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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

02-22-2017 , 01:50 PM
Incidentally wil, did you hear Milo's apology thingy? He admitted it was abuse when his priest diddled him! This bizzare take you're working on where it's okay for gay dudes to bone 13-year olds... it isnt a hill you have to die on, my dude.
02-22-2017 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Sure, but the basic problem here is we have two people starting at wildly different premises:
I believe the average LGBT person has a similar amount of sexual partners as the average straight person, a number around 10.
Wil believes the average LGBT male has about 25-30x this many.

I took a number of stats courses my second time around the block for uni, I'm fine talking data with you or anybody.
Yeah I am not disagreeing with you really, merely stating that the OKCupid blog post should only be used as a soft reference and not considered as anything else.

I believe that for the following 6 groups: heterosexual male, homosexual male, heterosexual female, heterosexual male, bisexual male, and bisexual female, that there will be non-negligible differences in various sexual activity statistics.

But that these numbers would be within reasonable bounds, particularly if only considering say within two std dev (~95%).
02-22-2017 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
Incidentally wil, did you hear Milo's apology thingy? He admitted it was abuse when his priest riddled him! This bizzare take you're working on where it's okay for gay dudes to bone 13-year olds... it isnt a hill you have to die on, my dude.
Wil dies on every hill. I imagine Edge of Tomorrow is his favorite movie.
02-22-2017 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Its amazing that he doesn't realize if he just said something not homophobic like "a small number of both straight and gay males are more promiscuous but gay males were more promiscuous before AIDS was discovered" we wouldn't have a problem. If he said something like "a small subset of the gay community still acts in a way that is sexually risky and kept underground" we wouldn't have a problem!
But instead, he paints an entire community (of millions of people) as a "foreign lifestyle" who have "astronomical" amounts of sexual partners. He got this solely based on two friends he had a decade ago, one online thread and a radical christian website, which he only found because it was the first google result. Now, we know this is incredibly homophobic. But, that's just Wil.
You've read the comments that I directed you to? You understand that these people weren't lying, right? You also realize that the amount of activity is not what most of us would be accustomed to, correct?

You are not being honest in this at all. If you actually read gay websites and read what the members write, you'd learn something. Which websites have you actually visited? You are so big on linking, then link to where you've visited that disputed my claim (with a large amount of responses) and we'd be happy to take a look.

Hint : You won't, because you can't, because I'm right.
02-22-2017 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
Yeah I am not disagreeing with you really, merely stating that the OKCupid blog post should only be used as a soft reference and not considered as anything else.

I believe that for the following 6 groups: heterosexual male, homosexual male, heterosexual female, heterosexual male, bisexual male, and bisexual female, that there will be non-negligible differences in various sexual activity statistics.

But that these numbers would be within reasonable bounds, particularly if only considering say within two std dev (~95%).
02-22-2017 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Again - QUOTE ME. Where did I ever say, or even imply this? QUOTE MY POSTS.
With courtesy of Bladesman87:

Originally Posted by wil318466
This is why gay males have such an abnormal amount of sex compared to the other two scenarios. While nothing is absolute the number of sexual partners for gay males is astronomical. There simply is no equivalent of "book store cruising" or the accepted group sex of gay males. I'm a heterosexual male and the idea is completely foreign to me. When it was explained, it made sense. The promiscuity of gay males is, in general, off the charts.
Originally Posted by wil318466
Gay males have a lifestyle that is, in general, completely foreign to other segments of society.
That's beside the things you have edited or removed by the mod of course.
02-22-2017 , 01:58 PM
It's bizarre that at the same time you're trying to say that you posted the radical christian site's survey from 1978 only because it was ludicrous and wrong, but are defending their numbers. How do you not see this as contradictory? You can't disavow something then defend it post after post.
02-22-2017 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Wil, then educate me. You currently have no gay friends. You've probably never even taken an introductory psychology course. What am I wrong about the gay community about? Be specific. What have I been wrong about, and post evidence I am wrong about it, please.

There is a zero percent chance Wil will post this data, because it is a figment of his imagination.
Just more idiocy out of you. Yes, I don't have gay friends currently, but I've had a lot of exposure to them in my past. It's just a coincidence that I don't have any currently. I care nothing about your psychology course, and if you really want to know I almost majored in it, so I've taken quite a few of them. That means nothing.

You are wrong about everything. You are especially wrong about what we discussed in terms of partners. It's not hard to find the evidence to support my claim, it's literally a google search away.
02-22-2017 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
JIt's not hard to find the evidence to support my claim, it's literally a google search away.
Then post it you wimp.
02-22-2017 , 02:00 PM
Avoiding most of the debate completely, I'd just like to point out that heavily entrenched sexism means that there's an extreme difference in the attitude towards promiscuity in men than there is in the attitude towards women.

