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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

06-21-2012 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Go Get It
Pretty sure you should have already paid taxes on any FTP money won in 2010 in 2011, or in the couple of months that we played 2011 in 2012.

You pay tax on earned income the tax year you earn it not withdraw it imo. But to be safe someone should get Russ Fox itt.
I haven't paid taxes on mine yet (which I won in 2011) based on Russ's advice and the doctrine of constructive receipt:
06-21-2012 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
But was money won on fulltilt really money at all?
That would be one of your defenses but I doubt it would work. If I had a large balance that was mostly winnings I'd be praying that the IRS wouldn't be looking into the matter at all but, if they did, it was after I got my money.
06-21-2012 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Noisecore
I just can't stand it that 99% of Americans are so narrow minded.
You know, if you weren't looking for proof of this everytime someone posts about the subject, it wouldn't be so easy to re-convince yourself of this over and over.

I'm sure your head exploded when you heard news from reliable sources that the DOJ told GBT to get stuffed because they were trying to screw ROW players. But I'm sure you also convinced yourself that couldn't be possible because that would go against everything you already decided about the world.
06-21-2012 , 09:15 PM
Can I do a transfer from FTP to the US government to pay my taxes? Since I can't get anything out of the former, and the latter seems to be holding onto some funds, maybe they can just set up a Pay Tax from Account button?
06-21-2012 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by pianospike
I haven't paid taxes on mine yet (which I won in 2011) based on Russ's advice and the doctrine of constructive receipt:
Yeah, anything he says is likely to be correct. But anyone who played and won in 2010 should have already paid their taxes in 2011 even if you left your whole roll on FTP and still haven't seen it back.
06-21-2012 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by pianospike
I haven't paid taxes on mine yet (which I won in 2011) based on Russ's advice and the doctrine of constructive receipt:
Not really sure Russ is saying you don't have to pay as proving constructive receipt may be difficult. It might be easier for the pro to get a way with there still can be issues. Here is a few threads where the matter was discussed by Russ and other tax experts.

Originally Posted by Russ Fox
Taxdood's calculations are accurate for the amateur gambler. In my years of practice I can count on one hand the casualty losses I've put on clients' returns. They are rare because of how Congress wrote the law -- it's hard to exceed the 10% AGI limitation. The professional gambler who takes a casualty loss (from his business) takes the loss on Form 4797 and does not have to deal with either the $100 or 10% AGI limitations. (Note that the casualty loss for the professional gambler does not impact the self-employment tax.)

We also have to add in here the IRS' view of online gambling. They have considered online gambling to be a tax avoidance scheme since the early 2000s (and they still hold that belief). I don't expect much sympathy from the IRS or the DOJ.

As always, how this should be handled will depend on your facts and circumstances. Talk to your own tax professional, explain everything, and let him or her come to a reasoned conclusion.

-- Russ Fox
06-21-2012 , 10:32 PM
nova you're referencing two different things. One is a casualty loss which you most certainly can't claim at this point (as the money is not definitively gone). The other is not having constructive receipt for winnings in 2011, which when it comes to FTP is pretty easy to prove.

The site went down. They were having cashout issues for months. If you didn't get your money you didn't have constructive receipt. This doesn't mean you don't have to pay taxes on it, it just means you don't have to pay taxes on it until you get it. If you never get it then you never pay taxes on it.

Russ also does my taxes (and I file pro) and he didn't have any problem with applying this to my 2011 winnings on FTP.
06-21-2012 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by pianospike
Withholding is a government requirement for the payer of an item of income to withhold or deduct tax from that payment, and pay that withheld amount directly to the government as a credit against income tax owed.

But regardless, if/when US players get paid, they will owe tax on their FTP balances to the extent that it is income.

And LOL at confirmed legend. Pretty sure you have me confused with someone else.
ok, thx for the explanation. Kind of sucks for you guys I guess.

And I'm pretty sure we used to play 2/4 together ^_^
06-22-2012 , 12:32 AM
Heres a new an article. Not seen the site before but it was linked by pokerscout.
06-22-2012 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by bizzle03
Good question. We know from the amended complaint that FTP had 60 million on hand in late march and only 6 million in early June. Doj froze around 40 million on black Friday. So at best, about 14 million. Likely, much less.

I'm sure Noah or DF could answer this with more certainty.
I cashed ou twice had money in bank account within 3 days each time. (Germany )First cash out was on bf when the news broke for like 2.5k second cash out was 2 weeks before FT went offline for 1.2k.
06-22-2012 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by andyg2001
Heres a new an article. Not seen the site before but it was linked by pokerscout.
another BS chinamaniac based story
06-22-2012 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by Stickit69r
another BS chinamaniac based story
The author is Steve Ruddock, who I've not heard of, but he claims his been hearing the same stuff as chinamaniac, so it's not rally just based on chinamaniac. I've no idea if it's credible
06-22-2012 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by knircky
I cashed ou twice had money in bank account within 3 days each time. (Germany )First cash out was on bf when the news broke for like 2.5k second cash out was 2 weeks before FT went offline for 1.2k.
I got 2 cash outs in the UK for 3k and 8k but took a lot longer the 3 days. The secound took about 20 days. Then I tryed a third for 8.5k, and I'm still waiting for that one.
06-22-2012 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by Stickit69r
another BS chinamaniac based story
Ow the percentage got another level now.
(...)"Also what I reported recently has been RE-CONFIRMED 1 zillion, trillion , gazillion percent that employees have been hired by Stars and are already training". HE SAYS.

