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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

02-22-2017 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
The best part is every source he has ends up being full of ****.
His first source? A radical christian theology website that believes Noah's Arc as a literal truth.
His second source? A blog by a 20 year old.
His third source? An anonymous post on an LGBT forum where the rest of the forum calls the dude a whore.

Wil, just tell the truth. You didn't read the comments on the thread you found as "proof." You never do your homework.
We are waiting for the link. Everyone is more than welcome to go read it themselves. I actually read every single comment in that thread, did you?
02-22-2017 , 02:22 PM
Yes, I did Wil. The entire thread is basically calling OP a whore for being with that many people and being unprotected a number of times. The ratio of people going "holy **** why would you do that" vs "meh, I've had similar" is about 20:1, with most of the people agreeing seeming to be trolling as you have people saying they've had 40,000 1 million etc partners.

But again, how bad do you have to be at the internet to think an anonymous message board thread from 5 years ago is actual proof you're right? Search through 2p2 right now. There are more people claiming to beat $1/2 for $50 an hour than there are people in that forum to have claimed what you think is common.
02-22-2017 , 02:24 PM
This is such a joke.

I might as well link to a sex addiction forum where like 95% of people are straight. Cite Tiger Woods and Russel Brand because why not.

Do you understand the concept of sample size? Do you understand that you out yourself as a dumdum when you wave away huge studies and use your two friends and dudes on online forums as arguments?
02-22-2017 , 02:29 PM
Wil has a long posting history about the gays. If he is that curious, then he should just bite the bullet and experience it himself while posting about it on okcupid.
02-22-2017 , 02:32 PM
i believe that gay men have more sexual partners but have no clue if theres strong enough evidence to prove or disprove it. the theory is basically the only thing stopping guys from racking up big numbers is women. its not men getting all particular, its women. there are obvious biological reasons for this. in the case of gay men, theres no women to slow things down. men are sluts, not gay men


also the tone of this forum is getting more and more weird. for sure get off the internet and re calibrate your perspective once in a while. scrolling through this section and seeing all the weird and personal hate agenda is kind of pathetic

donald bless
02-22-2017 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Yes, I did Wil. The entire thread is basically calling OP a whore for being with that many people and being unprotected a number of times.
No, that's actually not what the responses were. Sure, some of them were, but there were quite a few that said they were much more active than him and some people who were not happy about being so open about it due to judgement by others in society, namely people like lenC. I agree with them, there are too many bigots in society to be honest about something like that, so they should probably keep it quiet, or at least, try to.

The ratio of people going "holy **** why would you do that" vs "meh, I've had similar" is about 20:1, with most of the people agreeing seeming to be trolling as you have people saying they've had 40,000 1 million etc partners.
I would say it was more than 20-1, but that's not the point. The point is that multiple people said they had many more and if we look at it in % of people involved, it's pretty revealing. I mean, it being a small anonymous website hurts your argument more. Enough people in that thread claimed similar numbers that you can make a safe assumption it is not an unheard of type of situation. At all.

But again, how bad do you have to be at the internet to think an anonymous message board thread from 5 years ago is actual proof you're right? Search through 2p2 right now. There are more people claiming to beat $1/2 for $50 an hour than there are people in that forum to have claimed what you think is common.
I'm not bad at reading, you are. You have posted endlessly in this thread because you are a liar and have been exposed as one. You are the one who put yourself in this situation, not me. You are a fool who talks about subjects you have no experience in.
02-22-2017 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466

I posted it as a ridiculous counter to his stupid ass OKCUPID 'data'. I don't take data from a religious website as fact, I won't even consider it. I even said it when I posted it, you idiot.
"Ridiculous counter"

Like, recognizing it sucked and was totally bogus? That kind of 'ridiculous'?

Ok, so outside of your cute anecdotes involving convos with gay friends you totes have and forays into gay forums to confirm your beliefs, do you have anything...not 'ridiculous'?
02-22-2017 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by lenC
This is such a joke.

