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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

02-24-2012 , 07:11 PM
yeah lol one thing i know for sure the DoJ doesn't give a crap what anybody thinks about them.
02-24-2012 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by IamPro
atleast u don't get slowrolled by the Ace on the river on Poker Stars

I miss 90mans
I would own ur soul in the ft 90 mans...
02-24-2012 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by fizresh
no way that $16 million owed by ftp pros is a dealbreaker for GBT.

that's a drop in the bucket for the site's income potential.
Why would you think that? How much actual profit do you think FTP really made? What % of that do you think a new FTP, without US players, will make?
02-24-2012 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by DoTheMath
Why would you think that? How much actual profit do you think FTP really made? What % of that do you think a new FTP, without US players, will make?
I'd vote that within a month the new FTP will have 50k players online at its peak
02-24-2012 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by floptuf
I'd vote that within a month the new FTP will have 50k players online at its peak
Yes but they need real money players
02-25-2012 , 12:05 AM
They will get them because most people are stupid and greedy.
02-25-2012 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by exoendo
Can someone please cliff me on the reasons why GBT could possibly fall through now? What's different between now and when they had originally signed to acquire fulltilt/stock holders signed off/doj approved, etc
Any skepticism now coincides with Matt's blog. If we believe the reports that the doj and gbt reached a deal then things are clearly hung up with FTP.

Some FTP owners are in serious legal jeopardy. Others essentially got robbed and screwed just like the players. The former group is helped by a deal being done, the later not so much. The owners who got screwed really have no motivation to see the Tapie deal done. It actually potential hurts them.

The legitimate FTP / gbt negotiations should be rather straight forward and not take that long. If we believe that is the stage we are in now then it is not a good sign.

That being said I am not sure we have been fed an accurate timeline of events so far so I still think things are up in the air and almost anything can be happening

We must realize most of the sources used in all the reporting on this are sociopaths, criminals of sociopathic criminals, so we should treat it accordingly

I think we should discount a lot of what we here is allegedly going on but also a lot of what we have heard from the beginning until now

In other words we should consider ourselves pretty much in the dark and any pessimism or optimism erased. I have no real faith of trust in any of the reporting or sources so far.

The reality is we have not head anything substantial in public or in private from the two groups who matter, doj and gbt, in a long time now.

I would discount any report or story who has FTP people as sources as they don't know or have agendas that conflict with the truth. Unfortunately for us 95% of the sources are from FTP.
02-25-2012 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by coduresa
So all the shareholders with their different agendas screwed us over one last time for their own interests.I hope a lot of them go to prison and stay there for a long time.

But also I dont understand the game Tapie is playing,it should have been clear to him months ago how much FTP is worth or not,yet he lets us all wait and hope for months.So when is deal is really falling through and he wants to continue with his ISPT thing,does he expect people to just forget everything that has happened before?

People overestimate how much it costs Tapie to drag things out.

It has been clear from the beginning he wanted to steal FTP. If the FTP owners are not meeting his demands it costs them virtually nothing to keep them dangling on the hook until they give in. There is no reason to rush things.

Also from Tapies standpoint rushing to pay players back is not good either. He did not take any money but the more time it takes the easier it will be to get payback concessions from the players like matching deposits, rake etc. the longer it goes the more appreciative players will be to get anything back

So there are huge financial incentives for gbt to take their time and almost zero cost involved. A weekly meeting and a few billable hours? Not much in the scheme of things.

Other people talk about the relevant poker tournament deadlines but I don't see that changing their tactics. I said from the beginning it only makes sense if you get FTP for almost nothing. That is what Tapie is trying to do. The longer it takes the closer it gets to nothing.

A lot of people think they have an 80% chance of getting most of their money back. In ten more months how many people would begrudgingly but willingly accept 60% of their money back.

Gbt strongest leverage at this point is time. That being said if they get what they want in a week the deal could be done. I just want to correct the perception that time is an enemy to Tapie. The other side of that though are people thinking he can't walk now. It costs him nothing to keep things open so walking away publically serves no purpose yet

Originally Posted by SuperJez
I dont think the DOJ has ever actually officially made a statement on this deal at any point (and that should tell you something).
To be clear the doj is not responsible for selling crime riddled business assets. It happens as an offshoot of the job job enforcing us law. I suspect the doj will not be making many asset sale announcements, it is not what they are about not is it one of their primary concerns in this case.

