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The "LOLCANADA" thread...again The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

04-18-2023 , 12:53 PM
Part of the problem with "government-funded media" is that the actual definition has two components to it, not just funding but also editorial involvement.

Government-funded media is defined as outlets where the government provides some or all of the outlet’s funding and may have varying degrees of government involvement over editorial content.
That 'may' is doing a lot of the heavy lifting here because for instance the CBC gets funding but is completely editorially independent.

What Poilievre did was effective use the one side of the equation "government funded" to attack the editorial part, calling the CBC just trudeau propaganda and disinformation. This is why the label is so bad. Because the one label does two things at the same time - one of which is true and one of which is false - it creates this really confusing state that is amplified when politicians like Poilievre explicitly lie about that confusion.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-18-2023 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
On the Liberals website is said Trudeau "invested" 675M in the CBC. But I'm sure they are non-partisan.
The Harper government funded the CBC for a decade, did you similarly conclude they were doing Harper propaganda during that time?

Thankfully, they actually are editorially completely independent from the government unlike say RT or whatever else and so their consistently low-bias, factual news coverage doesn't skew one way or the other based on which govenrment happens to be in power.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-18-2023 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
The Harper government funded the CBC for a decade, did you similarly conclude they were doing Harper propaganda during that time?
We all knew the whataboutisms were coming, I'm impressed you managed to hold off so long.

The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-18-2023 , 03:51 PM
Actually it is a pretty direct counterpoint to the nonsense you believe and are posting. It is not a Lozen style whatabout Hunter's laptop vs Trump's insurrection or Don Lemon said a mean thing vs FOX's 9 figure lawsuit issue, rather it is a direct point that you only have these derpy beliefs because you have been sold a bad bill of sale and the same lies would not be pitched to you if a conservative government was in power despite the same situation existing with CBC and government funding. If conservatives were in charge the Alpha derp Musk would not bother with the silly labels in that case, and the mid level political derp would find something else to lie about so the CBC government funding thing would be a non issue for you in that situation as your Twitter feed would tell you different things you need and want to believe.

All the best.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-18-2023 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
On the Liberals website is said Trudeau "invested" 675M in the CBC. But I'm sure they are non-partisan.
Then why this article was at the top of the page this morning ?
Yes sorry in French but clearly this isn’t good at all for trudeau …..

Radio Canada /cbc don’t prevent themselves to put government in trouble while many private medias would ….
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-18-2023 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
We all knew the whataboutisms were coming, I'm impressed you managed to hold off so long.
Lol, I know you guys struggle with the concept of whataboutisms but a simple test of whether you would apply the same outlandish claims when your nemesis isn't the one in power isn't a whataboutism. It's a test of basic logical consistency. One you just failed.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-18-2023 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
We all knew the whataboutisms were coming, I'm impressed you managed to hold off so long.
Even if that was a whataboutism (it wasn't), there is only one true whatabot in this thread. Your attempt to recycle my joke was...lacking.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-18-2023 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Lol, I know you guys struggle with the concept of whataboutisms but a simple test of whether you would apply the same outlandish claims when your nemesis isn't the one in power isn't a whataboutism. It's a test of basic logical consistency. One you just failed.
Because who cares what Harper did? It was almost a decade ago and the last 3 conservative leaders all campaigned on defunding the CBC

The landscape has changed and traditional media outlets are no longer non-partisan. They are a dying industry surviving by feeding whatever side is their audience. Even Tom Muclair says the CBC is bias towards the liberals:
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-18-2023 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Because who cares what Harper did? It was almost a decade ago and the last 3 conservative leaders all campaigned on defunding the CBC
Harper was one of the most opaque prime miniter ever.
He didnt want anyone speak agasint his government and was to ready to do anything in his power to do so.

defunding press he did.
preventing scientist to speak to the press he did.
cutting funding of organisations that goes against his ideology he did.
the list is long.
prevent many of his own deputies to speak about certain politics, he did.

and it certainly wasnt to be unbiais he did those thing, he did it to control his ideological message without interference from the truth...

And then u try u are for defending free press and liberty admiring harper actions ????
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-18-2023 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Harper was one of the most opaque prime miniter ever.
He didnt want anyone speak agasint his government and was to ready to do anything in his power to do so.

defunding press he did.
preventing scientist to speak to the press he did.
cutting funding of organisations that goes against his ideology he did.
the list is long.
prevent many of his own deputies to speak about certain politics, he did.

and it certainly wasnt to be unbiais he did those thing, he did it to control his ideological message without interference from the truth...

And then u try u are for defending free press and liberty admiring harper actions ????
Let me ask you this did Harper ever suggest licensing the media and he decides who gets the licenses ?

I was never a fan of Harper by the way . Only voted for him the first time
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-18-2023 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Because who cares what Harper did? It was almost a decade ago and the last 3 conservative leaders all campaigned on defunding the CBC

The landscape has changed and traditional media outlets are no longer non-partisan. They are a dying industry surviving by feeding whatever side is their audience. Even Tom Muclair says the CBC is bias towards the liberals:
Ah good, glad to know that the CBC being government propaganda only extends as far back as the most recent prime minister. Not a coincidence at all!

The mulcair piece doesn't exactly match any of the histrionics of propaganda and disinformation being spouted by your guy. Consider the smoking gun from that piece:
In an interview with the Globe and Mail, Tait had had this to say:

“There is a lot of CBC bashing going on, somewhat stoked by the leader of the Opposition (Pierre Poilievre).”
Well.....ya? That's completely true? Like sure, maybe one can make some argument that this is inappropriate and she should rise above the disgusting attacks by Poilievre that harm our democracy and not point out that he is stoking them. But this doesn't remotely come close to any of the statements from Poilievre that even lozen thinks are false.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-18-2023 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Let me ask you this did Harper ever suggest licensing the media and he decides who gets the licenses ?

