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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

12-11-2011 , 08:45 AM
We have to remember that this is not a simple sale of a company. The company(s) are now expected to be inking an agreement to forfeit all the assets of the company(s) over to the US DOJ. GBT has done their DD to determine what those assets are. The DOJ has agreed (letter of intent) to then sell the assets to GBT. GBT then must take the necessary steps to launch the new company(I'm sure some of this step is being done already in anticipation)
While I have probably oversimplified the process here, its obvious there are lots of steps involving lots of DD and negotiations. These steps had to be done in a specific order. As each step is completed, you are that much closer to seeing a new company and seeing your funds.
Patience is hard.
12-11-2011 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by Mycology
Exactly sir, if you and I (who we shall assume are sane and logical) are so angry as to re-consider our peaceful natures if an opportunity arose to meet HL or RB or CF in a dark alley, then imagine the person who has far more money and who's life has been far worse affected than ours. They will not hesitate nearly as much as you or I (i'm a skinny guy, i'm not taking down HL or RB, thats for sure, at least not with my hands haha) to do something foolish.

To imagine that they could avoid the "fools" for 10 years, especially if those shareholders were directly responsible (partially or majorly) for the problems we face, and for failing to right those wrongs they have done to us... well I dont think they'd make it 10 years.

Lets hope it doesn't come to that or anywhere near that, and that the good news we hope for is around the corner...
Yes, I absolutely agree. However, tbh, I would assume that for many people who do have a life changing amount stuck on FT the damage is done already. If you can't pay your mortgage and bills or your kids' school fees for more than six months you are really screwed. I doubt if getting their money back - if, indeed, they get it back - will change their feelings towards these scumbags (and their readiness to express them accordingly if given the opportunity).

The "skinny guy" bit made me laugh. Give me a shout if you spot them in a dark alley. I'm a big fella
12-11-2011 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
We have to remember that this is not a simple sale of a company. The company(s) are now expected to be inking an agreement to forfeit all the assets of the company(s) over to the US DOJ. GBT has done their DD to determine what those assets are. The DOJ has agreed (letter of intent) to then sell the assets to GBT. GBT then must take the necessary steps to launch the new company(I'm sure some of this step is being done already in anticipation)
While I have probably oversimplified the process here, its obvious there are lots of steps involving lots of DD and negotiations. These steps had to be done in a specific order. As each step is completed, you are that much closer to seeing a new company and seeing your funds.
Patience is hard.

Exactly an update will come when it comes and this could be a long process. Lots of things need to take place here and updates will come when they come and will be linked in the first page of this thread. It is that simple

good opinionated writeup here
12-11-2011 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by oneonth3run
Perhaps rounding up the votes is more complex than we think and thus more time consuming than we thought? Maybe some are trying to negotiate future stock in the company and all the legal and tax issues are dragging it on.
I would suspect the delay does not look good. Maybe they don t want to sell.

I would of thought the vote would of been done within a few days. We all know some players took illegal dividends, but some did not. What would happen if the shareholders that didn't take the illegal dividends are blocking the sale.

Last edited by DavidNB; 12-11-2011 at 09:51 AM.
12-11-2011 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by GloupnaktouK

Understand your point, I just don't think he's the kind of guy you'll get anything from unless you're close to him, but I share your interest in whatever potential info he has.

Agreed, still, I hope someone has approached him and asked, even if all they got in return was the cold shoulder.

With all the press out there for the events and cash games, how could none of them approach him with the major questions?
12-11-2011 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by arezh

The "skinny guy" bit made me laugh. Give me a shout if you spot them in a dark alley. I'm a big fella
Will do sir ;-) , as skinny as I am I would still throw myself at them like a tazmanian devil throws itself at a ... whatever tazmanian devils are eaten by.

Ok that analogy failed. The point was, Tazmanian devils are small, but vicious and unrelenting even against larger predators.

Last edited by Mycology; 12-11-2011 at 09:42 AM. Reason: Failnology
12-11-2011 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by Mycology
Will do sir ;-) , as skinny as I am I would still throw myself at them like a tazmanian devil throws itself at a ... whatever tazmanian devils are eaten by.
Watch out for the two 6foot 8inch 300 lb ex UNLV linemen bodyguards that are being paid with player money (dividends) that will be watching for you!

