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Bill Perkins Says Poker Heroes Involved Serious Cheating. Bilzerian Spills the Beans-Post 503 Bill Perkins Says Poker Heroes Involved Serious Cheating. Bilzerian Spills the Beans-Post 503

05-25-2020 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
if BP and Bilzerian really play for fun, why do they try so hard to play with players worse than them?

lets face it, high stakes poker is a game of hustling
I guess you don't know that dan played sexandwhiskey hu on acr and that bill is playing galfond hu for I believe 400k at plo. Thats definitely not bum hunting. Rich guys that don't need money have no reason to bum hunt. They are playing for the thrill and fun of it and do it in honorable way just for the competition of it. So when someone does something shady like this it will definitely rub them the wrong way. This happens in golf too. they don't care much about winning or losing as much as if someone pushes their golf ball closer to the hole. They are really doing it just to have some fun. Either way dan and bp are the wrong guys to piss off their opponent will never get good action again from high stakes business man.
05-25-2020 , 05:54 PM
So are you believing that when Blitz claims to have won most of his fortune playing poker, including $50 million in a single year, this was against all comers?
05-25-2020 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by BlackJackDegen
Anyone who can give cliffs? That is an awfully long read.
Dogishead (Haseeb), a guy who made training videos for DeucesCracked convinced Jungleman that it was a good idea to use the persona of a young guy called Girah to build him up as a "poker prodigy" and make a lot of cash with that. Unfortunately, not only did Girah scam other players, the whole situation blew up in their faces quickly when others found out.

That situation made it obvious that is was pretty easy to manipulate Dan. Dogishead used his social disorder to basically become something like his "manager" for a brief period of time.
05-25-2020 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by iburydoscocaroaches
i am getting confused how can 2 whales bum hunt another whale?
Bilzarian ain’t great, but he’s way better than the whales. Which is why Perkins lets Dan play on his account.
05-25-2020 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
So are you believing that when Blitz claims to have won most of his fortune playing poker, including $50 million in a single year, this was against all comers?
He said he was doing it to make money not after he had money. I seen him and bill play in tough ring games against all pro players online on acr. They don't just bum hunt is my point. And they can care less about the money if they win or lose. they just want people to show integrity in the game is all they ask for. But when big money is involved shady stuff gonna happen sooner or later. No more good action on acr no probably. Well played whoever cheated them to ruin their online poker experience and probably push them away for online poker for good. Hopefully they don't let this experience push them away from online poker but I am guessing bill is done when he says fml...
05-25-2020 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Imposterble

10) Poker is a flawed game. It will never be what many of you desperately hope it will be.

13) There is nothing anyone will ever do about it. You are all a joke, and have proved that time and time again.

10) 1000% agree

Things have been done about it a few times.
05-25-2020 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
Bilzarian ain’t great, but he’s way better than the whales. Which is why Perkins lets Dan play on his account.
Are you speculating? Didn't think there was any evidence bilzerian played anyone other than sexandwhiskey, and I thought it was all on stream. Also don't think there's any evidence bilzerian is anything other than a complete amateur himself.
05-25-2020 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by editundo
Are you speculating? Didn't think there was any evidence bilzerian played anyone other than sexandwhiskey, and I thought it was all on stream. Also don't think there's any evidence bilzerian is anything other than a complete amateur himself.
Yes, I am speculating that Bilzarian is way better than the whales. He might not be better at all.
05-25-2020 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
Yes, I am speculating that Bilzarian is way better than the whales. He might not be better at all.
You also claimed though that Perkins lets Bltiz play on his account against other whales unknowingly? How do you know this? There is a video of him doing this against Sex and Whiskey where he would've been a big underdog and all this was streamed live on Twitch. You seem to be adding 2+2 and getting 5 here.
05-25-2020 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by editundo
Relevant portion:

A month or so later, while Jungle and I were in Vegas, Jungle played the SamChauhan account and I took 50% of his action. Jungle lost 40k...
05-25-2020 , 06:26 PM
I think its only fair that Sina Taleb now has to play on Junglemans account
05-25-2020 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Imposterble
This is a nasty bad beat for me. I was going to suggest Jungleman/Daniel Cates, and the reason is totally psychological. The money is important, but to understand why Jungleman is capable of this, all you have to do is look at his relationship and personality history.

1) Jungleman's initial reputation was that of an extremely socially awkward one, especially with women. Pathetically shy, I have heard/read.

2) Even with Jungleman's success in poker, it didn't change the fact that deep down, he feels inadequate, and the poker success did not open any floodgates to relationship success.

3) Desperate, with nowhere to turn, and knowing that he will never feel good, he throws a Hail Mary and pays a bunch of models to take pictures with him, in a truly out of left field attempt to change his life narrative, which is in his mind a losing one.

4) Now that we know the Dan Bilzerian link, it makes even more sense. Jungleman, all alone in his lonely world, deep down harbors strong resentment to Dan Bilzerian, those close to Bilzerian, and is envious of everything they have, mainly to social interaction with women, but also their (Dan's) reputation, often disputed if course, of being poker's biggest winner.

5) Jungleman's soul has no problem cheating Dan Bilzerian and Bill Perkins. In fact, even though he knows he risks getting exposed, that is the end-game that is most desired for him, as it confirms his lifelong feeling of inadequacy and feeling unworthy.

