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Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids

07-20-2009 , 01:25 AM
in before markusgc
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
In fact I not only understand these principles,I have taught these principles to others to help them become better players.
Good for you Mike. Then there's nothing anyone here can help you with. It's obvious that you play perfectly, everyone who disagrees with you is wrong and you just get these bat beats all the time. Well, I don't have a cure against bad luck so can't help you there.

Out of curiosity, why did you post here asking for advice if nothing you do is wrong?

I understand that english might not be your first (or second) language but I think I need a translation of this part:
when if I go on bad runs,it gives me a good idea,of how I am doing,and whether I am playing bad,and if I am,so that can correct that,or so that if getting trainwrecked,bad beat,how when I should avoid more high risky variance,and if its bad luck,bad beats that are causing the bad runs,instead of bad play,it helps me to put things into perspective.
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by calidris
Good for you Mike. Then there's nothing anyone here can help you with. It's obvious that you play perfectly, everyone who disagrees with you is wrong and you just get these bat beats all the time. Well, I don't have a cure against bad luck so can't help you there.

Out of curiosity, why did you post here asking for advice if nothing you do is wrong?

Your doing what Peerless pig and another poster did,and that is your misuderstanding,not paying close attention to what others have said,and that your misunderstanding or paying attention to what others have said.There have been a few that have trolled,flamed,by saying things like "you suck" "you suck",etc.of course I am gona either not listen to or agree wih them.And might also probably troll back at them.There are also some that will make comments where they dont bother reading about the situation,nuances,and they see a move that is either wrong some to most of the time and or that they disagree with ALL the time,and wont consider exceptions based on the situation,nuances,books,what others say etc,and instead say what you did was wrong,no ands ifs buts about it.

There have also been some who have have given good comments that I have disagreed with.There have also been those who have made good comments saying that I havent been doing this and or I should stop doing that,and or that I should start doing this or that,that I ave agreed with.Examples of that are I have agreed that I probably should start keeping a spreadsheet like someone suggested.I also agreed that I should not have limped J8 like some said I shouldnt have done.And I also said what probably caused me to make that wrong bad play.

Part of some peoples problems are that they expect or demand that you agree with them,or why are you asking for help or comments.Also another problem is that discussion,debate is forbidden in som peoples minds.One of the main reasons my coach who used to coach me was a pretty good coach,is that he listened,paid attention,didnt assume,and he would calmly discuss debate things with me.Now some of the time,I would agree wth him,some of the time I was neither agreeing or disagreeing,and some of the time I disagreed wth him.But even when I as neutral,or disagreeing,he would listen,discuss it.He also encouraged me to question what he was saying to do,because he would answer questions,debate things,discuss things,explain things in a reasonable,logical way,that caused me to agree with him and apply and do what he was saying.Theres very few things I disagree with the coach on,and or am nuetral on anymore,and the only thing I can think of is the more donks,vs less donks discussion,which we might never ever agree on.

And so your assertion that you say sacastically that I am always right and never ever wrong is just bs. And so I like those who make comments like how my coach made comments on things,and if I think I am wrong.I will say so like I have at times.And I will explain why think I am wrong.And if I think I a right,I will explain why I think I am right.I like it when others do the same,and when people try to discuss,debate,persuade,convince others,because thats when I and others are more likely to change our minds,understand,learn,etc,etc.Also when other people ask for help,and comments,I dont troll or flame them,I dont make comments that demand they agree with me,and if they disagree with me,I dont make saracastic comments calling them a know it all,and I dont troll or flame them,and I rather discuss debate explain,make a counter point/argument,based on what they said to convince,persuade them of the point I was making.And also by doing sometimes the OP asking fr help,comments changes my mind,and sometimes I end up agreeing with the OP asking for help and comments.

And so we need more of that kind of comments and posting and less of the troling and flaming,and sarcastic comments,etc etc etc.When this happens the OP's asking for help and those giving help learn more,and those lurking,reading,not commenting also learn more.

I understand that english might not be your first (or second) language but I think I need a translation of this part:
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 07:24 AM
Regarding your earlier replies (post #90)

1. I still believe you greatly overstimate your own skills. I base that on what I've seen of your HH's in this thread and others. I also looked at some videos online that has been linked in threads here. One thing specifically that I think you overestimate is your ability to read situations correctly enough to deviate from ABC winning strategy. That goes for pre- as well as postflop play.

