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07-21-2009 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
I keep track of the badbeats,donkbeats,fish beat,goofball beats,and the trainwrecks
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07-21-2009 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Also if your going to be a stickler for the standard raise system of 3 x BB raise or 4 x BB raise no matter what you raise with,you got a lot to learn.
oh no he didn't!

btw, Mike, you've got a lot to learn about contractions.
Also standard raising is better at higher stakes instead of at micro stakes.But I am not going to explain why though.
probably because you've never played 'em.
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07-21-2009 , 02:28 PM
Mike, Rick opened up your account, so any time you want to say "Hi" to the old gang at Full Tilt's forum, we're ready to welcome you with open arms. There's plenty of your knowledge to go around, so don't abandon 2+2.
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07-21-2009 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by bdaewn
I'm setting the lines at 20 pages, 27 levels and 11 random pictures in this thread....
Nearly passed all 3
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07-21-2009 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Emaa
this video is one of the funniest i have ever seen. keep up the good work.
It's pretty awsome isn't it.

However, you know he's not serious, right? This is such a level, it's a good one, because people are falling for it, but his posts, and his videos, are there just to get a laugh out of those who actually take him seriously.

Still funny though, wp.
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07-21-2009 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by kenny7
It's pretty awsome isn't it.

However, you know he's not serious, right? This is such a level, it's a good one, because people are falling for it, but his posts, and his videos, are there just to get a laugh out of those who actually take him seriously.

Still funny though, wp.
You know that there is a trip report somewhere on 2p2 about someone meeting him irl.. and it's not a level.
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07-21-2009 , 06:14 PM
i think mike dh also took a crack at WoW videos too...
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07-21-2009 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
You know that there is a trip report somewhere on 2p2 about someone meeting him irl.. and it's not a level.
Ok, but I still refuse to believe that, I mean, first of all, no one is that bad, ok, not true, there are some really bad pokerplayers out there...... however, secondly, his comments are soooo funny, absolutely no way.... I mean, this guy should donate his brain to some research facility. Nobody thinks like that, After checking KKK twice to enduce action, he folds to riverbet. Constantly minibets into huge pots to get value, only to wonder why he gets called by anything less than the nuts. Wonders why a guy didn't fold TT pre, goes ai with bottom pair, no kicker on flop, then thinks he's unlucky to lose.... I could go on and on, but no way you will ever convince me this is for real.

I do find this amusing though, so hopefully ssnyc doesn't lock this thread, and I'd like some more pics etc, some really good ones so far!!
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07-21-2009 , 07:19 PM
I don't really think Mike DH's videos were funny...other than the 3-2 he was talking about value-betting on the river, when he had the nut low...dude sucks
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07-21-2009 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by kenny7
Ok, but I still refuse to believe that, I mean, first of all, no one is that bad, ok, not true, there are some really bad pokerplayers out there...... however, secondly, his comments are soooo funny, absolutely no way.... I mean, this guy should donate his brain to some research facility. Nobody thinks like that, After checking KKK twice to enduce action, he folds to riverbet. Constantly minibets into huge pots to get value, only to wonder why he gets called by anything less than the nuts. Wonders why a guy didn't fold TT pre, goes ai with bottom pair, no kicker on flop, then thinks he's unlucky to lose.... I could go on and on, but no way you will ever convince me this is for real.

I do find this amusing though, so hopefully ssnyc doesn't lock this thread, and I'd like some more pics etc, some really good ones so far!!

That's a different guy Kenny...that video is not the OP, and that video IS a joke.
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07-21-2009 , 07:22 PM
betting the minmum is win-win.
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07-21-2009 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by kenny7
Ok, but I still refuse to believe that, I mean, first of all, no one is that bad, ok, not true, there are some really bad pokerplayers out there...... however, secondly, his comments are soooo funny, absolutely no way.... I mean, this guy should donate his brain to some research facility. Nobody thinks like that, After checking KKK twice to enduce action, he folds to riverbet. Constantly minibets into huge pots to get value, only to wonder why he gets called by anything less than the nuts. Wonders why a guy didn't fold TT pre, goes ai with bottom pair, no kicker on flop, then thinks he's unlucky to lose.... I could go on and on, but no way you will ever convince me this is for real.

