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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

04-25-2012 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Fair enough.

I'm still now sure how that would look, given that their ROW repayment plan appeared to be completely unacceptable, but nobody here knows even close to 100% of the information so anything's possible.
Had their current repayment plan not leaked I'm guessing they would still have had a shot.

But since players are 'in the know' with regards to the craptastic plan they would have offered I'd bet their backup plan has fallen.

Though AP/UB are still out there...
04-25-2012 , 05:04 PM
Kind of funny people are so worried about being right and wrong. As long as players get their money back and those responsible for the mess are held accountable who cares who's right or wrong?

Looks like there were negotiations between GBT and the DOJ but the only thing real about them was they were real bad for players with any significant money tied up on the site.

Guys like Kevmode, lol Kevmode where does this guy come from anyway?, didn't care two licks about their bankroll or anything else but having FT back online so they could sit around in their underwear and grind away. Kevmode's dreams of an easy life have been crushed by Ray Bitar, Howard Lederer and Chris Ferguson. Don't worry Kevmode, somewhere down the road you'll be happy this incident happened as you'll be a better person for the experience.
04-25-2012 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
These clowns don't ever admit being wrong. I guess when you live in your mothers basement clicking refresh on a keyboard all day you live in your own reality. Good job guys. Your right. No stalling happened and the deal collapsed at the last second. I'm just a crazy conspiracy guy.
More predictions please
04-25-2012 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by TheDarkElf
I guess you posted this one before reading the rest of the thread.

Ever hear the expression: look before you leap?
The date is visible on the time of the posting, well before "the rest of the thread".

Here's a list of the claims in the post you're responding to:

"And that's the problem with your reasoning. You think that because your personal happiness is the most important thing in the world to you, it's the most important thing in the world to everyone else involved in a nine-figure business deal." <-------- Not changed one iota by PokerStars replacing GBT situation

"Your comfort and peace of mind is irrelevant to making a deal happen and easing your concerns about the money would do nothing to help you get your money back." <--------- Not changed one iota by PokerStars replacing GBT situation

"To make matters worse, the few times FTP or anyone else involved in these negotiations ever said anything publicly and it appeared in 2+2, it was immediately shat on. So they figured out pretty early on that the only announcement anyone wanted to here is "here is your maneys". " <-------Not changed one iota by PokerStars replacing GBT situation

"We read about the job postings because they leaked out. Not because Tapie held a press conference to announce them." <------- Not changed one iota by PokerStars replacing GBT situation

"The reason for no communication is because they (GBT/FTP) don't owe you an update, and as I said in an earlier post, they know that it will have not one iota of an effect on their future business plans, except the potential of raising hope and then dashing it. So there is no upside for them to bother with it, and lots of downside." <-------Not changed one iota by PokerStars replacing GBT situation

So what exactly are you referring to?
04-25-2012 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by EYESCREW
Kind of funny people are so worried about being right and wrong. As long as players get their money back and those responsible for the mess are held accountable who cares who's right or wrong?

Looks like there were negotiations between GBT and the DOJ but the only thing real about them was they were real bad for players with any significant money tied up on the site.

Guys like Kevmode, lol Kevmode where does this guy come from anyway?, didn't care two licks about their bankroll or anything else but having FT back online so they could sit around in their underwear and grind away. Kevmode's dreams of an easy life have been crushed by Ray Bitar, Howard Lederer and Chris Ferguson. Don't worry Kevmode, somewhere down the road you'll be happy this incident happened as you'll be a better person for the experience.
Hello OP.

Kevmode reminds me of Sir Earnest Shackleton.

He set sail for the south pole, his boat became stuck in the ice and the ice crushed his boat and it sank. Then the ice began to melt.

Despite knowing that he had no chance, Shackleton kept hope alive for his men. He used the lifeboats to navigate through the ice as it melted.

Eventually he realised he was making no progress so he changed his plan. He sailed the other way and made it to a barren, windswept rock (Elephant Island) where the only food was the occaisonal penguin.

He then had spare wood from one boat used to make another boat storm proof and he set sail in it with a couple of other guys to find rescue.

He was almost destroyed by a rogue wave and he spent many a day in the middle of a barren sea chipping ice of the boat so that it wouldn't sink.

Eventually - against all odds - he made it to South Georgia but when he landed, he was on the wrong side of the Island. He and his men climbed up a moutain and down the other side and finally reached a whaling station and raised the alarm.

