti actually knew this girl — it was clear that they had been in contact; no, players just didn’t think that it was fair to call Lennay Kekua Manti’s girlfriend, period (it is well-known on campus that he has had relations with other girls during his time at Notre Dame).
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:38 PM
using my one time for notre dame to be behind the entire thing altogether

1. te'o's grandma dies
2. notre dame decides "hey we can milk this! te'o, you have a dead gf now"
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by dukemagic
For those wondering why Teo didn't just get with a girl at ND and needed to resort to online, the article posted a few pages ago alleges that it was well known that Teo was in multiple relationships with girls at the school.

Good read and seems like the most likely story to me. Here it is again:
Sociopath equity continues to rip up, gay equity crashing
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:40 PM
troall treet from LK:

L K ‏@LennayKay

My statement: This is incredibly embarrassing to talk about, but I have been told by Alabama's offense that Manti Te'o is not real.

has Anonymous shown any interest in this story yet?
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:41 PM
Took me 10 minutes after I woke up to remember this story and just cracked a huge smile

Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:41 PM

1:40, watch the players expressions
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:42 PM
My statement: This is incredibly embarrassing to talk about, but I have been told by Alabama's offense that Manti Te'o is not real.

Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:42 PM
Slow baby horsies ITT
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:42 PM
that's probably the best tweet of all time. doubt anything else comes close
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:43 PM
Wow, incredible.
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:44 PM
You go to sleep last night thinking how amazing this has all been, and then you come on the internet during lunch and find out that its just getting more elite
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:44 PM
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by brandoncla
Tuiasosopo has massive leverage right now if he was planning on extorting him.
yeah nothing better than launching an extortion plot with media digging into both parties' lives. that's sure to go swimmingly.
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:45 PM
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by EmpireMaker2
So how did he act like a girl on the phone? This has probably been answered....
He wore a dress.
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by ClarkNasty
My statement: This is incredibly embarrassing to talk about, but I have been told by Alabama's offense that Manti Te'o is not real.

Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:47 PM
I've gone from like 99% Te'o was in on it to at least 90% he was the victim with all the little details that keep coming out. The key factor to take note of is that he's a devout Mormon. If it wasn't for that, it would have been 100% ridiculous off the bat, because he'd just be looking to slay poon unless he was gay, but Mormons stick to their religion more than any other denomination popular in the US, and if he really didn't wanna be tempted to have sex, he goes from "last person in the world who would ever get caught up in this" to "almost as susceptible as the Catfish guys" with a lot more people targeting him. Then, once you accept it's possible, all the facts keep pointing toward him not being in on the hoax:

-Te'o going to his family and Notre Dame with the story around Christmas, well before it "broke" via Deadspin. This is the most important factor for me. People pathological enough to make up a lie like this never, ever accept that they're caught. They start to make themselves believe it a little bit, and even in the face of damning evidence, they continue to protest their innocence. There's no way he just gives it up before the BCS championship game without even feeling any pressure.

-The Stanford player saying Te'o asked if people knew her when he played them in 2011. Again, some really elaborate unnecessary groundwork if he hadn't even decided to make this a real story yet.

-Tuiasasopo meeting the random Twitter girl for Lennay's sister. Could still happen if Te'o was in on it, but just seems like a prankster type enjoying their notoriety more than what would happen if it was a conspiracy carefully planned by Te'o to hide homosexuality/build Heisman hype.

-Even the independent investigation launched by Notre Dame. While there are obvious parallels with the coverups within the Catholic Church, there's a huge difference here. The priests were not only ongoing members of the Church, but official representatives, and any untoward behavior by them could do serious damage. Furthermore, the Church had strong reasons to believe that they could actually successfully cover it up (they did so for years and years before being caught). In this case, if Te'o was actually in on a coverup, it's going to come out eventually when NFL teams do their own investigations prior to the draft so it's in their best interest to distance themselves as soon as possible. The fact that they didn't makes me think that they likely believe the story, and their investigation came to the conclusion that he really was a sap here.
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by dukemagic
For those wondering why Teo didn't just get with a girl at ND and needed to resort to online, the article posted a few pages ago alleges that it was well known that Teo was in multiple relationships with girls at the school.

Good read and seems like the most likely story to me. Here it is again:
Best line I've seen taken where he doesn't actually know about the hoax. But, tries to use the hoax to his benefit thinking she was a real person that really died, and just sweep it under the rug because he was never actually that invested. Just wow. This makes a ton of sense to me. So sick.
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
troall treet from LK:

L K ‏@LennayKay

My statement: This is incredibly embarrassing to talk about, but I have been told by Alabama's offense that Manti Te'o is not real.

has Anonymous shown any interest in this story yet?
This is hall of fame stuff right here.
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:49 PM
GOAT tweet
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
01-17-2013 , 03:50 PM
Possible brain fart for End Game theories by scammer:

* Massive leveraged bet on the natty game.
* diversion created by Lance Armstrong

That's all I got.
Manti Ruh R'oh - It turns out Tuiasosopo is GOAT voice actor. T'eo still a liar/exaggerator. Quote