That's going to reflect both in how promiscuous people are, and in how they report about it.
02-22-2017 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Avoiding most of the debate completely, I'd just like to point out that heavily entrenched sexism means that there's an extreme difference in the attitude towards promiscuity in men than there is in the attitude towards women.

That's going to reflect both in how promiscuous people are, and in how they report about it.
The 1/3 and 3/1 rules from American Pie were ahead of their time.
02-22-2017 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
These are the posts to hammer Wil with.

Specifically, the terms "astronomical" and "completely foreign". This is what Wil actually said. Don't let him wriggle out of it with his memory issues.
I haven't followed the whole conversation but from those posts above it doesnt seem like he was using the term "completely foreign" in a derogatory manner.

For what its worth alot of the gay guys iv worked with and are mates with would probably agree with Will. Obviously that is extremely anecdotal though.

As for the Milo thing unsure what to make of it. Some of the stuff he said was pretty disgusting but he claims that he was taken out of context so im going to rewatch both interviews in full before casting full judgement. I had heard one of the podcasts before (Rogans) but wasnt paying attention fully and at the time it just sounded like a victim of sexual abuse who was trying to make excuses for his abusers. I though the whole thing was very sad and that it was quite tragic honestly felt really bad for him.

The situation he described at Hollywood parties he should have reported though extremely irresponsible of him.

Regardless I think he is spot on when he talks about free speech and the regressive left even if I disagree with other stuff he says.
02-22-2017 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by lenC
You seem to think that all gay men do is prance around with rainbow flags and **** all other gay men in sight all day every day. I am judging your prejudiced thoughts. I am also judging you for being a wuss who is afraid to lay out what he's thinking.

All of identity politics would die off in an instant if the RWNJs just understood that people in general are all the same. gay-straight, black-white, muslim-jew, american-iranian. This isn't some liberal idealist mumbo-jumbo, it's genetics 101, anthropology 101, history 101 whatever else. It's so dumb that these conversations are still being had. Please understand that no one is talking to you because they want to, it's because they have to.
Originally Posted by wil318466
This is why gay males have such an abnormal amount of sex compared to the other two scenarios. While nothing is absolute the number of sexual partners for gay males is astronomical. There simply is no equivalent of "book store cruising" or the accepted group sex of gay males. I'm a heterosexual male and the idea is completely foreign to me. When it was explained, it made sense. The promiscuity of gay males is, in general, off the charts.
Originally Posted by wil318466
Gay males have a lifestyle that is, in general, completely foreign to other segments of society.
Yeah, AND? Where did I say it is deviant behavior or wrong, or even hinted that it was in any way a negative? I described it as "different", not "bad".

Do you know how English works? "Foreign" doesn't mean "bad'. "Astronomical" doesn't mean "bad". "Abnormal" doesn't mean "bad". It's just not what the majority of people are accustomed to. It's different, and different doesn't mean it's wrong. YOU are the one with the problem with it, not me.
02-22-2017 , 02:05 PM
So, the link Wil found that PROVES that gay people have an astronomical amount of sex? Again, let's state that this was an online anonymous forum, much smaller than 2p2. This thread was five years ago. An anonymous dude posts that he has had 1,500 partners in an LGBT forum. The responses?

What a nice way of saying you're a whore.
You're a sex addict OP. I'm in no way a prude, but you had to be trolling and ****ing two new guys a week or so.

Certain weeks, I could see that happening - but damn.

Get a hobby.
Somehow the fact that you claim to have had relationships makes someone like you with four-digits of sex partners sound like more of a commitment-phobe and whore--not less. Or it could just mean you have no sense of self worth
Are you sure you did your math right? If not....gross indeed.
You moved to NYC in 1992 at the peak of HIV and AIDS and THEN decided to become a whore?

The rest of us were trying to keep it in our pants OP during that time
You're a whore, darlin'.
This is why they hate us
Wow, OP.

I'm in your age range- I turn 39 this year, and came out at 19. After 20 years of sex, I've now had 21 partners. 4 LTR, and 17 hookups.

I'm a hot guy, and I've been propositioned MANY times, but turned down 99% of them. My partner of 4 years, the love of my life, is the same. He's had sex with fewer people than I have. That's why we're perfect for each other- I would never cheat, and I have no doubt that he will either. Truth be told, the fact that he's been so faithful and "chaste" is one of my biggest turn-ons.

I have too much respect for myself to be a whore, and so does he.

And you are a whore, darlin', a BIG one
I must be a prude-going on 47 and can count the number on two hands with a finger left ove
damn [R23] do you find it so hard to believe that not all gay guys, even attractive ones, choose not to turn their bodies into petri dishes? Some of us actually make conscious decisions to take care of ourselves.
I wouldn't **** that many guys were it my job. It just sounds boring. Why not **** someone you actually like for a period of time? I don't care that you're slutty; I think you have some serious intimacy issues, though.
02-22-2017 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by lenC
Then post it you wimp.
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Avoiding most of the debate completely, I'd just like to point out that heavily entrenched sexism means that there's an extreme difference in the attitude towards promiscuity in men than there is in the attitude towards women.

