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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

04-24-2020 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Shakedown Street
an unrelated aside: How would hearing impaired people who rely on lip reading skills be able to function in environments where masks are required? just wondering...
What is 'sign language', Alex?
04-24-2020 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
To be clear, I wasn't advocating for that - and it's too late now anyway. Also, they didn't do nothing - I know that's the way it's been portrayed in a lot of media, because Sweden is an outlier with their approach. Older grades are not in school. Nursing/care homes closed to visitors. Social distancing measures in place. BUT restaurants and most stores open (with distancing rules), lots of people out in public, so it's definitely a LOT less strict than most countries.

As for their numbers making the US look good, they have substantially less cases per capita, and more fatalities, but I believe they're further along than the US, and fatalities are a trailing indicator. Of course, as you've also since acknowledged, probably not a great comparison country anyway.

My biggest takeaway is that he feels that when this is all over, you'll be able to look at countries that took a wide variety of measures, and the results won't vary that much. He's suggesting that the heavier lockdown measures don't make a lot of difference. But he also isn't advocating for anyone to change what they're doing now - it's far too late for that.

I think to summarize anything can do the video a disservice, as it's easy to oversimplify things out of context.

I'm not convinced he's right about everything, and certainly a Scandinavian country comparison doesn't look good for them at the moment. One reason for that might be one he suggested - he admitted that they were slow to close down their care/nursing homes. A number of outbreaks in homes like that will mean a lot more fatalities. I mostly just appreciated getting a better understanding of how it's working in Sweden, and what their thinking was behind their approach, given how they've taken a noticeably different one.

As has been alluded to by others, it's a lot more complicated than that. US is actually in the bottom 1/4 of population density by country, but of course has population very concentrated in urban centres. But that's even more so in Australia, one of the least densely populated countries in the world. Every country's different, and we have to keep that in mind when we directly compare numbers.

If you have worldometer in front of you, you can sort by cases per capita rather than doing so by total cases and then throwing in your own estimations of population.

I wouldn't expect that's what he means, considering it's fall in Australia right now.

You got me on that one, again!
I didn't think about the different seasons in Australia.
And of course I didn't know they had a flu season in summer!

But good to know. Fall is starting now apparently.
But I checked the temperatures during the year and they are not ranging much. Nothing like traditional flue seasons in real 4 season countries. They are very close to the equator.

I did put into wordometer total cases per 1m population.
With amazing results. Did u mean that?
04-24-2020 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by washoe

I just used wordometer an filtered by total cases.
Sweden isn't even on the first page.
Dozen of countries before Sweden. Including Switzerland and Holland. How do you explain this.
To all the stuff read about sweden failing the numbers speak another language.

Sweden has 17k total cases.
France Italy and Spain have each around 200k so 10x

Even Belgium has 44k so roughly 2x of Sweden .
Or look at Ireland with a population of 5M
It has 17k cases just as Sweden but its half the size!
Sweden has more deaths per million than Ireland. Ireland has done more than double the tests. What the stats seem to indicate is that there are a lot of untested sick people in Sweden.
04-24-2020 , 06:46 PM
04-24-2020 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by dhubermex

This is pure bs. There is no sheer warmth in an air conditioned casino. But gl to Vegas. It seems serious for some hotels.
04-24-2020 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Shakedown Street
If casinos can open while requiring guests to wear masks at all times, does that mean that smoking would be prohibited? Because it seems like smoking with a mask on would be difficult, and taking off the mask to smoke would violate the mask wearing requirement. If you could take off the mask to smoke, could you take off the mask for other reasons? What about drinking and eating? If you order a drink while playing slots, can you take off your mask to drink? Same with eating. How does a person eat, drink and smoke with a mask on? All this seems silly. If conditions require that people wear masks in the casino, then it is not really safe enough to open, unless nobody eats, drinks or smokes.
Has anyone suggested this as a likely scenario?

I believe it's how they started in Macau; not sure how all the details of that worked. I would hope that smoking would be a no-go under such a policy, and eating likely limited to restaurants with distancing. Drinking, I would think they would allow at least water (possibly more), when sitting down. But this is just me speculating about a rule I think unlikely to be in place.

Originally Posted by washoe
I did put into wordometer total cases per 1m population.
With amazing results. Did u mean that?

Originally Posted by falldown
Sweden has more deaths per million than Ireland. Ireland has done more than double the tests. What the stats seem to indicate is that there are a lot of untested sick people in Sweden.
That's certainly one possibility, but there are others. I see, sadly, Ireland showing a massive jump in fatalities today, so perhaps the entire story isn't written yet.

Originally Posted by dhubermex
"...while keeping our citizens and visitors as safe as is possible to do. Therefore we must examine all the available data from every major city in the world and determine the safest path to reopening."

Sounds good.

"Our hot summer coupled with our unique economy compel us to be at the forefront of America's 'reopening.' "

Wait, what about that data?

"We need to act first...and we will."

Right, so whatever the data says, you'll be first. LOL.

Contradictions aside, mayor, you've already been beaten to the punch, and it's not your call to make anyway.
04-24-2020 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
This is pure bs. There is no sheer warmth in an air conditioned casino. But gl to Vegas. It seems serious for some hotels.
There is also a zero percent chance she wrote that.
04-24-2020 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Not meaning to derail here but to answer you.
I just checked the obesity rates of Australia and the US
It is amazing just to give you a pointer.

The only part if America you can compare to Australia is imo California. Knowing the lifestyle of Australians I don't know how I would get a virus there. Only be touching my surboard head to the beach and that's it. Whereas in urban cities on the mainland what to do?

I think you mean that the coming fall might be a challenge for Australians.

