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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

06-14-2012 , 06:00 AM
I get goose bumps just like the feeling of a girl friend coming up from behind and suprises with a kiss on the side of the neck. each and every time I load a HH in to universal hand replayer with the Full Tilt skin on.

I 2nd this emotion.
06-14-2012 , 06:11 AM
ISPT ‏@ispt_poker
#prizepool? 20.000.000 €! #Pokerplayers expected? 30.000! Where? #WembleyStadium When? 31 May till 6 June 2013! Be there !

ISPT ‏@ispt_poker
#Press conference tonight in #Paris with Laurent Tapie and Prosper Masqulier!!/ispt_poker

lol, where are gonna make the online satelites? Is Tapie going to talk about FTP?
06-14-2012 , 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by potconTROLL
ISPT ‏@ispt_poker
#prizepool? 20.000.000 €! #Pokerplayers expected? 30.000! Where? #WembleyStadium When? 31 May till 6 June 2013! Be there !

ISPT ‏@ispt_poker
#Press conference tonight in #Paris with Laurent Tapie and Prosper Masqulier!!/ispt_poker

lol, where are gonna make the online satelites? Is Tapie going to talk about FTP?
06-14-2012 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by momo_the_kid
US legal system will be considered a huge joke if Lederer and Ferguson don't end up in jail after this is over,
Yeah, putting these two in jail would totally make up for not doing anything to those responsible for destroying the entire world's economy and paying them billions of dollars in bonuses.

If Howard and Jesus end up in jail, I'm definitely changing my mind about the US legal system being a complete joke...
06-14-2012 , 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by potconTROLL
ISPT ‏@ispt_poker
#prizepool? 20.000.000 €! #Pokerplayers expected? 30.000! Where? #WembleyStadium When? 31 May till 6 June 2013! Be there !

ISPT ‏@ispt_poker
#Press conference tonight in #Paris with Laurent Tapie and Prosper Masqulier!!/ispt_poker

lol, where are gonna make the online satelites? Is Tapie going to talk about FTP?
Not sure who posts on that twitter account, but they should probably learn how to spell their boss' name.
06-14-2012 , 07:43 AM
ISPT thread is located here for those who want to follow.
06-14-2012 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by Land Of The Free?
Yeah, putting these two in jail would totally make up for not doing anything to those responsible for destroying the entire world's economy and paying them billions of dollars in bonuses.

If Howard and Jesus end up in jail, I'm definitely changing my mind about the US legal system being a complete joke...

lol I wanted to post that
06-14-2012 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by tamiller866
FTP BOD are already being sued by players in both California and Nevada.
I don't like the forum or venues they have chosen and particularly dislike that they have voluntarily put themselves back into the morass of diversity jurisdiction. You don't need to strengthen the other side's case. I worry that some of those choices were made for the convenience of counsel.
06-14-2012 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Gioco
I don't like the forum or venues they have chosen and particularly dislike that they have voluntarily put themselves back into the morass of diversity jurisdiction. You don't need to strengthen the other side's case. I worry that some of those choices were made for the convenience of counsel.
Tiltware, Inc. was located in Cali. HL, CF, etc. reside in Nevada. Makes sense on those levels. (Not sure where Plaintiffs are located).
06-14-2012 , 11:03 AM
Makes more sense to me to sue individual defendants in state court where they live, then you don't spend months litigating diversity jurisdiction issues and maybe losing.

Sue a defendant in their county of domicile and all those other issues aren't even existent. Then they have to move forward on the substantive issues at a much faster pace. If they want to implead other defendants, that's their choice, it won't slow down the lawsuit.
06-14-2012 , 12:01 PM
Does anyone know what happend to the civil lawsuit canadian players filed in the name of all worldwide full tilt customers?

as far as i know they also included all the scumbag red pros in the lawsuit! When the **** will they have to show up in court?
06-14-2012 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Davidian
as far as i know they also included all the scumbag red pros in the lawsuit! When the **** will they have to show up in court?
Misdirected, your anger is.
06-14-2012 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Franktposter
Here's another question about Howard. Shortly after Black Friday, Alan Boston claimed Howard didn't know anything before April 15, and that Howard was not even a major shareholder. Well, it since came out in the amended complaint that Howard actually owns more than Ray Bitar (and way more than Rafe Furst). I guess one can debate whether the 8.6% makes him a major owner, but it seems like perhaps Howard misled Alan or Alan was misleading in his interview. If the part about his ownership was not true, perhaps what he knew is also in question (again, either Howard misled Alan or Alan was misleading in his interview).

But, let's just give Howard the absolute best case and give him the full benefit of the doubt that he knew nothing before April 15. Well, as a board member, he had a fiduciary duty to know. Ignorance isn't an excuse here.

And as Bill Rini pointed out in his blog, if the board knew nothing before April 15, and Ray kept all this bad stuff from the board, then why wasn't he fired the moment the board found out? Even that aside, it's virtually unheard of for an indicted CEO to remain in power. So, what did Ray have on the board to keep them from firing him?