Some fool will try something eventully. I really hope he fails, but comes close enough to scare the crap out of them (the usual suspects)! The ongoing fear would be a better result than injury
12-11-2011 , 09:51 AM
I think that PA, Dwan, Ivey etc... are hindered mostly by the fact that they probably have a lot of money tied up with FTP, either their bankrolls, equity in the company or money they're owed and possibly by a non disclosure agreement. So I'm sure they're cautious about what they say and about playing on other sites. Being heckled by irate players with money stuck on FTP is probably secondary to the other concerns I just mentioned. I don't see being heckled as big issue for them unless they're playing the WSOP where they might get harassed by every Tom, Dick and Harry. But in a location as exotic as Macau I'm sure this isn't a big concern for them and that there they can do as they please. The money they stand to make in Macau is certainly worth the risk of someone coming up to them and saying 'yo where's my roll? i want my money'.

Last edited by AKingdom; 12-11-2011 at 09:56 AM.
12-11-2011 , 11:20 AM
The next person to call for another posters ban in this thread will earn a temporary ban. For themselves.

I don't know how many times in how many different ways it has to be explained to some of you that continually bickering with another poster because you don't like what he (or she) has to say is inappropriate, derailing, and just downright obnoxious.

Use the ignore function - that's why 2p2 put it there. Not every poster you dislike is a troll, and believe it or not, they have just as much right to post as you do.

So seriously - shut the **** up already. If you can't stick to topics about FTP, you're the ****ing trolls. Expect to get squished if you continue to act like one.
12-11-2011 , 11:28 AM
As long as there are no real news - might it be wise for FTP2 to apply for licenses in both Nevada and California in 2012 even considering that probably there will be no federal online poker legislation in 2012? I am not sure but think I´ve read somewhere that 888 and BWin have already done so "in advance" as legal systems in both states have not been agreed upon as of yet.
12-11-2011 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
The next person to call for another posters ban in this thread will earn a temporary ban. For themselves.

I don't know how many times in how many different ways it has to be explained to some of you that continually bickering with another poster because you don't like what he (or she) has to say is inappropriate, derailing, and just downright obnoxious.

Use the ignore function - that's why 2p2 put it there. Not every poster you dislike is a troll, and believe it or not, they have just as much right to post as you do.

So seriously - shut the **** up already. If you can't stick to topics about FTP, you're the ****ing trolls. Expect to get squished if you continue to act like one.
so tempting XD
12-11-2011 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
The next person to call for another posters ban in this thread will earn a temporary ban. For themselves.

I don't know how many times in how many different ways it has to be explained to Mycology that continually bickering with another poster because you don't like what Chinamaniac or Hdemet has to say is inappropriate, derailing, and just downright obnoxious.

Use the ignore function - that's why 2p2 put it there. Not every poster you dislike is a troll, and believe it or not, they have just as much right to post as you do.

So seriously Mycology - shut the **** up already. If you can't stick to topics about FTP, you're the ****ing troll. Expect to get squished if you continue to act like one.
I FYP :-P seriously though, you know I was right ;-) and a temp ban sounds much nicer than the 20 point infraction you gave me :-/

But OK, I wont do it again. Can't use the ignore feature though, as curiosity gets the best of me.
12-11-2011 , 01:04 PM
I kno Jeff reads the board.
He's probably not religious about it like some ppl on here.
12-11-2011 , 01:14 PM
What are the odds that poker stars sent this guy to buy ftp. And back out after dragging it out for months. Thus crippling its biggest competition
12-11-2011 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by blackfriday415
What are the odds that poker stars sent this guy to buy ftp. And back out after dragging it out for months. Thus crippling its biggest competition
zero lol
12-11-2011 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by blackfriday415
What are the odds that poker stars sent this guy to buy ftp. And back out after dragging it out for months. Thus crippling its biggest competition
Why would PS need to send any1 to buy FTP and not just buy it "itself"?
12-11-2011 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by blackfriday415
What are the odds that poker stars sent this guy to buy ftp. And back out after dragging it out for months. Thus crippling its biggest competition
Not bloody likely.
12-11-2011 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
zero lol
Not much chance nor much need. BF, alderney "regulators", and the sharp business minds of FTP took care of that
12-11-2011 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by Chinamaniac
good opinionated writeup here
Thanks for this link. The one thing I really don't understand is how the DoJ would allow people they have indicted just to walk off without any punishment, other than the closure of the business (not sure how to phrase this correctly) through which the (according to the DoJ) illegal activity took place.

