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Bill Perkins Says Poker Heroes Involved Serious Cheating. Bilzerian Spills the Beans-Post 503 Bill Perkins Says Poker Heroes Involved Serious Cheating. Bilzerian Spills the Beans-Post 503

05-26-2020 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by NoSucka
wait. so you think Perkins has NEVER received advice/help real time from someone while he's played?????
Maybe he has, maybe he hasn't. I guess someone will have to bring that evidence forth and no I'm not talking about letting DB play on his account. You're allowed to out people without going to the ends of the earth to show you have never done anything wrong in your life.

Originally Posted by baudib1
There's no way to justify this on Jungle's part, none. The guy who got Jungle's help knows it's cheating. Jason Koon knew it was cheating. The cheated parties are pretty aggrieved over it.
05-26-2020 , 01:03 PM
People itt acting all high and mighty are pretty laughable. Obviously it's wrong but it's no surprise that people in the hs world do this. You've been basically lied to your entire career that if you put in the work and get really good at the game you move up and increase your winrate. He's probably put the large portion of 10-15 years of his life into mastering the game and then learns the truth once you reach high stakes it's a lot more about politics and being fake in order to get into good games than poker skill. It's the same reason Doug went from best in the world to the BuzzFeed of the poker world (and upswing). Instead of pivoting to capitalize on your skillset like Doug did, some people use shady means to get people to play them online who otherwise wouldn't play them.

Again I'm not excusing the action, it's still wrong. But the idea that this is unique to poker or that all the losing 10nl players commenting wouldn't likely do the exact same thing in his position are almost definitely wrong.

Oh and also I bet jungle and most hs pros are a lot less rich than you think they are.
05-26-2020 , 01:05 PM ... Anyone believe this isn't an angle? I remember at the time thinking it may have just been an autism-related brain fart.
05-26-2020 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by NoSucka
wait. so you think Perkins has NEVER received advice/help real time from someone while he's played?????
What i think is irrelevant, if you're calling him out, then you need some sort of proof. Saying "well he obviously has had ghosting" when you have no idea if he has or not outside of conjecture is just nonsense really.

I'll say this, if Bill Perkins has been ghosted whilst playing, then he is an enormous hypocrite for outing this with such outrage.

Comparing his and Bilzerian's ACR incident to this (regardless of what you think of the ACR incident) is, imo, not valid, totally different.
05-26-2020 , 01:28 PM
i just realized i've wasted all my time here on 2p2

this entire time i've been spending my time posting tardy stuff and getting called various forms of tard by high stakes crushers when the entire time i could have sucked up to them so they'd ghost my nl2 tables

i'm such an idiot
05-26-2020 , 01:31 PM
zachvac dropping some truth bombs in here

the degree of shadiness/backstabbing that exists in the corporate world would make your head spin, there are some ruthless and powerful people who played the game for years going at each other, some aspie poker pro who is just trying to bank another mil wouldn't ever register on a scale
05-26-2020 , 01:38 PM
Ghosting is just the latest evolution of poker. Top players have to continue to evolve to gain edges or get left behind. It will be interesting to see where the game goes from here. You would think looking at hole cards, but Postle kind of ****ed that up for everybody, SMH.
05-26-2020 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
People itt acting all high and mighty are pretty laughable. Obviously it's wrong but it's no surprise that people in the hs world do this. You've been basically lied to your entire career that if you put in the work and get really good at the game you move up and increase your winrate. He's probably put the large portion of 10-15 years of his life into mastering the game and then learns the truth once you reach high stakes it's a lot more about politics and being fake in order to get into good games than poker skill. It's the same reason Doug went from best in the world to the BuzzFeed of the poker world (and upswing). Instead of pivoting to capitalize on your skillset like Doug did, some people use shady means to get people to play them online who otherwise wouldn't play them.

Again I'm not excusing the action, it's still wrong. But the idea that this is unique to poker or that all the losing 10nl players commenting wouldn't likely do the exact same thing in his position are almost definitely wrong.

Oh and also I bet jungle and most hs pros are a lot less rich than you think they are.
This is really, really good stuff.

I'd guess unethical behavior is very common in any industry where most of the money gets sucked out. If you were a crusher in 2011 making piles of money was trivially easy, now your edges in the game are smaller and soft games barely ever run. Add to that, lots of the action takes place in a legal grey area. It's all a recipe for some shady stuff to go down.
05-26-2020 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Alpha Fish
zachvac dropping some truth bombs in here

the degree of shadiness/backstabbing that exists in the corporate world would make your head spin, there are some ruthless and powerful people who played the game for years going at each other, some aspie poker pro who is just trying to bank another mil wouldn't ever register on a scale
1. Sure
2. Counterpoint: So what
05-26-2020 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by shane536
Nope. Don't care. The victims are irrelevant.