Diamond, I don't know who your sources are, but maybe you could find out the answer to this: how much money did Ray take out of the company in salary after April 15? How could the board continue to not only keep Ray in charge, but to pay Ray a salary when every dime mattered and American players couldn't get any of their money off the site.
Just in general, does anyone know if Ray is still getting paid by any of the FTP companies, or any one from the board for that matter?
06-14-2012 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Gioco
Makes more sense to me to sue individual defendants in state court where they live, then you don't spend months litigating diversity jurisdiction issues and maybe losing.

Sue a defendant in their county of domicile and all those other issues aren't even existent. Then they have to move forward on the substantive issues at a much faster pace. If they want to implead other defendants, that's their choice, it won't slow down the lawsuit.
Not a chance. Any of these cases, the first thing defendant files is a notice of removal to federal court, and there is no way a fed court does not have jurisdiction here, as virtually any of these transactions with FTP's processors would have crossed state lines.

You can argue choice of venue in which fed district, but there is no way a motion to remove to federal court doesn't win here.
06-14-2012 , 01:13 PM
IIRC Bitar thought that if he stepped down as CEO that it would cause a lot more euros to attempt withdrawals on monies that FTP no longer actually had. How no one spoke up and completely froze and shut thr company down after they all realized that there wasn't enough money is a complete joke. The company wouldve been in a much better position to receive an investment than Bitar hiding the money issue for months.
06-14-2012 , 01:20 PM
And that's the true crime in all of this for Howard, Furst, and Ferguson.

Not knowing that FTP was insolvent is one thing. But to allow the company to continue running after they found out post BF is irreprehensible. Combine this with the fact that they hid their money issues and couldn't engage in meaningful investment opportunities that start and end with " we need xx millions and will negotiate terms from there " is another joke against the players. The fact that they still possessed self interest in the sale of the company post BF, and in doing so nuked any legitimate chance of immediate player fund recovery is simply unforgivable.

And I hope history remembers these facts and not the failed GBT deal or failed PS deal.

No Howard, Ferguson, Bitar, Furst, you didnt try your hardest and weren't truly sorry or else you would've been looking for the fastest way to wash your hands of the situation.
06-14-2012 , 01:57 PM
wait, the PS deal failed? or are you talking hypothetically?
06-14-2012 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by ShipItYo
wait, the PS deal failed? or are you talking hypothetically?
Hypothetically. There's been no indication that the Stars deal has either succeeded or failed.
06-14-2012 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Davidian
Does anyone know what happend to the civil lawsuit canadian players filed in the name of all worldwide full tilt customers?

as far as i know they also included all the scumbag red pros in the lawsuit! When the **** will they have to show up in court?
It will be years before it gets to court. Civil cases in this country are as slow as a short bus with square wheels.
06-14-2012 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by CANUCKEH44
It will be years before it gets to court. Civil cases in this country are as slow as a short bus with square wheels.
And the lawyers will get a huge amount of any settlement if there is any recoverable money
06-14-2012 , 02:22 PM
I can't believe there are still people thinking an announcement is coming every week. The longer this goes the safer Howard and company feel. It only took Ivey a year and he's getting cheered walking around freely. I'm going to make sense now and piss people off because the truth hurts,
If they planned at all to pay us back at any time the limbo funds would have been addressed. Some kind of accounting into how much they owe would have been done and you would see some form of evidence of it. Until you see this how in the world do you want to be paid back???
06-14-2012 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
I can't believe there are still people thinking an announcement is coming every week. The longer this goes the safer Howard and company feel. It only took Ivey a year and he's getting cheered walking around freely. I'm going to make sense now and piss people off because the truth hurts,
If they planned at all to pay us back at any time the limbo funds would have been addressed. Some kind of accounting into how much they owe would have been done and you would see some form of evidence of it. Until you see this how in the world do you want to be paid back???
That goes under NDA's.
God you must be some emo kid with all your pessimism, get some joy in life.
06-14-2012 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Noisecore
That goes under NDA's.
God you must be some emo kid with all your pessimism, get some joy in life.
It's funny how being realistic about your expectations can be confused with pessimism.
Like I said the truth hurts. And what in the world does an NDA (or ndas as you say)have to do with basic accounting being done.
06-14-2012 , 02:36 PM
Are we still expecting the Joey v FTP smackdown vid Joey?
Pay per view live from vegas baby!!
You should get Marco to live stream it and Matusow to commentate (pissed ofcourse).
I've waited almost a year for this mate, it better be good.
06-14-2012 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
I can't believe there are still people thinking an announcement is coming every week.

I can't believe it either.

The longer this goes the safer Howard and company feel. It only took Ivey a year and he's getting cheered walking around freely.


I'm going to make sense now and piss people off because the truth hurts,
If they planned at all to pay us back at any time the limbo funds would have been addressed. Some kind of accounting into how much they owe would have been done and you would see some form of evidence of it. Until you see this how in the world do you want to be paid back???

I agree that limbo funds need to be addressed, but how do you know it hasn't been researched and accounted for? Because they haven't announced it to us? We aren't getting information about anything that's going on so what makes you think this issue would be any different?
