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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

03-08-2020 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by M@tacow
But like I stated that would be massiv negative freroll to loose your seat if you get symptoms. WSOP2020 is logistically impossible
If you have to quarantine while already in a tournament then they stake you for your ICM equity in the tournament on the WSOP online poker tournaments and cash games.

Lawyers are drawing up the contracts for this as we speak.
03-08-2020 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
If you have to quarantine while already in a tournament then they stake you for your ICM equity in the tournament on the WSOP online poker tournaments and cash games.

Lawyers are drawing up the contracts for this as we speak.
Kind of doubt that...
03-08-2020 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Kilowatt
Like SXSW, which was cancelled, a WSOP cancellation will only happen if it's forced upon Caesars by the local, state, or federal government.

Which might happen. But Caesars won't voluntarily do it.

You heard it here first.
WSOP is just another Vegas convention, like all the other industry and trade association conventions that happen every single week in Las Vegas. The "Local, State, Feds" aren't forcing conventions to shut down. It's up to the sponsoring organization to make that decision. I highly doubt any govt agency would single out WSOP vs. all other trade/industry conventions that are on the schedule from now thru the end of the year. Nor do I think they have the authority to "shut them down", of course they could strongly suggest....
03-08-2020 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by TheFly
WSOP is just another Vegas convention, like all the other industry and trade association conventions that happen every single week in Las Vegas. The "Local, State, Feds" aren't forcing conventions to shut down. It's up to the sponsoring organization to make that decision. I highly doubt any govt agency would single out WSOP vs. all other trade/industry conventions that are on the schedule from now thru the end of the year. Nor do I think they have the authority to "shut them down", of course they could strongly suggest....
The governor of Texas stepped in and shut down SXSW. They likely do have the authority to shut down the WSOP or any other convention if they feel it poses a threat to their city.
03-08-2020 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Registered 2018
Gold bracelet miners and prospectors from all over will find a way to go to the promised lands of Delaware, Nevada, and New Jersey in order to achieve their dreams of poker glory.
Sure .... and establish their residency and sign up for accounts, and deposit their funds seamlessly, and .... et cetera, et cetera ...and some 5,000+ of these folks will do so, just to enter an online tournament .... when they can already play online for $1,000,000+ tourney series from home.

Not likely,

i call.
03-08-2020 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by mprower92
The governor of Texas stepped in and shut down SXSW. They likely do have the authority to shut down the WSOP or any other convention if they feel it poses a threat to their city.
No level of government can shut down an event that is 90% played online while the other 10% of the events a very low turnout because of super high barriers of entry in terms of participation costs.
03-08-2020 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by TheFly
WSOP is just another Vegas convention, like all the other industry and trade association conventions that happen every single week in Las Vegas. The "Local, State, Feds" aren't forcing conventions to shut down. It's up to the sponsoring organization to make that decision. I highly doubt any govt agency would single out WSOP vs. all other trade/industry conventions that are on the schedule from now thru the end of the year. Nor do I think they have the authority to "shut them down", of course they could strongly suggest....
You could not be more wrong re government authority in this instance.

The WSOP is a gaming event, with a whole level of regulation on top of that governing every other event in Las Vegas.

I am NOT saying it would come to that, but if it did pretty much any government authority that regulates industry events or handles zoning can "shut things down".
03-08-2020 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by PTLou
maybe I misunderstood but seemed like he was asserting that if its true that Covid issue does not get worse past end of March, then all will be fine and WSOP will go on as planned.

I guess thats true, IF you believe that this will all stabilize by end of month.
I think you did, but then again I probably shouldn't be jumping in the middle of spots like this. Sometimes I can't help myself. But what you've posted here seems much closer to what he said than what you posted earlier. Maybe it's just me misunderstanding - I'll find the door.

Originally Posted by PTLou
Does anyone believe this is going to stabilize by the end of this month. I dont think it will. That was my point.
Fair point for sure. Not impossible, but seems pretty improbable.

