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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

05-24-2012 , 03:12 PM
and u are?

Last edited by IamPro; 05-24-2012 at 03:12 PM. Reason: yea...
05-24-2012 , 03:13 PM
What's your gut feeling atm sir?
05-24-2012 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by SAIBOT24
Who is shocked? To be perfectly honest it is pathetic to even think that people believed him at any stage of his BS. The only thing I'm shocked about is that people still believe this nonsense. And they'll continue to believe him even after today when he switches to "early next week, promise k??"
That was his sources promise and was only 99.99% / 99,99% sure.
05-24-2012 , 03:15 PM
ZBT = China

05-24-2012 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by MICK E JUICE
What's your gut feeling atm sir?
Stars and the DOJ(and probably some other people too) are working towards getting a deal done. Absolutely noone benefits from it taking any longer than it has to, so therefore I have to believe they are working to get it done ASAP. It may get done, may not, but we should know something sooner rather than later. At least in relation to the way the Tapie deal fell through.

I know that's super vague, but that's just where we stand. Little details change all the time, so there's no reason to speculate over any of them.

The bottom line is that if Stars sent out a press release 30 minutes from now saying the deal has been completed in principle, it wouldn't shock me at all. If we knew absolutely nothing in two weeks that we don't know now, I also would not be surprised at all. If we don't know anything in 3 months, I'd really begin to wonder if wtf is happening.
05-24-2012 , 03:16 PM
Tilt staff got paid today. So either Tapie was full of **** trying to scare key employees of FTP into joining him with the 'only enough money to last until end of April' or Stars just shipped some cheese over to Dublin.
05-24-2012 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by GoMuckYourselfBro
Tilt staff got paid today. So either Tapie was full of **** trying to scare key employees of FTP into joining him with the 'only enough money to last until end of April' or Stars just shipped some cheese over to Dublin.
thats good news
05-24-2012 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by GoMuckYourselfBro
Tilt staff got paid today. So either Tapie was full of **** trying to scare key employees of FTP into joining him with the 'only enough money to last until end of April' or Stars just shipped some cheese over to Dublin.
Where did you hear this?
05-24-2012 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Chinamaniac
1st off I said I wouldn't post till the deal is announced but I still have till tonight at midnight and I came across a lot of stuff people would like to know that has come to my attention.

I have learned that Pokerstars could effectively send out a press release and say we have agreed to terms with the DOJ. They are not doing this because they want to give everyone the exact details of how they are getting paid when they do make such a press release.

The reason they are not doing that and the only remaining factor stopping them from doing that is the player payouts and how they will be handled. Basically it is a game of hard ball with the Department of Justice and it all comes down to money.

The DOJ wants to handle things out of concern for money laundering and tax evasion. They will also benefit from people who have died or don't even know that this deal is happening which could amount to large amounts of money in their pockets but their main concern is the money laundering and tax evasion.

I have been told that the DOJ has mentioned that they intend on attatching 1099s if they handle the payouts but there is one thing screwing that up. For larger amounts like let's say Joe Blow has 39 k in his account. They don't want to get in a huge mess of 1099s going to a guy with 39k but he deposited 40k etc... and there are other factors as well

Stars on the other hand wants their hands in the money as well. They want to handle the payouts for a couple of reasons. First is they would also reap the benefits of player money that goes unclaimed which could amount to a lot of money. Their stance with the DOJ is that they can do it faster and easier and the players can just be responsible for their taxes. They also want to do it this way because they desperately want to get to the world series so they can start to re-brand FTP and they will be able to market again in the U.S. as part of this deal and set up booths again at the RIO.

Another thing a lot of people were asking about is the echecks and I have learned this is going to go one or 2 ways.

The first way is to freeroll everyone on the echecks. So that would mean any echecks that weren't withdrawn from players bank accounts WILL NOT even be deducted at all even if they have partial records of whom owes what.

The other way is to dig through the mess and some people will get freerolled and some will not. I am told they do not have complete records of who owes what as a lot of this info is long gone.

So if you are one of those guys who didn't have echecks deducted from your account then you could be very well be getting a freeroll because they don't even have the records for some of these.

Another thing I learned is as part of the deal Scheinberg will be free to go any where in the USA and not face prosecution.

There is also a rumor but not confirmed that he may be stepping down from Pokerstars in the very near future.

So basically it is all coming down to money and that's what is taking place now. The most likely outcome of this I am told is that Stars will probably back down as the days get closer and they will let the DOJ handle the payouts. If they do this then they get to have a presence at the wsop and start rebranding FTP in front of a mass audience as well as market Pokerstars ads on TV etc.

If they keep talking with the DOJ about how they want to handle the payout process this could drag on and Pokerstars does not want that. They would effectively be wasting time and they don't get to advertise back on U.S. soil.

But at the same time they want to handle the payouts for U.S. players because they will get their hand in the cookie jar for a lot of cash. But in the end like I said it is most likely they back down as the days go closer so they can get back on US soil to advertise.

Thats all I got for now. My source tells me whenever they agree to let the DOJ handle the payouts their will be a press release and this is more than likely going to be the scenario.