6) A high profile example of this psychological mindset is Oscar Pistorious (Blade Runner), who somehow competed at the highest levels in track (should not have been allowed, but...). The pinnacle is making the Olympics, as he legitimately had a greater than zero chance of getting a medal, not that it was expected. Well, that was Oscar's top of the mountain, moment. He was dating, and living, with one of the country's most beautiful and famous women after the Olympics, yet his lifelong desperate search to feel adequate still was a hopeless dream. Deep down he knows the void will never get filled.

Oscar Pistorious, a lifetime gun enthusiast with a known reputation of having a violent temper, then kills Reeva Steenkamp, all of his habits and demons forcing their way out into the world, just as they always had. It was the only way for the soul of Oscar Pistorious to survive. Because there was no longer a lifelong mountain to climb., his body and mind forced upon him an even greater challenge....trying to avoid a long prison sentence.

7) Michael Phelps is another candidate for a huge disaster.

8) The penalty for Jungleman should be banishment, and also paying back multiple of what he cost others. You get the banishment, plus severe financial consequences. There is no "making it right".

9) But as we all know, poker players are basically the lowest form of life on the planet. To prove it, I will use an analogy. Imagine your daughter going off to college, and she tells you that she is dating four people casually. You ask her to tell you one thing only about each person. She tells you the following.

1) Guy who plays poker all day and night

2) Guy who smokes marijuana often. An expert on the subject, who spends time at local dispensaries.

3) Guy has a neck tattoo

4) No info at all about this guy.

Your daughter then says that as a favor to you, her father, she will stop dating three of the guys, and that you can decide which one she continues to date. If you are her father, you are choosing Guy 4 every single time.

10) Poker is a flawed game. It will never be what many of you desperately hope it will be.

11) Poker remains the only activity on earth where large sums can be stolen on a one on one basis, without fear of death, prison, or severe financial consequences.

12) Every trust in poker history has been broken. Bar none.

13) There is nothing anyone will ever do about it. You are all a joke, and have proved that time and time again.
how much?

$$ and time spent on the psychology wikipedia.
05-25-2020 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by editundo
Are you speculating? Didn't think there was any evidence bilzerian played anyone other than sexandwhiskey, and I thought it was all on stream. Also don't think there's any evidence bilzerian is anything other than a complete amateur himself.
Didn’t dan play on bills account on twitch?
05-25-2020 , 06:50 PM
This whole thread is like monkeys flinging poop at each other.
05-25-2020 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by golfbum983
Didn’t dan play on bills account on twitch?
That's what I'm talking about, but he only played one person who's a tough reg for the entirety of the stream. Was just clarifying the facts.
05-25-2020 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by editundo
That's what I'm talking about, but he only played one person who's a tough reg for the entirety of the stream. Was just clarifying the facts.
I see, pretty likely if he does it on twitch it’s almost certain he’s done it other times as well. But see what you mean.
05-25-2020 , 06:56 PM
Serious question.

How is this any different from when Bill Perkin's allowed Dan Bilzerian to play on this account on ACR? They live streamed it.

Just because the stakes are different? am I missing something?
05-25-2020 , 06:56 PM
I don't think Galfond cares that it's Jungleman, not Perkins that's playing against him in the PLO challenge
05-25-2020 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Imposterble
This is a nasty bad beat for me. I was going to suggest Jungleman/Daniel Cates, and the reason is totally psychological. The money is important, but to understand why Jungleman is capable of this, all you have to do is look at his relationship and personality history.

1) Jungleman's initial reputation was that of an extremely socially awkward one, especially with women. Pathetically shy, I have heard/read.


Anyone know who this poster is?

Because of the anger toward Jungle, my immediate reaction was that it was blizzerian. but then after reading it more, decided it couldn't be him. Somewhat proper English and lucid thoughts. No way that monkey could have written.


Last edited by PTLou; 05-25-2020 at 07:24 PM.
05-25-2020 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by thisisfourwords
Serious question.

How is this any different from when Bill Perkin's allowed Dan Bilzerian to play on this account on ACR? They live streamed it.

Just because the stakes are different? am I missing something?
You are missing that S&W more than likely knew who he was playing and was watching the stream. He was a good reg who wouldn't have cared either way because he has a big edge over Blitz. You only needed to watch Dan's moronic thought process in many of those hands to see he is no poker mastermind. This wasn't a case of Perkins and Blitz duping a player to gain a massive edge in a game. They were just having fun.
05-25-2020 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Imposterble
This is a nasty bad beat for me. I was going to suggest Jungleman/Daniel Cates, and the reason is totally psychological. The money is important, but to understand why Jungleman is capable of this, all you have to do is.....
****sake, mate

Last edited by ak47; 05-25-2020 at 07:22 PM. Reason: cheer up, Bobo. literally 1 person said the post sucks.
05-25-2020 , 07:07 PM
Oh, well... What a year. What else 2020 will bring?!

Imposterble went straight for the jugular
05-25-2020 , 07:10 PM
You guys know you can edit quotes, right? Seems to make sense to cut down long posts a little when they're quoted for the 4th or 5th time and you just want to ask who it is or tell them their post sucks.
05-25-2020 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by thisisfourwords
Serious question.

How is this any different from when Bill Perkin's allowed Dan Bilzerian to play on this account on ACR? They live streamed it.

Just because the stakes are different? am I missing something?
Do you really not see a difference between accounts going:

Drooler --> Drooler, on a live stream


Drooler --> World elite crusher, in high stakes private games

05-25-2020 , 07:24 PM
The dissertation on Jungleman psychology is my fav post ITT thus far
