Originally Posted by UnnaturalDisaster
18 mans tougher than ever hahaha that is just a silly thing to say. BTW Im still number 1 on that leaderboard.
I ran at 43% ROI in those 18-man games during the previous, "era of greatness", when literally only 50 players knew the rules and were on stars. Nowadays I'm 20%. I haven't gotten any worse so, field must have gotten better.
I know you have bigged up waltiph here in the past. I call him walter at the tables and think he's worse than you. Macros? He plays like you, enough said. Alpha and angribob are both still on the count leaderboard in 2014 and lev gold is 1st. Lately many posters here (like 1016, bleu, omahaha etc) have played a few games and personal still plays. Whatever, main difference is the field is way bigger and the absolute worst 3-4 players are much better than they used to be.
You say you have run amazingly bad in hypers despite having a total roi of 5% which is higher than all the best guys.
What best guys? You mean
you? And 5% is FAR from amazing.
Are you here trying to tell us you are a 10% player in hypers.
I said here before that with neutral running I would make 10% easy in hypers. With your running I would make 20%.
You also dont use a hud or even seem to have a pokertracker of any sort.
Uh huh. I could teach you how to use an HUD if you like. I never use mine for OH8 these days. Notes and memory are better plus give me stats not available on the HUD. Fascinated to see how your brain works tho. If you can hit 12 tables simultaneously and absorb, what, say 1000 variables (12 per villain on HUD, plus your own cards and table dynamics, not forgetting regging for games, closing old tourneys etc) in real-time and act within the shot-clock, wow, you must be like rainman. Unless your HUD has subliminal coding that forces you to shove all-in, you are so full of ****.
tell us why should we think you are soo good. You must have that god given talent for hypers I guess...not likely.
Ya know I like to keep it simple. If I have the same or more chips than villain and keep getting all-in with the best cards, I feel as if I'm playing well and the villain is playing badly. If a villain tells me he's not that bothered whether he's ahead or not, well, again it's not so much that I'm amazing, I just look good in comparison.
You want so bad for everyone on here to give you praise but why would anyone do that. You do nothing but insult people and complain all day so even if there are some strange people out there that think you are good at hypers they probably wouldn't publicly give you credit anyway.
This I like. The reason I joined 2+2, if you care to remember, was to give you and wadzon a piece of my mind. I kept complaining at the tables and YOU actually told me to save it for 2+2, SO, I was under the impression that's what this place was for - trash talk. Certainly that's what I use it for LOLOL. Kidding. I don't care what anyone thinks of me or my game, especially not the posters in this thread. All I wanted was to KNOW that you guys were receiving my thoughts and that I was thoroughly disgusted with your play.
The fact that it upsets you that people you have never met in real life congratulated me on a graph I posted shows just how weak of an individual you are. Do I really matter to you that much?
Yes, the fact that the people worship a false god troubles me. Last thing I need is an army of juicy acolytes giving verbal declarations of SB all-ins before the game has even started.