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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

02-13-2017 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Uh, those are both true in the same way. They are things that are true.
Presumably, you don't have access to my medical records. Doubling down on this is so strange.
02-13-2017 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Maybe his avatar isn't his daughter, but his sister.
I'm convinced he kidnapped that poor little Asian baby.
02-13-2017 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Supporting police in the main forum isn't popular. I defended my position and got banned for it. You know, because racist.
I highly doubt you were banned simply for your position.

There's a middle ground in which one can appreciate the job officers do and defend their actions in some cases while still conceding they step over the line way too often and commit downright criminal offenses at times.
02-13-2017 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
What does my credibility have to do with any of this? I'm not saying I have secret recordings of wil being racist and you need to trust me, I'm saying he's obviously racist from his extensive history of posting racist bull**** on line. If you care so ****ing much about whether one random ******* on the internet is racist, you have access to all the same tools as the rest of us.

Again, it's a tell.
I haven't engaged wil at all in debate and so I have had less reason to pay much attention to a lot of the things he has said. I only know what I know about him.

Maybe hearing an accusation that wil is racist would give me pause and make me pay attention but when the accusation is made by someone who is obviously not above just making **** up, I am more likely to just ignore you. That is what I mean when I talk about you losing your credibility.
02-13-2017 , 09:14 PM
I haven't engaged wil at all in debate and so I have had less reason to pay much attention to a lot of the things he has said. I only know what I know about him.
So who gives a **** about your opinion regarding him? Why do you even HAVE an opinion regarding him? This is literally, and I mean exactly, the same ****ing trick like 5 of you have tried to pull with Milo in this very ****ing thread. "Oh god why are liberals calling this guy mean names... Oh no I have no idea what he's written or said, I'm just mad at the liberals. For some reason, again, not really willing to dispute the substance of the comments or address anything specific" You want to yell at the dang SJWs but you're like, cagily trying to use TOP KEK RHETORICAL JUDO by disclaiming anything wil has written, this way if someone DOES bother to waste their valuable time to go back to like, literally any wil post, you can immediately distance yourself from whatever awful thing about the blacks wil has written lately.

Like I said, this **** is and always has been extremely transparent. I don't know why you guys can't just own up to your actual ****ing concerns instead of clearly intentionally being vague and evasive. This is ChezFront, liberals are vastly more likely to get banned for yelling at you than you are for saying anything offensive.
02-13-2017 , 09:30 PM
You are missing my point. This isn't about wil. It is about you.

What do you hope to get out of all this? Do you actually want to change people's minds to convince people to join you on the right side of the debate?

If so, this broad brush demonization of anyone who disagrees with you is not an effective strategy.
02-13-2017 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by TheMadcap
You are missing my point. This isn't about wil. It is about you.

What do you hope to get out of all this? Do you actually want to change people's minds to convince people to join you on the right side of the debate?

If so, this broad brush demonization of anyone who disagrees with you is not an effective strategy.
You might as well be talking to a devout puritan monk.

They don't want to persuade or convince, they want to bully, cajole, shame, label, mock, etc.

If you watch Game of Thrones think of the High Sparrow. That is them.
02-13-2017 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
What does my credibility have to do with any of this? I'm not saying I have secret recordings of wil being racist and you need to trust me, I'm saying he's obviously racist from his extensive history of posting racist bull**** on line. If you care so ****ing much about whether one random ******* on the internet is racist, you have access to all the same tools as the rest of us.

Again, it's a tell.
You're the one making the accusations. Provide legitimate examples or stfu.

Lol at telling people to search for them.
02-14-2017 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by TheMadcap
Kero, It's not a matter of holding a grudge or not liking fly

If a poster makes a claim about me that I know is wrong and makes a similar claims about others, I would question the validity of every one of those claims.

