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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

06-02-2017 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
What if you know ahead of time that Assad is never ever ever going to do anything to stop climate change not matter what you tell him and also you know that cozying up to him helps legitimize is regimes?

I mean, this isn't John McCain in the White House. You'd be more likely to persuade Hitler to be nice to Jews than to talk this administration into reducing CO2 emissions.
I guess you have assign some numbers to the relative values of mitigating climate changes versus the optical benefit of having someone most voters have never heard of serve on an advisory counsel most voters have never heard of before noisily resigning and see what the EV looks like.

Just to be clear, if Hitler was setting up an advisory committee about what to do about the Jews, I think it's a good idea to join and urge the committee to leave the Jews alone. Resign if they don't go along with it.
06-02-2017 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
FDR shipped thousands of tanks to Stalin, and Stalin did a lot of things worse than sexual assault. The distinction is not how bad the person you are associating with is, it's whether your involvement furthers the badness of the person you're involved with or not. It's bad to be a concentration camp guard because you think you're less monstrous than the replacement-level concentration camp guard. If Trump or Assad or Hitler call you up and ask you what their global warming policy should be, you can permissibly tell them that they should take it seriously and try to rein in carbon emissions.
Fine. Good points.

But one cynical take is that Trump cynically assemble these privy counsels of elites that he fully intends to ignore, and he plans to just do whatever Bannon says anyway. Or whatever whimsical thing he wants. And he only assembles these councils to give himself the veneer of respectability and normalcy, and perhaps flatter his ego that he has powerful friends. So I still maintain people should think long and hard before signing up for these things. I agree though that the degree of badness is perhaps ephemeral and it's really a matter of how much you might perpetuate the badness, but still on that front, joining up to be one of Trump's Potemkin Villagers might be a bad idea.
06-02-2017 , 02:58 PM
[quote name="Riverman" post=52310248]You know what really sucks about narcissists? Their personality disorder makes it much easier to get money, which in turn makes it easier to control people, which reinforces their narcissism.<br />
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Think about how easy it would be to get rich if you genuinely didn't feel any empathy for other human beings.
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I've seen this said more than once in this forum, but I don't get it. Would it really be that much easier? What plan do you have to get rich that ****s over other people and still has a favorable risk/reward regarding going to prison?[/QUOTE]
You could become a mega church pastor
06-02-2017 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
I guess you have assign some numbers to the relative values of mitigating climate changes versus the optical benefit of having someone most voters have never heard of serve on an advisory counsel most voters have never heard of before noisily resigning and see what the EV looks like.

Just to be clear, if Hitler was setting up an advisory committee about what to do about the Jews, I think it's a good idea to join and urge the committee to leave the Jews alone. Resign if they don't go along with it.
I'm pretty sure the optic benefits of Trump sitting down with business giants and making deals and looking Very Presidential are substantial. That **** played exactly into the narrative Trump was spinning.

The mitigation value can be pegged at exactly zero because there is no chance Elon uses his aspie master persuader skills to make Trump care about the environment. There is zero personal or political benefit for Trump in that.
06-02-2017 , 03:12 PM
"Does the President still believe in Kushner."


The way the leaks have been going with seemingly set up questions before them I'd expect a Kushner bombshell sometime.

I'm hoping for one anyway.
06-02-2017 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Right. It's pretty indicative of the entire right wing who have turned over the entire movement to Milo, Breitbart, and an assortment of radio DJs and celebrity gossip columnists turned political radio and cable show hosts. What are their 'views' on really anything?

The whole movement is down to three things: don't tax me, resentfulness at everything that isn't part of the old fat white guy cultural gestalt, and nothing. Literally nothing else.
I feel like pro wrestling has been made an Olympic sport. THE Olympic sport.
06-02-2017 , 03:25 PM
LOL shaming Heritage Foundation hacks. They know they're whores; they're shameless.
06-02-2017 , 03:27 PM
Too bad there's not an easy way to show twitter threads but this ties in gender and environmentalism

Cliffs: Conservatives (and marketing people) have wedded anti environmentalism with masculinity so now environmentalists are p*ssy prius driving Paris loving weaklings while anti environmentalism is manly; think coal spewing trucks, think coal jobs as manly jobs, etc. so conservatives play up care for the environment as trying to transform men into prissies.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 06-02-2017 at 03:37 PM.
06-02-2017 , 03:32 PM
06-02-2017 , 03:33 PM
Apparently Daddy is hellbent against Comey testifying.

U.S. President Donald Trump will decide whether to invoke his presidential powers to block former FBI Director James Comey from giving congressional testimony next week, White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway said on Friday.
06-02-2017 , 03:36 PM
Laurence Tribe saying Daddy ****ed up if true.

