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Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids

07-18-2009 , 03:41 PM
The thing is it was ok to limp Q9 on the button.
It could probably be argued that it's ok to limp any kind if trash preflop as long as you have a big postflop edge over the rest of the table. From the few HH's you posted it seems that your postflop play would need even bigger work than your preflop. A few pointers:

1. Stop playing marginal hands preflop. You don't have the postflop skills to match.

2. Look up value betting.

3. Learn the strategies for playing with big and small stacks (in relation to the blinds). Look up M.

4. Don't ever shove when the only hands that call are the ones that always beat you.

5. Reread HoH. No wait, study it.

ETA: The HH's you posted are probably not the reason that you bleed money. They all relate to point 1, 3 and 4 above. I would guess that the main reason is point 2. Taken from experience...
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07-19-2009 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by limpcallall
Is this areamans gimmick? Oh wait I think they proved this guy was real in another thread...

Mikeal you should get to know Bandichime because he has a spreadsheet that I think would be of great assistance to you.
lol, Mikael vs Bandichime HU... a battle of the titans.

somebody please make this happen
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-19-2009 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by limpcallall
Is this areamans gimmick? Oh wait I think they proved this guy was real in another thread...

Mikeal you should get to know Bandichime because he has a spreadsheet that I think would be of great assistance to you.
Another player recommended also that I use a spreadsheet.And I agreed with him that its probably time I do use one along with poker tracker and poker stove more often.

And I said I dont have hardly any experience doing poker spreadsheets and so have asked for suggestions on how best to do them.
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07-19-2009 , 11:00 AM
you have to forget bad beats man... I know alot of solid players that dwell on them so much that it honestly affects the way they play. Don't keep track of them, forget about them. They're going to happen it's just the way it is. If they bother you that much you have two options imo. 1. Multi table so the beats aren't as apparent. Seriously, multi-tabling is so vital b/c you always have something else to focus your attention on so the beats dont set in. 2. Quit poker.
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07-19-2009 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Alacran
Naughty boy. You were in the hijack, not OTB!

I mislooked at or misunderstood the HH.I thought seat 10 meant Button.Also there was 1 limper in front.Also as I have explained the pros and the books like Full Tilt book,HoH,artices,my coach,profitable players have all said its ok to limp with Q9,Q10 with pot odds.

Please, I would really like an explanation of why are you limping with J8o, or Q9o, and please don't say "because Chris Ferguson told you so". If you want a piece of advice about those hands, here it is: STOP OVERLIMPING WITH TRASH. You were only the 2nd limper and if anything, you could've raised PF to take it down right there. Also, the turn shove is only gonna get called by hands that have you beat, do you see?

When the blinds are cheap,there is no reason to raise mrginal stuff like Q10 to try to take down a 70 chip pot,and when your likely to get 4 callers.You either fold,or play the hand in very limited situations.Now whenthe blinds are much bigger,there is less valuet limping,an more value in raising t pick up the potlike you suggest

If you really are looking forward to learn and become a winning player in this game, you should pay more attention to what posters say in this forum. If you are coming here to complain only and disregard the comments of people more accomplished than you, just because you read the OMG FULL TILT POKER PRO TIPS, then you shouldn't be here in the first place.

I suggest you read my response to Peerless pig,as I already addressed this.

Having said that, a drunk monkey with no arms can beat the micro's. ESPECIALLY the $1 SnG's and the Freerolls. Haven't you thought of the possibility, the mere possibility, that you are just playing bad, instead of running bad?

LikeI said I keep pretty good track of all the bad beats,goof off beats,trainwrecks,times I get outplayed.And so like I said MOST of the time like 65 to 70% of th time some clown knock donks,goof offs me out.

What you say about having a 'bad beat memory' is just bull**** imo. Every poker player tends to remember the bad beats and forget about the beats they handed out or the hands they absolutely misplayed. I suggest you review your HH's in the biggest pots you lost, and see why you lost them.

I gave you a pretty god breakdown of how often I get outplayed.How often I get trainwrecked,etc etc etc.Now I am sure that 1.5 times out of every 10 buy ins during this bad run,bad play on my part probably has in a small way contributed to the bad run.And that if Sharpen up my game,that can help overcome all the bad luck,and help turn the bd run around.But bad play overall i no the reason why the bad run is happening.

Lastly, you'll never get simpathy from a strategy forum if you keep flaming every poster that tries to help you.

