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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

05-19-2017 , 09:27 PM
What happens if Trump pardons Flynn tomorrow?
05-19-2017 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
2p2 ITT: Donald Trump is an idiot.

Reality: Donald Trump is literally the sitting POTUS and worth billions of dollars.

2p2: Is. An. Idiot.

How do I even respond? You're right guys, this racist sexist homophobic narcissistic ****** is literally the luckiest man to ever set foot on this planet, and stumbled ass-backward into billions of dollars at the head of a company that employs tens of thousands of people and was then elected to the highest office of the most powerful country on Earth, because reasons. No, because racism. He has continued on this path for literally decades without falling victim to his own incompetence and being added to the massive pile of flash-in-the-pan failures of history. Alright, got it. I'm on board now.
05-19-2017 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
2p2 ITT: Donald Trump is an idiot who has failed at everything his entire life.

Reality: Donald Trump is literally the sitting POTUS and worth billions of dollars.

2p2: Failed. At. Everything.

How do I even respond? You're right guys, this racist sexist homophobic narcissistic ****** is literally the luckiest man to ever set foot on this planet, and stumbled ass-backward into billions of dollars at the head of a company that employs tens of thousands of people and was then elected to the highest office of the most powerful country on Earth, because reasons. No, because racism. He has continued on this path for literally decades without falling victim to his own incompetence and being added to the massive pile of flash-in-the-pan failures of history. Alright, got it. I'm on board now.
Who said he failed in everything he's done? We just pointed out your bull**** about how surprised you are that someone w/ so much money could be so stupid.

But go on, shift the goalposts. It's the GOP way.
05-19-2017 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
2p2 ITT: Donald Trump is an idiot who has failed at everything his entire life.
How's his presidency going so far?
05-19-2017 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by einbert View Post

What do you think happens to a family when a father goes to prison for multiple years for a nonviolent drug offense?
05-19-2017 , 09:35 PM
05-19-2017 , 09:39 PM
But...he's rich.
05-19-2017 , 09:44 PM
GOP knows what the real threat is: GOP Rep. Nunes still investigating Susan Rice 'unmasking' actions
05-19-2017 , 09:50 PM
First on CNN: Russian officials bragged they could use Flynn to influence Trump, sources say
05-19-2017 , 09:50 PM
If Trump is catching the shows on AF1, they'll need to take a headcount when they touchdown to be sure they have the same number they left with.
05-19-2017 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
First on CNN: Russian officials bragged they could use Flynn to influence Trump, sources say

Your pony wasn't first
05-19-2017 , 09:54 PM
My pony was obstructed by Insoo AIDS
05-19-2017 , 10:00 PM
this racist sexist homophobic narcissistic ****** is literally the luckiest man to ever set foot on this planet, and stumbled ass-backward into billions of dollars at the head of a company that employs tens [...] of people
05-19-2017 , 10:04 PM
Happy to help, gents. Time for Dota.
05-19-2017 , 10:04 PM
He may look back on winning the election as his luck running out.
05-19-2017 , 10:06 PM
People like Inso0 just ignore how Trump has spent his life ripping off contractors and suing less rich people into oblivion. Let's not forget that, despite this being an anonymous forum, Inso0 has shown himself to be a massively dishonest coward repeatedly, so someone getting filthy rich with the same character traits would be a likely idol.
05-19-2017 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
The main reason I have a hard time accepting these anonymous leaks as fact is that these are all things which someone of even below-average intelligence would not do/say in that position. I have the same thought when I see really awful fake quotes on Reddit attributed to otherwise intelligent people, and it always turns out that my bull**** meter is spot-on.

I just cannot believe you can make (and lose, and make again) billions of dollars in the private sector as a complete idiot.

For this reason, until I hear audio, I have to assume that this is just like one of the fake Reddit quotes, and the MSM can't help but publish it just for the lulz. If people want to believe it, they will, so what's the harm?
this post so perfectly captures the delusional right wing cult mindset
05-19-2017 , 10:07 PM
Lawrence O'Donnell: The last President to leave the country and head to Saudi Arabia in the midst of a giant scandal was Nixon. Two months later he resigned.

OH C'MON NOW! This **** is surreal.
05-19-2017 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
evidence in favor of Fly's theory from a couple days ago that Fox will lose viewers if it keeps pretending these stories don't exist. seems like Fox may be catching on, too, because they've started covering the stories more.
05-19-2017 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by JoltinJake
evidence in favor of Fly's theory from a couple days ago that Fox will lose viewers if it keeps pretending these stories don't exist. seems like Fox may be catching on, too, because they've started covering the stories more.
Hannity is on top of the story tonight..... of the laws Comey broke in not reporting Trump's obstruction of justice. Or something.
05-19-2017 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by poconoder
We focus on the scandals of the current occupant of the White House. In the alternate universe where the other candidate is president, today we would be focusing on the husband of a top advisor to the president pleading guilty and would be reminding ourselves about that advisor's role in the leaking of classified information and a myriad of other misdeeds. Or maybe that president would be involved in a cover-up or obstruction to remove that from our attention. We are still stuck in a big mess in the alternate universe with the other president.

Nothing in the past six months has made the alternate universe more desirable to the world than what we have in the real universe. Never Trumpers and millions of others had a tough decision to make and made the right choice.
Lol. Anthony Weiner's impact on the well-being of Americans and the world as Abadein's hubby is totally comparable to treason. Great insight here. Would be just as bad with Hillary guys, a v important thing to keep in mind

Originally Posted by tomdemaine
If anyone can do it the democrats can.
100% sadly
05-19-2017 , 10:12 PM
trump has alot of success. at this point hes rich and the most powerful person in the world as president.

trump is still an idiot and has a serious personality disorder that distorts his reality.

and last, both of these things can be true at the same time.
05-19-2017 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
People like Inso0 just ignore how Trump has spent his life ripping off contractors and suing less rich people into oblivion. Let's not forget that, despite this being an anonymous forum, Inso0 has shown himself to be a massively dishonest coward repeatedly, so someone getting filthy rich with the same character traits would be a likely idol.
Ins0 is a contractor too I think, or in building anyway. I'm sure at least once he's run across a client who tries to angleshoot him at every milestone and in the end won't pay so you get to sue/lien or just settle for half.
05-19-2017 , 10:13 PM
My Rep is a complete clown.
05-19-2017 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by RV Life
Haha I knew you'd have umbrage at the 1040EZ. That's why I specifically said 1040EZ rather than just say file taxes.
