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Bill Perkins Says Poker Heroes Involved Serious Cheating. Bilzerian Spills the Beans-Post 503 Bill Perkins Says Poker Heroes Involved Serious Cheating. Bilzerian Spills the Beans-Post 503

05-25-2020 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
You... sucks.
wasnt me

p.s. edited your post for brevity
05-25-2020 , 07:30 PM
I feel the post deserves at least one full duplicate per page, so my post will stand .
05-25-2020 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by Loctus
Do you really not see a difference between accounts going:

Drooler --> Drooler, on a live stream


Drooler --> World elite crusher, in high stakes private games

I think according to Perkins, Dan made way more money playing poker than Jungleman or any other known pro. Or does he say Dan's money comes from his POS dad?
05-25-2020 , 07:35 PM
The true test of one's integrity is what you do when you think nobody else will ever know.

Let's not blow it out of proportion, he didn't kill someone or molest a child, and pretty much every human on earth is dishonest to some degree at certain times. But this may hang over Cates' head for the rest of his life; that tweet about integrity he just put up a few weeks ago is going to get thrown in his face for a long time.
05-25-2020 , 07:37 PM
Imposterble finally making the thread somewhat entertaining.
05-25-2020 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by Imposterble
This is a nasty bad beat for me. I was going to suggest Jungleman/Daniel Cates, and the reason is totally psychological. The money is important, but to understand why Jungleman is capable of this, all you have to do is look at his relationship and personality history.

1) Jungleman's initial reputation was that of an extremely socially awkward one, especially with women. Pathetically shy, I have heard/read.

2) Even with Jungleman's success in poker, it didn't change the fact that deep down, he feels inadequate, and the poker success did not open any floodgates to relationship success.


10) Poker is a flawed game. It will never be what many of you desperately hope it will be.

11) Poker remains the only activity on earth where large sums can be stolen on a one on one basis, without fear of death, prison, or severe financial consequences.

12) Every trust in poker history has been broken. Bar none.

13) There is nothing anyone will ever do about it. You are all a joke, and have proved that time and time again.
Hi Dan

Last edited by pokerbeastsu; 05-25-2020 at 07:56 PM. Reason: Cut down the quote.
05-25-2020 , 07:57 PM
so when are we getting poker heroes outed?
05-25-2020 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
You guys suck.
05-25-2020 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by JoeC2012
The dissertation on Jungleman psychology is my fav post ITT thus far
Thread saver!

05-25-2020 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by Loctus
Do you really not see a difference between accounts going:

Drooler --> Drooler, on a live stream


Drooler --> World elite crusher, in high stakes private games

In my book account sharing is cheating regardless of each participant's skill level.
05-25-2020 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by PTLou
my immediate reaction was that it was blizzerian. but then after reading it more, decided it couldn't be him. Somewhat proper English and lucid thoughts. No way that monkey could have written.
Originally Posted by PTLou
Blizarian is the biggest asshat on earth (maybe biggest azzhat in universe)

Perkins is a drama queen
Originally Posted by PTLou
Originally Posted by PTLou
... that would even be his "friend" if not for making it rain with his $$$$$$.
Originally Posted by PTLou
perkins is just weird.

I'm guessing he had a traumatic / difficult childhood.
Originally Posted by PTLou
dude has gone full on attention whore drama queen.
Originally Posted by PTLou
I googled Bill Perkins philanthropy and got zip.

Not a fan.
Originally Posted by PTLou
he might have given all his money to charity anonymously (but given his thirst for attention, that seem doubtful)
You're just a hatin' ass *****.

05-25-2020 , 08:16 PM
05-25-2020 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by pokerbeastsu
Hi Dan
lol also thought it might be him. If you read some of his blog posts, you ll see he sometimes dissociates Dan from Jungle and talks abt "him" being an other entity.

Still one of the better posts itt confirmed
05-25-2020 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
You're just a hatin' ass *****.
not really, but wow I'm honored with the greatest hits album.

perkins is a drama queen who for some reason desperately needs the attention and admiration of poker world and lights money on fire to get it.

blizz does not have one redeeming quality as a human being. total waste of oxygen. his true self came out when he bragged publicly years ago about beating up a hooker (dropped kick her in the face I think, maybe just punched her in the face, I can't rem). he thought it was pretty funny. yeah some might think that's really baller. ball on brother.

I dont hate on everyone. I like jungle . he makes me laugh when I watch him play.


