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07-20-2009 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by calidris
So, care to explain the reasoning behind your betsizing preflop before ranting about post flop. They do go hand in hand you know...
No I dont,because if I did you wouldnt listen and pay attention to it anyways.And you would just ignore it and just say why my preflop raise is wrong here,even though its just fine here

Also if your going to be a stickler for the standard raise system of 3 x BB raise or 4 x BB raise no matter what you raise with,you got a lot to learn.Also standard raising is better at higher stakes instead of at micro stakes.But I am not going to explain why though.
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07-20-2009 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
He is not coaching me anymore,because I was supposedly was goin to be coached by Shaun Deeb. And then when Shaun Deeb didnt contact me about the coaching me,probably because he forgot,or doesn have time,etc.Also I had a another bad run,and so because of that,ddnt think was good time to be coached by Deeb,because I probably wasnt in the right mindset,because of te bad run I was in at the time,so I decided I wouldnt contact Deeb.And then I got busy.And then now have a girlfriend,that I am in a relationship with,and where we have been talking about marriage. decided it was a bad time? If I were you, I would ditch my wife, dogs, house etc. and become live-in bitch to ShaunEffingDeeB if he would coach me at poker.

I think this says it best....

I'll cradle the balls, stroke the shaft, work the pipe, and swallow the gravy. Get it over here, buddy. Let's do this

- Jack Black, Tropic Thunder.

Last edited by JoeyJoJo Shabadu; 07-20-2009 at 02:39 PM.
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07-20-2009 , 02:34 PM
love this thread and your poker mind Mike.
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07-20-2009 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by spike420211
i gotz an idea...

why don't you do up an Excel spreadsheet for us so we can see how your experiment has progressed so far?

be sure to include the freerolls too [since OPR doesn't, obviously]
That was a old thread,te experiment is not going on anymore,because it got replaced by a coach who make $5k,7k,10K,13k(somewhere around that much per year)per year,who offered to stake me,and coach me.I learned a lot fom that coach.

As far as a spreadsheet,your the 2nd person who has suggested that,and as soon as I igure out how to d a spreadsheet or someone shows me,I will.Also is been forever since I have done a excel spreadsheet,and its going to take some time to relearn it,or have someone show me how to use it.
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07-20-2009 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by M1cKmAcK
he's a bigger ****ing douche than op, and thats saying alot.
This is untrue.

Originally Posted by calidris
Regarding your earlier replies (post #90)

1. I still believe you greatly overstimate your own skills. I base that on what I've seen of your HH's in this thread and others. I also looked at some videos online that has been linked in threads here. One thing specifically that I think you overestimate is your ability to read situations correctly enough to deviate from ABC winning strategy. That goes for pre- as well as postflop play.

2. When it comes to value betting I have seen you do nothing of the sort. I haven't seen you discuss bet sizing at all. The HH's you post are pretty much limp or push. In my experience, a poster who focus on those has a lot to learn about value betting. I can of course be wrong.

3. You say you know how to adjust for different stack sizes but none of your posts/videos shows that ability. Specifically, you often seem to believe you're shortstacked when in fact you're not. You should really work your way through HoH. He teaches it very well.

5. "Quote: None of these reasons are why I have been bleeding buy ins."
Probably the main reason why you bleed monies is because you won't listen to advice. You're too full of yourself because you luckboxed yourself into winning early in your pokercareer. I've seen it before. You might have been lucky for your first 115 (or something?) tournaments and now variance is catching up with you. The long run is veeeeeery long and sample size matters when it comes down to separate the long term winners from the loosers. I don't think you realize how much variance you can get (positive as well as negative).
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07-20-2009 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
The key word that you use here is "probably" because you use that word,you didnt pay attention to the explanation asto why I did what I did...bla bla bla
I read your explanation and I still think you need to work on your hand reading skills, as evidenced by post 108. There you didn't think a big A was in his range on the turn. I think most people here would put a decent A as a big part of his range. If you think you don't need to work on it, then fine. I don't really care.

And you can't see anything stupid with this pov? You just proved my point that you don't understand how stack size affects strategy.

Stack size relativity at micro stakes is not a stupid concept
That's not what I said either. I said that you had an incorrect POV - Point Of View. You said:
whether one is shortstacked due to either relativity to the blinds,or whether to other stacks its not important difference"
That's incorrect. There's a big difference and if you don't understand that, then it's something you need to look up.

There, that's two things you can work on to improve. Constructive critisism imo.