Over a year later, after one failed rescue attempt, he managed to pursaude a steamer to go to Elephant Island and rescue his men. They had all survived.

Despite his head telling him that everything was lost, he never let his heart believe it. And, as it happens, he made the happy ending possible.

Shackleton's biographer suggested that Shackleton had displayed the highest form of moral courage it was possible for a human being to display.

If it had been down to Kevmode to lead the affair, you would all have propsered from his leadership even when your heads were telling you to give up and call it a day.

As I said before, if there's any justice, Kevmode will be the first to receive his money.
04-25-2012 , 06:21 PM
TafferBoy making a strong case for Poster of the year lately.
04-25-2012 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by Bene Gesserit
I don't know what to say to you. Joey was always a rude Troll to my way of thinking, but he had one valid point about the GBT deal not working out and it did not, but he had no clue why it eventully didn't. He raved on and on about nonsense, but on that one point, the GBT failure, he was right. I must have pissed you off sometime in the past, sir, I apologize for whatever it was. I find your posts mostly relevent and good reads. Good day to you sir
I understand. Here's the thing though. It seems like there's a pretty good chance that the GBT deal would have gone through had there not been another suitor in the form of PokerStars who came a long and offered the DOJ an offer they couldn't refuse. At any rate, it's obvious that the GBT deal was real, and always had some chance to go through. So, the idea that the GBT was doomed from the start/was never going to work/was a complete fraud perpetrated for the intention of deceiving all of us was obviously wrong. It's just kind of ridiculous to say that he was "right" about anything. I mean, the simple poker analogy is the guy who says he's "100% sure the flush is coming" and then claims to have been "right" when the flush hits.

I remember when everyone was debating all of this, and I made the point that when it's all said and done, it's going to be silly watching people debate "who was right" when, almost no matter what happens, it's going to be impossible to say who was right and wrong. If the weatherman says there's a 99% chance of rain tomorrow, and it doesn't rain, that doesn't mean he was wrong.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter, all that matters is whether or not this situation resolves itself in a positive or negative way for all of us. Who was "right" or "wrong" is pointless to worry about and I shouldn't have bothered replying to you. Good day to you too

Originally Posted by Underrated
TafferBoy making a strong case for Poster of the year lately.
I became a Taffer fan when he broke down that anonymous "license objector" guy's post. That **** was brilliant.

Last edited by SGT RJ; 04-25-2012 at 06:39 PM.
04-25-2012 , 06:41 PM

high praise indeed.
04-25-2012 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Underrated
TafferBoy making a strong case for Poster of the year lately.
*un-sarcastic golf clap*
04-25-2012 , 07:03 PM
DOJ USA finest fk ups
04-25-2012 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Seeing the numbers I admit the Tapie deal was pretty bad for players, but better than nothing, and only people with enormous balances would be screwed, which still is bad news for them.

Having said that, I feel like the DOJ was going to let this deal go through if it wasn't for Pokerstars. When I first heard what happened I thought the DOJ wanted a few million more out of Tapie and Tapie said no, and the DOJ did this to make room for Pokerstars. But the way it looks now was like it ended up with the DOJ saying "we want 160 million more". I can't really believe negotiations took THAT long when they were 160 million short to reaching an agreement, the deal should have been dead a lot sooner if that was the case.

All in all there needs to be a documentary about BF+FTP saga! I want to know exactly what happened.

I think Tapie negotiated in bad faith. He just hoped the doj would captitulate to his silly 94.9% plan. He never had any intention of making things flush but led the DOJ to believe he did.
04-25-2012 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by adama
This seems like the most likely explanation. What I wonder about is when it was first announced that GBT was interested in buying FTP, I recall reading reports (perhaps from subject poker?), that GBT had provided proof to FTP and the DOJ that they had the necessary funds to prove they were for serious. So did GBT have the 200 million or so that would have been required to pay the DOJ and the ROW customers and just didn't want to spend it all? Or did they only prove to the DOJ/FTP initially that they had the 20 million or less it seemed they hoped to actually pay to get FTP?

Here is the link to the SP article where Ifrah states that the DOJ and FTP had vetted the funds of the potential french investor:
The specfic quote from the article is "Ifrah says the funds of the potential investor have been vetted by Full Tilt and the US Department of Justice"

What does that mean? Vetted for what? We assume vetted for adequacy of quantity, but perhaps it means vetted for legality or vetted for eligibility.

