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05-07-2017 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
He called you a Russian shill spy? Lol
I am cashing in those rubles on the daily in einbertland.
05-07-2017 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
Your very, very selective fainting couch.
But the same thing applies to, say, the entirety of your posting, right? You've told us from the beginning of your time here that condemning one thing doesn't mean you condone the opposite - that's what makes the attacks on you as being a Trump supporter so unjustified, by your telling!!

So now that we have that bit of hypocrisy out of the way - did it also take 30 seconds of time to compile all the information about Victor's past life that you decided to drop in here before pretending you're happy he got into road biking? And does it not strike you as sliiiiightly weird that nobody else on the forum really does this kind of thing and you're kinda unique in being that much of a creepy forum stalker?

Just think of how much harder you could own all the liberals here if you were capable of acting like a normal human being!
05-07-2017 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
No input from the goofyballer on that one, shocking. He found the time to call me a scumbag for pointing out Jalfrezi is an angleshooter that lost the wager and has refused to pay though!
Whoah, WHOAH, next thing you know you'll be calling me a Trump supporter because I made an anti-Hillary post!
05-07-2017 , 07:27 PM
I know crazy right! Sorry for getting a little salty when called a white supremacist neo-nazi russian shill pizzagater because I didn't attack enough Trump supporters and was critical of Hillary and the DNC! My bad what was I thinking!

"Hook line and sinker teeeheeehee".
05-07-2017 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
And does it not strike you as sliiiiightly weird that nobody else on the forum really does this kind of thing and you're kinda unique in being that much of a creepy forum stalker
This is not remotely true, as I've had statements I've made years ago, just once, brought up. Portraying someone as bringing up another's posters history as being anything close to unique is absurd.
05-07-2017 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Why is it ok for jalfrezi to claim, multiple times, I'm welching when jalfrezi is the one angle shooting and calling me a welcher the entire time, when the bet isn't even complete ?
It's obvious that calling anyone a welcher now is silly, wil. I was interested to know if at all jalfrezi will realize that he should pay.
05-07-2017 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
This is not remotely true, as I've had statements I've made years ago, just once, brought up. Portraying someone as bringing up another's posters history as being anything close to unique is absurd.
You're right, I should clarify. People bringing up your Serena Williams posting as an example - we were all there, we participated, we remember that.

Dan joined 2+2 under a year ago and when someone like Victor or einbert says some **** to him he doesn't like, he searches back through years of posts in forums he doesn't even read and starts compiling info, waiting to spring it.

Does that seem like normal behavior to you, wil?
05-07-2017 , 07:31 PM
It's hilarious that jalfrezi went from calling me a welcher to becoming dead silent on the issue.

He owes me 200 dollars as far as I'm concerned, and it seems the majority of this forum believes so also. Jalfrezi? You there, buddy? No hard feelings, as you said earlier, right?
05-07-2017 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
You're right, I should clarify. People bringing up your Serena Williams posting as an example - we were all there, we participated, we remember that.

Dan joined 2+2 under a year ago and when someone like Victor or einbert says some **** to him he doesn't like, he searches back through years of posts in forums he doesn't even read and starts compiling info, waiting to spring it.

Does that seem like normal behavior to you, wil?
It's pretty thorough, I'll admit. Would you say it's so uncommon as to be called creepy, though? I mean let's be honest here, people search through other people's post history. I don't do it often, because I'm bad at it, but I've done it myself. Look at 5ives posts about me, he literally finds things I've said so long ago I had to look it up myself to see if I actually typed it, yet no one calls 5ive a creep because, let's be honest, he's on "your side".

While it very well be "damn dude, you really looked that up?", I would say it being creepy/stalkerish is a real stretch.
05-07-2017 , 07:35 PM
I mean, goofyballer, this is the sequence of posts immediately after the bet was made and then won by Wil.

Originally Posted by jalfrezi
lol williteracy

The bet was on whether anyone's ever called you a propogandist, not a propagandist.

Pay me by PayPal?
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
The bet accepted was:

The word "literally" means I win the bet. Pay up now.
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Let it be recorded that wil has officially welched on a bet.
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
The terms of the bet were clearly laid out and repeated several times, and still you didn't suss what should have been obvious to any sentient adult.

You have only your own terrible literacy to blame.

You're a bet welcher wil. Maybe people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones any more?
Originally Posted by jalfrezi

Pay up and eat humble pie you sad little f*cker.

Why do you think I was so careful to make sure the world "literally" was included?
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Send $200 not to me but to the Transgender Law Centre, an Oakland-based civil rights organization advocating for transgender communities, as a way of atoning for your appalling threats of physical violence against transgender people in this very thread.

Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I don't want or need your money wil. I want you to pay it to that charity.
Originally Posted by jalfrezi

Big talk from the child-punching wil.

Don't you realise that everyone reading this sequence of posts APART FROM YOU could see what was happening? Why are you so ****ing stupid?
That was Jalfrezi's response! And what was yours after that? Let's go to the tape.

Originally Posted by goofyballer
Trying to get out of it, as in, this wasn't his original intention? Hmm, let's examine!

It's worth noting that the spelling error was yours to begin with:

jalfrezi, who is clearly more intelligent than you and knows the correct spelling of the word, repeats your error in his post, clearly toying with you:

And you fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
Okay buddy. And yet you call ME a scumbag because I called Jalfrezi a 'welcher'?!

