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Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids

07-20-2009 , 12:49 PM
You should look at your hilarious bet sizing in the first hands u posted. I think it spretty apparent you dont have a firm grasp of value, or semi bluffing.

And I love you ranting replies.

Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
I start pounding he small stack blinds:

Poker Stars $0.25+$0.00 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t75/t150 Blinds - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

CO: t7905 M = 35.13
Hero (BTN): t15055 M = 66.91
SB: t1465 M = 6.51
BB: t2285 M = 10.16
UTG: t1825 M = 8.11

Pre Flop: (t225) Hero is BTN with 8 J
2 folds, Hero raises to t450, 2 folds
mindblowing stuff
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 12:54 PM
Not much to tell,very card dead saw about 16% of hands and flops.was down to 2000 chips blinds 30/60

I will have to find the Ftp HH's but I either limped in or raised,and went to flop with A10,or J10 suited hand(not sure) on the button.

Hit the nut straight and flush draw. And since he likely had top pair or 2 pair,and since he had only a 10% chance to win on the flop and turn,and since I was so shortstacked and didnt want to chase him out,I small betted 250 on flop,and 500 on turn and 500 on river,pot comitting myself on the river,he reraises all in,I call,and he hit his boat on the river.

But I would play the hand that way every time I am shortstacked in order to get paid off because 10% chance to get beat by a fullhouse,is worth getting paid off and I was right he would have paid 500 more on the river if he hadnt hit his boat.

I thought he would do that,and so I asked him after I got beat out if he would hve paid me 500 more on the river,and he said he would have,but would have folded to a all in by me on the river.

Wow I feel like I played this hand beautiful description I can really clearly see your excellent reasoning on every street.

He likely had top 2 pair or somthing


this is just brilliant keep posting
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 01:03 PM
this thread is starting to look very similar to bandichime's thread... maybe a second account?
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 01:05 PM
I didnt find any other HH's that I had questions on,all of them seem standardly played.And I took 1 bad beat,and 1 semi bluff dint work.And about 3 more semi bluffs worked.And I got caught hammering the blinds 1 or 2 times and I hammered the blinds successfully about 5 to 6 more times,and I wen back nd forth from 12500 to 17000,and ended up against the chip leader who had 45k and I had 13k or so.

So thats it for this tourney.I am happy with my play.

And I only have questions about 2 or 3 of my posted HH's,hence my askingfor linechecks on 2 or 3 of them.
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by nowicki22
this thread is starting to look very similar to bandichime's thread... maybe a second account?
MikeDH >>>>>> bandichime by far.

Don't give up, Mike. Show the idiot goof off donk beaters who the man is.
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 01:08 PM
I think you should post all those hands, including blind steals individually in the strat forums, so more people will read and analyze them. Also make appropriate subject threads.

PS- Ssnyc/Bond, don't ban me for this suggestion .
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by _RossDvd_
You should look at your hilarious bet sizing in the first hands u posted. I think it spretty apparent you dont have a firm grasp of value, or semi bluffing.

You know its amazin how much you assume based on 1 HH.Also its amazing how you and others when they see a HH like the one you question,how you react: "OMG he is crazy,he just dosnt understand anything about bet sizing,value betting,semi bluffing",withou listening,or paying attention to the explanation of why the move was made,and that this move is hardly never ever made,and that this move is the first move mde like this in forever.Its hilarious when that happens by people like you

And I love you ranting replies.

PS if I assumed as much as you do assuming on just 1 hand played,playing poker against people, I would be even worse off,in my bad run
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 01:17 PM
This thread just cannot be for real........can it?
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 01:19 PM
can someone post the bandichime thread? Or is it multiple?
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by aces_full1963
This thread just cannot be for real........can it?
Watch the videos
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 01:20 PM
Don't do it while playing though.
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by peerlesspig
I think you should post all those hands, including blind steals individually in the strat forums, so more people will read and analyze them. Also make appropriate subject threads.

