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04-18-2014 , 12:49 AM
I'm hoping for some June rooms. BSP dropped from 10/day to 5. But I spent a lot of time in the pits the last 6 weeks
04-19-2014 , 12:12 PM
is it too much to ask foxwoods to put all the levels (75-150, 150-300, etc.) in their guarantee tournies on friday nights? i played a $75 daily at the sun on tuesday and they had them, then i play the $160 $10K guarantee at the woods on a friday night and they dont….i feel like more levels >more starting chips
04-19-2014 , 07:21 PM
I just noticed that Regina pizza says, brick oven pizza, under the name but they clearly cook it in regular ovens.
04-20-2014 , 01:02 AM
Haha ya. The original in the North End had brick ovens last time I was in there.
04-20-2014 , 02:28 PM
Have not been for a while, no rooms, no go, but I've noticed the plo running lately when it goes has been 2-2. Awesome! but anyone notice if it fills or just runs short and dies? it's 200-500 buy in I take it?
04-20-2014 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by gotf
Have not been for a while, no rooms, no go, but I've noticed the plo running lately when it goes has been 2-2. Awesome! but anyone notice if it fills or just runs short and dies? it's 200-500 buy in I take it?
I played it last night. We started it 4 handed but it quickly filled up. I don't like PLO full ring so I went back to NL. There is a great guy, cello player, that went around and gathered up interest. He did a great job
04-20-2014 , 04:09 PM
He's a good guy, solid player, laughs at my jokes, politely
04-20-2014 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by gotf
He's a good guy, solid player, laughs at my jokes, politely
Been playing 2/5 with him for years. I've always liked him. He's much more lag in PLO though
04-20-2014 , 08:25 PM
Have a congratulate having a PLO game on a 8 handed table with NO ROOM to put 2 more players on it.... WHYYYYYY?????????????
04-20-2014 , 10:45 PM
Wouldn't be surprised if the only chips in tray were $2 yellows
04-20-2014 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by Casinoplr
Have a congratulate having a PLO game on a 8 handed table with NO ROOM to put 2 more players on it.... WHYYYYYY?????????????
Better game 8-handed than 10-handed. FWIW.
04-20-2014 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by gotf
Wouldn't be surprised if the only chips in tray were $2 yellows
No none. As a matter of fact, some guy bought them so we could have more reds. $5 straddle too, btw

And I prefer PLO, 6 handed. Maybe 7
04-21-2014 , 02:20 PM
It's funny when you say someone is a cello player I think I know who you are talking about based on just that. Lol stereotypes! 2-2 is okay kinda got short late Friday nights and Pretty decent game overall despite getting stacked rather quickly. I think 2-2 is much better than 1-2 as you can buyin for $500 when others build a stack.
04-21-2014 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by MJ88
Better game 8-handed than 10-handed. FWIW.
I didn't say 8 handed wasn't better...all I'm saying is that IF the game is meant to have 10 people...then 10 people SHOULD be allowed at the table.

If Foxwoods chose to change it to a 9-max...I'm cool with that. There is NO REASON to have that game yesterday on a Stud table when you have a list.
04-21-2014 , 03:37 PM
It was on a regular table on Saturday
04-21-2014 , 11:19 PM
i support instituting 9max for all PLO games. i don't mind short handed but would much rather play at one of foxwoods' trademark oversized tables than at a cramped stud table. the roomy holdem tables are seriously one of my favorite features of this room

and adding a 2-2 PLO game in addition to regular 1-2 and the (rare) 2-5+ games is a great idea. i could see the 2-2 stakes being ideal for friday/saturday nights
04-22-2014 , 08:19 AM
They should cancel 1-2 no need for both. 2-2 and 5-5 should be the games. PLO always gets big real fast and people need to have he option to buyin for a bigger amount Han $300 as after a few hours there are some pretty big stacks. I also like the $200 min buyin as I hate the $60-$100 players cause to changes the game a bit and just isn't enough money on the table. They are playing optimal short stacking stray but just clog up the table. I'm not a PLO reg but when I decide to play I like having the 2-2. I'm not gonna play and buyin for $300 if half the table and usually the better players are sitting on deep stacks when I show up.
04-22-2014 , 10:13 AM
Does anybody know for how long Foxwoods will continue to accept the chips that say MGM Grand on them?

