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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

06-22-2012 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by leviathan74
So, just to confirm, there's no major sticking point for which both sides are haggling over, but there's just a laundry list of procedural stuff to get done?
Sounds like somewhere in between. Saying it's all jsut procedural stuff, indicates that the actual terms and conditions are already completely hammered out. That isn't necessarily the case. It probably means there's no "major sticking point", but that doesn't mean there aren't still substantive negotiating points that are still not in agreement.

Of course, that depends on what you call "procedural stuff". If, for instance, the issue is how DOJ responds to a future request by PS to operate in the US, I can see how some would consider that procedural in nature, but really, it's a substantive question.
06-22-2012 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
1. Who is paying the remaining staff bills at Pocket Kings?
I can say with authority that FTP owners are not writing checks to see that things/people are paid.

2. Approx how long can these wages continue to be paid without a deal being agreed?
Not long.
So you say the wages are being paid by a third party.

How long has that been going on?
What is the reason they can't continue with it much longer?
06-22-2012 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Pleasure
I just want to be able to play on FTP and PS again. Miss the software. **** get a deal done already
If you live outside the US, you can play on PS right now. If not, forget it.
06-22-2012 , 04:35 PM
The reason the "black guy" is getting more abuse is because he was the face of FTP and an owner who's previous bull**** statement and wsop hiatus now means nothing to the people he claimed to I don't care how good he is at poker, he's a scumbag living it up at other peoples expense, end of.

Using a race card to try and take the heat off of your friend is idiotic, why risk what respect you've recently earned as a human being by sticking up for him.
06-22-2012 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by KingKongGrinder
Phil Ivey is much more known than any of the other owners, and currently isn't shy about showing up in public to throw money around. Basically, Ivey was the commercial face of FTP. His face has been flashed on ESPN so much that non-poker players know who he is. Is Seidel an owner? If he is, then I agree he should be catching more flak. Nobody seems to be talking about him.

He owns a sizable % of FT, though I'm not going to list the exact % and be besieged by "sources" questions.
06-22-2012 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by TONZ
I dont think Antonius was even an owner, he wasnt even an original Team FT member.
I believe he got an ownership stake as part of his sponsorship deal. That has long been the rumor at least.

Originally Posted by QuadStacks
The reason the "black guy" is getting more abuse is because he was the face of FTP and an owner who's previous bull**** statement and wsop hiatus now means nothing to the people he claimed to I don't care how good he is at poker, he's a scumbag living it up at other peoples expense, end of.

Using a race card to try and take the heat off of your friend is idiotic, why risk what respect you've recently earned as a human being by sticking up for him.
Why doesn't antonius get this heat? He was the one always on the FTP platform when I opened it.

Last edited by SGT RJ; 06-22-2012 at 08:07 PM.
06-22-2012 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by bizzle03
I believe he got an ownership stake as part of his sponsorship deal. That has long been the rumor at least.
What about durrrr? I cant imagine he got a worse deal than PA?
06-22-2012 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by bizzle03
Why doesn't antonius get this heat? He was the one always on the FTP platform when I opened it.
He is far less well-known than Ivey. People hardcore enough about poker news to follow 2+2 might have the mistaken impression they are equally famous, but they aren't.

I also don't think Ivey has been getting "more crap" than he deserves. If anything, it's way less. I think the prevailing consensus on Ivey, at least here, has been more or less ranging from "good guy" to "neutral". I haven't seen much "Ivey is a degen scumbag" except from a few isolated posts.
06-22-2012 , 05:04 PM
Maybe Ivy gets some heat from some posters because they think he had the juice to "do something" to stop the collaspe of FTD and didn't or they think he could have helped get their balances returned someway and didn't. Likely both are totally bogus ideas. He is/was the big face and name among some lesser folks and did have a decent % of shares. So I guess he is a target understandably if not deservedly. I doubt he cares very much by now. It certainly has not affected his game has it?
06-22-2012 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by Posemuckel
What about durrrr? I cant imagine he got a worse deal than PA?
I believe durrrr said he is not a s/h. Not to mention that he has handled it better than most.