Fxxking grubby actions from a fxxking grubby person.
Yup, it would be hard to disagree with first part. 2nd part is subjective, and using your own logic his grubbiness is not relevant, only the actions

Anyway, there was an undertone in your first post about the poker communities' apathy toward cheats thus never raising the moral expectation of poker community (might have been from another poster(s) )

I love the game as much as the next guy, but lets be real, in the high stakes world that we are discussing, its a game whose only objective is to take money from other people and contributes nothing to society. The money aspect is going to keep it overly infested with cheats, scrum bums and cockroaches, any desire or effort to change that is futile.

IF you jump into a snake pit you cant have an expectation of not getting bit, nor be outraged, jump on a soapbox when you are.
05-26-2020 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
People itt acting all high and mighty are pretty laughable. Obviously it's wrong but it's no surprise that people in the hs world do this. You've been basically lied to your entire career that if you put in the work and get really good at the game you move up and increase your winrate. He's probably put the large portion of 10-15 years of his life into mastering the game and then learns the truth once you reach high stakes it's a lot more about politics and being fake in order to get into good games than poker skill. It's the same reason Doug went from best in the world to the BuzzFeed of the poker world (and upswing). Instead of pivoting to capitalize on your skillset like Doug did, some people use shady means to get people to play them online who otherwise wouldn't play them.

Again I'm not excusing the action, it's still wrong. But the idea that this is unique to poker or that all the losing 10nl players commenting wouldn't likely do the exact same thing in his position are almost definitely wrong.

Oh and also I bet jungle and most hs pros are a lot less rich than you think they are.
I don't understand the point of posts like these. First, what does crooked behavior in other industries/careers have to do with a discussion on a poker site about cheating in poker? And who said cheating was unique to poker anyway?
05-26-2020 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by NoSucka
wait. so you think Perkins has NEVER received advice/help real time from someone while he's played?????
ceegee ghosted him on livestream @ 1st thirstlounge or whatever it is.

he literally told him every hand what button to press.
05-26-2020 , 02:23 PM
It's important for two reasons:

1. There are lots of people posting about how shady poker is, clearly implying poker is uniquely bad. In reality that's just how things are in zero sum games being played for high stakes whether it's business or politics or whatever. Again it doesn't make it right, but it's also worth noting there's a scale and this is near the bottom of it. I remember seeing something about the senators dumping stocks after the covid briefing and most people reacted with "how could 5 senators do that?" The people who knew how it worked reacted with "how could 5 senators be so dumb to get caught and not just do what the other 95 did?"

2. The main reason I think it's important is you have people who have never been anywhere near the situation they're in and would likely do the same thing acting as if they just murdered someone. It's easy to cast judgement on someone without empathizing. It's also possible to empathize and still call it wrong, which I hope I'm doing well. Like I doubt any of the hs pros doing this are rich enough to retire, so they're still doing this for a living. They've spent the better part of the last 10-15 years mastering this game, pouring the vast majority of their waking hours living eating and breathing the game, believing it's a meritocracy and giving up the prime of your life will be repaid with all the money you'll make. Only to find out that the only way to get into a game higher than 5/10 is to act all fake and suck someone like blitzerian's dick? Then someone offers you a way to capitalize on all your hard work and not make it useless and also profit off someone you think is being a fake to circumvent all the hard work you did to get to the top, you're saying you wouldn't even think about it? Especially when you know other people are doing the same thing?
05-26-2020 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by JPantz
I don’t follow Jaime on twitter but I’m surprised he’s this engaged. I feel like it has something to do with DNegs.
DNegs would ordinarily get me writing about how he's guilty of many sins but this? No.
05-26-2020 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by madmansam
Strange idea. Afaik, the most gov't's punish theft harsher the larger the amount stolen. And I can't see why stealing from someone with a lot of money makes it less wrong. Total net worth of the victim seems irrelevant to the ethics of the situation. I understand it changes how the victim is affected by the crime, but I think that's much less relevant to how the crime should be viewed/punished.
If you think about it, taking someones last few dollars is likely to cause them to react in violence. More likely than taking 1/400ths of their net worth. So the possibility of violence being greater could be a good reason.
05-26-2020 , 03:16 PM
ever since watergate I've realized moral nihilism is the only path
05-26-2020 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
It's important for two reasons:

1. There are lots of people posting about how shady poker is, clearly implying poker is uniquely bad. In reality that's just how things are in zero sum games being played for high stakes whether it's business or politics or whatever. Again it doesn't make it right, but it's also worth noting there's a scale and this is near the bottom of it. I remember seeing something about the senators dumping stocks after the covid briefing and most people reacted with "how could 5 senators do that?" The people who knew how it worked reacted with "how could 5 senators be so dumb to get caught and not just do what the other 95 did?"