2. When it comes to value betting I have seen you do nothing of the sort. I haven't seen you discuss bet sizing at all. The HH's you post are pretty much limp or push. In my experience, a poster who focus on those has a lot to learn about value betting. I can of course be wrong.

3. You say you know how to adjust for different stack sizes but none of your posts/videos shows that ability. Specifically, you often seem to believe you're shortstacked when in fact you're not. You should really work your way through HoH. He teaches it very well.

5. "Quote: None of these reasons are why I have been bleeding buy ins."
Probably the main reason why you bleed monies is because you won't listen to advice. You're too full of yourself because you luckboxed yourself into winning early in your pokercareer. I've seen it before. You might have been lucky for your first 115 (or something?) tournaments and now variance is catching up with you. The long run is veeeeeery long and sample size matters when it comes down to separate the long term winners from the loosers. I don't think you realize how much variance you can get (positive as well as negative).

So why have you been bleeding then Mike?

As for my play,I get outplayed out about 3 to 5% of time,I get trainwrecked beat out about 7 to 9% of time.I get bad beat legit out about 10 to 15% of time.I get fish beat out by fish,about 13 to 17% of time.I get donk beat out by donks about 20% of time,and I get goofball goof off beat out by goofball goof offs about 35 to 45% of time.
This all seems normal to me except the part of being outplayed only 3-5% of the time. Who are you? Phil Ivey? KK will win over AA 18% of the time. T7o will win over AA 16.5% of the time. What are you complaining about? You got good numbers. In fact, you're running well if KK beats your AA only 7-8%.

Last edited by calidris; 07-20-2009 at 07:40 AM.
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by calidris
Regarding your earlier replies (post #90)

1. I still believe you greatly overstimate your own skills. I base that on what I've seen of your HH's in this thread and others. I also looked at some videos online that has been linked in threads here. One thing specifically that I think you overestimate is your ability to read situations correctly enough to deviate from ABC winning strategy. That goes for pre- as well as postflop play.

I told you that you are not paying attention to the nuances,situations of those HH's I posted.I explained why I made those moves,decisions.You chose to ignore that,and only saw:"OMG he shoved all in on the river,thats crazy" "OMG he limped Q9,thats crazy" without seeing or paying attention to the nuances and situation,and explanation as to why I did what I did.Nor did you pay attention to the part where I said I dont shove all in on the river hardly ever very often,unless I have the other player crushed,and unless I know they will call.Also in the J8 limp in HH I acknowledged that it was wrong,and explained why I probably slipped up and did that.But again you didnt pay attention to any of that.

Also paying attention to trollers and flamers who like to make fun of me,and going to the vids,isnt the way to go,and isnt accurate.First off they are not going to show vids of me playing good or the right way.They are going to take specific sections of those vids,and call attention to 1 hand,and say "look at this hand,see he really does suck".They dont show the hands that were played correctly time and again.In that way,its like the WSOP TV poker,nobody ever sees the thousands of mundane hands the players play correctly.All they see are the hands with wild crazy hand for entertainment value.Also Some of the vids are from 1 or 2 years ago when like you say,but only back then I was a average player,and I didnt realize that there was a big difference between online game and offline game,and different skill sets which explained why I wasnt having the success online that I had offline and why I was extremely successful at times,and why I wasnt at times.And your right success did mislead me,not now,but back then.And a lot of what players were saying didnt make sense,and so I questioned it.And then after this time I reread Fulltilt tournament poker book.Read harrington on hold em.Watched internet training vids.Read and reread all the Full tilt poker articles,was coached by a coach,and learned from poker players here on 2+2 poker forums.And then I taught passed on the things I had learned to others.And during this time I started having consistent success online.And then to demonstrate the things I had learned and that I was being successfull,I made some more vids.Those newer vids were only 1/4 to 1/2 at most of the total number of vids I have made.So because of this,you basing what your saying on outdated vids,and on trollers saying "hey look at Mike DH suck on this hand",is not going to be accurate about my game or play now.