I agree that most rational posters don't blame Ivey, mainly cuz none of us know who did what yet. Personally, I think only decision makers should be blamed. Until we know who those are, I'll withhold judgment of individuals.
06-22-2012 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by sparky999
@ Diamond

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.
They were good, no BS questions, so thanks to you we can thank DF for good, no BS responses.
Cheers to both of ya
06-22-2012 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by bizzle03
I believe durrrr said he is not a s/h. Not to mention that he has handled it better than most.

I agree that most rational posters don't blame Ivey, mainly cuz none of us know who did what yet. Personally, I think only decision makers should be blamed. Until we know who those are, I'll withhold judgment of individuals.
Ivey probably the biggest face of FTP. Fergouson was and still is a skid mark on the green felt. IMHO .
It's easy enough to blame the big names even if We do not know just how much say He had in the boardroom.
When you are talking about degen gamblers I really don't think they are going to ask were there money is coming from.
Ivey gets some flaming because of this.

What about the rest of the Degens who put their mugs to FTP.
The Mouth? Bloch? even Jennifer Harman? Maybe they should get equal flame time. Just saying.
06-22-2012 , 07:23 PM
Michael Laake ‏@Michael_Laake
Just had a really eye opening conversation with David Benyamine about how he has proof Fulltilt was rigged... Pretty stunned actually
06-22-2012 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by tamiller866
Michael Laake ‏@Michael_Laake
While at this point I could believe just about anything about full tilt, consider the source... Wasn't he one of the biggest degen losers and one of the guys with massive debt to full tilt? Every live fish I've ever played with who sucks at online thinks it's rigged (simply because they lose money faster).

Again, though, nothing would surprise me with the full tilt scumbags.
06-22-2012 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by tamiller866
Michael Laake ‏@Michael_Laake
whoever your friend Michael is, he is 100 percent an idiot if he is talking about the software.
06-22-2012 , 07:53 PM
06-22-2012 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by bizzle03
While at this point I could believe just about anything about full tilt, consider the source... Wasn't he one of the biggest degen losers and one of the guys with massive debt to full tilt? Every live fish I've ever played with who sucks at online thinks it's rigged (simply because they lose money faster).
did you look at his twitter... hes one of those annoying guys who has no life and tweets 50 times a day blowing up your feed thinking they are special. obv not
06-22-2012 , 08:06 PM
who is micheal laake
06-22-2012 , 08:10 PM
lol how is this ivey thing even an issue

He made a statement saying essentially "I will not play in the WSOP until people are paid"

Antonius didnt say this, No one else said this.

Ivey stood up as if he was making some grand moral gesture on that old facebook post and everyone was calling him the GOAT/HERO/SUPERMAN/STONE COLD NUTS

when now it was clearly just a PR move and so now when he breaks what he said combined with having the largest debt (millions right?) to FT of all the pros and goes buying into million dollar tournaments it shouldnt surprise you that people are upset.

If he woulda just shut up like everyone else he wouldnt be getting as much heat. He put the spotlight on himself with his little announcement last year.

"I wont play the WSOP until people get paid.......... unless it takes too long then I obv have to play with your guys' money.... dont hate"
06-22-2012 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by NitNurse
In the sense that DB never lost any money because he stole borrowed it all?
06-22-2012 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by NitNurse
In b4 legions of ******s claim this as proof that Ivey sucks at poker.
06-22-2012 , 08:58 PM
"Contrary to his sanctimonious public statements, Phil Ivey’s meritless lawsuit is about helping just one player – himself. ” This is from FTP' s angry statement last year after Ivey's lawsuit.
Probably the only time FTP didn't lie in their statements. LOL
06-22-2012 , 09:12 PM
No rigtarding ITT.
06-22-2012 , 09:20 PM
Awww comeon, you know that was funny.

Last edited by Blizzuff; 06-22-2012 at 09:20 PM. Reason: hardass mods itt
06-22-2012 , 09:24 PM
Last edited by Blizzuff; Today at 09:20 PM. Reason: hardass mods itt