The "credit" that he lost in my eyes could be regained over time but, yeah, I would discount his opinion for a while.
That means i need to discount everyone that called me a dem or SJW or leftist along with racist. Thats a big list...
02-14-2017 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
So who gives a **** about your opinion regarding him? Why do you even HAVE an opinion regarding him? This is literally, and I mean exactly, the same ****ing trick like 5 of you have tried to pull with Milo in this very ****ing thread. "Oh god why are liberals calling this guy mean names... Oh no I have no idea what he's written or said, I'm just mad at the liberals. For some reason, again, not really willing to dispute the substance of the comments or address anything specific" You want to yell at the dang SJWs but you're like, cagily trying to use TOP KEK RHETORICAL JUDO by disclaiming anything wil has written, this way if someone DOES bother to waste their valuable time to go back to like, literally any wil post, you can immediately distance yourself from whatever awful thing about the blacks wil has written lately.

Like I said, this **** is and always has been extremely transparent. I don't know why you guys can't just own up to your actual ****ing concerns instead of clearly intentionally being vague and evasive. This is ChezFront, liberals are vastly more likely to get banned for yelling at you than you are for saying anything offensive.
Certainly you can edit these posts down to 2 or 3 sentences.
02-14-2017 , 02:52 AM
02-14-2017 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by TheMadcap
You are missing my point. This isn't about wil. It is about you.

What do you hope to get out of all this? Do you actually want to change people's minds to convince people to join you on the right side of the debate?

If so, this broad brush demonization of anyone who disagrees with you is not an effective strategy.
I don't put a lot of stock in coaching tips from the opposing ****ing team.

And you're STILL ****ING DOING IT. The thing wil and I disagree most strenously about is whether police brutality against black people is good, dip****. That's the disagreement I "demonize" him over. Your **** is tired, man, it's played out. Come up with some new schtick. We literally already did the "insane abstraction/strawman where you pretend liberals call anyone they disagree with racist but skip the part where the thing that liberals disagree with those people about is RACISM" song and dance, in this thread, like a page ago.
02-14-2017 , 03:10 AM
GTFO you lame keyboard warrior nerd
02-14-2017 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by batair
That means i need to discount everyone that called me a dem or SJW or leftist along with racist. Thats a big list...
Those examples probably all shouldn't be grouped together.

I am more likely to call someone a dem on little evidence then I am to call someone a racist. The charges are not the same. Making a mistake with regards to the former should be less damning than making a mistake about the latter charge.

Obviously, fly asserting that I am autistic is also different in some ways. There is more of a trolly element. I'd imagine he is smart enough to know that he can't diagnose some random on an internet forum. He's mostly just demonstrating that he doesn't like what I am saying in a way that would make Milo proud. (I'm pretty sure fly has asked me directly where my disagreement with milo is, a lot of my problem with milo is that he does this kind of ****. So well done fly)

But basically, yeah, I think based on that I am right to take his other assertions less seriously.
02-14-2017 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I don't put a lot of stock in coaching tips from the opposing ****ing team.

And you're STILL ****ING DOING IT. The thing wil and I disagree most strenously about is whether police brutality against black people is good, dip****. That's the disagreement I "demonize" him over. Your **** is tired, man, it's played out. Come up with some new schtick. We literally already did the "insane abstraction/strawman where you pretend liberals call anyone they disagree with racist but skip the part where the thing that liberals disagree with those people about is RACISM" song and dance, in this thread, like a page ago.
Lol. Talking about tired ****, why don't you change the ****ing record bro.

You're schtick of shouting "racist" at everybody is becoming incredibly boring.
02-14-2017 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I don't put a lot of stock in coaching tips from the opposing ****ing team.

And you're STILL ****ING DOING IT. The thing wil and I disagree most strenously about is whether police brutality against black people is good, dip****. That's the disagreement I "demonize" him over. Your **** is tired, man, it's played out. Come up with some new schtick. We literally already did the "insane abstraction/strawman where you pretend liberals call anyone they disagree with racist but skip the part where the thing that liberals disagree with those people about is RACISM" song and dance, in this thread, like a page ago.
We aren't on different teams. Ultimately, we both want the same things and we just disagree on how to get there. Stop with this tribal ****.

If you can show me a post where wil says police brutality is good then I would be more inclined to believe that he is racist. I'm guessing you won't and what you said is a mischaracterization of his position.
02-14-2017 , 04:30 AM
Originally Posted by TheMadcap
Those examples probably all shouldn't be grouped together.

I am more likely to call someone a dem on little evidence then I am to call someone a racist. The charges are not the same. Making a mistake with regards to the former should be less damning than making a mistake about the latter charge.