06-02-2017 , 03:37 PM
He can do that? Well, ****.
06-02-2017 , 03:40 PM
Dumb question perhaps - if this Comey is blocked then could be give his version the events elsewhere? Or would he be lined up and shot for committing an act of high treason?
06-02-2017 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Would a politician who runs on complete transparency and truthfulness have a chance? Like, somebody squeaky clean that can prove the things he says are true? Someone who never lies to the public, regardless of qualifications?
This question assumes a lot about truth/knowledge, to the point it's not even worth answering. For all I know pol pot or Scott Pruitt believes 100% in what they claim, but truth can be a slippery thing. Fo example, I think Hillary was more truthful than Bernie, and to the extent she could be considered less truthful it's only​ because she worked harder to know more.

In other news, Jeffrey Sachs called the Trump econ guy CNN has been having on a bought and paid for Koch brothers/Heritage shill who sold his integrity for some cash.
06-02-2017 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by RV Life
Apparently Daddy is hellbent against Comey testifying.

U.S. President Donald Trump will decide whether to invoke his presidential powers to block former FBI Director James Comey from giving congressional testimony next week, White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway said on Friday.
Originally Posted by RV Life
Laurence Tribe saying Daddy ****ed up if true.

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
He can do that? Well, ****.
Yeah, how does that work exactly?
06-02-2017 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
Stephen Moore (Trumpist) getting OWNED HARD by Jeff Sachs just now on CNN.

"Every word out of everyone's mouth for the last 2 days has been a lie. It's disgusting corruption. You, Stephen are on the take from the Koch Brothers at the Heritage Foundation." (paraphrasing) Yikes.
Yeah, went hard. I've been waiting to see that. Think there was even some harsher stuff.
06-02-2017 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by prana
"Does the President still believe in Kushner."


The way the leaks have been going with seemingly set up questions before them I'd expect a Kushner bombshell sometime.

I'm hoping for one anyway.
A short story...

Obama: Don't hire Mike Flynn.
Trump: Yeah, ok. (Dumb black ****er. Undo his legacy.)

Christie: Don't hire Mike Flynn.
Trump: Yeah, ok. (Dumb fat ****er. Replace him as transition head.)

Yates: That guy Mike Flynn you hired? He's powerful head of NSA with top clearance and has been compromised/blackmailable by Russia. He also was interviewed by the FBI and has been working as a paid foreign agent by Russia and Turkey, but lied about it on his forms and lied to Pence about talking to the Russians on removing sanctions. Please do something.
Trump: Yeah, ok. (Dumb pussy ****er. Fire her from acting Attorney General.)


Reporter: Do you still have 100% confidence in NSA Mike Flynn?
Trump: Absolutely.


Reporter on TV: Breaking news...Mike Flynn has lied to the Vice President about an undisclosed conversation with the Russians!
Trump: FIRE MIKE FLYNN. (Dumb media ****er. Use that reporter's story as the reason for the firing.)

Moral of the story: Dumb President ****er!
06-02-2017 , 03:50 PM
06-02-2017 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
He can do that? Well, ****.
To my understanding, that's very much an open question.
06-02-2017 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
I'd immediately dismiss this if literally any other person was our president
So you could say

Macron clinched it?

06-02-2017 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
Stephen Moore (Trumpist) getting OWNED HARD by Jeff Sachs just now on CNN.

"Every word out of everyone's mouth for the last 2 days has been a lie. It's disgusting corruption. You, Stephen are on the take from the Koch Brothers at the Heritage Foundation." (paraphrasing) Yikes.
That was awesome to watch. Moore got awful quiet. Usually he can't keep his mouth shut.
06-02-2017 , 03:53 PM
the question isn't whether preventing comey from testifying is legal or not because that doesn't matter here, it's if republicans allow trump to stop it or not. Simple as that.
06-02-2017 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Too bad there's not an easy way to show twitter threads but this ties in gender and environmentalism

Cliffs: Conservatives (and marketing people) have wedded anti environmentalism with masculinity so now environmentalists are p*ssy prius driving Paris loving weaklings while anti environmentalism is manly; think coal spewing trucks, think coal jobs as manly jobs, etc. so conservatives play up care for the environment as trying to transform men into prissies.
Isn't this whole twitter thread explained by a picture of those Coal Rollers?
06-02-2017 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
the question isn't whether preventing comey from testifying is legal or not because that doesn't matter here, it's if republicans allow trump to stop it or not. Simple as that.
Think this is accurate, but if they agreed to not have him testify, i think that would put Trump at 35%ish or lower approval. Really not sure of all the mechanics of exec priv and whether Comey could just do an hour long 60 Minutes interview instead.
06-02-2017 , 04:00 PM
If Comey does do an interview I hope he tweets to Trump about its massive ratings.