Or as you say, maybe they just made sure he had the money to pay the purchase price, not the money to pay players. Or maybe he took a page out of FTP's book and successfully fooled a reviewer about how much money he had.
04-25-2012 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
I think Tapie negotiated in bad faith. He just hoped the doj would captitulate to his silly 94.9% plan. He never had any intention of making things flush but led the DOJ to believe he did.
four letters ispt
04-25-2012 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Underrated
TafferBoy making a strong case for Poster of the year lately.
Well, in the comedy category, for sure.
04-25-2012 , 07:48 PM
OK well I hope I understand this extra tibit correctly. No matter what happens now, those phoney rubes on Alderney just lost out on taking another bundle of money for dealing with GBT. No fees for doing nothing again!! Could not happen to a more deserving group of worthless "suits"!!
04-25-2012 , 09:44 PM
How long should we expect to wait before anything definitive happens?
04-25-2012 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Zenzor
How long should we expect to wait before anything definitive happens?
04-25-2012 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Zenzor
How long should we expect to wait before anything definitive happens?
Probably next week mate
04-25-2012 , 09:46 PM
Interestingly for Pocket Kings this doesn't seem to change anything.
Apparently everything is going according to plan.

Who wants to bet we will be able to play ISPT satties on FTP2?
04-25-2012 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by three_dee
The date is visible on the time of the posting, well before "the rest of the thread".

Here's a list of the claims in the post you're responding to:

"And that's the problem with your reasoning. You think that because your personal happiness is the most important thing in the world to you, it's the most important thing in the world to everyone else involved in a nine-figure business deal." <-------- Not changed one iota by PokerStars replacing GBT situation

"Your comfort and peace of mind is irrelevant to making a deal happen and easing your concerns about the money would do nothing to help you get your money back." <--------- Not changed one iota by PokerStars replacing GBT situation

"To make matters worse, the few times FTP or anyone else involved in these negotiations ever said anything publicly and it appeared in 2+2, it was immediately shat on. So they figured out pretty early on that the only announcement anyone wanted to here is "here is your maneys". " <-------Not changed one iota by PokerStars replacing GBT situation

"We read about the job postings because they leaked out. Not because Tapie held a press conference to announce them." <------- Not changed one iota by PokerStars replacing GBT situation

"The reason for no communication is because they (GBT/FTP) don't owe you an update, and as I said in an earlier post, they know that it will have not one iota of an effect on their future business plans, except the potential of raising hope and then dashing it. So there is no upside for them to bother with it, and lots of downside." <-------Not changed one iota by PokerStars replacing GBT situation

So what exactly are you referring to?
The reason why GBT didn't make an announcement is not because it made good business sense - it is because he didn't have the money. PERIOD.

So the people who went around saying "why haven't they made an announcement yet?", they were on to something.

The people giving silly reasons for why he shouldn't/wouldn't/couldn't make an announcement just missed the boat.
04-25-2012 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
I think Tapie negotiated in bad faith. He just hoped the doj would captitulate to his silly 94.9% plan. He never had any intention of making things flush but led the DOJ to believe he did.
Just as a point of fact, that's not really negotiating in bad faith, that's just lowballing and stonewalling. "Bad faith" would require that GBT negotiate and make certain offers, with no intention of fulfilling the terms of their offer, if their offer were to be accepted.

What GBT really did was, completely miscalculate and misjudge DOJ's willingness to play hardball. Probably a typical trait of the French, so it's hard to really blame them, they can't help their nature.

Originally Posted by DoTheMath
The specfic quote from the article is "Ifrah says the funds of the potential investor have been vetted by Full Tilt and the US Department of Justice"

What does that mean? Vetted for what? We assume vetted for adequacy of quantity, but perhaps it means vetted for legality or vetted for eligibility.

Or as you say, maybe they just made sure he had the money to pay the purchase price, not the money to pay players. Or maybe he took a page out of FTP's book and successfully fooled a reviewer about how much money he had.
Or, maybe as a paid mouthpiece and lawyer for the party trying to get out of a criminal indictment, maybe Ifrah just did what lawyers do, and say whatever they think will best litigate their parties case in the court of public opinion.

Seems to me that DOJ was never satisfied with the funds GBT actually was willing to bring to the deal, otherwise, the deal would have actually been completed.

