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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

04-23-2020 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
I understand the visual appeal. It was pretty good.

What it lead me to question is

whether that twitter guy is really the Las Vegas local he purports to be, any local would know that photo was 15 years or so out of date, then,

if he knew it was 15 years out of date, its use should have been qualified ...
yea i was about to say that logo has been gone for at least 15 years

this genius mayor even made the comparison to Legionnaires' disease being a problem in Philadelphia when Legionnaires' disease isn't even contagious. truly amazing.
04-23-2020 , 02:02 PM
RIP akashenk.

When your new screename can PM, hit me up. I'll give you some pointers on how to wind back into the thread without immediately outing yourself

Still cant believe you think moon landing was faked.
04-23-2020 , 02:26 PM
Poor akashenk, just when he was giving Ron a run for 1st place lol.

Who Posted?
Total Posts: 4,205
User Name Posts
parisron 521
akashenk 262
Bobo Fett 195
washoe 144
Gzesh 121
ArtyMcFly 106
Mr Spyutastic 99
Xenoblade 91
Eponymous 91
04-23-2020 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by PeteBlow
Carolyn Goodman looks like Eddie Izzard
04-23-2020 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by TheFly
Poor akashenk, just when he was giving Ron a run for 1st place lol.

Who Posted?
Total Posts: 4,205
User Name Posts
parisron 521
akashenk 262
Bobo Fett 195
washoe 144
Gzesh 121
ArtyMcFly 106
Mr Spyutastic 99
Xenoblade 91
Eponymous 91

I also feel sorry for him, as he put so much energy into his posts. I haven't read 10% of his posts because that was enough energy wasted into nirvana for my taste.
I have a hard enough time to channel my energy on other things. But I could tell he was sincerely meaning what he wrote. (Not trolling imo)
04-23-2020 , 06:52 PM
Not all temp-bans show up as such in undertitles.
04-24-2020 , 01:36 AM
Very thought-provoking IMO:

04-24-2020 , 05:29 AM
Looks like vegas clubs and venues are taking a cautious approach
04-24-2020 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Very thought-provoking IMO:

are all 34 minutes and 53 seconds thought provoking or are there one or two you might want highlight ?
04-24-2020 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by PTLou
are all 34 minutes and 53 seconds thought provoking or are there one or two you might want highlight ?
I watched the whole thing and it's all thought provoking. Just have to be open to it.
This guy is the health advisor for Sweden in this. And for the WHO.

This guy is the top dog for Sweden. An absolute expert in the field. A professor..

He is saying the lockdowns bring more harm than good essentially,
The tsunami will hit us no matter what. It's just about when it hits you.
And the only thing that can be done is to care for enough capacity in the hospitals.
So shielding the old accordimg to him is the best strategy. But not forever! Bc they can die or will die in solitary.

And he says it's a mild disease.
He also says the rest of the European counties are following suit now to sweden with releasing restrictions.

At the end of the lockdown in about a year he says 50% will have had it. In every virtually every country. He was just asked about sweden and UK, he said both will have about 50% of the population with antibodies. And eventually everyone! So that's just what some experts said. You cannot stop nature! This is a tsunami that will hit no matter what.

Last edited by washoe; 04-24-2020 at 09:45 AM.
04-24-2020 , 10:23 AM
What this guy said all makes sense, and he has all the trust of Sweden.
But we only know with certainty in about a year imo.
04-24-2020 , 11:03 AM
lol @ following Sweden's approach of doing nothing, their numbers make the US look good.

Population of only 10 million and they already have 2,152 deaths, or 213 per one million people. Mild disease? What, apart from all the dead people and those that have recovered but have serious lung issues or potentially deadly blood clots?

Meanwhile countries like Australia and New Zealand, total population of 30 million have just 96 total deaths or 3 per one million people, and will be easing lockdowns and resuming domestic sports leagues next month.

America can't be saved from itself. Soon to pass one million cases, 50000 deaths already, another 50000 by June 1, good luck with your herd immunity, maybe you might hit half a million deaths before the election.
04-24-2020 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by kerr
lol @ following Sweden's approach of doing nothing, their numbers make the US look good.

Population of only 10 million and they already have 2,152 deaths, or 213 per one million people. Mild disease? What, apart from all the dead people and those that have recovered but have serious lung issues or potentially deadly blood clots?

Meanwhile countries like Australia and New Zealand, total population of 30 million have just 96 total deaths or 3 per one million people, and will be easing lockdowns and resuming domestic sports leagues next month.