Obviously, fly asserting that I am autistic is also different in some ways. There is more of a trolly element. I'd imagine he is smart enough to know that he can't diagnose some random on an internet forum. He's mostly just demonstrating that he doesn't like what I am saying in a way that would make Milo proud. (I'm pretty sure fly has asked me directly where my disagreement with milo is, a lot of my problem with milo is that he does this kind of ****. So well done fly)

But basically, yeah, I think based on that I am right to take his other assertions less seriously.
Leftist is the new commie. At least in my time it was a serious charge that was usually followed by get out you unAmerican bastard. Before my time it cost jobs. Hell even in today's world the inference might of cost Bernie the dem nomination.

But yeah you are kind of right i guess. Still mislabeling is not a left thing. Its just a thing, which was my point.

Last edited by batair; 02-14-2017 at 04:36 AM.
02-14-2017 , 04:41 AM
Milo is fabulous, **** the haters.
02-14-2017 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
wil you are racist though. That's like, not something that people just made up. Racism is like a top three character trait you have, trailing only stupidity and cowardice.
This is absurd. Even if you were correct about the first claim, which you're not, the end and 3rd claim are obviously not correct. You're calling me stupid after you stopped posting for 2 weeks out of shame, admitting you needed to stfu for a while? Lol. Cowardice? It'd be much easier to just go with the flow and agree with your idiot ass, I wouldn't have to waste my time defending myself.

The demand here from people like wil is he gets to hold whatever beliefs he wants and nobody calls it racist because that hurts his baby-soft feelings, but whenever these guys talk about this **** they also skip over the actual ****ing substance and whether there was actual racism there.
You're a fool to believe this. What I feel doesn't mean jack ****. What's happening in actual society does. Your side is currently causing more trouble than it's fixing. Nothing is getting better except you feeling that people are nicer to minorities. Nice isn't helping, as much as you wish it would.

FFS you continue to call me a goddamn race traitor because I'm not racist, you can't then flip back to this faux-naivete where you identify as liberal.
I've never, not once, called you or anyone else a race traitor. I don't think I've ever once used that term on 2+2. Anyone here is free to do a search with my name and that term. Please quote.

Everything about you is just straight up bull****.
02-14-2017 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by TheMadcap
We aren't on different teams. Ultimately, we both want the same things and we just disagree on how to get there. Stop with this tribal ****.
We are absolutely on different teams and we want wildly different things.

If you can show me a post where wil says police brutality is good then I would be more inclined to believe that he is racist. I'm guessing you won't and what you said is a mischaracterization of his position.
He started a ****ing thread on it that was on the front page of this forum for like all of last month. I'm not going to play this game with you, obviously you're going to TOEFL it up, play dumb(mixed with a healthy dose of actually being dumb), and just be insanely skeptical and contrarian. This is not a new trick from you guys, the endless demands for citations and then pedantic contradiction is ****ing played out.

Why the **** are you so invested in defending the reputation of someone you apparently are completely unfamiliar with?

Like I said, ****'s a tell. It's not about wil, it's not even about me. What's it is about for you is that you have a reflexive NEED to deny not just the impact but the very existence of institutional oppression.
02-14-2017 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I don't put a lot of stock in coaching tips from the opposing ****ing team.

And you're STILL ****ING DOING IT. The thing wil and I disagree most strenously about is whether police brutality against black people is good, dip****. That's the disagreement I "demonize" him over. Your **** is tired, man, it's played out. Come up with some new schtick. We literally already did the "insane abstraction/strawman where you pretend liberals call anyone they disagree with racist but skip the part where the thing that liberals disagree with those people about is RACISM" song and dance, in this thread, like a page ago.
Somebody needs to wash your mouth out with soap. Change your tone and act like a mature member of society and maybe then people will take you seriously!
02-14-2017 , 11:06 AM
Fly, at what % of people that you disagree with on everything will you concede the problem might be on your side?
02-14-2017 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Somebody needs to wash your mouth out with soap. Change your tone and act like a mature member of society and maybe then people will take you seriously!
Does someone need a safe space?
02-14-2017 , 11:54 AM
You need to come to Philadelphia
02-14-2017 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Milo is fabulous, **** the haters.
Another defender of the alt right emerges.
