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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

02-05-2017 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
is this to me?

I like what it stands for.

and I find the ppl who are denigrating sjw to be disgusting and deplorable so that makes it even more appealing.
Sounds like you got it but are not 'it'.

That for any and all 'lords' like "identity lords". One's gotten "served" it seems. hahaha
02-05-2017 , 10:09 PM
Grunching but did wil just go full 180 from the previous 'it's your fault trump got elected'?

Originally Posted by wil318466
You honestly believe that being exposed to bad ideas makes people believe in them? Really? Seriously?

That's not a normal view. People don't start reading stormfront-like websites and become white supremacists. That just isn't normal, it doesn't make logical sense. You sound like the people who are concerned about the amount of porn on the internet that is available literally everywhere. Did it turn us into a society of rapists or sexual predators? Of course not.

Look at what you've turned into, fly. A fear-mongering, blubbering mess who can't look at things logically. You think racists are being created?

02-05-2017 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Sounds like you got it but are not 'it'.

That for any and all 'lords' like "identity lords". One's gotten "served" it seems. hahaha
ya Im not smart enough to follow.

all of this stuff is new to me. Im an old and I havent followed politics until now. Ive only voted once in my life.

from what I have read on this forum it sure seems to me that sjw=good. I could be wrong.
02-05-2017 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by 5ive
Grunching but did wil just go full 180 from the previous 'it's your fault trump got elected'?
no I dont think so.

he clarifies later after he concedes that muslim extremists can indeed be created and indoctrinated and incited on the internet.

essentially, some things are dangerous and some arent. he says that white supremacists are not dangerous. mooslims are.

actually ya, you do have a good point about rhetoric creating trumpers and racists. hmm, I wonder if these white power ppl would be better off acting like sjw.
02-05-2017 , 10:16 PM
Every time I think the willening is complete he goes deeper.

Originally Posted by wil318466
This is idiocy. The SJW movement didn't exist 10 years ago you crackhead. The rise of it caused the rise of the anti-sjws.

How could you be so dumb as to understand this simple concept?

This is the complete opposite of what actually occurred. The fake news was on YOUR side, not Trumps! Literally every single news paper in the country told you Trump was a racist/misogynist and Hillary was going to win easily.

lolololololollllllloooooollll wtf is wrong with you?!
02-05-2017 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Some (eg wil318466) listened to TS's version of those sites and were converted/corrupted, wil.

So yes, it does happen. You know, propaganda does actually work.

Note wil didn't use the term anti-sjw until a few days ago when derpLordJvk started posting here.

Originally Posted by wil318466
This is idiocy. The SJW movement didn't exist 10 years ago you crackhead. The rise of it caused the rise of the anti-sjws.

02-05-2017 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
no I dont think so.

he clarifies later after he concedes that muslim extremists can indeed be created and indoctrinated and incited on the internet.

essentially, some things are dangerous and some arent. he says that white supremacists are not dangerous. mooslims are.

actually ya, you do have a good point about rhetoric creating trumpers and racists. hmm, I wonder if these white power ppl would be better off acting like sjw.
The whole thing is just so absurd.
02-05-2017 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic

Also, the "Anti SJW" existed over 10 years ago. You really seem to know very little about the online communities in which racism is cultivated and has thrived. Perhaps you should also read encyclopedia dramatica. These communities thrived before social media. They were huge on iRC. Again, you are both completely ignorant of the growth of this.
I've been kicking around an idea in my head that now we have an entire generation of deplorables who don't realize the first iteration of encyclopedia dramatica was satire.
02-05-2017 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by Victor

You gotta go 1 step further.

The chief strategist to the president is basically a kinist and christian identitist just with some of the bizarre stuff toned down.

At the conference, Bannon said that godlessness and libertarianism have “sapped the strength of the Judeo-Christian West to defend its ideals,” and the Muslim world is growing in numbers. “Every day that we refuse to look at this as what it is, and the scale of it, and really the viciousness of it, will be a day where you will rue that we didn’t act,” he said.
02-05-2017 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by 5ive
You gotta go 1 step further.

The chief strategist to the president is basically a kinist and christian identitist just with some of the bizarre stuff toned down.

At the conference, Bannon said that godlessness and libertarianism have “sapped the strength of the Judeo-Christian West to defend its ideals,” and the Muslim world is growing in numbers. “Every day that we refuse to look at this as what it is, and the scale of it, and really the viciousness of it, will be a day where you will rue that we didn’t act,” he said.
ya thats a good point.

the fact that white supremacists are in some of the most powerful positions in our country would certainly seem to confirm that they are not "essentially powerless."

but I think we gotta go baby steps with these guys.

they still have not acknowledged that white supremacists with guns who kill a bunch a ppl do indeed yield some power to be dangerous.

not sure if they would go for some dude setting policy.
02-05-2017 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
ya Im not smart enough to follow.

all of this stuff is new to me. Im an old and I havent followed politics until now. Ive only voted once in my life.

from what I have read on this forum it sure seems to me that sjw=good. I could be wrong.
It's good to meet you. All sorts of smarts work with social justice. Like I referenced earlier, excellence is a shared value of people who do and have social justice. That's not high faluten either. For example, it is excellent and good to me as a social justice investigator that you are here participating. That's what social justice is designed to do.
02-06-2017 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
These people are literally not worth my time.

You do not get "speak to Lord" privileges.

I require these things for people to talk to me.

Age: at least 24
Qualifications: At least BA level
Virginity: Must have lost it

Anyone not meeting these criteria will be summarily ignored by me from now on.
lil homie gay ass here has STANDARDS
02-06-2017 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
is this to me?