Last edited by PTLou; 05-25-2020 at 08:34 PM.
05-25-2020 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by PTLou
blizz does not have one redeeming quality as a human being. total waste of oxygen. his true self came out when he bragged publicly years ago about beating up a hooker (dropped kick her in the face I think, maybe just punched her in the face, I can't rem). he thought it was pretty funny. yeah some might think that's really baller. ball on brother..
It wasn't a drop kick, it was a roundhouse kick. And it wasn't in the face, that was from a separate incident in a miami nightclub. You need to get your facts straight buddy. And before you go mentioning that hooker he threw off the roof and broke her foot, it was her own fault for grabbing onto his shirt.
05-25-2020 , 08:51 PM
There was a story he posted himself about a hooker on his Amsterdam trip.
05-25-2020 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by pizarro1
There was a story he posted himself about a hooker on his Amsterdam trip.
That's complete slander. Unless you are referring to this:

So here I am in amsterdam, I had just blazed a chong the size of my dick and im thinking I need to get a blow job asap. I go on walk about in the red light district, and for those of you who havn't been to amsterdam the hookers are in windows all up and down the streets and allys. Lets put it this way, the great warrior poet 50 cent was not speaking about this kind of window shopping when he made the song "window shopper", talking **** about window shopping... B/c its the best.

So i pick the finest hooker in 2 blocks and she lets me in and closes the curtain. We discuss price and the fact that a condom will not be part of this blow job, price is set at 50 euro(80 us at the time).

Bj commences and I go to pull her tits out and she then requests 20 more euro for her tits to be played with(out****ingrageous!) I tell her that her tits arn't worth 2 euros(even though I would of paid 200 euro for the package deal, its the principle). So then she gets upset and starts arguing with me, I tell her to suck my suck my **** and stop speaking.

I further explain to her the only appropriate use for her mouth and she picks up her cell phone to call her "boyfriend" who she says is bigger than me and will kick my ass. I say to her I can't wait to meet and beat the schlep rock who is dating a low-rent welching hooker. At this point I am not longer interested in her services and see three viable options... 1. Beat her ass 2. Smash her stereo(only nice thing in her room) 3. Walk out like a ***** and forget about it.

So I pick the second worst option and I smash her stereo into a hundred pieces and walk out. She spits on me and starts talking ****... suddenly I regret not choosing the best option(1 obv), but I keep it together and walk on. She spits on me again, I tell her to savor the flavor of my dick and not to waste it. She then kicks me in the back, and continues yelling at me. I am STILL willing to let it go, but then she spits on my fur coat, and comes to kick me again!!! I turn around as she is coming at me and hit her with a round house kick to the ribs that literally sends her 3 feet into the air and she lands like the sack of **** that she is on the ground.

I smile at a job well done and as i turn to look forward I get caught right in the face with a right cross from her boyfriend. I stumble back, glases broken at my feet(before I had lasic) I am a little stunned, but I shake it off and come at this big ugly bastard. I hit him with a hard overhand right and just as he falls back a little, a big ugly buddy of his comes from behind me grabs both my arms. Now another guy comes at me from the left, I hit him with a weak push kick and before he can come at me again I break free from the dude who had me locked up and I take off running. I roll back to the hostel where my boys are staying to rally the troops.

I get to the hostel to find them all ****ed up and lazy. I bust out the blow, we motivate ourselves and clear our heads... I've got a head full of blow and blood on my tongue, my buddies are ready to lay down some hate and discontent, but when we get back the hooker and all her lackeys are nowhere to be found. We eat mushrooms instead.
05-25-2020 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
In my book account sharing is cheating regardless of each participant's skill level.
Do you think of multiaccounting in the same black/white way? Because if so I guess you think Guy Laliberte cheated the pros on FTP by playing multiple accounts vs them?

Poker, like the world, is a grey scale. I think that what constitutes cheating largely comes down to wether the person on the recieving end of it would think *the thing being done* is cheating that person. No one who is going to play HU vs Perkins will give a single **** or feel even the slightest cheated when he finds out it was actually Bilzerian playing. Someone who thinks they are playing *insert funplayer here* but then finds out they were playing Jungleman, will feel cheated. I think that difference matters. As in actually being the difference between the account sharing being cheating or not being cheating

To sum up my stance, I think that:

Bilzerian playing on Perkin's account=Not cheating
Jungleman playing on funplayers account=Cheating

Guy Laliberte multiaccounting on FTP=Not cheating
Jungleman multiaccounting on FTP=Cheating

Last edited by Loctus; 05-25-2020 at 09:11 PM. Reason: .
05-25-2020 , 09:33 PM
In this thread we are NOT discussing Bilzerian's past, his past posts, or your general views of him as a human being or a poker player. There is a separate Bilzerian containment thread somewhere in NVG for that nonsense.
05-25-2020 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by JoeC2012
The dissertation on Jungleman psychology is my fav post ITT thus far
sh*t's brazy
05-25-2020 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by JoeC2012
The dissertation on Jungleman psychology is my fav post ITT thus far
05-25-2020 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by editundo
That's complete slander. Unless you are referring to this:
Fur coat the best line from the story
05-25-2020 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Imposterble
13) There is nothing anyone will ever do about it. You are all a joke, and have proved that time and time again.
Use of the word "joke" here gave you away - you've used that word multiple times in televised live poker when you were upset at a situation.
05-25-2020 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by MicroDonkYT
Girah was dogishead, Quereshi, not jungle.
Originally Posted by dogishead
I said I was the person who played on Girah’s account. It was actually Jungle.
05-25-2020 , 10:48 PM
Dan Bilzerian LoL that was actually worth the build up and wait.