Don't those personally indicted only have the scuppering of this deal, and possibly trying to recover ownership of certain bank accounts as collateral? If I was going to be personally indicted I am not sure why I would be in a rush to give up my ownership of FT. Is this a reasonable reading of where the negotiations might be?
12-11-2011 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Hairy Chinese Kid
Thanks for this link. The one thing I really don't understand is how the DoJ would allow people they have indicted just to walk off without any punishment, other than the closure of the business (not sure how to phrase this correctly) through which the (according to the DoJ) illegal activity took place.

Don't those personally indicted only have the scuppering of this deal, and possibly trying to recover ownership of certain bank accounts as collateral? If I was going to be personally indicted I am not sure why I would be in a rush to give up my ownership of FT. Is this a reasonable reading of where the negotiations might be?
The forfeiture and the resale of the assets to GBT have nothing to do with the indictment against certain individuals. Those ppl still face criminal charges, with or without this sale.
Let's say it this way, the company is already gone really. It is insolvent and cannot recoup on its own. It could either be sold outright (they tried that, much too late, to no avail), forfeit its assets (as we are now watching happen), or hang on for another few weeks and then face bankcruptcy/liquidation (benefits no one).

I don't understand the "collateral" comment tbh, so could you please explain further.
Also, there is no way that a civil forfeiture in this case will ever dismiss the criminal charges against those indicted in the criminal action so I do not see the incentive in refusing to make the deal for that reason. The alternative is to wait and fight it out in court, both civilly and criminally. Each day that passes, the assets are worth less and less, and the costs are more and more. Stalling does not hurt the DOJ, it hurts the players that are out the ~ $350 million. That would not bode well on your resume when its your turn before a judge. JMHO.
12-11-2011 , 04:56 PM
Didn't the guy who "called" the deal between the DOJ and GBT 3 hours prior to the news coming out say Dec. 12 would be the date FTP re-opens?

12-11-2011 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
The forfeiture and the resale of the assets to GBT have nothing to do with the indictment against certain individuals. Those ppl still face criminal charges, with or without this sale.
Let's say it this way, the company is already gone really. It is insolvent and cannot recoup on its own. It could either be sold outright (they tried that, much too late, to no avail), forfeit its assets (as we are now watching happen), or hang on for another few weeks and then face bankcruptcy/liquidation (benefits no one).

I don't understand the "collateral" comment tbh, so could you please explain further.
Also, there is no way that a civil forfeiture in this case will ever dismiss the criminal charges against those indicted in the criminal action so I do not see the incentive in refusing to make the deal for that reason. The alternative is to wait and fight it out in court, both civilly and criminally. Each day that passes, the assets are worth less and less, and the costs are more and more. Stalling does not hurt the DOJ, it hurts the players that are out the ~ $350 million. That would not bode well on your resume when its your turn before a judge. JMHO.
Thanks for your reply, I do appreciate it. I assumed the current FTP owners were in negotiations with GBT/DoJ, with GBT effectively facilitating this whole deal. (I guess this is more or less accurate).
As far as I could see the only bargaining chips current FTP owners (particularly those personally indicted) (other than dropping the claim to ownership of these various bank accounts) was agreeing to this particular deal or not.
I think what I failed to understand was that there is no value in current FTP owners not agreeing to the deal. Even if the current offer is one FT can't refuse I guess it still takes a while to dot all the is/cross all the ts etc...
12-11-2011 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by AlphaScorpii
Why would PS need to send any1 to buy FTP and not just buy it "itself"?
Better yet, why would PokerStars need to do anything at all? Just let Full Tilt sink into the mud.
12-11-2011 , 06:24 PM
Why are people suddenly so pessimestic? Any other reason than the fact that most of you are impatient as ****? What did you guys expect that we would be playing again next week? That was the best case scenario, it could also be something like March if we're unlucky.
12-11-2011 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
IMO, shortly would be within the next days. As you can imagine it's difficult for anyone to predict a time frame (i.e. 2 weeks) knowing that people might panic if it goes a day or two beyond that. I don't think a couple of days delay is reason in itself for panic.
I am cautiously optimistic that there will be a positive outcome.
Afaik. Jeff I. has been working on the deal between FTP and GBT. I don't know if he still reads the forum.
I find it mindblowing that virtually our only possible source of info is a guy who only has the interests of his clients at heart. (The ones who misappropriated the funds of us, the players)

Jeff Ifrah made claims that he would be here and was looking after the interests of the players.
He was all action when he needed the players to email the AGCC and plead on behalf of his clients........

He made claims in his Q+A's that FTP would be more forthcoming with statements......... how long did that last?

More BS in a long line of BS coming from FTP and their lawyers.

The good news is Jeff Ifrah has been paid out of our money, even if we havn't.