2. The main reason I think it's important is you have people who have never been anywhere near the situation they're in and would likely do the same thing acting as if they just murdered someone. It's easy to cast judgement on someone without empathizing. It's also possible to empathize and still call it wrong, which I hope I'm doing well. Like I doubt any of the hs pros doing this are rich enough to retire, so they're still doing this for a living. They've spent the better part of the last 10-15 years mastering this game, pouring the vast majority of their waking hours living eating and breathing the game, believing it's a meritocracy and giving up the prime of your life will be repaid with all the money you'll make. Only to find out that the only way to get into a game higher than 5/10 is to act all fake and suck someone like blitzerian's dick? Then someone offers you a way to capitalize on all your hard work and not make it useless and also profit off someone you think is being a fake to circumvent all the hard work you did to get to the top, you're saying you wouldn't even think about it? Especially when you know other people are doing the same thing?

I know what Jungle/whoever did is morally wrong, but still can't blame them for angling someone like Bilzerian.

Also lol@Perking for acting like this was some scandal of unheard proportions and for using terms like "poker heroes" as if he was 16 years old.
05-26-2020 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
It's important for two reasons:

1. There are lots of people posting about how shady poker is, clearly implying poker is uniquely bad. In reality that's just how things are in zero sum games being played for high stakes whether it's business or politics or whatever. Again it doesn't make it right, but it's also worth noting there's a scale and this is near the bottom of it. I remember seeing something about the senators dumping stocks after the covid briefing and most people reacted with "how could 5 senators do that?" The people who knew how it worked reacted with "how could 5 senators be so dumb to get caught and not just do what the other 95 did?"

2. The main reason I think it's important is you have people who have never been anywhere near the situation they're in and would likely do the same thing acting as if they just murdered someone. It's easy to cast judgement on someone without empathizing. It's also possible to empathize and still call it wrong, which I hope I'm doing well. Like I doubt any of the hs pros doing this are rich enough to retire, so they're still doing this for a living. They've spent the better part of the last 10-15 years mastering this game, pouring the vast majority of their waking hours living eating and breathing the game, believing it's a meritocracy and giving up the prime of your life will be repaid with all the money you'll make. Only to find out that the only way to get into a game higher than 5/10 is to act all fake and suck someone like blitzerian's dick? Then someone offers you a way to capitalize on all your hard work and not make it useless and also profit off someone you think is being a fake to circumvent all the hard work you did to get to the top, you're saying you wouldn't even think about it? Especially when you know other people are doing the same thing?
Still not following you. Do people on politics sites brush off political corruption by pointing out poker cheating scandals?

You speak as if posters here don't know anything about the world except for poker.
05-26-2020 , 03:52 PM

German race driver suspended after ghosting.
05-26-2020 , 04:38 PM
Now you may have all done it yourself. Fact of the matter is, there's a private game with specific ppl invited. As much as it sucks, even if you feel entitled to be able to play in that game (I know I've been there before), hiding your identity to get in is pretty bad. You don't need morals to decide it's bad. It's a game you are not supposed to be in and any profits being made you made through cheating. Period.
05-26-2020 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus

German race driver suspended after ghosting.
lots of ghosting daniels
05-26-2020 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by NoSucka
Jason Mo and Matt Glantz tweeted that almost all Pro's have multi'd, ghosted, or bought action of someone they knew was ghosting/ma.

You want to be a sheep and never multi or ghost? Go ahead and get slaughtered.
If cheating is truly an essential part of succeeding at a particular game or sport, then it deserves to be banned. Hopefully that is not really the case with poker.
05-26-2020 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
Jungleman was exposed as a low-life scumbag/sociopath in the Girah scandal, nothing he does should be surprising. It was ****ing hilarious that people were willing to give him a pass on that because Haseeb was clearly the evil mastermind in that scheme and Jungleman just came across as a hapless Aspberger's.
Haseeb big crypto guy now. Good for him. Get out of this cess pool.
05-26-2020 , 07:21 PM
yea, there is no shadyness in crypto so this would be a nice change of pace for him
05-26-2020 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by fish & chips


So he is admiting to doing the same while implying his buddy made his money from crimes and not poker as he claims. No way anyone would be ok playing against the guy that made 54 million playing against one player.

So Bill is besties with this ****ing criminal who made his money from fraud and is complaining about ghosting? They should banish him from streamed and invite only games. Scum hipocryte.

Originally Posted by Loctus
You're making pretty wild jumps of faith logically here. Bilzerian claims to have won a lot of money playing poker, yes. Does that mean he claims to be a super good poker player? No.

You can be terrible at poker and win 54 million from one guy. You just need that guy to be even more terrible than you are. Claiming to have won a lot of money playing poker doesn't auto-translate into being world elite at poker.
yeah logic sure isn't this guy's strong suit - also evident in other threads as well iirc

Originally Posted by Tim Teufel
It's Amazing how stupid you posts are. The amount of people stating things like they are facts when they aren't is astounding
yep this.

who knows/cares why BP hangs out with DB, doesn't automatically make him a hypocrite (or a Scum hipocryte ) for being angry and disappointed when someone else tries to cheat him (and others).