Originally Posted by akashenk
I'm not sure I understand the hysteria surrounding the whole issue of making travel plans which may be in limbo. You can cancel a hotel reservation up to a few days ahead, usually for no charge (at least in Vegas). And you can cancel a plane ticket for either no charge (depending on the ticket, obviously) or a few hundred dollars, right up to flight time. It doesn't seem like an onerous risk for players to take to make their plans like usual and then play it by ear depending on circumstances closer to the event.
Exactly. Although if you're making a new booking, I'd be checking all those cancellation terms very closely.

Originally Posted by Gzesh
As for travel planning, I just cancelled a planned trip, including air, hotel ground transport. It was a pain to contact all vendors, but all offered to waive penalties, and either a credit toward future travel or a refund.
I guess that would be one caveat to what I said earlier WRT cancelling trips. If a person is worried and can get penalties waived, I could see them acting now just in case for some reason they can't get them waived later.

Originally Posted by Registered 2018
No level of government can shut down an event that is 90% played online while the other 10% of the events a very low turnout because of super high barriers of entry in terms of participation costs.
Of course they could - especially the live portion. Can't see why they'd want to shut down anything online if it followed gambling regulations.

Of course, it appears you've missed or ignored someone's earlier point about the fact that WSOP can't offer online tournaments to anyone outside of the states they are regulated in. It would be more like the NJNevDelSOP under your proposal.
03-08-2020 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
Sure .... and establish their residency and sign up for accounts, and deposit their funds seamlessly, and .... et cetera, et cetera ...and some 5,000+ of these folks will do so, just to enter an online tournament .... when they can already play online for $1,000,000+ tourney series from home.

Not likely,

i call.
Event number 6 of the WSOP Online Circuit (with a buy in of $320) was able to garner 476 entrants. Remember, this was played during a major off season and the winners got circuit bracelets.

If the average WSOP online GOLD BRACELET event with a $600 buy in can average 500+ entrants, then it would be a success. Close to easily doable based just on current player pool plus maybe 15% more new players. This is why it is critical that the WSOP organizers make announcements of an expanded online events schedule very early - to allow time for new account sign ups.

As things now stand, 87 of the scheduled events are live while 14 are online. It should be reversed IMMEDIATELY....87 online and 14 live.

And if things get worse with the CoronaVirus, then the polarity could be expanded even more dramatically: only 5 super huge buy in events live and 300 online gold bracelet events. 5 gold bracelet events per day for 60 days.

With 300 online gold bracelets available, Phil Hellmuth's gold bracelet record could fall, which is an added bonus. His tell reading skills and verbal influence skills won't work online, and there are already many online experts with 3 bracelets or more to their name.
03-08-2020 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
You could not be more wrong re government authority in this instance.

The WSOP is a gaming event, with a whole level of regulation on top of that governing every other event in Las Vegas.

I am NOT saying it would come to that, but if it did pretty much any government authority that regulates industry events or handles zoning can "shut things down".
Sure, but does the NGC or NGCB have authority to shut down organized events on private properties for medical-related reasons? Are there licensed physicians on the NGC/NGCB, or can they knee-jerk react with fear/hype and pull plugs based on viruses?
03-08-2020 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by PTLou
maybe I misunderstood but seemed like he was asserting that if its true that Covid issue does not get worse past end of March, then all will be fine and WSOP will go on as planned.

I guess thats true, IF you believe that this will all stabilize by end of month.

Does anyone believe this is going to stabilize by the end of this month. I dont think it will. That was my point.
It is for sure going to get worse in the US and everywhere between now and end of month. Likely cases will pop up from employees or guests in Las Vegas casinos by then and who knows what will be done about it.

My point was, by the end of month WSOP and everyone else will have a much better picture of what is to come. Making them likely to make a call to cancel by then.

If they don't by end of month knowing what the picture looks like at that point, I am saying as long as things don't get much worse from that point on then it will still be on and run.