2. When it comes to value betting I have seen you do nothing of the sort. I haven't seen you discuss bet sizing at all. The HH's you post are pretty much limp or push. In my experience, a poster who focus on those has a lot to learn about value betting. I can of course be wrong.

And I have explained why thats the case.Of course you wont see any of that in vids where a troll links to a vid and says "look at how bad mike DH sucks in this hand" And you have looked at all of 3 HH's.And of course I would post HH's where I do everything right by the book or uberstandard,instead of HH's that might be controversial,or disputable.And why would I post those HH's for constructive discussive debative explaining logical,reason based comments based on explanations I have made about the HH's.Why wouldnt I rather post all many HH's where I play it right,just so that people can tell me,you played this basic hand uber super right standard.

and as you say you can an are wrong,as I value bet some to a lot to extract value,as the way,style of play game I play,is reliant on extracting value.I play about 23 to 27% see the flop,and the top 23% of hands or so,and play semi tight to semi moderate careful semi agressive.I pick my spots well,I play small ball small pot poker,to keep me floating,until I can get more chips in,if an when I can get someone to call,or to protect a hand from a draw.otherwise I dont get my chips in postflop,unless and except when the spot and table conditions is a good spot to semi bluff,and bluff,which I only do about 13 to 17% of the time during the course of a whole entire tourney.And so because of the type of game I play,value betting because real important.

3. You say you know how to adjust for different stack sizes but none of your posts/videos shows that ability. Specifically, you often seem to believe you're shortstacked when in fact you're not. You should really work your way through HoH. He teaches it very well.

Again about the 3 HH's and video thing see what I said above.Shortstack is relativity.relative to blinds,and relative to stacks.If I have a 2000 chip stack in micro stakes,and the blinds are 25/50,and th stacks are 4k,6k,8K,10k,12k,14k,16k,18k,I am shortstacked relative to the others stack sizes at the table,not the blinds.But whether one is shortstacked due to either relativity to the blinds,or whether to other stacks its not important difference,because you still in both cases still look to double up.Why is that?because if your stack is short compared to all the other stacks,there will be 2 to 4 others who will call you just to get rid of you.And while that may seem good,the more callers you have,the less chance you have of your hand holding up.So you have to double up to protect you stack so that you only get 1 or 2 callers,not 3 to 5 callers.And another key component of stack awareness and sizes,is not hammering the blinds when stacks are to short,as they will shove,and evn if the short stack is not on the blinds,if you hammer the blinds of a tight mid stack,the shortstack might shove wen you hold say J10 suited on the button hammering the mid stacks blinds,and thats a position you dont want to be in,to have to maybe call a shortstack shove,with J10 because you hammered a mid stack blinds with J10 suited on the button.Now if you pay attention to stack sizes and have good stack size awareness that doesnt happen very often.

And I have read HoH,and Full tilt poker book,and had my coach teach the concept very well.Again you make errant inaccurate assumptions you shoulnt make based on what I have said above about HH and vids

5. "Quote: None of these reasons are why I have been bleeding buy ins."
Probably the main reason why you bleed monies is because you won't listen to advice. You're too full of yourself because you luckboxed yourself into winning early in your pokercareer. I've seen it before. You might have been lucky for your first 115 (or something?) tournaments and now variance is catching up with you. The long run is veeeeeery long and sample size matters when it comes down to separate the long term winners from the loosers. I don't think you realize how much variance you can get (positive as well as negative).

While some of that was or might probably have been true about 2 years ago.Its not the case now.115 tourneys offline,plus the 57 offline attempts this year is a good sized sample my success in that is pretty accurate.But based on how things are online,and have seen and have been shown and seen on 2+2,even though it may seem like I have played a lot online since 2004,in reality there are those who have played a heck of a lot more than I have online.So my sample size online may or might probably no be as big as I thought.And even if it was,a large portion of the sample size wasnt based on good online play principles of good online poker play.And oh believe me I do understand how bad variance can get.I didnt before,but I do now.And the reason why I dont listen to some,while I listen to others,is not because I am full of saying thas the case,just proves you didnt read what I said to you in my last post.if I didnt listen to people,because I was full of myself,then I certainly wouldnt have listened to my coach,and a few rare others here,when my coach was coaching.I have already explained what people have to do to get me to listen and understand.I have already explained how I make right proper good comments to others when they ask for help,and how others should do the same.