05-07-2017 , 07:39 PM
Russian shill spies pulling out Obama gifs. Makes sense.
05-07-2017 , 07:40 PM
To be honest this is the most fun I've had on 2+2 for a while.
05-07-2017 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
doesnt 2p2 have some dumb rule about not disclosing pms?
Originally Posted by wil318466
It does? I mean, I'm not asking you to repost the pm. I'm simply asking you if you forwarded a link I sent you through PM to another person. I don't see what the issue is here, and I'm not asking for proof, I'm asking you on your honor.

Did you forward that link to aofrantic or not?
Victor, you seriously won't answer this simple question?

Why? Do you want me to stop asking you to answer? I am truly confused here. What is the problem with you answering? Because you want to protect aofrantic?
05-07-2017 , 09:13 PM
Grunching but jalfrezi wins anyhow, from both angles.

I didn't literally say wil was a literal propagandist or propogandist.
05-07-2017 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Victor, you seriously won't answer this simple question?

Why? Do you want me to stop asking you to answer? I am truly confused here. What is the problem with you answering? Because you want to protect aofrantic?
we discussed it over pm. but I dont see why that would mean he owes you money. he certainly tracked it down.
05-07-2017 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
we discussed it over pm. but I dont see why that would mean he owes you money. he certainly tracked it down.
I was already sure this was the case. I thank you for your honesty and will not make any claim of this point towards aofrantics "challenge". I think this speaks for itself when it comes to the accepted behavior of many people in this forum.

I think it's just yet another example of how people are willing to behave when dealing with people they have animosity towards. It's a valuable lesson when it comes to understanding the human condition and why demonizing people is so detrimental.

Enough 2+2 for me for tonight.
05-07-2017 , 09:56 PM
The dude. Has me. On. Ignore.

Originally Posted by wil318466
It's pretty thorough, I'll admit. Would you say it's so uncommon as to be called creepy, though? I mean let's be honest here, people search through other people's post history. I don't do it often, because I'm bad at it, but I've done it myself. Look at 5ives posts about me, he literally finds things I've said so long ago I had to look it up myself to see if I actually typed it, yet no one calls 5ive a creep because, let's be honest, he's on "your side".

While it very well be "damn dude, you really looked that up?", I would say it being creepy/stalkerish is a real stretch.
05-07-2017 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
we discussed it over pm. but I dont see why that would mean he owes you money. he certainly tracked it down.
This is so ****ing hilariously obvious but you STILL need to spell it out and wil STILL goes on to act like it's the gotcha of all gotchas.
05-07-2017 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
A typo doesn't mean you won the bet, and any reasonable person could see exactly what was being bet.
You're right, any reasonable person could see exactly what was being bet. This is correct. You were so excited that you missed it, but everyone else watching saw what was happening. I can MAYBE see a world where you get out of the bet for whatever reason, but this bet should never be a wil win. Either ship the money or shoot for a no-bet. Claiming in any way that you won this bet after your statement that I quoted is ludicrous.
05-08-2017 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
It's hilarious that jalfrezi went from calling me a welcher to becoming dead silent on the issue.

He owes me 200 dollars as far as I'm concerned, and it seems the majority of this forum believes so also. Jalfrezi? You there, buddy? No hard feelings, as you said earlier, right?
Uh wil, there's this thing called a time difference. Maybe someone will explain it to you one day. I'm off to work now, having finished with this other thing called sleep.

Mods won't arbitrate, forum seems divided, OP of the post that you're using to claim the win is denying you. Interesting times. Later tosser!
05-08-2017 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi

Mods won't arbitrate, forum seems divided
Oh no. This isn't where it ends dickhead. Name terms and we will arbitrate fairly. You owe me 200 dollars and at this point you are obviously a welcher. Name your terms, but this bet is getting paid.

Last edited by wil318466; 05-08-2017 at 02:51 AM.
05-08-2017 , 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by Lord_Crispen
You're right, any reasonable person could see exactly what was being bet. This is correct. You were so excited that you missed it, but everyone else watching saw what was happening. I can MAYBE see a world where you get out of the bet for whatever reason, but this bet should never be a wil win. Either ship the money or shoot for a no-bet. Claiming in any way that you won this bet after your statement that I quoted is ludicrous.
Lol, did you even read the thread afterwards? People who had no stake and disliked me sided with me .

What are you smoking?
05-08-2017 , 08:03 AM
Pretty sure with the way the bet was phrased wil would lose in a court of law. Literally means one thing. It was 100% obvious he was toying with wil and wil had zero idea. For that reason I think neither should pay, wil didn't understand the bet.
05-08-2017 , 09:35 AM
Even if the word literally wasn't there wil should lose. The bet was if wil had ever been called a certain string of characters. He responded showing a different string of characters and claimed victory. That's bull****. You didn't say something like this string, you said this string.
05-08-2017 , 09:43 AM
It's pretty clear that this was an angle and angles are generally frowned upon, but importantly not all angles are against the rules rather than merely in bad taste. This is why you properly discuss rules before agreeing to silly prop bets if you're not just going to sigh and pay out. Anyone could see that somehow Jalfrezi was confident that this was a lock. Anyone smart would be suspicious even if they hadn't spotted the out.

Honestly, if someone tried this on anyone else I'd say it's a dick move, but since Wil advocates violence against women, children, trans, and black people, we're well into "punching Nazis" territory where I really can't feel bad for the guy who's being punished for bragging about his illiteracy.