America can't be saved from itself. Soon to pass one million cases, 50000 deaths already, another 50000 by June 1, good luck with your herd immunity, maybe you might hit half a million deaths before the election.
Why do you think the restrictions have worked so well in Australia and New Zealand compared to the US and most major European countries?
04-24-2020 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
Why do you think the restrictions have worked so well in Australia and New Zealand compared to the US and most major European countries?
Combination of health care system and the population generally being more healthy in those countries in direct comparison to US
04-24-2020 , 11:33 AM

I just took a look to see if Sweden "sticks" out in any way.
Sweden is at 2.5k fatalities whereas USA is at 50k

Sweden has a 11M population and USA a population of 330M

That being said Sweden is far ahead of the wave. Meaning the wave hit them already..
And is now rolling over the US
04-24-2020 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by kerr
lol @ following Sweden's approach of doing nothing, their numbers make the US look good.

Population of only 10 million and they already have 2,152 deaths, or 213 per one million people. Mild disease? What, apart from all the dead people and those that have recovered but have serious lung issues or potentially deadly blood clots?

Meanwhile countries like Australia and New Zealand, total population of 30 million have just 96 total deaths or 3 per one million people, and will be easing lockdowns and resuming domestic sports leagues next month.

America can't be saved from itself. Soon to pass one million cases, 50000 deaths already, another 50000 by June 1, good luck with your herd immunity, maybe you might hit half a million deaths before the election.
You can't really compare NZ or Australia to the US as it has way less density in population. (Space between people living grounds)
04-24-2020 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by blitzT4M4Y0theGOAT
Combination of health care system and the population generally being more healthy in those countries in direct comparison to US
I can understand why these factors might be important in reducing the death rate in those countries, but I’m not sure why it would have such a dramatic effect on infection rate.

It seems like the most likely explanation to me is simply that they started their lockdown when they had a much lower base infection rate.

E.g. Suppose the lockdowns get the R0 of the virus down to about 0.8. If you implement the lockdown when only 2% of your population is infected, the virus will be eradicated before 10% of the population is infected. But if you wait until 20% of the population is infected, the same restrictions won’t eradicate the virus until herd immunity is achieved.
04-24-2020 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
You can't really compare NZ or Australia to the US as it has way less density in population. (Space between people living grounds)
Australia is actually significantly more urbanized than the US is. The overall population density of Australia is much lower if you just compare to population to area. But Australia has a much greater proportion of their population living in a handful of coastal cities, with almost no one living in the vast middle of the country, while the US population is more spread out across its entire area.
04-24-2020 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by washoe

He is saying the lockdowns bring more harm than good essentially,
wait.. so WSOP guys cancelled for no reason and actually made pandemic worse.

p.s. thanks for cliffs. I owe you 34 minutes and 53 second of my life.

p.p.s I wish askahenk was still here to clear this up.
04-24-2020 , 12:38 PM
folks don't waste the 34 minutes of your life on this drivel....

there is netflix and prnhub for god's sake...

in fact just don't do any critical thinking at all...

just repeat the mantras:

'flatten the curve'


'we're all in this together'
04-24-2020 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
Why do you think the restrictions have worked so well in Australia and New Zealand compared to the US and most major European countries?
No doubt being islands helps as does our geographical location, although we are on Asia's doorstep and we get a LOT of Chinese tourists and students every year. Yes our healthcare systems are very good, and our smoking rate is probably relatively low. Being so close to Asia probably gave us the advantage of forcing us to deal with COVID earlier than most countries. Still far too slow in my opinion, I wish we closed our borders to ALL countries sooner. A major virus will eventually spread to all countries, closing our border to just China on February 1 wasn't going to achieve much.

The earlier and harder you lock down, the sooner you can come out the other side. Sweden is at peak daily cases today (+812), Australia (whose population is 250% greater than Sweden's) has averaged just +15 new daily cases so far this week. (

Originally Posted by washoe
You can't really compare NZ or Australia to the US as it has way less density in population. (Space between people living grounds)
I wasn't comparing with the US, the US was always going to be a hotspot and I accept that it's nigh on impossible to get 330 million people to do anything even for a few weeks. Sydney and Melbourne are large cities, on average 4.5 million people in each, with Brisbane and Perth at about 2 million. Most of Australia is not really habitable, pretty much everyone lives very close to the coast. We have suffered with lockdown and social distancing but we're about 3 weeks away from slowly returning to normal. Personally I'm lucky as I work in IT at a hospital so I've still been going to work every day as normal.

I personally don't 100% agree with the approach taken by Australia / New Zealand or Sweden, each at the extremes of managing this virus. Governments failed to take this seriously early enough, and we could have enjoyed the best of both worlds (minimal lockdown and minimal economic impact) if swift action was taken in early February. But failing that, yeah shoot me, I'd wear a few more deaths here for a less than catastrophic hit to the economy.

Compare Sweden with Denmark, Norway and Finland, that's a fair comparison. Sweden is off the charts. In the early days British PM Boris Johnson was talking about herd immunity, then it nearly killed him. I wonder if young kids in Sweden are thrilled that their grandparents are dying at such a fast rate.