PS- Ssnyc/Bond, don't ban me for this suggestion .
Ok I can try that,and you might probably be right(oh no a 4th person who is right,that I might probably agree with.And I never ever take advice,or agee with anyone)

I just thought it was better to save space by putting the HH's in here rather than posting them all separately and using more space than would be used in here.

But if space wasting is not a issue,I will just post them as per your suggestion
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 01:25 PM
One thing specifically that I think you overestimate is your ability to read situations correctly enough to deviate from ABC winning strategy. That goes for pre- as well as postflop play.
I told you that you are not paying attention to the nuances,situations of those HH's I posted. I explained why I made those moves,decisions.You chose to ignore that,and only saw:"OMG he shoved all in on the river,thats crazy" "OMG he limped Q9,thats crazy" without seeing or paying attention to the nuances and situation,and explanation as to why I did what I did.Nor did you pay attention to the part where I said I dont shove all in on the river hardly ever very often,unless I have the other player crushed,and unless I know they will call...bla bla bla...
You have a reading disability as well as a writing? I'm telling you that you probably misread those nuances and situations, not that your play was wrong based on such reads.

Also paying attention to trollers and flamers who like to make fun of me,and going to the vids,isnt the way to go,and isnt accurate.First off they are not going to show vids of me playing good or the right way...rant rant rant...
Your jumping to conclusions sugar. I didn't just look at one or two hands that others pointed to. You got plenty vids online, they weren't hard to find.

Shortstack is relativity.relative to blinds,and relative to stacks.If I have a 2000 chip stack in micro stakes,and the blinds are 25/50,and th stacks are 4k,6k,8K,10k,12k,14k,16k,18k,I am shortstacked relative to the others stack sizes at the table,not the blinds.But whether one is shortstacked due to either relativity to the blinds,or whether to other stacks its not important difference,because you still in both cases still look to double up.
And you can't see anything stupid with this pov? You just proved my point that you don't understand how stack size affects strategy.

And I have read HoH
No you haven't. Proof:
I dont know what M is altho if I knew,I probably understand and apply the basic idea,if its related to stack sizes,etc
Its not the case now.115 tourneys offline,plus the 57 offline attempts this year is a good sized sample online
Does not compute...
Care to explain how 172 offline tourneys is a good online sample size?

So why have you been bleeding then Mike?
Now as to why I have been bleeding buy ins.I think its a combination of things.I think its bad luck,I think its more trainwrecks.I think its more coinflips lost.I think its more and more and more donk beats,goof off beats,all in freak beats given me by donks,goof offs,all in freaks.I also think that during this bad run,because of the bad run,I may have slipped subconciously and pyschologically into playing bad...
Good. Now that we have established that it might (maybe, slightly, not likely but...) be that you have been playing bad you might want to reread some of the comments people have left on your HH's.

I've been trying very hard to give you some helpful advice and explain to you clearly what I think you're doing wrong and what you should do about it. And you continue to flame me for the effort? Thank you kind sir...
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Poker Stars $0.25+$0.00 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t10/t20 Blinds - 7 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

BB: t1540 M = 51.33
Hero (UTG): t1450 M = 48.33
UTG+1: t3150 M = 105
MP: t1540 M = 51.33
CO: t1460 M = 48.67
BTN: t1560 M = 52
SB: t1520 M = 50.67

Pre Flop: (t30) Hero is UTG with K K
Hero raises to t90
So, care to explain the reasoning behind your betsizing preflop before ranting about post flop. They do go hand in hand you know...
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 01:30 PM
This is an epic thread......I've never laughed so frickin hard in my life!!! HOF stuff
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Parts Unknown
OMFG!!! That is gold!!!
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by aces_full1963
OMFG!!! That is gold!!!
These are obviously a joke... but hilarious.

Min bet, min raise doesn't matter... the best is one where he folds a set of kings.
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07-20-2009 , 01:35 PM
I love the flush hand where he flops a heart flush and bets $32 to confuse the other players, then folds when the board pairs because there could be a str flush or quads....