I do find this amusing though, so hopefully ssnyc doesn't lock this thread, and I'd like some more pics etc, some really good ones so far!!
In another video he also 24 bets with 4 high...
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07-21-2009 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
I play the $1 micro stakes,until recently.
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07-21-2009 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by calidris
Well, I haven't seen that chart so can't really comment on it. However, I have 3 questions:

1. Why do you think that A6 has a lot better chance than KQ of being the best hand?

Its a logic IF THEN thought.If KQ has a 73% chance of being the best hand at table,where everybody has limped in,then A6,since A6 is better than KQ,would logically have a better chance then the 73% chance the KQ had

2. How close to the bubble and what's your position in the field?

Dont know how close to the bubble I was or if I was even past it an had already cashed,but I was fairly close to the bubble.I was about 30 out of 65 players

3. The other players stack sizes at your table.

The stack sizes at the table were about 25k 40k 50k me at 57k 75k 100k 115k 135k 300k(total goofball clown donk)
So I was in the middle of the table as far as chip stacks go.And I felt that that getting 20k more chips would not only get my stack up to 77k,but would make it easier at 77k to get me stack up to 100k plus and make a run at the tourney.

the blinds would go up to 1000/2000 soon and 2 circuits of the blinds would bring me to 50k which is 25BB's.But at 80k I would be at 40 x BB stack,instead of 25BB stack.

Also this kind of move works about 8 times out of 10.Thats not a exact number,just that I have observed thru experience over the years that this kind of move works about 8 times out of 10,in this kind of situation.1 time out of 10,someone is limp trapping.And another 1 time out of 10,your hand doesnt hold up if you are called by a lesser hand.The rest of the time,you are either called by lesser hands and have your hand hold up,or everybody folds.

And also others have told me that this is a marginal to good +EV higher risk higher variant thing to do.

So based on all these things,I also think it was a marginal to good +EV to +TEV spot,altho with higher risk and higher variance.
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07-21-2009 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
I have also tried taking multiple breaks,but nothing I have tried has worked,or gotten me out of this bad run.
here's a novel suggestion - try listening to the advice you get here instead of disagreeing with all of it and see what happens. I doubt you could do any worse.
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07-21-2009 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
So based on all these things,I also think it was a marginal to good +EV to +TEV spot,altho with higher risk and higher variance.
but what happened to this?
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Variance has not been my friend,so I am going to try to avoid it more.
I am also going to try to avoid goof offs,all in freaks,to lower my risk,variance factors,and try to focus on playing solid poker,and outplaying the below average to average,fish players out there,that I can more safely exploit,with less risk,less variance.
ummm, you really don't think you're in that category?
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07-21-2009 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by swifttarrow
I didn't read all the posts, but something I want to mention.

Running into AA with your KK is not a bad beat, it's a cooler, and most overpair vs overpair spots are coolers.

Of course it isnt.I never said it was.And you are jumping to conclusions assuming I said something like that,because you didnt read all the post,and you have misunderstood the few post you have read apparently.AA vs KK is a trainwreck cooler beat,I believe I hae explained that enough.

QQ losing to AK is not a bad beat, it's a lost coinflip.

Again I never said that it is.Again you assume.Again,you either didnt read,or misunderstood.Altho QQ vs AK coinflip beat,is not a bad beat but a coinflip or trainwreck,a 1010 vs QJ coinflip is a bad beat.The difference is that QQ vs AK is understandable acceptable,While if 1010 shoves QJ has absolutly no business calling,the only exception being is if the person is 99% sure the person is shoving a underpair,and they really want to flip.Bottom line is if someone plays bad and makes a bad call,and then sucks out,its a bad beat.Thats the definition of a bad beat.

In general, bad beats imply that you are overwhelmingly the favorite to win the hand but instead lose. For example, all in preflop with you holding AA and the other guy KK, and you lose, when you are favored something like 4:1 to win. TT vs A7 is a 2:1 favorite to win. Flopping a straight vs two pair on a QKT and losing occurs 1 in 6 times. So when it comes down to it, you aren't getting dealt as many bad beats as you think, it's simply the nature of the game. Keep in mind that the players who win tournaments, on average, get their chips in with only a 5% equity edge.

I also suspect that it really boils down to the fact that you just play poorly. Checking KK on a K56 flop is not good play regardless of the outcome, it's you have FPS and asking to get owned on a later street. Also, whining about the abundance of bad players shows complete lack of understanding of the game. Would you rather play a MTT with Daniel Negreanu, Johnny Chan, Tom Dwan, etc. etc.? You'd get eaten alive. We are all faced with the same average number of bad beats and the same suckouts/bad players. The ones that pull ahead are the ones that know how to capitalize on them and minimize the chips lost due to beats.