I already responded to this errant claim by peerless pig,I suggest you go read that response.Trollers,flamers arent going to get a good response from me,where as players who post in the way I described to peerless pig will get a good or better response

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07-19-2009 , 11:28 AM
mike, who is your coach?
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-19-2009 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by b-ob the great
You won this hand but it was played wrong.....Thats just way to spewy...Your M is around 22..If you get called here your way behind..Im shocked that the duke didnt call yo with his chip stack after limping..Also get poker tracker or start keeping better records..
It was played right.I exlained the reasons why I played it.And if duke had called he would have been way behind,as duke later called 3000 chips with pokr idiot goof off crap after limping.And these type of players are the type who limp crap preflop,and raise good stuff,and either fold,limp,and if limp its crap,and if raise its good stuff because they ar tight in that tey dont raise crap.I had also seen Duke and or duck or whatever his name play like a absolute donk,and donk his stack up.

So based on those things andthe oher reasons I named earlier it was the right move to make.But its not a move I would make very often and I dont make movs like this very often.
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07-19-2009 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by M1cKmAcK
and op- the full tilt tournament book is bad. I have read approx 20 poker books and it ranks near the bottom with all of cloutier's books. Read Winning Poker Tournaments: One hand at a time, Kill Everyone, and obv HoH.

Well thats your opinion,and certainly there are sections of it that do suck,like ted forrest section,where ted forrest advocates limping under gun with al sorts of crap.That section shoul be skipped and never ever read,as its a worthless section of the book.But other sections are valuable.And there are many winning online tourny poker players here,who will swear by that book.Your right about HoH,thats a great read.

and losing 150 is pennies, you're really just going to piss people off posting this b/c for some thats less than 1 tournament.
losing 150 dollars is pennies to a lot of people.And its not the money lost,but the manner in which it was lost as losing 140 or so buy ins steadily without winning,cashing very often is pretty bad.
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07-19-2009 , 11:49 AM
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-19-2009 , 12:24 PM
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-19-2009 , 12:48 PM
For those that aren't familiar with op.. you can find his introduction to 2p2

I recommend you read it as it is a pretty decent ok above average good thread.
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07-19-2009 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
For those that aren't familiar with op.. you can find his introduction to 2p2

I recommend you read it as it is a pretty decent ok above average good thread.
"Right Place?Experiment:HH's of how doing"

One of my favourite 2+2 threads.
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-19-2009 , 03:01 PM
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-19-2009 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by deucegame
mike, who is your coach?
You want the same one?
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-19-2009 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by calidris
It could probably be argued that it's ok to limp any kind if trash preflop as long as you have a big postflop edge over the rest of the table. From the few HH's you posted it seems that your postflop play would need even bigger work than your preflop. A few pointers:

Actually its NOT ok to limp any 2 card crap.And its only ok to limp maginal hands like Q10 etc in certain very limited situations.And my postflop play is pretty ok,and Io understand principles of betsizing,hand reading,putting oponents on ranges,value betting,value calling,situational nuances,pot odds,implied pot odds,and stack sizes an stack awareness.And another thing.You are cart blanche saying I others cant do something thats wrong to do most of the time,even if the nuances,situation,make it ok to do so.Also your basing what your saying here on 1 or 2 HH's.I told you the situation,and nuances of why I made those moves,and you still ay that no matter and never ever ok to do what I did.Also you assume that just because I played that way in that HH,that I play like that all the time,when in fact I dont.

1. Stop playing marginal hands preflop. You don't have the postflop skills to match.

Your wrong here,I do have the skills to,and even if didnt,the pros,the books,articles say limping marginal hands in very limited situations,with right pot odds,and in right positions is ok to do.Also considering how many donks,fish,goofballs,etc play at the mircro stakes,I do have a skill edge(not a luck edge,a hey outluck me a lot)over these players.Now if I was playing at higher stakes against better players,I would probably limp marginal hands even less often or not at all.Now maybe I might need to temporarily limp marginal hands less often,until turn this bad run around

2. Look up value betting.

I know what value betting is and how to do it,and do it as often as I need to or should at least mst of the time ths is true

3. Learn the strategies for playing with big and small stacks (in relation to the blinds). Look up M.

I do understand how to play with small,mid,bigstacks,and do understand stack awareness.I dont know what M is altho if I knew,I probably understand and apply the basic idea,if its related to stack sizes,etc

4. Don't ever shove when the only hands that call are the ones that always beat you.

Yes this is very important rule to follow,except for the word "ever",if the situation,or nuance calls for it then its only ok in that 1 situation.Its also been forever since I have made a move like the one in the HH,that yur basing this rule off.Again I explained why I made that move.And just bcause I made that move doesnt mean I do it all the time

5. Reread HoH. No wait, study it.

Good advice,as it may help me turn bad run around

ETA: The HH's you posted are probably not the reason that you bleed money. They all relate to point 1, 3 and 4 above. I would guess that the main reason is point 2. Taken from experience...