It is likely to continue to get worse for a bit after that tho. But at some point in the next 1 to 3 months things will get more stable and things will be under control. Lets hope.
03-08-2020 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by TheFly
Sure, but does the NGC or NGCB have authority to shut down organized events on private properties for medical-related reasons? Are there licensed physicians on the NGC/NGCB, or can they knee-jerk react with fear/hype and pull plugs based on viruses?
I think the government can do pretty much anything it wants to. Reasons can come later or be made up out of thin air. However, it would be a pretty drastic step. I mean, at this moment in time, the biggest threat caused by COVID-19, or any infectious disease in the US is air travel. Airlines have begun cancelling flights due to a precipitous drop in demand and the tremendous cost of flying well below capacity, not out of health concerns or some moral obligations. I have heard no one suggest that the government is even considering shutting down air travel. The reason is obvious, it would have an enormous negative economic impact. I would imagine many thousands of people would have to perish in the US before the government did anything that drastic.

We are also likely coming close to the period when the government response focuses more on triage and treatment than containment.
03-08-2020 , 02:02 PM
Just saw this posted by Brian Pempus on Twitter.

"Two armed robbers are said to have stolen $250,000 from a New York casino on Saturday night after they burst in wearing surgical masks."

"Two armed robbers wearing surgical masks steal $260,000 from a New York racetrack – as employees say heist was an ‘inside job.’"

Last edited by dhubermex; 03-08-2020 at 02:07 PM.
03-08-2020 , 02:08 PM
03-08-2020 , 02:14 PM
This is an interesting thread. Between the “nothing to see here” crowd and the “sky is falling” crowd, there is certainly some happy medium of reasonable reaction to the virus and also what’s happening because of it. It would be reasonable for the WSOP to cancel and I wouldn’t be shocked if they did. However, it doesn’t seem like something likely to happen until such time as holding the event presents a financial burden. For instance, if the WSOP lost sponsorships, or if the demand fell so much that simply holding the event could be a big money-loser. I don’t see either of those things happening, so as many have said in this thread, it really would take some sort of intervention from the Las Vegas, Nevada or perhaps federal government. The WSOP is small potatoes when it comes to economic impact to Vegas, so the threshold is lower for a government concern to step in. However, it would also send a bad signal which would have economic impacts far beyond the WSOP.
03-08-2020 , 02:23 PM
One thing the WSOP organizers could do if they feel like summer would be too soon, is postpone the WSOP till the fall, or perhaps December. The reason the WSOP is in summer is because it has traditionally been an unpopular time of year in Vegas. There are no significant competing conventions/events. The fall, or especially December could be trickier, but a smaller WSOP (perhaps only 3 weeks long instead of 6) could probably be worked out. Of course, this would be a large logistical undertaking and I’m not certain there is an appetite for that amongst anyone in Vegas.
03-08-2020 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by ligastar
On Monday, the UK is considering a measure that would ban those 70 years old and older from attending public events...
Originally Posted by Gzesh
That would not play well in the US. Not likely.
Agreed, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Donald Trump, would't be able to attend their rallies.

Also the Rolling Stones couldn't go their upcoming concerts.
03-08-2020 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by akashenk
The WSOP is small potatoes when it comes to economic impact to Vegas, so the threshold is lower for a government concern to step in. However, it would also send a bad signal which would have economic impacts far beyond the WSOP.
Over 6 weeks we are talking over hundreds of thousands of hotel room nights. And everyones eating, drinking, gambling, other forms of entertainment and getting cabs/ubers. It's in the hundreds of millions.
03-08-2020 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by PokerXanadu
That's really interesting. Obviously much of the math is based on estimations and assumptions, but I was struck by the remark that cancelling an event with 100,000 attendees could ultimately save 200 lives. (Which isn't to say that 200 of the 100k will die. It's that the attendees spread the virus to thousands of people elsewhere, and some of those will die, putting a great strain on the health services, which costs society a great deal of money).
Originally Posted by Kilowatt
Like SXSW, which was cancelled, a WSOP cancellation will only happen if it's forced upon Caesars by the local, state, or federal government. Which might happen. But Caesars won't voluntarily do it.
You heard it here first.
I said much the same thing about five days ago. I also said I couldn't imagine the governments of western countries shutting down massive urban conurbations like the Chinese did. But Italy proved me wrong.
Originally Posted by Registered 2018
If this problem persists by November, the nightmare scenario of a canceled elections cold come true.
There's things called postal ballots and online voting. Then again, if Trump mismanages the crisis and his approval rating nosedives, he might just cancel the election and declare himself President for Life.
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
The toilet paper thing is just bizarre. How much do people use, FFS?
The FOMO phenomenon reminds me of the bitcoin scramble of December 2017. The only difference is that toilet rolls will still have some utility a couple of months later.
Originally Posted by Gigabyte
A guy at my table clearly looked like he had a fever. Cash game. What do you guys recommend in this situation (other than leaving)? Should I have said something to him or the staff? Does it matter? He wasn't coughing, sneezing, or touching his face.
Listen, here's the thing. If you can't spot the coronavirus sufferer in the first half hour at the table, then you have the coronavirus.