This has to be a joke...
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by youcanhaveitall
mindblowing stuff
not really just was using this HH to show,that if you have the right able image by playing tight enough,that later on in he tourny,if table conditions are right and if you have a big stack,that you can hammer with hands somewhere between suited crap and almost being a barely marginal hand,and that you can hammer blinds with hands like J8 suited.
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07-20-2009 , 01:46 PM
^^ Just love Mikeal explaining some **** to Mement
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 02:08 PM
deleted... see next poast.

Last edited by spike420211; 07-20-2009 at 02:15 PM.
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 02:14 PM
i gotz an idea...

why don't you do up an Excel spreadsheet for us so we can see how your experiment has progressed so far?

be sure to include the freerolls too [since OPR doesn't, obviously]
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by calidris
You have a reading disability as well as a writing? I'm telling you that you probably misread those nuances and situations, not that your play was wrong based on such reads.

The key word that you use here is "probably" because you use that word,you didnt pay attention to the explanation asto why I did what I did,because if you had,you would not use the word "probably" and would have rather said something like I dont think you read those nuances and situations right,because of blah blah blah,based on my explanation.Instead you have been assuming saying I havent played the hand right based on HH.and then you changed that to: You dont read situations,blah blah.And now your saying you are probably not reading the situations,etc etc.So your assuming,guessing,like I said on the HH,instead o the explanation I gave.

Your jumping to conclusions sugar. I didn't just look at one or two hands that others pointed to. You got plenty vids online, they weren't hard to find.

Ok I might probably be wrong then,and migt probably be jumping to conclusions.What I did describe though is what a lot of people do in going to the first vid,where a troller says "hey look at this hand that Mike DH played very sucky.And its reasonable why I would think you were probably doing the same in going to those vids that trollers link to,just like other people do.And I exlained that about 3/5 th's of the vids you will find of me are inaccurate as to how I actually play now.And I also bet you searched the vids with a comb and combed thru a vid to find the 1 to 7 hands that I play bad instead of the 35 to 50 out of 50 to 65 in the vid I play right.

And you can't see anything stupid with this pov? You just proved my point that you don't understand how stack size affects strategy.

Stack size relativity at micro stakes is not a stupid concept.if you don agree I suggest that you play a micro,and then purposely keep your stack at 1700 chips,until the blinds are about 25/50,and where the stacks are all a heck of a lot bigger than yours,so that you can watch when you shove your 1700 stack all in preflop and watch as 3 to 6 big stacks all call you and where your best hand doesnt hold up to te 3 to 6 callers,and watch yourself get bust out because of that,not once,but many many many times because o that.And if you did that,I dont think you would be caling stack size relativity a stupid concept.Also you left out the part where I said that you dont try to blind steal when the stacks are small enough,and how I explained why that is.That does show I know about stack size awareness.But for some strange reason you like others hae selective memory.And so you leve that part out in the qoute and say rather blah blah over the part you left out or conveniently forgot.

No you haven't. Proof:

Does not compute...
Care to explain how 172 offline tourneys is a good online sample size?

No I wouldnt care to explain.However 172 is a good offine sample and I thought I said it was not a good online sample.But I pobably made a typo,but typos are never ok and making typos are writing disabilities.Sorry that some of us dont type as fast and as accurately as you without typing errors.

Good. Now that we have established that it might (maybe, slightly, not likely but...) be that you have been playing bad you might want to reread some of the comments people have left on your HH's.

I've been trying very hard to give you some helpful advice and explain to you clearly what I think you're doing wrong and what you should do about it. And you continue to flame me for the effort? Thank you kind sir...

No you have been giving me advice based on assumptions guesses,instead of reading and or paying attention to explantions of HH situations,and not then basing comments off of that.And when I respond to what you say and point these things out,it is somehow trolling flaming.
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