So why have you been bleeding then Mike?

Now as to why I have been bleeding buy ins.I think its a combination of things.I think its bad luck,I think its more trainwrecks.I think its more coinflips lost.I think its more and more and more donk beats,goof off beats,all in freak beats given me by donks,goof offs,all in freaks.I also think that during this bad run,because of the bad run,I may have slipped subconciously and pyschologically into playing bad,maybe scared,maybe to agressive,maybe not agressive enough,maybe to tight,maybe getting tired of card dead streaks,and so maybe limping hands in situations where I shouldnt limp,maybe tilting without realizing it.I dont think these things have caused the bad run,as I think the bad luck has caused the bad run.But these other things may or might have made things worse.Overall I think I have played good to ok,and that rare slip ups like these that I have mentioned may might probably have made it harder to turn the bad run around.I also think the things I have quoted about what percentage of things are responsible for each beat out,is about right,including the only getting outplayed out about 3 to 5% of time.Now maybe after thi bad run has been caused,and maybe now during this bad run,maybe that percentage might have jumped from 3 to 5% to 5 to 8% getting outplayed out 5 to 8% of time.Even a small jump like that combined with bad luck can cause a bad run,and can cause a bad run to last longer and be worse than it should be.


This all seems normal to me except the part of being outplayed only 3-5% of the time. Who are you? Phil Ivey? KK will win over AA 18% of the time. T7o will win over AA 16.5% of the time. What are you complaining about? You got good numbers. In fact, you're running well if KK beats your AA only 7-8%.

Another thing I dont have to be Phil Ivey to only get outplayed out 3 to 5% of time.Remember this is low micro stakes,where the competition is easier.And so against that kind of field yes I am only ouplayed out about 3 to 5% of time,altho for reasons I have said above,tht may have jumped to 5 to 8% of time.Now if I was playing at some to much higher stakes,I would probably get outplayed out 10 to 13% of the time,and at much to very higher stakes,it would probably be 17 to 23% of time,and at elite levels it would probably be 27 to 33% of time.Also I didnt say KK beats my AA 7-8% of time.I said when I get knocked out, 7 to 8% or 10 to 13% of time or whatever I said,its because I got trainwrecked out,instead of getting goofball beat out by a goofball.So I am not saying that KK is beating AA 13% of time.
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 10:56 AM
Ok finally I have cashed 2nd place in the 25 c 45 man sit n go at stars,so hopefully thats the very beginning of a start to turn my bad run around.

But before I take to muh hope in that.Even though I think I played well,I am going to post HH's from that tourney,because maybe I just got lucky.I know I got lucky.I just mean luckier,more luck than skill.

I want to make sure its the skill plus luck thats the reason why I cashed,and not just luck in of itself an not skill as the reason why I cashed.

So I will be posting HH's from that tourney,as soon as I find them.

Also hopefully the hand history converter will convert the HH,and not have a error or glitch.
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 11:02 AM
Ok here is the proof:

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Flag this messageResults for PokerStars Tournament 180736230Monday, July 20, 2009 5:48 AM
From: "PokerStars Support" <>Add sender to ContactsTo:
PokerStars Tournament #180736230, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.25
45 players
Total Prize Pool: $11.25
Tournament started 2009/07/20 7:08:32 ET

Dear michaelalas,

You finished the tournament in 2nd place. A USD 2.42 award has been credited to your Real Money account.

You earned 33.16 tournament leader points in this tournament. For information about our tournament leader board, see our web site at


Thank you for participating.

Now for the HH's
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 11:23 AM
Ok here is 1st HH: In this hand th reason why I reraised the KK against the small bet on the flop with a A on th board,is that the player who was first to act had made a habit of playing tight scared,and actin out of position when he shouldnt have been.So I reraised his small bet up to 185 to 200 chips.And then when I was called by the player who had position on me,and when the small bettor folded,I thought he was on middle pair on a straight draw.And then when I got a heart draw on the turn,and when I bet it,and he called,I didnt think he was slowplaying,as I had played extremely tight and usually extremely players arent slowplayed,andonly agressive players are slowplayed.So because of this I thought he was on the draw,and that he didnt have the flush.But when he checked raised me I suspected he either had a small A bad rag kicker,or that he had multiple combo draws.I didnt think he had a hand like AJ thru AQ,because most small stakes fish,donks would have reraised big with hands like AJ,AQ.And so I called because with KK,and fluh draw,I was pot committed,because he could easily not have the Ace.And so when I hit trips KK's on the river,I betted and he reraised all in,and I called,and to my shock he had AQ.Definately not the way a pokerplayer would usually play a hand like AQ against me based on how things unfolded,as the had progressed from street to street.