I can only speak for new Zealand I think because I know the weather. And I hope I am right. It shouldn't pose that much of a risk, since the winter there isn't really a winter with a real flue season. Are you in Australia?
I am in the San Francisco Bay. I have read that seasons do make a difference, they are talking about wave 2 here when the fall hits and flu season starts up again.
04-24-2020 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
There is also a zero percent chance she wrote that.
Even if true, I'm not sure how this is relevant. It lines up with what she was saying in all of her interviews, just framed in a slightly more palatable way.

I think, given her interviews, there is a very high percent chance that if she didn't write it, she had a large hand in it.
04-24-2020 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Shakedown Street
an unrelated aside: How would hearing impaired people who rely on lip reading skills be able to function in environments where masks are required? just wondering...
Well, you can never tell.
04-24-2020 , 07:21 PM
She did.
Read the last paragraph. She is hoping the heat will roast the virus out of Vegas. Which I think is impossible because people will fly in from all over in air conditioned jets a/c limos and taxis shuttles and end up in a/cd hotel lobbies. Some might step out and hopefully the virus will get baked out of them from the heat. Maybe she s right and the heat has some effect. But they have to do something or las Vegas goes broke that's the message.
I feel bad for las Vegas and it's people and I think they can get back to business soon.
04-24-2020 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by dhubermex
Last sentence she said it.
04-24-2020 , 07:30 PM
I believe he meant she wasn't the one to write it, not that it wasn't written in her message.
04-24-2020 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by Dennisa
I am in the San Francisco Bay. I have read that seasons do make a difference, they are talking about wave 2 here when the fall hits and flu season starts up again.
Yea they say this too to us here in Germany Berlin.
Fall is October here. The winter in SF where u are is 60-70° ish ? We call that or these temperatures summer here sometimes to cheer you up.
04-24-2020 , 07:31 PM
Macau shut their casino's for two weeks.

What are we doing? Reopen the country.
04-24-2020 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I believe he meant she wasn't the one to write it, not that it wasn't in the Tweet.
Oh that she had a ghostwriter... Who knows? But she should at least be daccord with what she s tweeting I think. It says its her statement..
04-24-2020 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Macau shut their casino's for two weeks.

What are we doing? Reopen the country.
It's odd that you used "their" correctly but used an apostrophe in the word "casinos".
04-24-2020 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
This is pure bs. There is no sheer warmth in an air conditioned casino. But gl to Vegas. It seems serious for some hotels.
Going to Vegas with this virus on the loose even when things reopen scares the **** out of me with this lady as mayor. I know she isn't really in charge of that but this woman is a certified whack job who wanted the casino workers to be test cases. Like if some die working in X casino oh well, survival of the fittest.

That mentality alone means she is an uncaring idiot who needs to resign yesterday.
04-24-2020 , 07:51 PM
6200 signatures for her Recall now. Not that those petitions ever do anything.
04-24-2020 , 07:56 PM
They are all just puppets mostly to the industry. It doesn't matter that much and a substitute might decide the same way. Its a conflict if interest. But you can protect yourself by being careful or not opting in. I mean we all are a little scared I think but we shoudlnt have fear or anger towards one individual. That doesn't lead us anywhere. Peace!
04-24-2020 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by dhubermex
Well, she is doubling down on her BS.

Will she next be advocating serving gin and Lysol cocktails on Fremont Street to all visitors ?
04-24-2020 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
Going to Vegas with this virus on the loose even when things reopen scares the **** out of me with this lady as mayor. I know she isn't really in charge of that but this woman is a certified whack job who wanted the casino workers to be test cases. Like if some die working in X casino oh well, survival of the fittest.

That mentality alone means she is an uncaring idiot who needs to resign yesterday.
Carolyn is a "wack" job, it was her husband Oscar who represented mob guys accused of "whack jobs".

She reportedly last was elected with 83% of the vote, people sometimes get what they vote for.
04-24-2020 , 08:29 PM
Why the rage against someone who is trying to save her city?

I want my Mayor and public officials to advocate for me going back to work. I know her interview didn't come off the best, but that public announcement is well written and on point. She wants to reopen the casino's and save her cities economy. If they stay closed indefinitely, Vegas is a ghost town.
04-24-2020 , 08:47 PM
04-24-2020 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by blitzT4M4Y0theGOAT
Combination of health care system and the population generally being more healthy in those countries in direct comparison to US
Honestly apart from the one major issue of federal and New South Wales authorities allowing those passengers to disembark from the Ruby Princess with some already positive for corona or at least showing symptoms and then some of them albeit quite in small numbers transmitting it through the community and others flying into the country to return home that became infected, Australians are just really good at pulling together in times of need and respecting each other and adhering to the preventative measures in place, particularly social distancing.

I think the federal government was spot on with its stimulus package which wasn't about just handing out single cheques to everyone (similar to what a previous federal government did in response to the GFC where a lot of people would just use it to build their savings or pay off debt rather than spend it; and mind you also posted cheques to dead people) but it was about directing money where it was needed firstly to the poor and those on disability pensions and then the 2nd round of stimulus packages went to businesses to keep on workers who would otherwise have lost their job by giving them a wage subsidy. With that money and whilst many businesses were closed, it at least provided these workers an income and allowed them to stay at home.

I also think when we compare it against the US and this will be a criticism of many that I have read who believe that power to coordinate efforts to combat Corona should reside with the states only. And while that is technically true for many matters and it is the same here in Australia (given much of our system of government is actually based on the US system - combination of US and UK) we have seen a much more coordinated effort between the federal and state governments and much more consistency although not complete uniformity between the states which has been aided significantly by the setting up of a national cabinet with the PM and all the premiers and chief leaders of the states and territories.