I like what it stands for.

and I find the ppl who are denigrating sjw to be disgusting and deplorable so that makes it even more appealing.
Victor, spank has like, a total mental breakdown* a few years ago, I don't think engaging him about this stuff is good for him. It certainly isn't going to be productive.

*Theory #2 is he turned his account over to a chatbot
02-06-2017 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by Europa
That's because you and your little yellow dick don't appear threatening to white men. You're under control and not scary at all. In fact you're on their side! Keep punching down, maybe some day they'll perceive you as equal (spoiler: they won't).
Originally Posted by Europa
The little dick stuff is what the white racists I referred to think about you - the post itself wasn't racist, just stating the truth.

I'm half asian myself. I know first-hand that we're the "good" kind of foreigners in racist eyes.
You probably realise that it didn't come across as you meant it. Need to be very careful if voicing the racist views of others. Thanks
02-06-2017 , 04:32 AM
02-06-2017 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo

You don't think there is anything to the idea that White Males is the easiest setting in today's society? All else being equal, what do White Males have it harder at than any other group?
I have it easier than you guys do. In fact I'd argue it's not even close, slightly dependent on geography.

Of course, this is just another topic that you've never put any thought into.
02-06-2017 , 05:02 AM
It's almost like all of the standards that were put into place across the 70s, 80, 90s and 00s to ensure equality for women and black people in the work place and so on just never happened. It's almost like positive discrimination to redress unfair imbalances never took place.

I mean, now under age 30 women out earn men by 8%. No one cares about that. MALE PRIVILEGE.

In Britain, young men are being forced into part-time and casual work at a rate that has never been seen before because they have been locked out of an uber-competitive job market. Literally no one cares. There are news features on this regularly and it seems like people do.not.give.a.****. MALE PRIVILEGE.

In schools, "white males" if we *must* be forced to speak about people by race and gender, are being routinely out-performed by girls. Here in Britain they are also out-performed across the board by Asian kids. Does anyone care? WHITE PRIVILEGE.

When you start to break down the stats by other metrics, however, income of parents, for example, other things become clearer.

It becomes obvious that a lot of these factors are down to class rather than race. White kids and black kids from SIMILAR backgrounds end up having similar grades, jobs and so on.

And what does any of that reveal.

Privilege comes down to money, not to skin colour or gender.

Ding ding ding. Ring the ****ing bell cos someone can actually tell the truth. SJWs literally need to wake up and look at actual real-life stats for once.
02-06-2017 , 05:38 AM
This just tells me you went to the trouble of making a bunch of youtube videos on a subject you don't actually understand.
02-06-2017 , 05:44 AM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
Privilege comes down to money, not to skin colour or gender.
While I agree with 90% of your post above this line needs some defending. Class (availability of financial resources) plays the largest single factor, I agree. However, how do you explain poor Asians outperforming similar or even high class blacks and whites? I can only come up with cultural attitudes towards education, so in this case your statement doesn't hold true.

Just curious if you disagree.
02-06-2017 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive
Note wil didn't use the term anti-sjw until a few days ago when derpLordJvk started posting here.
Observant posters will have picked up on how suggestible wil is (which is how TS, himself an observant person, knew he could enlist his services here).
02-06-2017 , 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by LordJvK

I mean, now under age 30 women out earn men by 8%. No one cares about that. MALE PRIVILEGE.
I see you went to a DeVos charter school.

Dude, seriously get out in the real world. Saying naughty things on the internet because dumb asses like Milo does it doesn't make you cool. It just makes you a sheep.
02-06-2017 , 05:59 AM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
It's almost like all of the standards that were put into place across the 70s, 80, 90s and 00s to ensure equality for women and black people in the work place and so on just never happened. It's almost like positive discrimination to redress unfair imbalances never took place.

I mean, now under age 30 women out earn men by 8%. No one cares about that. MALE PRIVILEGE.

In Britain, young men are being forced into part-time and casual work at a rate that has never been seen before because they have been locked out of an uber-competitive job market. Literally no one cares. There are news features on this regularly and it seems like people do.not.give.a.****. MALE PRIVILEGE.

In schools, "white males" if we *must* be forced to speak about people by race and gender, are being routinely out-performed by girls. Here in Britain they are also out-performed across the board by Asian kids. Does anyone care? WHITE PRIVILEGE.

When you start to break down the stats by other metrics, however, income of parents, for example, other things become clearer.

It becomes obvious that a lot of these factors are down to class rather than race. White kids and black kids from SIMILAR backgrounds end up having similar grades, jobs and so on.

And what does any of that reveal.

Privilege comes down to money, not to skin colour or gender.

Ding ding ding. Ring the ****ing bell cos someone can actually tell the truth. SJWs literally need to wake up and look at actual real-life stats for once.
Any cites?
02-06-2017 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by Paul D
I see you went to a DeVos charter school.

Dude, seriously get out in the real world. Saying naughty things on the internet because dumb asses like Milo does it doesn't make you cool. It just makes you a sheep.
This is so far from the mark you should be embarrassed.
02-06-2017 , 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Observant posters will have picked up on how suggestible wil is (which is how TS, himself an observant person, knew he could enlist his services here).
I have no real way to describe what they are, or how I fit into that category. I would never describe myself as "alt right", which seems to be what you guys are using. I am, however, anti-sjw in principle. It seems like an acceptable term to use, for now.

As far as being suggestible, that's pretty laughable.

Originally Posted by Paul D
I see you went to a DeVos charter school.

Dude, seriously get out in the real world. Saying naughty things on the internet because dumb asses like Milo does it doesn't make you cool. It just makes you a sheep.
If anyone needs to get out into the real world, I think it's you.
02-06-2017 , 06:41 AM
^ amen.