The only people who likely will ever make an announcement are Tapie. If a deal is done obviously. In terms of no deal only if the deal is 100% dead. If it was only 98% dead no announcement. My point is official announcements will be hard to come by in all this.

Last edited by SGT RJ; 02-25-2012 at 10:47 AM.
02-25-2012 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by duh
They will get them because most people are stupid and greedy.
No, it's because people just wanna play some poker on a good software.
02-25-2012 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by coolnout
doesn't make any sense. Tapie decides to string the deal out as long as possible, then at the last minute tries to throw a short list of pros under the bus? Tapie will still end up looking bad.
Looking bad to whom and for what?

How can Tapie come out of this looking bad? He actively is trying to make a deal where a significant portion of 400 million dollars stolen by others might be repaid by him.

On what bizarro world is someone who tries to do that subject to looking bad?

Originally Posted by tamiller866
It's amazing to me that any 'FTP shareholder' would still have any credibility with Matt, let alone the rest of the poker community. Matt calls them out for not speaking up and they whisper stories to him about fear of Tapie playing a blame game.

Tapie will walk away from this deal if it's a bad investment, FTP shareholders speaking out isn't going to cause him to give up an opportunity to make money.

Back when this deal was first announced Tapie wanted to appoint an RFO to begin due diligence, but FTP couldn't agree, I thought the reason might be that their ROW liabilities were far greater than anyone knew.

They probably thought that if Tapie negotiated a deal with the DOJ first, he would be less likely to back out when he learned the bad news.

FTP had $240M in ROW debt on BF, and apparently 'borrowed' money from CF to stay afloat, ran numerous deposit bonus promotions right up until June 29 yet somehow their ROW debt raked down to a reported $150M while many ROW players were reporting limbo withdrawals.

The reality is more likely that the ROW debt decreased on the books due to limbo withdrawals prior to their license suspension, meaning Tapie recently learned that he would liable for closer to the $240M because of withdrawals that were never processed.

So while the <$20M owed by pros may have only made the deal less tempting, and finding out that FTP has $20M liquid rather than $40M may be tough to swallow, an extra ~$80M owed to the ROW players might make it inedible.

Additionally, the value of an AGCC license is much lower than it was when he began negotiations as the European market is now largely segregated, and he may have missed the boat on forming a partnership with a major US B&M casino chain for intrastate licensing.

The shareholders seem to be reaching out to spread the word that they were once again 'victims' of a less than serious investor, but I have no doubt Tapie was serious and had their been no surprises the deal would have gone through - and still might go through if Tapie can restructure the deal and/or secure a major partner.

All good points. I think some people are of the impression that without the theft FTP would have been a valuable business. It is clear the business was horribly run and even without the theft would not get much in a sale. Add the theft into it and it approaches being worthless.

People need to realize just assuming row deposits is probably way more than FTP is worth so they have to work to offset and mitigate that. FTP is not worth anywhere close to 200 million dollars. As you note it is possible they found more liabilities and less assets.

Originally Posted by DePokerGod
I for one welcome ANY info on the FTP2 situation. DJ Ricco should not be attacked just for trying to help. Think, if DJ has any info that he wishes to share in the future, you idiots just convinced him not to do so.
Please keep posting all that you personally see postworthy DJ, and ignore the trolls.

Lol he even admits his sources make stuff up to make him look dumb.

I wish anyone with FTP/ pk sources actually stop posting as they are horrible sources and almost none of them will have access to legitimate information before us.

Last edited by SGT RJ; 02-25-2012 at 10:47 AM.
02-25-2012 , 01:28 AM

so apparently people knew about black fri 2 months earlier? so in reality the people who knew were scums to go trade their ftp future play $$ for stars $$ are scum.
02-25-2012 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by Mark275

so apparently people knew about black fri 2 months earlier? so in reality the people who knew were scums to go trade their ftp future play $$ for stars $$ are scum.
I'm confused, where does the article say that? I might have missed it.
02-25-2012 , 02:15 AM
To an extent you are all completely right. At the moment we are all sitting ducks, just waiting for whatever is gonna happen to happen. imho its 50/50 whether we'll get our money back, 6 weeks ago i woulda paid 80c on the dollar but def not right now.
But really whats the point in sitting here, arguing over every little detail and bitching at every person who was wrong on the last page? We're all on the same side arent we? we all just wanna get paid and if were lucky get to play on ftp again?