I might as well link to a sex addiction forum where like 95% of people are straight.
What is "addictive" about it? Are you implying there is something wrong with it? Again, YOU are the judgmental one here, not me. People posted their stories and their sexual history. Is having X amount of sexual partners "deviant", or "addictive", implying they have a mental disorder? Who gets to choose how many is an acceptable number, lol, YOU?

Do you understand the concept of sample size? Do you understand that you out yourself as a dumdum when you wave away huge studies and use your two friends and dudes on online forums as arguments?
Sure I do. There's a lot more evidence I could post up, also. Ask Chez if it's OK.
02-22-2017 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
"Ridiculous counter"

Like, recognizing it sucked and was totally bogus? That kind of 'ridiculous'?

Ok, so outside of your cute anecdotes involving convos with gay friends you totes have and forays into gay forums to confirm your beliefs, do you have anything...not 'ridiculous'?
I posted it in response to his idiotic OKCUPID data. OKCUPID is not data, it's a website that doesn't even cater to the specific group we are talking about.
02-22-2017 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I can post countless stories, written from people on these websites if Chez allows it. It'll prove my point.

It's up to Chez. If he allows it I'd be happy to do it, but it'll be a long ass post and I think it could possibly do more harm than good because people like you are bigots and are judgmental of other people's sex lives.

You're probably a slut-shamer, aren't ya?
The problem is generalising from those stories. Anecdotes, even true ones, say almost nothing about the group

Whether the particular stories are ok I cant say until I see them but I'd suggest that if you're in any doubt then you err on the side of caution.
02-22-2017 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I posted it in response to his idiotic OKCUPID data. OKCUPID is not data, it's a website that doesn't even cater to the specific group we are talking about.
facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis

Do you not know how a survey works or something?
OkCupid matches people based on questions you respond to. In addition to that, they polled their userbase. This would be the same as 2p2 sending out a questionnaire to everybody about poker. The answers given would surely have some worth.
02-22-2017 , 02:48 PM
Data, you know, like talking to two gay guys wil knows. HARD NUMBERS
02-22-2017 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis

Do you not know how a survey works or something?
OkCupid matches people based on questions you respond to. In addition to that, they polled their userbase. This would be the same as 2p2 sending out a questionnaire to everybody about poker. The answers given would surely have some worth.
Dude, are you really defending a dating site for younger people who can't afford pay sites and mostly caters to heterosexual couples as good "data"? For real? How could you even make a claim this stupid?

Gay people generally us gay websites. There is a reason, you dildo. Lol @ "some worth". You even realize how pathetic this argument is.
02-22-2017 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
What is "addictive" about it? Are you implying there is something wrong with it? Again, YOU are the judgmental one here, not me. People posted their stories and their sexual history. Is having X amount of sexual partners "deviant", or "addictive", implying they have a mental disorder? Who gets to choose how many is an acceptable number, lol, YOU?
I am not implying that anyone with 1,500 partners is a sex addict. I am implying that if I find similar anecdotes with straight people then you should accept them as arguments because that's how Wilworld works.

You still don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of prejudice.

Sometime earlier I posted that you are resorting to searching for outliers on the Bell curve because the curve itself is detached from your reality. Dead on the money imo.
02-22-2017 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
The problem is generalising from those stories. Anecdotes, even true ones, say almost nothing about the group

Whether the particular stories are ok I cant say until I see them but I'd suggest that if you're in any doubt then you err on the side of caution.
Well, after doing extensive reading on the topic and seeing responses by the people in this thread, I have come to side with the gay men who do not want this type of information out in public hands. Multiple people in the thread I am discussing posted that a thread like that is exactly why people in straight society hate them and are so judgmental about them and it hurts their reputation. I now agree with that.

People like lenC are straight up bigots, who can't accept other people may just look at things differently and judge them for it. I don't want to encourage them.
02-22-2017 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Dude, are you really defending a dating site for younger people who can't afford pay sites and mostly caters to heterosexual couples as good "data"? For real? How could you even make a claim this stupid?

