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07-20-2014 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by biood1
gotta say that quantum got confirmed to be mentally ill By a lot of posters in this thread (Me included )
Mentally ill with winner skill


Sane from shove-tard lane

Make mine a nutjob

*Greeter - it's true what he says though in that 7-8 posters here might harbour doubts about my sanity
07-20-2014 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by HighTillIDieT4L
If you pick a few players you KNOW are good and have semi-repeatable games, follow them for a bit and try and copy what they do.
Schooling another generation of stalkers
07-20-2014 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by biood1
gotta say that quantum got confirmed to be mentally ill By a lot of posters in this thread (Me included )
Not only the GOAT at hypers but also the new Freud. Is their no end to your genius Biood ?
07-20-2014 , 04:02 PM
in OH8, A 2 suited > A
07-20-2014 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by UnnaturalDisaster
I dont have a real big sample on you so its a bit hard to analyze your game but I guess I can give you some advice. The first thing I noticed going over your stats is that 5 handed you seem to be defending your bb too wide and not wide enough 4 handed. 3 handed you could probably play a bit looser from the button. HU I would also recommend being a bit more agro from the button. Again I have a small sample size on you so my information is probably not completely accurate but based on the info I do have those are the areas I think you could improve on.
ty for the advice, tho i do think i play quite agro from button both 3 handed and hu. i think i play to agro 3 handed, one of the reasons i go broke when i shouldnt i put my self at risk to much. tho u make a good point about defending my blinds 5/4 handed. something i need to focus more on is making better calls are i guess people get more agro short handed.
07-20-2014 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by HighTillIDieT4L
What exactly do you need to study? Hard to articulate. Obviously poker is poker and positional play is freely interchangeable between Texas and Omaha, so there's nothing new to learn from that POV (assuming you cracked it in Texas).

Perhaps for this split-pot game, one good strategy is to get into the rhythm of seeing cheap flops with strong draw hands (A 2 3 X, A 3 4 5 , A T J Q ds type hands) and learning how hard and how fast to push the action with premium hands (A 2 3 K ds, A A 3 4). Note this isn't a great strategy for hyper-turbos (i.e. limping with A 2 3 4 is a very risky play unless you know what you are trying to do and know what you want your opponents to do). In HTs, aggression is definitely the better part of valour and many players ONLY shove/fold pre.

If you visit you can find a complete ranking of all hands. If you are new to OH8, I would suggest going to and accessing the odds calculators. Select Omaha, then 8 or better, then plug in a few hands you think are good in direct opposition. You will be surprised at some of the odds and outcomes. I recommend plugging in hands like A 2 3 4 vs A J Q K, then 4 4 5 7 ds vs A 6 Q K. Plug in some premium hands and tweak them from double-suited to unsuited, add and remove low cards, watch how the odds change and the value of each hand attribute (in OH8, A 2 suited > A A). Remember to investigate how hand values and attributes change HU and multi-handed.

Hand selection and your posture pre-flop is an essential part of all poker games in all formats. Your actions pre-flop can dictate the flow of the hand and your overall game. If you have this cracked then just about the best thing you could do is look up the moderator, "Buzz". You will see a thread thanking him for his efforts in the main lobby. Generally this mod writes from a tight-aggressive POV and gives advice that is universal to most games and is particularly useful if you are unsure of how to act in given situations.

OR, you can just play like juicy - that is shove all-in from any and all positions with any and all cards vs any and all opponents. IF you are as lucky as he is, you won't need to worry about actual strategy, just close your eyes and shove

Format really matters too. If you are playing 6-max HTs, dust off the gloves and be prepared to be aggressive. If you are playing slow-blind mtts, dust off the pipe and slippers, relax and be the water, don't try to swim against the current. Other games like 18-man SnGs or turbo mtts require a mix of both approaches - generally tight-aggro pipe and slippers early then aggro-hammer late.

You will never learn this game via pure theory though. If you are new, I suggest entering a few low stakes 6-max HT or 18-man turbo SnG to get a feel for it. Next thing is enter satellites for the main MTTs. These are doubly good for newbies as you can get a stellar field at micro-stakes.

If you pick a few players you KNOW are good and have semi-repeatable games, follow them for a bit and try and copy what they do.
wow ..can u post more of this plsssssss
07-21-2014 , 10:31 AM
07-21-2014 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by billygstar
wow ..can u post more of this plsssssss
Can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not. I thought that was reasonable advice for someone on the cross-over from Texas. Then again, I do think most of the things I write are reasonable.

Originally Posted by DaCus3
You my brutha from anotha mutha. Don't get hung up on colour man, you can be president too one day!
07-21-2014 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by HighTillIDieT4L
You my brutha from anotha mutha. Don't get hung up on colour man, you can be president too one day!
Pure gold.

I'm soon heading for the $3.50s again. When reaching high enough, I might meet High. As long as not getting the ******ed colour guess I've got to be satisfied.

Last edited by plaaynde; 07-21-2014 at 11:47 AM.
07-21-2014 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
Pure gold.

I'm soon heading for the $3.50s again. When reaching high enough, I might meet High. As long as not getting the ******ed colour guess I've got to be satisfied.
why dont you multi more? whenever i see u ur always 2 tabling or something?

also the $3.50 arnt much harder except there are a few more regs knocking about.
07-21-2014 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by alexmck123
why dont you multi more? whenever i see u ur always 2 tabling or something?

also the $3.50 arnt much harder except there are a few more regs knocking about.
I use poker as a relaxing activity in a cruel world. Like to look at every significant hand, analyze every game. Only single tabling. Then it's the tendinitis too. I dropped down to $1.50 just for saving my roll if going on a 100BI+ downswing. My goal in the hypers is to hold my own at the highest possible levels. Winning is all, money essentially nothing.