Last edited by ArtyMcFly; 03-08-2020 at 02:40 PM. Reason: Credit for the Rounders joke: Zach Elwood
03-08-2020 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by AKyouwin
Over 6 weeks we are talking over hundreds of thousands of hotel room nights. And everyones eating, drinking, gambling, other forms of entertainment and getting cabs/ubers. It's in the hundreds of millions.
Not sure if your estimate is accurate, but even if it is, hundreds of millions is small potatoes. Nevada brings in on the order of $1B every month in gaming revenue, which doesn't include entertainment, food, etc and all the other economic activities you mentioned.

Last time I checked, the best month ever for the entire state of NV was something like $18MM in poker revenues. I believe this only counted cash. So let's say you double that for the month of June to account for tournaments (an extremely generous estimate). You're still only talking about 3-4%.

And, of course, while representing a huge boom to the local poker economy, the WSOP doesn't represent 100% of the monthly poker economy in Vegas, so its effect on the greater economy is even less significant.

Small potatoes.
03-08-2020 , 03:07 PM
Here's a March 6th article from the Reno Gazzete Journal. Las Vegas hotel room rates have already dropped 10 percent.

“'It’s a bit hard to predict,' said Stephen M. Miller, an economist at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. 'If coronavirus sticks around for three months – a quarter of the year – it would have a significant effect on visitors, taxable sales, gaming revenue and employment in the hospitality sector.'”

“'We’re talking about a service industry where labor is a big portion of the daily cost for these companies, and when there’s irregular demand, there’s nothing you can do on the cost side,' Beynon said. 'Employees are still getting paid. They’re still working, so you just burn cash. That’s the scary thing.'”
03-08-2020 , 03:08 PM
Death toll in Italy has gone up by 133 in the past day, now at 366.
That's a scary escalation.
03-08-2020 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by dhubermex
Here's a March 6th article from the Reno Gazzete Journal. Las Vegas hotel room rates have already dropped 10 percent.

“'It’s a bit hard to predict,' said Stephen M. Miller, an economist at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. 'If coronavirus sticks around for three months – a quarter of the year – it would have a significant effect on visitors, taxable sales, gaming revenue and employment in the hospitality sector.'”

“'We’re talking about a service industry where labor is a big portion of the daily cost for these companies, and when there’s irregular demand, there’s nothing you can do on the cost side,' Beynon said. 'Employees are still getting paid. They’re still working, so you just burn cash. That’s the scary thing.'”
There's no doubt Las Vegas is going to be hit hard by this. Not sure if it will be anything like the financial crisis in 2008 (at least not yet), but its not going to be pretty.
03-08-2020 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by PeteBlow
Death toll in Italy has gone up by 133 in the past day, now at 366.
That's a scary escalation.
5% death rate based on their 7300 cases so far. They're clearing operating rooms and other areas of hospitals including hallways to fit in more ICU beds plus kicking out all but the most critical cases and conditions. The healthcare systems in the hotspots are on the brink of collapse.
03-08-2020 , 04:37 PM
366 dead of 7300 cases but the dead are of those who, by medical standards need treatment but this in no way speaks to those who are affected with minor( even major) symptoms and either seek or do not seek treatment.

Hopefully the doctors are not treating the lab test but are treating the patient who if treated have presented with some measure of distress.

Dr. A to associate "Is he sick?", no mildly looks home and rest or whatever is prescribed.

"Is he sick" yes, having a difficult time-...bring him here and go forward.....

Behind these cases stands a mountain of possibilities to which are not considered in the statistic.