I also noted that you didn't comment on
And I have read HoH
No you haven't. Proof:
I dont know what M is altho if I knew,I probably understand and apply the basic idea,if its related to stack sizes,etc
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07-20-2009 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
No I dont,because if I did you wouldnt listen and pay attention to it anyways.And you would just ignore it and just say why my preflop raise is wrong here,even though its just fine here

Also if your going to be a stickler for the standard raise system of 3 x BB raise or 4 x BB raise no matter what you raise with,you got a lot to learn.Also standard raising is better at higher stakes instead of at micro stakes.But I am not going to explain why though.
Ok, so it's just random sizing here then? Fine with me.

What ranges do you give to the other 3 players that goes to the flop with you. This is before the flop betting begins ok?
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07-20-2009 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by calidris
I read your explanation and I still think you need to work on your hand reading skills, as evidenced by post 108. There you didn't think a big A was in his range on the turn. I think most people here would put a decent A as a big part of his range. If you think you don't need to work on it, then fine. I don't really care.

well not very many,including me,you,lots here in this forum,are perfect at their hand reading skills,and so its always good to work on handing reading.The reason why I didnt think the Ace was in his range is this:Now this train of thought is very logical,please follow it:A poker player usually doesnt try to trap a tight player,because they know they that if they do,that they just risk bein outdrawn,with little or no chance or reward of the tight player paying them off big,the way a crazy hyper agressive player would.Now with that in mind,with there being a possible flush draw and a loose 2 card straight draw,against a tight player who is betting somewhere between small and medium in relation to the pot,even though its a reraise.AQ is not the kind of hand you want to slowplay with top pair Q kicker.Almost all or most poker players in that situation would reraise when I made my bet instead of calling and trapping into the jaws of the size of the bet I made into the draw,which could be me bettin the draw.Also most players would be reraising AQ top pair Q kicker,thinking I have a hand that is worse than theirs,but that I would call with because of my reraise,so considering that info,its not very bloody darn likely they are on a A10-AK range.In fact I think the way he was playing it was very risky silly stupid in the very risky way.And it was a way to not extract as much as he could from me,because he doesnt know that I have KK,and that if he reraises big that I will fold.And that I would fold the draw unless I was committed or had good pot odds to call.So it was extremely logical for me or any other poker player not to put him on the Ace.So based on that my read on the situation based on all those factors is the right kind of read to make,and I played I played it reasonably and logically based on all those nuances,factors,in that situation.And ten on the turn,it was right to bet the turn,right to call on the draw.and then right to bet the river,and call the river.Yes he got unlucky.But that bad luck would not have happened had he been playing the hand the right way.Also sometimes donk silly play sometimes causes good thinking players to make reads that are only technically wrong,but right to make in the situation.So because of that sometimes donks end up beating good players because of that.So I played it right.But again you overlook all these logical and reasonable factors.

That's not what I said either. I said that you had an incorrect POV - Point Of View. You said:

That's incorrect. There's a big difference and if you don't understand that, then it's something you need to look up.

And no there isnt a big difference between being shortstacked relative to other stacks sizes and being shortstacked AKA being 7 to 13 x BB,in relation to the blinds.The reason why there is no difference at the smaller micro stakes,is that at the micro stakes,there is no difference because at the micro stakes,you need to double up your short stack whether its in relation to other much bigger stacks,or in relation to the blinds.where the blinds are concerned,if you dont double up your shortstack,the blinds will likely get you.if you dont double up your shortstack in relation to the bigger stacks,then the bigger stacks will all call you to try to get rid of you.So you need to double up in both things because of that.And so because of that there is little or no difference between the 2 relative things.This is a very logical and reasonable thing am explaining.I suggest you learn what logic and reason are.

There, that's two things you can work on to improve. Constructive critisism imo.

I also noted that you didn't comment on

Oh you mean Where Harrington starts talking about median stacks.thats probably what M means.Amazing I dont recall harrington using the letter M in his books.Now maybe the letter M is jargon in converted hand history and on this board.But I dont remember the letter M being used in Harringtons books
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07-20-2009 , 03:34 PM
I am playing in the full tilt poker $100 freeroll playing in 8 minutes.So if any of you want to watch me,and make constructive comments on my play,you can,and it would be appreciated.