Because you have read some to most of my post,again you assume and misunderstand.Of course I dont want to play with 2000 pros in a tourney.What I do want is 2000 below average to bad donky players that at least try their best,and that arent all in freaks.Like I explained before.Lots and lots of poker idiot goof off clown donks and all in freaks,equals 99% chance of getting knocked out sometime before cashing.Thats why you want a few goofs or clowns or all in freaks,and lots of fish.Fish are different that poker idiot goof offs.You can small ball poker,out fundamental poker or out solid poker or out ABC poker against fish to exploit,outplay fish and milk fish for all they are worth.And the few goof offs and clowns and all in freaks will keep yu floating at a mininum of risk.This is why some or a few is good and why a lot is bad.Now how many times am I going to have to explain this before peple understand the concept.Please go back ad reread everything I said vey very very carefully

The first thing you need to do to get better is to change your attitude. Others don't play bad. You do.
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07-21-2009 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
What I do want is 2000 below average to bad donky players that at least try their best,and that arent all in freaks.
what kind of freak are you?
Because you have read some to most of my post,again you assume and misunderstand.
because he read some to most to all of your post is why he misunderstood.

seriously, these trainwreck donk goof posts of yours make sense to you?
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07-21-2009 , 10:06 PM
Hey mike, the Full Tilt forums are waiting for you. You have been unbanned; why don't you go over there just to say hello again ? We'd love to get the fan club rolling there...
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07-21-2009 , 10:15 PM
How did I miss this thread for this long?
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07-21-2009 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by kenny7
I do find this amusing though, so hopefully ssnyc doesn't lock this thread, and I'd like some more pics etc, some really good ones so far!!
from post 3 in the thread...I wouldn't let you guys down!

Originally Posted by ssnyc
another judgment call but this has the makings of a HOF thread so have at it
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07-21-2009 , 10:20 PM
ssnyc is a good man.
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07-21-2009 , 11:05 PM
Ok I was gona ignore some of the sillier dumber stupider trolling flaming posters posting about my vids and hands in the vids and other things.

But to many people are believing them,and taking them seriously.So its time to correct things and to clear the air about things.

first off about the vids:These trollers and flamers posting this crap,is just that crap.I mean cmon 24 betting 4 high?first off no one 24 bets,the only way to do so if 2 players were to go back and forth like its a limit poker game,and I have only seen that once over the years.2nd I wouldnt play 34, or 24 etc,unless I was on the BB.3rd,I wouldnt be betting it post flop unless I had made a straight,or had trips,or had 2 pair,or if I was on the river facing a showdown and I had no showndown value,and I had been playing tight and hadnt bluffed in a while,then I might bluff bet it to take down pot and not goto showdown.

Another is the trips K's thing.There is absolutly almost no way I am going to fold trips K's,unless its in a situation,where there are multiple straight and flush possibilities and multiple raises and reraises by at least 2 other players,and that those players would have to be non donk good players,unless it was extremely obvious that they were on the draw,and had made their draw.

Another is that I am not a min bettor,I have always told others this:if you bet the mininum you will win the mininum and if you keep on doing so every street,every hand,you put yourself into position to lose the maximum.

And another thing is that I dont shove all in on no pair or no draw or bottom pair.The exceptions are if I am very shortstacked and I need the pot super badly enough,to shove the bottom pair to make a stab at picking up the pot,if I have the table image and tightness to do that,and if I have seen others fold to me and others.

So either as 1 other poster has said,either these are vids by someone else and not me,or some of the trolls and flamers are lying and making up these ridiculous things that I have supposedly done.

Also another thing that some trollers and flamers and even non trollers and nonflamers do,is that they comb extremely carefully thru the whole vid,looking for the 1 or 2 or a couple or a few hands out of 50 hands or 100 hands or 500 hands that look silly or ridiculous,and say "hahahaha hehehe lol look at how much Mike DH sucks because of this hand"

They dont bother watching the whole vid as if they were playing the tourney.They dont watch the nuances,situation,and think,why is he making that move.The moves I make are based on nuances,situations,table conditions.For example to prove a point.In a tourney at Quest casino in spokane,wa,I bought in for 700 chips that cost me $13 while everybody else paid $50 for 4500 chips.There were 100 players in the tourney.I doubled up on AQ.and then again 1 more time.So I had about 2000 to 3000 chips whn I hit very card dead.Folded 17 times in a row.Now when I shoved a A10 hand in late position to pick up a small pot to keep me floating,another player shoved.then yet another.And everybody folded.And then I shoved again,and another shoved.Again more folds.And then a 3rd round of shoving.And then me and that other player who shoved,decided that they weren foldin because they were not picking up hands,they were folding because they were that tight,and would only call if the got AA or something.So me and the other guy Started going all in every 3 to 7 hands with any 2 cards an nobody ever called us.And Btw I went on to win that tourney for a $675 cash.Now thats the only time I have ever done that,and will probably never ever do it again.But it was right at the time,because of table conditions.Table conditions are EVERYTHING,and they should dictate how you play,to a certain extent.

