Originally Posted by lozen
Engaging with you is a waste of time if I had said the sky is blue you would say I got that from a right wing media source.
I link your sources and their history of articles. Stop trying to pretend your biased, derpy sources are an indifferent form of news coverage. If you want your alt right agenda sources to not be pointed out for what they are then learn to get better sources before repeating the stuff they feed you. This really is not that hard.
Originally Posted by lozen
Bottom line is he said it and lied and folks like you just believe him
No, bottom line is you are as anti-Trudeau as it gets and will latch onto any story to feed that hunger of yours. You may be technically correct in some of your stuff, but why should anyone bother to wade through all the biased manipulated nonsense you repeat to figure out what parts may have some validity to them. That is on you to better present your angry little agenda in a more effective manner using better source material and reasoning.
Originally Posted by lozen
This sums up Trudeau quite well
This sums up your extremely biased view of him as fed to you by as derpy and biased a source as it gets. That's all. Nothing more. You trying to pretend that politically biased stuff is factual is part of the issue you have with how you present the sources of your material that is created to feed you and monetize you as a passive consumer of their content. You absorb and repeat things that are told to you that you want to hear and believe, which shows how well they are doing their job. Great business model.
All the best.