"Yes, the Stephen Harper Conservatives changed the CBC. Conservatives did what Conservatives will always do with Crown corporations. They looked to find ways to use CBC to generate revenue, to make it less dependent on public money, or to modernize for the purpose of splitting up the CBC into smaller companies ultimately leading to privatization. Stephen Harper appointed an all conservative board to run the CBC, but it isn’t because CBC News is beholden to its board that it has become mediocre. It has become mediocre because it is beholden to mediocre journalists."

"There is a reason the right hates the CBC. I understand that conservatism only succeeds when you keep the electorate uninformed and afraid, and the concept of ensuring all Canadians have access to unbiased information and news scares the right on a fundamental level. Access to the CBC is an essential right to Canadians. But a CBC that isn’t serving the needs of Canadians, especially the news division, will continue to erode public support in the CBC until Conservatives get what they want, a defunded or privatized CBC."

"Mitchell is a former treasurer of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, which merged with the Canadian Alliance to become the Conservative Party of Canada in 2003.

He then served as party vice-president before an unsuccessful previous bid to become party president in 2005.

He was appointed to the CBC board of directors by former prime minister Stephen Harper in 2008.

Board too close to politics?

Mitchell was also one of nine members of the 11-member board identified as a Conservative party donor in a list published by the CBC watchdog Friends of Canadian Broadcasting.

The group’s spokesman, Ian Morrison, said that while Mitchell did the right thing by stepping down to seek the party presidency, the situation again highlights how the CBC’s board can be too easily loaded up with those close to political interests."

Morrisson worries that Harper is slowly taking control over the CBC in order to "exercise a subtle form of censorship over the public broadcaster." In addition to budget cuts and the new Bill, he notes that 8 of the 11 CBC board of directors have contributed money to the Conservative Party of Canada.

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 04-18-2023 at 08:14 PM.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-18-2023 , 08:31 PM
Now that foxnews decided to settle.
Do u think twitter will put a small warning for foxnews bias on what they publish even tho they arent government funded ?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-18-2023 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Ah good, glad to know that the CBC being government propaganda only extends as far back as the most recent prime minister. Not a coincidence at all!
Again, who cares? Maybe it was bias, I didn't even follow politics when Harper was in. I think I voted Liberal once during his time and didn't vote the other elections because I was into Bitcoin/Libertarianism. Every politician I voted for since Trudeau took power campaigned to defund the CBC though.

Originally Posted by uke_master
Well.....ya? That's completely true? Like sure, maybe one can make some argument that this is inappropriate and she should rise above the disgusting attacks by Poilievre that harm our democracy and not point out that he is stoking them. But this doesn't remotely come close to any of the statements from Poilievre that even lozen thinks are false.
I think I missed your post condemning Trudeau for calling anti-vaxxers extremists who don't believe in science and are misogynistic and often racist.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-18-2023 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Now that foxnews decided to settle.
Do u think twitter will put a small warning for foxnews bias on what they publish even tho they arent government funded ?
Frig, if they did I'd definitely post a lot defending Fox News and bashing Elon.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-19-2023 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Frig, if they did I'd definitely post a lot defending Fox News and bashing Elon.
u would condemn elon for actually doing the right thing on a proved media lying purposely to put a warning onit like foxnews but not for making an assumption for cbc just because he got funding from the government ?

u just make no sense at all if u really care about non bias media.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-19-2023 , 04:27 AM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Again, who cares?
You do in as much as it was an issue of the day that the alpha derp passed along to be consumed. You just do not like it when the hypocrisy of it is exposed, which is when you go into who cares/just asking questions/keeping it real mode. that we have seen over and over and over.

All the best.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-19-2023 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
You do in as much as it was an issue of the day that the alpha derp passed along to be consumed. You just do not like it when the hypocrisy of it is exposed, which is when you go into who cares/just asking questions/keeping it real mode. that we have seen over and over and over.

All the best.
Hmmm no criticism of opinion pieces when the lefties use them ?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-19-2023 , 10:09 AM
No idea what you are talking about with this latest whatabout of yours, but feel free to link the specific lefty opinion piece that you are talking about. Thanks in advance.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-19-2023 , 07:37 PM
Last thing the Liberals want is a national strike. This could be a long one

Washington Post breaks story that Justin Trudeau said Canada will never meet the 2% goal for NATO
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-19-2023 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
You do in as much as it was an issue of the day that the alpha derp passed along to be consumed. You just do not like it when the hypocrisy of it is exposed, which is when you go into who cares/just asking questions/keeping it real mode. that we have seen over and over and over.

All the best.
The funny thing is that you actually believe this only happens on the right.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-19-2023 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Last thing the Liberals want is a national strike. This could be a long one

The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-19-2023 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Funny polievre is on the union side hoping the government increase 9billions of debt to pay for what the union goes to strike for ?

Maybe polievre transforming himself in a pro union socialist ?
It’s refreshing …
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-20-2023 , 12:39 AM
Politic strategies from populist far right wing .
- always take the opposite side of your opponents ideas
- empty all nuances and reduce the ideas/situations to a bare minimum
- throw in a gotcha sentence in it to make u look brillant , even tho it goes against your own policies
- $$ profits from the cultists

Polievre/trump strategy
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-20-2023 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Politic strategies from populist far right wing .
- always take the opposite side of your opponents ideas
- empty all nuances and reduce the ideas/situations to a bare minimum
- throw in a gotcha sentence in it to make u look brillant , even tho it goes against your own policies
- $$ profits from the cultists

Polievre/trump strategy
Let's call it the opposition strategy and for the liberals

Their gonna ban abortion

The left doesn't like it as it's working with such an incompetent PM
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