So here the HH:

Poker Stars $0.25+$0.00 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t10/t20 Blinds - 7 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

BB: t1540 M = 51.33
Hero (UTG): t1450 M = 48.33
UTG+1: t3150 M = 105
MP: t1540 M = 51.33
CO: t1460 M = 48.67
BTN: t1560 M = 52
SB: t1520 M = 50.67

Pre Flop: (t30) Hero is UTG with K K
Hero raises to t90, 1 fold, MP calls t90, 2 folds, SB calls t80, BB calls t70

Flop: (t360) A 9 7 (4 players)
SB checks, BB bets t60, Hero raises to t200, MP calls t200, SB folds, BB folds

Turn: (t820) J (2 players)
Hero bets t260, MP raises to t520, Hero calls t260

River: (t1860) K (2 players)
Hero bets t280, MP raises to t730 all in, Hero calls t360 all in

Final Pot: t3140
Hero shows Kh Kc (three of a kind, Kings)
MP shows Qd Ac (a pair of Aces)
Hero wins t3140

Hey it worked this time.hmmm I wonder why it works for PokerStars and not Cake poker?
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Final Pot: t3140
Hero shows Kh Kc (three of a kind, Kings)
MP shows Qd Ac (a pair of Aces)
Hero wins t3140
Nh, expertly played
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 11:39 AM
Ok I think I made the right fold,but I want a linecheck please.the villain was tight to semi moderate,but mostly tight.To be honest though if villain had a way the heck smaller stack,I might have been tempted to call,and it would have been 45% chance I would have called and 55% chance I would have folded.But since it was earlier enough in the sit n go,and since I didt want to possibly flip for my stack,I decided to fold even if it meant folding to A10 and AJ.I just think there were better less risky spots to be found in the future.

so here HH:

Poker Stars $0.25+$0.00 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t50/t100 Blinds - 7 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

SB: t6250 M = 41.67
BB: t1420 M = 9.47
Hero (UTG): t3035 M = 20.23
UTG+1: t1270 M = 8.47
MP: t5495 M = 36.63
CO: t1100 M = 7.33
BTN: t4430 M = 29.53

Pre Flop: (t150) Hero is UTG with Q A
Hero raises to t400, 1 fold, MP raises to t5495 all in, 5 folds

Final Pot: t950
MP wins t950
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 11:45 AM
I am not going to go into the situation.I think its standardly played.HH tells the story,wouldnt be posting this HH,but to show how I got from about 2500 to 7000 chips.


Poker Stars $0.25+$0.00 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t50/t100 Blinds - 7 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

CO: t4880 M = 32.53
BTN: t2740 M = 18.27
Hero (SB): t2535 M = 16.90
BB: t1270 M = 8.47
UTG: t6045 M = 40.30
UTG+1: t1100 M = 7.33
MP: t4430 M = 29.53

Pre Flop: (t150) Hero is SB with K A
2 folds, MP raises to t900, 1 fold, BTN raises to t2740 all in, Hero calls t2485 all in, 1 fold, MP calls t1840

Flop: (t8115) 8 T J (3 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t8115) 6 (3 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t8115) T (3 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t8115
BTN shows Qc Kc (a pair of Tens - lower kicker)
Hero shows Ks Ah (a pair of Tens - Ace+King kicker)
MP shows 7h As (a pair of Tens)
MP wins t410
Hero wins t7705
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 11:51 AM
I gave a legit bad beat here as against this stack size,I dont think there is any way I am folding JJ here in this situation.And here is how I got above 10k with this hand.