Gay people generally us gay websites. There is a reason, you dildo. Lol @ "some worth". You even realize how pathetic this argument is.
Mind proving either claim here buddy?
Note: no successful dating site has people "pay."
If you just said "grindr is the most popular app for gay men" you'd have said something factual, though.
02-22-2017 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Dude, are you really defending a dating site for younger people who can't afford pay sites and mostly caters to heterosexual couples as good "data"? For real? How could you even make a claim this stupid?

Gay people generally us gay websites. There is a reason, you dildo. Lol @ "some worth". You even realize how pathetic this argument is.
Ok sure that doesn't sound like a great source. Still waiting for your links that show how the gays have an astronomical number of partners.
02-22-2017 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Mind proving either claim here buddy?
Note: no successful dating site has people "pay."
I don't need to. I'm pointing out that your "data" may be flawed in the way it's sampled. It could be missing large groups of people, and it only encompasses people of certain demographics, I mean, it's only in the United States, correct?

Stop trying to defend your OKCUPID data. There are gay websites and gay dating apps for a reason. OKCUPID is mainly a hetero site, dildo.

Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
Ok sure that doesn't sound like a great source. Still waiting for your links that show how the gays have an astronomical number of partners.
There is an agenda at work. Gay men would like the information to be in line with the general public so people can't use the data against them. I now agree with that. The source is fantastic, as it's giving you honest answers from gay men about their sexual histories, and they are being very specific and very detailed in them. It's hard to quantify it in the general population but there's plenty of other data that can help put the entire picture together.

You are welcome to go look yourself.
02-22-2017 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by lenC
I am not implying that anyone with 1,500 partners is a sex addict. I am implying that if I find similar anecdotes with straight people then you should accept them as arguments because that's how Wilworld works.

You still don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of prejudice.

Sometime earlier I posted that you are resorting to searching for outliers on the Bell curve because the curve itself is detached from your reality. Dead on the money imo.
Which is exactly why he will call you a bigot.
02-22-2017 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I don't need to. I'm pointing out that your "data" may be flawed in the way it's sampled. It could be missing large groups of people, and it only encompasses people of certain demographics, I mean, it's only in the United States, correct?

Stop trying to defend your OKCUPID data. There are gay websites and gay dating apps for a reason. OKCUPID is mainly a hetero site, dildo.

There is an agenda at work. Gay men would like the information to be in line with the general public so people can't use the data against them. I now agree with that.
Nope, for the 4th time, rather than just read a blog post about the data that couldn't take 3 minutes, you've made an incorrect inference about the data. You've been arguing how bad the data is for THREE days but haven't read the study once. How pathetic can you be?
Again, it was their entire user base.
02-22-2017 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Which is exactly why he will call you a bigot.
I did call him a bigot. It's because he has an aversion to people who may have had more sexual partners than he's comfortable with. Some people do. I don't. I don't give a crap how many people any of you slept with, but many others in this thread obviously would. Therefore, it would be hurtful to certain people.
02-22-2017 , 03:00 PM
If we go worldwide with this then it's surely the opposite of what Wil is claiming - a significant portion of gay men won't ever have sex. Not to say it isn't a massive problem in the Western world still. Instead of digging for promiscuity numbers you might wanna check the depression and suicide rates.
02-22-2017 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Nope, for the 4th time, rather than just read a blog post about the data that couldn't take 3 minutes, you've made an incorrect inference about the data. You've been arguing how bad the data is for THREE days but haven't read the study once. How pathetic can you be?
If you think OKCUPID is a valid data source, you have bigger problems in life. Work on that.
02-22-2017 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by lenC
If we go worldwide with this then it's surely the opposite of what Wil is claiming - a significant portion of gay men won't ever have sex. Not to say it isn't a massive problem in the Western world still. Instead of digging for promiscuity numbers you might wanna check the depression and suicide rates.
Do you have something to support that statement?
02-22-2017 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
It's because he has an aversion to people who may have had more sexual partners than he's comfortable with.
I have an aversion to people who make up stuff about minorities.