Obviously our opinions are gonna differ but remember, if this deal goes through tapie has commited over $300m to make money in the long term. And the only way that'll happen is to for ppl to slowly head back to ftp2 and pay rake. So hopefully some people can take solice in the fact that one day the power could be ours and they'll be begging us to play on ftp, but until then lets just roll with the punches
02-25-2012 , 06:41 AM
Originally Posted by ivvaen
Lol @ putting any weight on Matt Glantz' blog. Its just another case of someone feeling the need to voice their opinion about their 'feelings' of what will happen. He references his full tilt member friends in the start and then proceeds to make a bunch of assumptions and predictions based on his own interpretation of things that are public knowledge. What a bunch of crap. I would ignore it like I do with 99% of the crap in this thread but it's too tilting to read the last 2 pages of praise just cause someone who apparently has a famous name voices their opinion. FML, RIP Doyle and give me my 100k FTP so I don't have to wade through all this bull**** every few days.
the Big Maaaaaaaaaaan
02-25-2012 , 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by beepokerking
To an extent you are all completely right. At the moment we are all sitting ducks, just waiting for whatever is gonna happen to happen. imho its 50/50 whether we'll get our money back, 6 weeks ago i woulda paid 80c on the dollar but def not right now.
But really whats the point in sitting here, arguing over every little detail and bitching at every person who was wrong on the last page? We're all on the same side arent we? we all just wanna get paid and if were lucky get to play on ftp again?

Obviously our opinions are gonna differ but remember, if this deal goes through tapie has commited over $300m to make money in the long term. And the only way that'll happen is to for ppl to slowly head back to ftp2 and pay rake. So hopefully some people can take solice in the fact that one day the power could be ours and they'll be begging us to play on ftp, but until then lets just roll with the punches
02-25-2012 , 07:07 AM
No news this week, so we wait for what will happen on Deadline Day Tapie OR DDT.

Wednesday is supposed to be the day. Let's hope everyone will be happy bunnies come Thursday
02-25-2012 , 07:10 AM
Originally Posted by foldacedeuce
No news this week, so we wait for what will happen on Deadline Day Tapie OR DDT.

Wednesday is supposed to be the day. Let's hope everyone will be happy bunnies come Thursday
why has nobody started a betting pool on the date yet? 1$ per guess to be split among all who got the day in that particular week right, if ther is no announcement whole pool rolls into next week for a new round...
02-25-2012 , 07:23 AM
theres no date dudes
02-25-2012 , 08:12 AM
I've said it before and say it again. Full Tilt is dead and not coming back. I just hope somebody buys the software.
02-25-2012 , 08:47 AM
Why did I read this thread every day ? Why ? WHY ?
02-25-2012 , 10:17 AM
this article was posted a few days ago saying the deal had gone through (supposedly from a leaked yahoo story.)

was this incorrect?
02-25-2012 , 10:24 AM
If the people responsible for this or in anyway responsible for the ft disaster reading this you are all scumbags, I don't give a **** who you are you all scumbags, regular poker players made you ****ers rich and you guys the life you had, living off our money, playing with our money, gambling our money away, hope you all go to hell or even better prison then hope get a feel of the real world, your fantasy world is over. In the old days there would have been a bullet up your ass a long time ago, don't be such chicken pussies and come out of hiding. I may get busted from mods for this post, but I don't care, these so called pros are all pussies.
02-25-2012 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
Lol he even admits his sources make stuff up to make him look dumb.

I wish anyone with FTP/ pk sources actually stop posting as they are horrible sources and almost none of them will have access to legitimate information before us.
This seems a bit of a bizarre request.

I am willing to listen to anyone with genuine info and evaluate that info.

Some of the most interesting posts about the inner workings of FTP/PK on 2+2 have been by current or ex-employees.

They might not have all the info but at least give us a line on what BS management feeds them.

I think that is helpful in evaluating how complicit FTP management were in this whole mess.
02-25-2012 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by Tirppa
I've said it before and say it again. Full Tilt is dead and not coming back. I just hope somebody buys the software.
Thank you, your opinion is very important for us
02-25-2012 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by GonZo72
Why did I read this thread every day ? Why ? WHY ?
Masochism seems like a strong possibility at this point.