Poker Stars $0.25+$0.00 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t75/t150 Blinds - 8 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

SB: t5480 M = 24.36
Hero (BB): t7555 M = 33.58
UTG: t1070 M = 4.76
UTG+1: t2510 M = 11.16
MP1: t3495 M = 15.53
MP2: t2875 M = 12.78
CO: t950 M = 4.22
BTN: t4600 M = 20.44

Pre Flop: (t225) Hero is BB with J J
3 folds, MP2 raises to t1050, 3 folds, Hero raises to t1950, MP2 raises to t2850, Hero raises to t7555 all in, MP2 calls t25 all in

Flop: (t5825) T A 2 (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t5825) Q (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t5825) K (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t5825
Hero shows Jh Jd (a straight, Ten to Ace)
MP2 shows Ac As (three of a kind, Aces)
Hero wins t5825
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 11:55 AM
Final Pot: t950
MP wins t950

Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 11:59 AM
Linecheck on whether I should have played differently to extract more value.I think I could have extracted more value by flat calling preflop.And by checking the flop,with no draws on the board,but I didnt want to mess around with a 9k stack preflop.And I figured with a bet of 600 into a 1700 pot,on the flop,he might call once.

Here HH:

Poker Stars $0.25+$0.00 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t75/t150 Blinds - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

UTG: t9500 M = 42.22
Hero (MP): t10430 M = 46.36
CO: t770 M = 3.42
BTN: t2285 M = 10.16
SB: t950 M = 4.22
BB: t4600 M = 20.44

Pre Flop: (t225) Hero is MP with A K
UTG raises to t450, Hero raises to t750, 4 folds, UTG calls t300

Flop: (t1725) 8 8 K (2 players)
UTG checks, Hero bets t600, UTG folds

Final Pot: t1725
Hero wins t1725
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 12:06 PM
Ok heres the big AA hand always nice when your AA gets paid off.Standard played.only reason postingit,is to show how went from 10k to bout 15k or so.


Poker Stars $0.25+$0.00 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t75/t150 Blinds - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

BTN: t7905 M = 35.13
Hero (SB): t10530 M = 46.80
BB: t1615 M = 7.18
UTG: t2285 M = 10.16
MP: t1825 M = 8.11
CO: t4375 M = 19.44

Pre Flop: (t225) Hero is SB with A A
2 folds, CO calls t150, 1 fold, Hero raises to t450, 1 fold, CO raises to t4375 all in, Hero calls t3925

Flop: (t8900) J 2 9 (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t8900) Q (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t8900) J (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t8900
Hero shows Ah Ac (two pair, Aces and Jacks)
CO shows 3s Ks (a pair of Jacks)
Hero wins t8900
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by thebigeasy59
in before markusgc
he's a bigger ****ing douche than op, and thats saying alot.
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 12:11 PM
Now altho I had profited by some big hands against some donks,and that of course was lucky,I had played pretty good.I had limped a lot less often,even with marginal hands.I had played about seen about 19% of flops.And I was playing the top 23% of hands on average.I had been card dead earlier but weathered that.And now I was in position to sit back tighten up even a little more,while ocasionally bullying the shorter stacks.

So so far looking at the HH,so far I am happy with how I played this touney.

More HH to come.
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
I keep track of the badbeats,donkbeats,fish beat,goofball beats,and the trainwrecks,and how often it seems I am getting outplayed,and other things,etc,because doing so does the following things.

when if I go on bad runs,it gives me a good idea,of how I am doing,and whether I am playing bad,and if I am,so that can correct that,or so that if getting trainwrecked,bad beat,how when I should avoid more high risky variance,and if its bad luck,bad beats that are causing the bad runs,instead of bad play,it helps me to put things into perspective.

I dont keep track so that I can wreak vengeance on the those that bad beat me.Lol that would be unhealthy and if I was doing that,I would need to do what you suggest.

Playing more than 2 tables is bad for me,because I like keein track of plaing conditions and info.Thats part of a edge I think I have,because I keep track of those conditions and info,better than others.

