Originally Posted by flipya4dinna
ICM does take into consideration blind levels, what it doesnt do is consider future hands.
I agree with the part in bold. I almost had that as my 5th point!
I might have to assume ignorance on the 1st sentence though and you are probably smarter than me so you may have to explain further. The variables I use are hand ranges, my hand, chip stacks and payouts. It is entirely possible I am ignorant of how blind levels are incorporated into ICM other than implicitly through villain's having wider ranges at higher blinds and the accumulation of the higher blinds as a % of your overall chip stack (not sure whether I have answered this query already - slightly drunk!). I am not aware of calculations that take into account blinds as a direct variable.
e.g from the below link:
The sentence I found most interesting in regards this point was the paragraph "ICM Assumes Fixed Blinds":
"ICM calculates the number of chips you have divided by the number of chips in play to determine your equity, so it has no knowledge of this."
Originally Posted by biood1
whats the point of blinds levels, ICM wise.. I dont see how this changes anything.
I still don't think you get it which surprises me for someone who is relatively successful at these things. I can only assume that you agree with the first couple of points I made at the very least because you haven't countered them at all.
After further reading (see above link and simple Google searches) to my own established opinions, and so as not to plagiarise, I will admit to adding further points as to it's defects.
1.The base assumption of the formula is that no player is more skilful than another (lol) and therefore if each player had the same 1000 stack on the bubble, they would each have an equal chance of winning. That is simply not the case. ICM cannot incorporate the elevated skill level that someone like you or I would have over a total fish in an ICM calculation in this situation. Each chip is of equal value, as all players have an equal ability to use it!! NO just NO.
2. It also undervalues the big stack - please see paragraph on "ICM Underestimates the Chip Leader’s Value". This is so undeniable, and is such a common situation, that I don't think you could argue that point either.
As can be seen from just one cursory search of Google and 2+2 you can find issues that can inform your play in regards ICM.
If you are smart enough, you will read and appreciate the above link and the points I have already made. If you aren't you will assume that ICM is the definitive answer to every play and that it has no deficiencies, as seems to be the case.
Last edited by streityboy; 07-24-2014 at 07:47 PM.