My Full Tilt Screen Name is Mikah
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07-20-2009 , 04:47 PM
mike please cliffnote everything you say from now on.
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07-20-2009 , 05:00 PM
mike is talking smack now:

IABoomer (Observer): I have five minutes to read/post before the game starts again and the epic rail continues
Mikah: lol not likely lol
Mikah: oh cool whats the game your in that is being sweated?
System: The $30,000 KO Guarantee ($120+$9 NL Hold'em) will be starting in 3 minutes.
Mikah: Also the 2+2 er's that post in my latest thread lol think I will poop my pants lol.They are just dying to see any hand that they can see and say "OMG I your crazy for playing that way" without paying attention to the situation I describe
Mikah: also they base my whole entire play on 1 HH lol
Mikah: I wish they were here lol so I could exploit them lol
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07-20-2009 , 05:05 PM
Late reg. available? tourney number so I can be exploited?
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07-20-2009 , 05:25 PM
[ ] games are dead

Mike, also, why did you post two different hand histories that showed you raising to steal the blinds, but not several other hands from the same tourney with multi street action (ones you described where you got 'bad beat' and some other times that 'hammering the blinds' didn't work). we can all help more on multi street hands, rather than you raising 98s from the CO and winning the blinds.
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07-20-2009 , 05:52 PM
i made the "hey mike I hope you poop your pants" comment fwiw.
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07-20-2009 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
In fact I not only understand these principles,I have taught these principles to others to help them become better players.
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07-20-2009 , 06:07 PM
Hey Mikah. Good to see you back man, FTP forum hasn't been the same since they banned you.
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07-20-2009 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Parts Unknown
Surely one of the funniest things ever posted on youtube!!!

" I have a backdoor 2 pair draw "

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07-20-2009 , 07:26 PM
Hey boomer with blinds 1600,and aout t go up to the next level,and with a 57 k stack on the button,and with the 300k donk stack donking calling all in like crazy all the time,and with everybody else being tight at the table,and with it being bubble time,and with 7 other limpers limping 1600 each,and with the antes from everyone,and with having A6 suited on the SB,or button(will have to find the HH,an since you were there watching me at the table.Was it right for me to shove pre to pick up a 17 to 19k pot preflop?

I mean how could the 300k donk stack who was calling any and all all ins preflop with any 2 marginal cards in any barely semi marginal hand,how could a donk like that,and with a stack of 300k limp KK?

Its not like any of the rest of us besides here were hyperagressive.And there was only a 3% chance I would estimate of any of use shoving preflop against her KK.And so i I hadnt picked up that A6 suited hand and had folded or called,the KK donk would have had like 8 people in the hand with them to outflop them.

I just dont see anyway that I or anyone else could ever put the donk on limping KK.

Also I dont think I had any choice to shove,based on the situation,since I really needed those 20k or so in chips.

So I think I played it right

So what do you think,IA boomer or anyone else who was there?Do you think I played it right?

Man what a way to go out sheesh lol.Oh well,I played a good tourney,and I had the luck to go with the good play,as OMG was I ever running good in that tourney until the last hand.
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07-20-2009 , 07:29 PM
did i read you jammed 57,000 chips at 800/1600 with A6?
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07-20-2009 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Black Aces 518
did i read you jammed 57,000 chips at 800/1600 with A6?
Theres more to it than that,so before you say or react "OMG he shoved A6 suited all in preflop",Can you Please read the situation and my whole entire explanation as to why I shoved?

Also this is not a bad terrible move.It may be borderline wrong,or borderline right,but its not worth a "OMG reaction"
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07-20-2009 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
I mean how could the 300k donk stack who was calling any and all all ins preflop with any 2 marginal cards in any barely semi marginal hand,how could a donk like that,and with a stack of 300k limp KK?
Um, he's a donk. Why couldn't he make that play?
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07-20-2009 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by BeantownClown
Um, he's a donk. Why couldn't he make that play?
Because of the donk playing pattern.If a all in freak is all in freaking every hand(not that the donk was all in freaking every hand),then a all in freak is not going to start limping in out of the blue.

The same principle applies to the donk mentioned.They called all in preflop almost all the time with any 2 semi marginal cards no matter what,and they shoved every so often once in a while with the same any 2 semi marginal cards.

And so if the donk is playing like that consistently all the time,the donk probably isnt going to stop donking like that and start donk limping KK.

But of course that is not known for sure.But it is a logical,reasonable probability.And Poker is about making the right plays according to pot odds versus probable probabilities,and sometimes on rare occasion those probabilities dont hold up
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07-20-2009 , 08:27 PM
this is awesome. Mike is actually thinking, albeit poorly, before explaining why he makes his terrible plays.
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07-20-2009 , 09:16 PM
This thread and yhat other vid has inspired me... I'm playing 0.25 tournies and playing like a complete *******. I've tripled up 4 hands in
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07-20-2009 , 09:20 PM
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