If they want to battle with the DOJ over letting them do the payouts then this could drag on until everything is set in stone on how the process will be handled etc.

So more than likely I am told we will see Stars back down, let the DOJ handle things, and then they can have the deal announced and make their presence felt at the wsop again

Thats all I got

Have a good day


05-24-2012 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Alex_Striker
Where did you hear this?
05-24-2012 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by MichaelScarn
No one really answered my question... are guys like Tom Dwan, Gus Hansen, Mike Matusow and Phil Gordon still technically considered pros at FTP, or not? Because if they weren't, why wouldn't they have gone to Stars? And if they are, then when-(if) FTP comes back, would that mean they would still be online pros there?
no, they are not considered pros anymore, they are phantommoney players who do not pay their gambling debts! most of them are broke not even millions in sponsonship money helped to finance their gambling addiction! i hope they all end up in the gutter!
05-24-2012 , 03:29 PM
I see the EU site is back to normal agian. It was down, and then just showing directory contents.
05-24-2012 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by spino1i
I bet China's source is even MORE surprised theres no deal. I mean super surprised right?

9 more hours and china loses his bets and cant post inside information ever again.
Actually, he didn't post inside information before. He posted what he alleged to be inside information.

A better way to word it:

Originally Posted by spino1i
9 more hours and china loses his bets and can't pretend he has any inside information ever again.
05-24-2012 , 03:30 PM
No more worries, I asked my source about FTP and he answered:

"The question that you have in your mind will very soon have favourable results. You are bound to get a very favouable answer to your problem. Be on action"

Source: Ramacharita Manas of Tulasidas
05-24-2012 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton
Seriously bro. He left the thread. Stop talking about him.
He'll be back. Every time he says "I'm leaving the thread", he comes in a few hours later and posts 20 times. He hasn't left the thread, he's simply not actively on at this very second. He can't help himself.
05-24-2012 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Chinamaniac
On and one other thing I forgot to mention. Pokerstars has already begun the process of hiring new people for software stuff at FTP etc.....


(also chinamaniac and his wrong source have no idea how business deals work especially when buying out a competitor)

Listen he has admitted his source lied about a deal being done.

Why is he not banned, again. This is dumb.
05-24-2012 , 03:36 PM
Thread meltdown underway.

05-24-2012 , 03:36 PM
markksman are you serious bro? like fkn really? why do you care? this is an internet message board and some dude is spouting off through his computer.

you are the idiot complaining about him needing to be banned. wtf good does that do? honestly, do you think anything through before you post?

pls talk about ftp or don't post
05-24-2012 , 03:42 PM
The biggest problem is 99.99% of the people reporting on it know eff all about business or how business deals/legal deals and the rest work. None of this is about poker, it is business.

This leads all leaked and pretend information is filtered through people who are clueless. Chinamaniacs source was positive a deal was done three weeks ago. Now he says the only difference is management of hundreds of millions of dollars.

For all of you who don't know that is one of the biggest issues on the table so this deal has never been close to being done. This means chinas source is a tard who knows nothing about business deals or doesn't exist.

Nobody who has only clue or experiencing in negotiating deals would ever claim such circumstances as what china now claims anything but not yet close.

Even if this were true chinas own posting of this information proves his source was 100% wrong previously.

Please Pokertards stop reporting information about business deals as you are clueless. This is ridiculous.
05-24-2012 , 03:45 PM
Yea tons of benchmarks to look at for purchasing your competitor's seized assets from the DOJ. I'm sure your an expert.

The people attacking China are much worse, destroying this threads readability.
05-24-2012 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
The biggest problem is 99.99% of the people reporting on it know eff all about business or how business deals/legal deals and the rest work. None of this is about poker, it is business.
It is also about extricating your business out of federal criminal indictments and other legal issues, which I can confidently state that most of the people in this thread know even less about, than they think they know about business deals.
05-24-2012 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Chinamaniac
Maybe I wasn't clear either. My source was verified
You, your source and the guy who verified it are idiots at best and liars at worst.

Are reporting information you don't understand after being tricked by someone else before... Never crossed your mind someone else did not just take advantage of you being a gullible no nothing?
05-24-2012 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Mondogarage
It is also about extricating your business out of federal criminal indictments and other legal issues, which I can confidently state that most of the people in this thread know even less about, than they think they know about business deals.
Originally Posted by NxtWrldChamp
Yea tons of benchmarks to look at for purchasing your competitor's seized assets from the DOJ. I'm sure your an expert.

The people attacking China are much worse, destroying this threads readability.


Markksman is definitely qualified being that he has sold and bought companies worth 100+ million.

Ask him yourself.
05-24-2012 , 03:52 PM
How many did he negotiate with the DOJ?
05-24-2012 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
You, your source and the guy who verified it are idiots at best and liars at worst.

Are reporting information you don't understand after being tricked by someone else before... Never crossed your mind someone else did not just take advantage of you being a gullible no nothing?
Why would they be lying? I belive him that this source was verified.

However, and the reason many were clamoring (myself included) for him to use DF or Noah to verify the source, he needed to verify the information. That's why I doubted the veracity of the information the moment he refused to do so (plus my own source told me he was full of it).
