Originally Posted by bigt2k4
Is the point they're trying to make that if they didn't already have a back channel established then there couldn't have been collusion? Because that's not even remotely accurate, I mean they could have met in person, could have talked previously. They had that Trump server that once the NYT started asking questions they had to stop using it and therefore needed a new secret backchannel.
Lol no liberal. I love it when the TRUMP card is played and your tiny brains try to figure out how to DEAL WIT IT. I tip my hat to this smart little lady, she is ONE SMART COOKIE and you are nothing. It was a very intelligent question, asked by an incredible intelligent woman, love it! You need to get a grip. There is No Russian collision. Bite a trump nut. You are deep sea fishing out in the middle of the ocean with a canoe and think that you are going to catch a whale and bring it aboard.....lol. Get it? As the article states....Why would Kushner need to establish a back channel if there was already collusion with the Trump administration?????? And I think Kennedy used a back channel to the Kremlin to solve the Cuban Missile Crisis.... Duh.
Actually if you have just a shred of common sense and a little rationale (not clouded with the juice of sour clinton grapes) you can easily destroy this collusion mantra and see it for exactly what it is, a political high stakes take down of Trump! My daddy and the ONE TRUE GOD. Allegations are drummed up first through reports from an unnamed source then the liberal media fills in the gaps with conjecture and innuendo, calling it NEWS. Harris Faulkner knows that, she's one of the "real news people". The real collusion is between the liberal FAKE media and the DNC.