So when you watch a video watch pay attention to table conditions.And also watch for the many hands I do play right.No player is perfect.And I have even seen pros misplay hands.Example would be the JJ hand that Annie Duke played in the main event.She played it so horribly.She 2.5 times raised it,which is not a big enough of a preflop raise,ad ten she slowplayed it to the turn,against a straight draw and a flush draw against to other players.And then she was losing to a straight or a flush or trips on the river and she raised medium size,and she got reraised back,and then she shoved all in,and then she sucked out a miracle J on the river to make a full boat to win.

Now if she were to go undercover and make a vid,and lets say that hand I talked about was in the vid.Most of you would make fun of her and say "wow what a stupid player" and not look at all the hands played right.

Also even though I was a average player for many years who just got lucky to have lots of early offline and online success and had many extreme near misses that cost me making lots of money and plaing on tv,I am a much better player now.I have reread full tilt tournament poker book.I have read Phil Hlemuths book(forget which one)And I have read Hoh(harrington on holdem,ut only the tournament edition book and not his other books.I have read Sklalansky's book,but that was a very tough read,to much math formulas equation,and I stopped reading it.I hav read the full tilt poker articles.I have watched te training vids at full tilt and other sites.I have been coached by a successful player.I have listened to and learned from posters here,just not from everybody,as some made sense to me and some didnt.And I dont hink its coincidence that after all that,I had even better success offline then even before,where I have cashed 23 out of 57 tries this year,and where I made 2 $15 stakes go up to $80 2 times playing the $1 sit n go stakes.And after this time I made better videos that were of better quality play wise than past vids.I also passed on what was learned and taught to me on to beginners and to 1 or 2 mentee's,to hlp them become better players,and they did become better players.

And so after all this and that,I went on the biggest bad run I have ever been on.This was not caused by bad play.But altho thats the case the bad rub might have caused me to slip up play bad occasionally without realizing it,which may might pobably have extended the bad run and make it last longer and be even worse.

So thats why I am trying to sharpen up my play,to turn my bad run around.
And to do this,I on need trollers and flamers,trolling ad flaming.I dont need people misreading and miunderstanding and assuming and jumping the gun to conclusions.What I do want and need are constructive discussive,debative,logical,reasonable,convincing, persuasive post.

And just because some peoples post dont make sense to me,o just bcause I question some people post to me,and just because I dont agree with some peoples post to me doesnt mean thats the case with all.Already there have been 4 or 5 post that I have listened to agreed to,and will try to apply.

But nobody sees or remembers this,and only remembers wht I dont agree with,or when I put the trollers and flamers in their place.thats why I have when I agree with someone and say I will try something,I saracastically say "But I dont ever listen or agree with anyone and never try anything"

Now I know I can be extremely wordy.And that some of you dont want to read my post and would rather assume.Well if you dont want to read everything thats fine.But if yu dont want to read everything I say,then dont assume.If all your going to do is assume,or misunderstand,or jump to incorrect conclusions,then dont be suprised when I dispute.

And also its not forbidden to disagree,is ok to dispute,Question,discuss,debate,convince,persuade, converse.

And so if a person cant handle that,then I suggest they stop bothering me ad others and go pot elsewhere

But if they want to post here they can,they have the freedom to do so,just like its ok to dispute,question,discuss,debate,convince,persuade, converse

This is how me and others learn the best.When something is logical,and reasonable,and makes sense to me,then I learn it and apply it.

And thats why my coach was so good.he listened,he explained,we discussed,debated,tried to convince and persuade each other,conversed.And because he did that,he convinced,persuaded me,with logic,and reason,that I was wrong and needed to change some of the things I was doing.And I agreed,because what he said made sense.

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07-21-2009 , 11:07 PM

Mikey I made you an avatar

Last edited by CRUDEFINDER; 07-21-2009 at 11:14 PM.
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07-21-2009 , 11:15 PM
i noticed this thread on the 17th and have ignored it ever since. Tonight I had to open it since its 6 pages long. It seems its worse than I expected. Nice job OP.
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