I ask because I have ~$200 worth of Titanic chips at home.... I figured I'd see how much I could get for them on ebay but I've been too lazy and now I'm thinking I should just head down and cash them in.
04-22-2014 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Slingtown
They should cancel 1-2 no need for both. 2-2 and 5-5 should be the games. PLO always gets big real fast and people need to have he option to buyin for a bigger amount Han $300 as after a few hours there are some pretty big stacks. I also like the $200 min buyin as I hate the $60-$100 players cause to changes the game a bit and just isn't enough money on the table. They are playing optimal short stacking stray but just clog up the table. I'm not a PLO reg but when I decide to play I like having the 2-2. I'm not gonna play and buyin for $300 if half the table and usually the better players are sitting on deep stacks when I show up.
So you don't want to play if there isn't enough money on the table, but also not if there's too much? And you hate it when others play an "optimal shortstack strategy", but you either won't or can't do that yourself (on those rare occasions when you decide to play)? Do you not see the contradictions here?
Look, in an ideal world, I'd agree with you. IF we had a much larger pool of PLO players, and IF they had deeper pockets, so that the game went every day and lasted indefinitely, then larger buyins would indeed make for a bigger and better game.
But we don't have that player pool yet, and (at least for now), the lower buyins are the only way we can get enough players to start a PLO game at all, most days. If and when the game does start, and if it does last a while, then it almost always does become much bigger as chips move around the table and players rebuy. But larger buyins would make for fewer (and shorter) games, not the opposite.
Also, please bear in mind that the games which actually run, among those which can be spread, are determined by the players, not the house. So "cancelling" 1/2 PLO would not help the games, IMO.
But please feel free to start lists for 2/2 and 5/5 instead of 1/2 and 2/5PLO, and GL with these (sincerely).
Also, most of the players who buy in for the minimum have no clue as to optimal shortstack strategy, and mostly just donate, IMO. So you should be grateful that they're there to help the game start at all. (I am.)
PS: if you think you do understand shortstack strategy, then you should not feel at a disadvantage buying in as a short stack when some of the other players are deep.

Last edited by MJ88; 04-22-2014 at 10:25 AM.
04-22-2014 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by The Mind Reader
Does anybody know for how long Foxwoods will continue to accept the chips that say MGM Grand on them?

I ask because I have ~$200 worth of Titanic chips at home.... I figured I'd see how much I could get for them on ebay but I've been too lazy and now I'm thinking I should just head down and cash them in.
No announcement on this yet AFAIK, but based on prior experience, I would guess you'll have at least six months after the new chips are introduced, whenever that happens.
04-22-2014 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by MJ88
"cancelling" 1/2 PLO would not help the games
Especially true, and I do agree with every point MJ88 made.

The players who buy in for 60 - 100 are absolutely necessary right now to sustain these games because the player pool isn't big enough yet. And IMO, optimal short stack strategy is something you should be much more worried about in NLH cash games than in PLO.
04-22-2014 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by MJ88
No announcement on this yet AFAIK, but based on prior experience, I would guess you'll have at least six months after the new chips are introduced, whenever that happens.
Everything in this post is correct
04-22-2014 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by The Mind Reader
Does anybody know for how long Foxwoods will continue to accept the chips that say MGM Grand on them?

I ask because I have ~$200 worth of Titanic chips at home.... I figured I'd see how much I could get for them on ebay but I've been too lazy and now I'm thinking I should just head down and cash them in.

Commerative chips never expire.

You can still cash in say Frank Sinatra chips from 15+ years ago, etc
04-22-2014 , 03:05 PM
Just noticed on the Foxwoods website they gonna be running satellites to the WSOP Main event worth $12,000, does anyone know if u happen to win can u take the cash value or do u have to play the tournament? Or can it be transferred to someone else? I was looking on the website but could not find the info.. Thanks in advance.
04-22-2014 , 03:27 PM
Awesome, thanks MJ88, Lattimer, and Zookeeper!

Last edited by Lattimer; 04-22-2014 at 03:36 PM. Reason: sorry, no marketplace allowed in B&M