And finally, let's compare two similarly sized islands with similar population sizes, New Zealand and Ireland:
New Zealand - pop. 4.82m, 1450 cases, 17 deaths
Ireland - pop. 4.94m, 17600 cases, 800 deaths

Last edited by kerr; 04-24-2020 at 01:19 PM.
04-24-2020 , 01:16 PM
It seems pretty likely to me that several countries in Europe are only going to get through this from herd immunity, despite their lockdown procedures. The Berkeley paper looking at Italian death records concludes that some regions of Northern Italy have already reached herd immunity.

If that is true, the lockdowns are only prolonging the spread of the virus, not reducing it. They may also be increasing deaths by failing to differentiate between vulnerable and healthy populations in determine who escapes infection.

In a case like Italy, prolonging the spread may have been necessary to prevent the collapse of the health care system. But that doesn’t mean it is a necessary step everywhere.

At this point, it seem like some parts of the US may be in closer shape to Europe, and other parts may be in closer shape to Australia. So the appropriate solution might be different in different places. But it may also be true that areas with a higher spread of the virus should being to open up sooner than areas with lower spread, since it is the lower spread areas where the lockdowns are most likely to be effective.
04-24-2020 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by kerr
No doubt being islands helps as does our geographical location, although we are on Asia's doorstep and we get a LOT of Chinese tourists and students every year. Yes our healthcare systems are very good, and our smoking rate is probably relatively low. Being so close to Asia probably gave us the advantage of forcing us to deal with COVID earlier than most countries. Still far too slow in my opinion, I wish we closed our borders to ALL countries sooner. A major virus will eventually spread to all countries, closing our border to just China on February 1 wasn't going to achieve much.

The earlier and harder you lock down, the sooner you can come out the other side. Sweden is at peak daily cases today (+812), Australia (whose population is 250% greater than Sweden's) has averaged just +15 new daily cases so far this week. (

I wasn't comparing with the US, the US was always going to be a hotspot and I accept that it's nigh on impossible to get 330 million people to do anything even for a few weeks. Sydney and Melbourne are large cities, on average 4.5 million people in each, with Brisbane and Perth at about 2 million. Most of Australia is not really habitable, pretty much everyone lives very close to the coast. We have suffered with lockdown and social distancing but we're about 3 weeks away from slowly returning to normal. Personally I'm lucky as I work in IT at a hospital so I've still been going to work every day as normal.

I personally don't 100% agree with the approach taken by Australia / New Zealand or Sweden, each at the extremes of managing this virus. Governments failed to take this seriously early enough, and we could have enjoyed the best of both worlds (minimal lockdown and minimal economic impact) if swift action was taken in early February. But failing that, yeah shoot me, I'd wear a few more deaths here for a less than catastrophic hit to the economy.

Compare Sweden with Denmark, Norway and Finland, that's a fair comparison. Sweden is off the charts. In the early days British PM Boris Johnson was talking about herd immunity, then it nearly killed him. I wonder if young kids in Sweden are thrilled that their grandparents are dying at such a fast rate.

And finally, let's compare two similarly sized islands with similar population sizes, New Zealand and Ireland:
New Zealand - pop. 4.82m, 1450 cases, 17 deaths
Ireland - pop. 4.94m, 17600 cases, 800 deaths

I just used wordometer an filtered by total cases.
Sweden isn't even on the first page.
Dozen of countries before Sweden. Including Switzerland and Holland. How do you explain this.
To all the stuff read about sweden failing the numbers speak another language.

Sweden has 17k total cases.
France Italy and Spain have each around 200k so 10x

Even Belgium has 44k so roughly 2x of Sweden .
Or look at Ireland with a population of 5M
It has 17k cases just as Sweden but its half the size!

Last edited by washoe; 04-24-2020 at 01:56 PM.
04-24-2020 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
You can't really compare NZ or Australia to the US as it has way less density in population. (Space between people living grounds)
How much do you think that AUS and NZ are in better shape since CV hit them in late Summer and fall? Could there be an uptick as you hit flu season in late fall and winter?
04-24-2020 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Dennisa
How much do you think that AUS and NZ are in better shape since CV hit them in late Summer and fall? Could there be an uptick as you hit flu season in late fall and winter?
Not meaning to derail here but to answer you.
I just checked the obesity rates of Australia and the US
It is amazing just to give you a pointer.

The only part if America you can compare to Australia is imo California. Knowing the lifestyle of Australians I don't know how I would get a virus there. Only be touching my surboard head to the beach and that's it. Whereas in urban cities on the mainland what to do?

I think you mean that the coming fall might be a challenge for Australians.

I can only speak for new Zealand I think because I know the weather. And I hope I am right. It shouldn't pose that much of a risk, since the winter there isn't really a winter with a real flue season. Are you in Australia?

Last edited by washoe; 04-24-2020 at 03:18 PM.