Rake is lower at the higher levels, partly compensates for the higher skill needed.

Why should online players multitable? Live players don't . Game is faster than live anyway.

Last edited by plaaynde; 07-21-2014 at 12:06 PM.
07-21-2014 , 12:21 PM
because its boring and doesnt make me enough money to make me happy when playing less than 8 tables.
07-21-2014 , 12:40 PM
At least guess I will not burn out. Not young anymore, and may continue playing to the day I'm not around. I kind of dilute my poker career.

In the end I'm just fascinated by the fight and the math and the randomness in poker. Otherwise a baddish player like me would probably not stick around without being an addict. Just determined not to lose, that's it

If you play good enough though, I may include you in the poker history thread one day news-views-gossip/links-poker-history-threads-1102029/

Guess the last laugh is on me
07-21-2014 , 01:44 PM
8 table is relaxing anyways, no burn out there. plus live played dont play reli low buy ins coz its not worth their time hence why online players multi.
07-21-2014 , 02:06 PM
Let's see who post here ten years from now.
07-21-2014 , 03:00 PM
You cannot just say someone is more likely to burn out on poker because they play more tables. Humans are not all the same. Some people have no problem playing a lot of tables while others may never be able to play 4 tables.

When I hear poker players talking about being burnt out from poker what comes to mind for me is either A they dont really have a love for poker and are just playing for the money or B like a lot of poker players they are unhealthy and out of shape. There have been times where I have been tired of playing 1 format or another and I guess thats a minor form of burn out but in those cases I just play something different. I have played poker for 10+ years in 1 form or another and Im probably more passionate and focused on it than ever and it would be pretty rare to see me playing less than 6 tables.

IMO getting burnt out on poker is no different than getting burnt out on anything else. If you worked a job or participated in a sport that deep down you didnt actually enjoy doing eventually you will grow to hate it as well.
07-21-2014 , 03:24 PM
The trick is to identify what kind of individual you are. People trying to live somebody else's lives could get burnt out. I'm a bit of philosopher, post actively in SMP at times, like to just stare at that single poker table, looking at what people are up to, thinking about this and that, trying to find what really could improve my game, other than the ICM BS. Started out with only ace-low equity, then blinds play, today I got the thought of that I really will start to differentiate between those non-ace hands. Should make me more fit, who knows, maybe could improve ROI by one percent? Next must be the note taking, especially higher up. Or maybe ICM?

This is just a long self education process, for fun.

In retrospect, the period I liked the least when playing was the brief Zoom time at PLO high only. You almost get depersonalized with all those "tables". Liked talking trash at the PLO micro forum though, but this is my home.

Last edited by plaaynde; 07-21-2014 at 03:32 PM.
07-22-2014 , 01:16 AM
One more thing, please have a look at this forum (I just did): People are playing for free, trying to win, no money in it. That's essentially what poker has become to me. The different games, levels and variance ensures the challenge. The money involved geniously makes the game make sense, a playful natural selection, survival of the fittest.

Guess what separates me from regular casual players is I don't want to play a single hand badly, because it will punish me when the life game of poker is totalled. Having mercy on your shortcomings is a different thing, and absolutely necessary.

Last edited by plaaynde; 07-22-2014 at 01:34 AM.
07-22-2014 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
The trick is to identify what kind of individual you are. People trying to live somebody else's lives could get burnt out. I'm a bit of philosopher, post actively in SMP at times, like to just stare at that single poker table, looking at what people are up to, thinking about this and that, trying to find what really could improve my game, other than the ICM BS. Started out with only ace-low equity, then blinds play, today I got the thought of that I really will start to differentiate between those non-ace hands. Should make me more fit, who knows, maybe could improve ROI by one percent? Next must be the note taking, especially higher up. Or maybe ICM?

This is just a long self education process, for fun.

In retrospect, the period I liked the least when playing was the brief Zoom time at PLO high only. You almost get depersonalized with all those "tables". Liked talking trash at the PLO micro forum though, but this is my home.
I think you are really underestimating how important ICM is in sngs. You probably have a higher ev bb/100 than I do so given your adjusted roi I would guess you are making a lot of ICM errors.
07-22-2014 , 01:16 PM
yeah this is tru u could know nothing about poker or even how to spell it but using icm ud still make money in sng
07-22-2014 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by alexmck123
yeah this is tru u could know nothing about poker or even how to spell it but using icm ud still make money in sng
I tilt hard at lazy spelling!! But the irony made me laugh

I can type quickly so I would estimate that the difference between "true" and "tru" and "you" and "u" is probably less than a second!! That's before we even start on "you'd" and "ud" or "in an sng" an "in sng"
07-22-2014 , 02:48 PM
ICM is just a system.. And as every system ICM has also leaks which can be used against you.
07-22-2014 , 02:52 PM
[ ] ICM has leaks.
07-22-2014 , 03:47 PM
As long as I don't have to fold AA23ds when against the big stack I might give ICM a shot. If I only knew how. Don't want to play too carefully either, losing money.

How much does ICM impact on equities? Say you have 55% chip equity, would it be right to fold in a split pot, fast rising blinds game like the hypers? I personally doubt it. Maybe 52% though. Not talking about very special situations here, like when the third stack really is being blinded out.

Remember that every time a blind hits you and you can't play, it's a disaster ICM-wise. By chipping up you can dilute that effect, so the won chips become more valuable than they usually are considered in ICM, imo.

Last edited by plaaynde; 07-22-2014 at 03:53 PM.
07-22-2014 , 04:28 PM
Just had to play a ****ty hand in the BB because I hadn't chipped up.
