Originally Posted by biood1
18 mans are easy but you have to get in long sessions to maximize hourly.. I used to piss in a bottle when i was playing them
I think you should replace, "in a bottle", with, "all over the field". It doesn't take that long to do an 18-man - you just play them while doing your MTTs, HTs or cash tables. I think you should play some more.
why do you not think I have improved too?
Mostly because you play like a cross between juicy_j and a honey badger in need of re-uptake inhibitors. Do you drink or take steroids before you play?
As for bokkie, I saw an improvement in his game a looooong time b4 it came fashionable. You lot are tragic when you think 1-2 big wins makes a player. This is what I said about bokkie 6 months ago in reply to streityboy:
"Bokkie is the best player u mentioned but only bc he has improved significantly in the last 6 months. He sat with jani, xQ, Juicy and wadzon for years and played almost identically to Juicy (hyper-aggressive from position) and did OK, top 20 in the leaderboards. THEN, he started playing like Jani and xQ - a little tight-aggressive even in hypers - and went from top 20 to 1st overall @ OHL any stakes 5-10 players. No coincidence."
Shove-tards might win the odd battle but nits will win the war