Originally Posted by Zenzor
How long should we expect to wait before anything definitive happens?
There's nothing in what's publicly been released, to give any indication. However, if there is truth to the speculation that PS is willing to fork over $750 extra extra large, and pay out all players in full within 90 days of a deal, then there's probably no reason why a deal couldn't be completed within the next couple of weeks or so.

That said, there are a lot of moving parts, e.g., FTP shareholders, multiple individual parties would need to sign off on any settlement agreement, etc.

Transactions like these are inherently complicated, and run on their own schedules, not ours.

Last edited by SGT RJ; 04-26-2012 at 10:02 AM.
04-25-2012 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by TheDarkElf
The reason why GBT didn't make an announcement is not because it made good business sense - it is because he didn't have the money. PERIOD.

So the people who went around saying "why haven't they made an announcement yet?", they were on to something.

The people giving silly reasons for why he shouldn't/wouldn't/couldn't make an announcement just missed the boat.

While handing out any medals or dunce caps for the 'who was right or wrong' contest, clearly those of us who were shouting for "patience, deals for hundreds of millions of dollars take time" have a lot of crow on our dinner plates.

The problem wasn't the complications of a deal for so much money, the complication was that the buyer had no intentions of spending any (of his own) money.

Moderation blunder of the year award still has to go to whoever banned Harry "what about the players?!?!" HDemet, who said from the beginning that this was an attempted leveraged buyout, leveraged on the bankrolls of ROW players.

Originally Posted by TheDarkElf
The reason why GBT didn't make an announcement is not because it made good business sense - it is because he didn't have the money. PERIOD.
No, it isn't. Making announcements and giving people updates about the ongoing process is bad business sense whether he wound up buying Full Tilt or not.

You are reading something into my post that wasn't there. I didn't say "Tapie is definitely buying Full Tilt, he just isn't telling you about it." I said that Tapie doesn't owe you any explanations about anything during the process and it's stupid to expect them to do that.

So the people who went around saying "why haven't they made an announcement yet?", they were on to something.
No, they weren't. People were saying the same BS back 6 months ago, before Tapie was in the situation, when it was just Full Tilt not having the funds to pay. They made the same demands that Full Tilt tell them exactly what's going on and keep them updated. You're giving them too much credit; they're not "onto" anything, they're just making demands that don't make any sense because they feel entitled.

Last edited by SGT RJ; 04-26-2012 at 10:02 AM.
04-25-2012 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by tamiller866

While handing out any medals or dunce caps for the 'who was right or wrong' contest, clearly those of us who were shouting for "patience, deals for hundreds of millions of dollars take time" have a lot of crow on our dinner plates.
Why? The fact that Tapie backed out of the deal does not contradict that statement.

Moderation blunder of the year award still has to go to whoever banned Harry "what about the players?!?!" HDemet, who said from the beginning that this was an attempted leveraged buyout, leveraged on the bankrolls of ROW players.
I don't think Harry was banned because he had a negative slant on the issue. If that was the case there's a number of other long-winded trolls in this forum who would be long gone by now.
04-26-2012 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by tamiller866

While handing out any medals or dunce caps for the 'who was right or wrong' contest, clearly those of us who were shouting for "patience, deals for hundreds of millions of dollars take time" have a lot of crow on our dinner plates.

The problem wasn't the complications of a deal for so much money, the complication was that the buyer had no intentions of spending any (of his own) money.

Moderation blunder of the year award still has to go to whoever banned Harry "what about the players?!?!" HDemet, who said from the beginning that this was an attempted leveraged buyout, leveraged on the bankrolls of ROW players.
Posting spoils the bet other wise I would bet there wouldn't be too many posts with the same sentiment. Some people are just never wrong.

If I remember correctly HDemet wasn't banned for his negativity but for not handling it well when all the trolls were calling him a troll.
04-26-2012 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by TomasJefersonSucka
The proposed GBT deal WAS real, and they DID have a strong interest in buying it. It was not some smokescreen. Their bid was massively overmatched by Stars in the 11th hour, which appears to be fortunate for many ROW players, as we see now (from the person you are going after most - DF) that GBT's "repayment" plan was the next worst solution to getting nothing back.
To me this post pretty much sums up the situation.

FWIW it's not at all rare for a relatively minor player to do the heavy lifting in a buyout deal, only to have a deep-pocketed investor swoop in near the end.

So, I'm not saying much personally, because there's not much to say. The system continues to grind, and the system grinds slow.