Probably cuz its another forum and you need to emphasize to be heard.
I lol'd.
06-22-2012 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by andyg2001
The author is Steve Ruddock, who I've not heard of, but he claims his been hearing the same stuff as chinamaniac, so it's not rally just based on chinamaniac. I've no idea if it's credible
Whenever I read the gamingawards articles they always seem to put in a line about "we're hearing the same from our sources" after rehashing whatever they read in this thread or elsewhere. My gut instinct is that they basically just make that up completely so they can make it sound like they're reporting independently confirmed info rather than just rehashing something they read online.

When I read this article and Ruddock made the comment, I thought the exact same thing. If he was truly hearing "the same stuff" from his "sources", he'd likely just say that, rather than having the entire article centered around Chinamaniac's posts, with him throwing in "oh btw I'm hearing the same thing kthx". As much as I'd love to believe articles like that, the B.S. alarm goes off big time when I read that.
06-22-2012 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by Deldar182
ok, thx for the explanation. Kind of sucks for you guys I guess.

And I'm pretty sure we used to play 2/4 together ^_^
Ah, yes. I'd forgotten you had ever played in my neck of the woods. Cheers!
06-22-2012 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by DoTheMath
I have no idea where TDE pulled that from or where it originated.
From here:

Originally Posted by NoahSD
Then there's the cost of running a business--having 700+ employees, giving them a place to work, feeding them, buying them computers, blackberries, etc. That cost them about $175M/year just for Pocket Kings, only one of their companies.
They only had 6M left but a year later that expensive office is still running.
Where is all that money coming from?
06-22-2012 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by andyg2001
I got 2 cash outs in the UK for 3k and 8k but took a lot longer the 3 days. The secound took about 20 days. Then I tryed a third for 8.5k, and I'm still waiting for that one.
Im Estonian, but i used uk loyds for deposits and withrawals. I made my last casout 2 days prior to ftp being shut for 500 pounds and it arrived few hours before ftp was shut :O
06-22-2012 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by Bubbleblower
From here:

They only had 6M left but a year later that expensive office is still running.
Where is all that money coming from?
obv staked like eDog, JRB and BB by Tapie and other smart but not smart enough people.
Seems cool these days to scam people and average people like to be associated with crooks and have a laugh on behalf of the missery of others.
06-22-2012 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by Bubbleblower
From here:
They only had 6M left but a year later that expensive office is still running.
Where is all that money coming from?

One scenario may be that the owners are paying for it. A lot of inside people, old team pros etc. keep stating how they did not think that Howard and Chris intentionally took all the money and they are actually really upset about the situation and want to get the players there money back ( Yeah I know, blah blah blah).

If this is actually true there would be no reason to think that if they still have access to some of their\our money, they may actually be using some of it to keep the business ticking. I mean I assume that people with 10’s of millions of dollars probably have money all over the place and not in their names, so the DOJ may not have got all of it.
06-22-2012 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by Bolsta
One scenario may be that the owners are paying for it. A lot of inside people, old team pros etc. keep stating how they did not think that Howard and Chris intentionally took all the money and they are actually really upset about the situation and want to get the players there money back ( Yeah I know, blah blah blah).
Of course the bolded part is true, how could it not be? FTP was a total once in a lifetime gravy train opportunity. They had it all and wrecked it. Who wouldn't be upset by that? If either of those two had it in their power to put things back the way they were, they would.

They obviously don't have that ability. They made a string of horrible decisions that you can almost guarantee they wouldn't have made had they foreseen the consequences.

It's like how people claim Bitar is working hard to make a deal.... isn't that obvious? Do people really think he's just sitting there trimming his goatee and eating lobster waiting to go to jail, when he still has outs?
06-22-2012 , 05:16 AM
So banning chinamaniac then enforcing the rule of no more rumours without giving up sources was a wise idea then? Cos it seems to me that all srg rj has achieved is making people now go to other forums for updates and inside info.
Well done. Clap Clap.

Last edited by DePokerGod; 06-22-2012 at 05:18 AM. Reason: No doubt you will delete this post, as you did my other one. "freedom of speech" I love it.
06-22-2012 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by andyg2001
Heres a new an article. Not seen the site before but it was linked by pokerscout.
Well, he's right that the negotiations are continuing. The other rumors he claims to have heard are false.
06-22-2012 , 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by Xfaulz
Ow the percentage got another level now.
(...)"Also what I reported recently has been RE-CONFIRMED 1 zillion, trillion , gazillion percent that employees have been hired by Stars and are already training". HE SAYS.

Probably cuz its another forum and you need to emphasize to be heard.
I lol'd.
Lol, I believe this was in reference to his claim that for over a month now, high level PS employees have been in Dublin doing tech training, supposedly in order to assure that the relaunch happens at, or near to, time of an announcement. I said it then, and I will repeat it now, it doesn't matter how many zeros he adds to his percentage claims, it is not true.
06-22-2012 , 05:36 AM
zillion and gazillion are non-existing numbers right? lol