In light of my bad run,dont think I can afford to lose that edge
why do you keep turning down every good piece of advice you've gotten itt? **** you op seriously if you're just going to keep arguing with better players that have more experience and are offering you free advice than gfy.
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 12:15 PM
I start pounding he small stack blinds:

Poker Stars $0.25+$0.00 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t75/t150 Blinds - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

CO: t7905 M = 35.13
Hero (BTN): t15055 M = 66.91
SB: t1465 M = 6.51
BB: t2285 M = 10.16
UTG: t1825 M = 8.11

Pre Flop: (t225) Hero is BTN with 8 J
2 folds, Hero raises to t450, 2 folds
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 12:17 PM
So did you guys like chop or did you just play things out?
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by M1cKmAcK
why do you keep turning down every good piece of advice you've gotten itt? **** you op seriously if you're just going to keep arguing with better players that have more experience and are offering you free advice than gfy.
And just like some others,you resort to trolling.And just like some others,you hae selective memory.And you don pay attention.And you dont listen.And you dont understand.And you assume.

And just like others like you,you think its forbidden to discuss,debate,ask questions to question what a person is saying.According to you a person must automatically assume everybody is better than him(which would be just as bad as assuming everybody is worse than you),and that a person must do as commanded by compliments

You know unlike my coach,who I had no problems with unlike you and others like you and who I learned a lot from,you suck at giving advice and will probbly never be good at giving advice,coaching,discussing,debating,persuading,con vincing,listening,paying attention,not assuming,not trolling,understanding,using logic,reason,etc etc etc.

Oh and btw I have listened and Agreed and applied or will apply in regards with 3 things others have said here.They are not limping J8,I posted the J8 HH,and I admitted that it was wrong,and even hinted it was probably wrong,and the reason why I may have slipped and wrongfully limped it.I also agreed with the spreadsheet advice and suggestion.Cant remember what the third thing is as wul probably have to look it up in the back pages of this thread.

So I suggest your the one who should GFY
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Parts Unknown
So did you guys like chop or did you just play things out?
You cant chop,that I am aware of on th sit n go touneys at poker stars that I am aware of.

We played it out.The chip leader had 2 to 4 others donk off to him at the final table to build his stack up to 45k versus my 14k stack,so I dont think its any suprise why I lost Heads Up and finished in 2nd.

Also it was funny that the 30k chip leader barely cashed before getting eaten alive,and then busted out by diferent players.

The 45k chip leader had a average stack that he built up by feeding of the donks.
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 12:39 PM
More blinds hammering


Poker Stars $0.25+$0.00 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

UTG: t8130 M = 27.10
Hero (CO): t15580 M = 51.93
BTN: t1165 M = 3.88
SB: t1910 M = 6.37
BB: t1750 M = 5.83

Pre Flop: (t300) Hero is CO with 9 8
1 fold, Hero raises to t600, 3 folds

Final Pot: t500
Hero shows 9c 8c (high card Nine)
Hero wins t500
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 12:44 PM
More Blind hammering


Poker Stars $0.25+$0.00 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds + t25 - 9 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

UTG+1: t7580 M = 14.44
UTG+2: t2380 M = 4.53
Hero (MP1): t13570 M = 25.85
MP2: t1980 M = 3.77
CO: t790 M = 1.50
BTN: t3575 M = 6.81
SB: t4695 M = 8.94
BB: t3150 M = 6
UTG: t29780 M = 56.72

Pre Flop: (t525) Hero is MP1 with 4 A
3 folds, Hero raises to t600, 5 folds

Final Pot: t725
Hero shows 4s Ad (high card Ace)
Hero wins t725
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
07-20-2009 , 12:49 PM
tourney players really start to tighten up as cbet semi bluff works here this is about 4th to 7th semi bluff all tourney


Poker Stars $0.25+$0.00 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds + t25 - 9 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

UTG: t6456 M = 12.30
UTG+1: t1830 M = 3.49
Hero (UTG+2): t14670 M = 27.94
MP1: t1430 M = 2.72
MP2: t1290 M = 2.46
CO: t3025 M = 5.76
BTN: t5295 M = 10.09
SB: t2925 M = 5.57
BB: t30579 M = 58.25

Pre Flop: (t525) Hero is UTG+2 with 6 A
2 folds, Hero raises to t600, 5 folds, BB calls t400

Flop: (t1525) 2 5 9 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets t800, BB folds

Final Pot: t1525
Hero mucks 6d Ad
Hero wins t1525
Help!30 buy in a row lost,and 2 70 buy ins steadly lost 0 lost bad run.Will post HH's,vids Quote