None of these reasons are why I have been bleeding buy ins.I dont play cash games.I dont like leaking chips.Chip leaking is very bad,so I do try very hard not to chip leak.
In fact I not only understand these principles,I have taught these principles to others to help them become better players.
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07-19-2009 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by M1cKmAcK
you have to forget bad beats man... I know alot of solid players that dwell on them so much that it honestly affects the way they play. Don't keep track of them, forget about them. They're going to happen it's just the way it is. If they bother you that much you have two options imo. 1. Multi table so the beats aren't as apparent. Seriously, multi-tabling is so vital b/c you always have something else to focus your attention on so the beats dont set in. 2. Quit poker.
I keep track of the badbeats,donkbeats,fish beat,goofball beats,and the trainwrecks,and how often it seems I am getting outplayed,and other things,etc,because doing so does the following things.

when if I go on bad runs,it gives me a good idea,of how I am doing,and whether I am playing bad,and if I am,so that can correct that,or so that if getting trainwrecked,bad beat,how when I should avoid more high risky variance,and if its bad luck,bad beats that are causing the bad runs,instead of bad play,it helps me to put things into perspective.

I dont keep track so that I can wreak vengeance on the those that bad beat me.Lol that would be unhealthy and if I was doing that,I would need to do what you suggest.

Playing more than 2 tables is bad for me,because I like keein track of plaing conditions and info.Thats part of a edge I think I have,because I keep track of those conditions and info,better than others.

In light of my bad run,dont think I can afford to lose that edge
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-19-2009 , 04:51 PM
Please post videos.
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-19-2009 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Parts Unknown
Please post videos.
you will prob be sorry you asked but
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-19-2009 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by deucegame
mike, who is your coach?
He is not coaching me anymore,because I was supposedly was goin to be coached by Shaun Deeb. And then when Shaun Deeb didnt contact me about the coaching me,probably because he forgot,or doesn have time,etc.Also I had a another bad run,and so because of that,ddnt think was good time to be coached by Deeb,because I probably wasnt in the right mindset,because of te bad run I was in at the time,so I decided I wouldnt contact Deeb.And then I got busy.And then now have a girlfriend,that I am in a relationship with,and where we have been talking about marriage.

I paid back 2 stakes to Gigglegirl who was my coach,and is,as the coach would probably be iling to coach me again,once in a while from time to time.

Also Gigglegirl makes about $5k to 10k to 15k a year playing poker online.
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07-19-2009 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by ssnyc
you will prob be sorry you asked but
I am on tilt.
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07-19-2009 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
A trainwreck bad beat is: example AA vs KK

A legit bad beat:where the person giving the bad beat played it reasonably right or understandably based on the situation or information at hand

A fish beat:where a below average player AKA a fish misplays the hand and bad beats.

A donk beat:where somebody plays really bad,whether on purpose or not and bad beats.

A donk is someone who consistently plays bad whether or not on purpose or not.

A all in freak beat or goof off beat,is where a all in freak,or goof off knowingly or wuthout caring,goofs offs and goes all in all the time no matter what and they either shove all in and you call,or call your all in,and then suck out to give you a All in freak or goof off beat.

Not all bad beats are the same

Full of win.
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-19-2009 , 05:18 PM
Shaun Deeb does coaching? I will move into his house as his butler if that means he ll be able to coach me.
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07-19-2009 , 05:23 PM
LoooooooooooooooooooooL..... watch mike DH video freeroll 2.... The first hand is great... AK UTG 500 chips with the blinds at 10/20.... I am shortstacked.... yadda yadda.... I am going to go all in... I'll probably get 2 3 4 callers..... ahhhhhhhhhhhhahahahah
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07-20-2009 , 12:44 AM
Another thing I think I will do is comment what I would do in others line checks where they post HH asking others if they played it right,what would others do etc.

The reason for that,is that when I used to read chess magazines challenges,on what I would do,or find the checkmate in x amount of moves,it improved my chess game.

So its probably time I start doing the same type of exercises with others HH what would you do line check post
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07-20-2009 , 12:49 AM
Somehow your voice sounds exactly how I expected it to
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