That's going to reflect both in how promiscuous people are, and in how they report about it.
I can post countless stories, written from people on these websites if Chez allows it. It'll prove my point.

It's up to Chez. If he allows it I'd be happy to do it, but it'll be a long ass post and I think it could possibly do more harm than good because people like you are bigots and are judgmental of other people's sex lives.

You're probably a slut-shamer, aren't ya?
02-22-2017 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Yeah, AND? Where did I say it is deviant behavior or wrong, or even hinted that it was in any way a negative? I described it as "different", not "bad".

Do you know how English works? "Foreign" doesn't mean "bad'. "Astronomical" doesn't mean "bad". "Abnormal" doesn't mean "bad". It's just not what the majority of people are accustomed to. It's different, and different doesn't mean it's wrong. YOU are the one with the problem with it, not me.
"black people are really fast runners"
while a compliment, is racist, do you see?

Disregarding all that, there have been like 500 posts saying and proving that you are full of **** in this claim. No matter how many hundreds of times you keep saying you're right doesn't make it true. Post your evidence that gay men are magnitudes more promiscuous than other forms of partnerships.
02-22-2017 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
So, the link Wil found that PROVES that gay people have an astronomical amount of sex? Again, let's state that this was an online anonymous forum, much smaller than 2p2. This thread was five years ago. An anonymous dude posts that he has had 1,500 partners in an LGBT forum. The responses?
Go ahead, post the link. People can go read that thread themselves. It 100% proves my point, you cherry picked a certain type of response.

This is why you are a lying sack of ****. POST THE LINK.
02-22-2017 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by lenC
"black people are really fast runners"
while a compliment, is racist, do you see?

Disregarding all that, there have been like 500 posts saying and proving that you are full of **** in this claim. No matter how many hundreds of times you keep saying you're right doesn't make it true. Post your evidence that gay men are magnitudes more promiscuous than other forms of partnerships.
If Chez will allow it, I will.
02-22-2017 , 02:08 PM
So, even the "proof" Wil uses is that on an LGBT forum a dude made a post about having 1,500 lifetime partners as a 40 year old man and an LGBT community eviscerated him. This is his evidence that such behaviour is commonplace.
02-22-2017 , 02:10 PM
Milo: Here's an edgy joke about ****ing children!

Liberals: Outrageous! Off with his head!

Milo: Sorry, I was just pretending to be a pedo bcoz I'm a mental case.

Wil: No, for real, diddling kids is no big deal. That's standard for gay dudes.
02-22-2017 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Yeah, AND? Where did I say it is deviant behavior or wrong, or even hinted that it was in any way a negative? I described it as "different", not "bad".

Do you know how English works? "Foreign" doesn't mean "bad'. "Astronomical" doesn't mean "bad". "Abnormal" doesn't mean "bad". It's just not what the majority of people are accustomed to. It's different, and different doesn't mean it's wrong. YOU are the one with the problem with it, not me.

The problem is you provided zero evidence of these claims of the gays having an astronomical number of partners
02-22-2017 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
So, even the "proof" Wil uses is that on an LGBT forum a dude made a post about having 1,500 lifetime partners as a 40 year old man and an LGBT community eviscerated him. This is his evidence that such behaviour is commonplace.
Link the website and let everyone come to their own conclusions.
02-22-2017 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
The problem is you provided zero evidence of these claims of the gays having an astronomical number of partners
The best part is every source he has ends up being full of ****.
His first source? A radical christian theology website that believes Noah's Arc as a literal truth.
His second source? A blog by a 20 year old.
His third source? An anonymous post on an LGBT forum where the rest of the forum calls the dude a whore.

Wil, just tell the truth. You didn't read the comments on the thread you found as "proof." You never do your homework.
02-22-2017 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
If Chez will allow it, I will.

"I would back up my claims but the mods won't let me link to hate sites"
02-22-2017 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by superslug
I haven't followed the whole conversation but from those posts above it doesnt seem like he was using the term "completely foreign" in a derogatory manner.

For what its worth alot of the gay guys iv worked with and are mates with would probably agree with Will. Obviously that is extremely anecdotal though.
Actually, I sort of agree that Wil didn't intend those comments in a derogatory way. I think more on the lines that Wil is so stupid he's saying stuff like "did you know gays are aliens? Wtf are you mad at me for, there's nothing wrong with being from Mars."

What Wil never understands is that these ideas of his can be damaging even if he doesn't have a problem with the idea that gays are just having sex mindlessly whenever and wherever. That's how he ends up linking to religious propaganda with a total lack of self awareness.

The idea that gay people are largely the same as the rest of us is a shock to his senses that he just can't handle.

It's up to Wil to explain what he means by "astronomical" and "completely foreign lifestyle", because on the face of it is absurd and insulting.
